--- title: About me description: About folliehiyuki and other related things --- Hi! I'm Hoang Nguyen Huy. Average DevOps engineer; jack of many open-source tools, master of ~~none~~ hopefully a few. Enthusiastic about automation, containerization and self-hosting. Tinkers with software and reads fantasy books in spare time; loves cute artworks of cats and anime girls. ## Contacts - Email: folliekazetani@protonmail.com *text/plain* messages with PGP encryption are encouraged. - Matrix: [@folliehiyuki:envs.net](https://matrix.to/#/@folliehiyuki:envs.net) - Fediverse: {{< link rel="me noopener external" target="_blank" href="https://fosstodon.org/@folliehiyuki" >}}@folliehiyuki@fosstodon.org{{< /link >}} ## Public keys - PGP: [0xB0567C20730E9B11](publickey.txt) - Age: `age1qjdsw949yvhlkttldda5ar4t0mma9vwey8gal425qckh67h7taws96vsey` ## Code forges - [GitHub](https://github.com/folliehiyuki) - [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/folliehiyuki) - [Disroot's Gitea](https://git.disroot.org/folliehiyuki) - [Codeberg](https://codeberg.org/folliehiyuki)