
277 lines
9.0 KiB

# !/usr/bin/env python
# MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2024 Said Sattarov
# See for the full text of the license
# Inspired by Sena Bayram's script
# TODO: optional: different output formats, common ratings, film year, output sorting
# film year's gonna be tricky since the users' film galleries don't contain it and often neither do
# their review pages, meaning we'd have to parse the film's own page
# TODO: optional: display only liked
# TODO: optional: display only common ratings
# TODO: optional: display reviews
# TODO: optional: interactive mode
# TODO: more verbosity during stages
# TODO: a prettier table? (screw that I'm not importing another damn dependency into this)
# probably should rewrite this so that profiles contain instances of the film class
# but who's got the time
import sys
import asyncio
if sys.platform[:4] in ("linux", "darwin"):
import uvloop
except ImportError:
print("uvloop library not found. It could provide some speedups.")
from aiohttp import ClientSession, ClientResponseError
from lxml import html
assert (
sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and sys.version_info[1] >= 9
), "This script requires Python 3.9 or newer to run. Exiting."
class LetterboxdFilm:
# will work on this later
def __init__(self, film_id, session=None, ratings=[], reviews=[], liked=set()):
self.string_id = film_id
self.film_page = f"{self.string_id}"
self.tvdb_id = None
self.session = session
# get title here
self.title = None
# also get film year
self.year = None
self.watched_by = set()
self.ratings = ratings = reviews
def __repr__(self):
return f"Film({self.title!r})"
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.title} ({self.year})"
def add_user(self, user):
if user not in self.watched_by:
self.update(self, user)
print(f"{self.title} ({self.year}) watched by {user}")
async def get_review(self, username):
REVIEW_PAGE = "{}/film/{}/"
page = (
await self.session.get(REVIEW_PAGE.format(username, self.string_id))
tree = html.document_fromstring(page)
spoiler = (
if (
"This review may contain spoilers"
in tree.xpath("//meta[@name='description'][1]")[0].get("content")
else None
review = "\n".join(
return spoiler, review
def update(self, username):
class LetterboxdProfile:
def __init__(self, username, session):
self.username: str = username = f"{self.username}"
self.session = session
self.films = dict()
def __repr__(self):
return f"LetterboxdProfile({self.username!r})"
def __getitem__(self, key):
if type(key) is str:
return self.films[key]
elif type(key) in (slice, int):
return tuple(self.films.values())[key]
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.films)
def __contains__(self, item):
return item in self.films
def __len__(self):
return len(self.films)
def __add__(self, *others):
return self.common(self, *others)
async def exists(username, session):
await session.get(
f"{username}", raise_for_status=True
print(f"Found user {username}")
return username
except ClientResponseError:
print(f"User {username} not found.")
def common(*profiles) -> set:
return set.intersection(*(set(prof.films.keys()) for prof in profiles))
async def get_review(self, film):
REVIEW_PAGE = "{}/film/{}/"
async with self.session.get(REVIEW_PAGE.format(self.username, film)) as resp:
page = await resp.text()
tree = html.document_fromstring(page)
spoiler = (
if (
"This review may contain spoilers"
in tree.xpath("//meta[@name='description'][1]")[0].get("content")
else False
review = "\n".join(
return spoiler, review
def find_films(self, page) -> dict:
films = {
node.xpath("./div")[0].get("data-film-slug"): {
"html": node,
"title": node.xpath("./div[1]/img")[0].get("alt"),
"rating": node.xpath("./p/span[1]/text()"),
"liked": True if node.xpath("./p/span[2]") else False,
"reviewed": True if node.xpath("./p/a") else False,
for node in page.xpath("//ul/li[@class='poster-container']")
return films
async def get_all_pages(self) -> str:
page1 = await self.get_user_page(1)
# TODO: make a fix for when there are only 2 pages
last_page = int(page1.xpath("//li[@class='paginate-page'][last()]/a/text()")[0])
pages = [page1] + [
(await self.get_user_page(page)) for page in range(2, last_page + 1)
print(f"Downloaded {last_page} pages for {self.username}")
return pages
async def get_user_page(self, pagenum):
LIST_PAGE = "{}/films/page/{}"
async with self.session.get(LIST_PAGE.format(self.username, pagenum)) as resp:
page = await resp.text()
return html.document_fromstring(page)
async def update(self) -> None:
self.films: dict = {
film: data
for page in await self.get_all_pages()
for film, data in self.find_films(page).items()
# = {
# film: review
# for film in self.films
# for _, review in await self.get_review(film)
# if film["reviewed"]
# }
print(f"Populated {self.username}'s profile with {len(self)} films")
def write_output(profiles, outfile):
# markdown table format is like so
# | Tables | Are | Cool |
# |----------|:-------------:|------:|
# | col 1 is | left-aligned | $1600 |
# | col 2 is | centered | $12 |
# | col 3 is | right-aligned | $1 |
common_films: set = LetterboxdProfile.common(*profiles)
def newline(num_lines, file_name):
lines: str = "\n" * num_lines
# flexible column width
# some magic numbers here, tune according to taste
film_width: int = FILM_PADDING + max(
len(profiles[0][film_id]["title"]) for film_id in common_films
USER_PADDING: int = 5 + 9 # the 9 accounts for the word "rating" itself
user_width: int = {
user.username: USER_PADDING + (max(len(f"{user.username}"), 7))
for user in profiles
with open(outfile, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
f"## {len(common_films)} common films for {', '.join(_.username for _ in profiles)}.\n\n"
f.write("|" + "Film title".center(film_width - 2) + "|")
for user in profiles:
f.write(f"{user.username}'s rating".center(user_width[user.username]) + "|")
f.write("|" + "-" * (film_width - 2) + "|")
for user in profiles:
f.write(":" + "-" * (user_width[user.username] - 2) + ":|")
# TODO: alphabetic (or other) ordering for the films
for film_id in common_films:
"|" + profiles[0].films[film_id]["title"].ljust(film_width - 2) + "|"
for user in profiles:
if user.films[film_id]["rating"]:
rating = user.films[film_id]["rating"][0]
rating = "n/r"
if user.films[film_id]["liked"]:
f.write(f"{rating} (liked)".center(user_width[user.username] - 1) + "|")
f.write([user.username] - 1) + "|")
print(f"Wrote output to {outfile}")
async def main():
async with ClientSession(raise_for_status=True) as client:
users = [await LetterboxdProfile.exists(user, client) for user in sys.argv[1:]]
profiles = [LetterboxdProfile(user, client) for user in set(users)]
tasks = (profile.update() for profile in profiles)
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
write_output(profiles, f"{'_'.join(users)}.md")
if __name__ == "__main__":