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Personal blog

Me ranting. And no Javascript junk (っ◔◡◔)っ

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These are things I've encountered and found interesting to talk about. I might write a blog post about them at some point in the future (if I have the time to do so).

  • Build a multi-stack Pulumi monorepo with Bazel
  • Writing a Pulumi project using Purescript
  • Build Terraform monorepo with CDKTF and Nx
  • Thoughts and a comparison of CDKTF and Pulumi
  • Disapointing aspects of Hashicorp's Boundary
  • How confusing it is to write Hashicorp's Vault policies
  • Ansible variables management and the like (flatten/nested variables)

🌟 Credits

The website's theme was initially based on hugo-flex.

📋 Licenses

The code powering this blog uses MIT license. The articles and other contents on the website are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.