
3.1 KiB

<html> <head> </head>

Probably not a scam!

There's a good chance this isn't a scam! Just to be on the safe side, its a good idea to double check.

What to do now

Double check with the guidelines below just to be on the safe side.

How to spot scams

Spotting scam emails, even the most convincing ones, is easier than you'd think. One way to check if an email is a scam is to look at the email address. If the email is from a company like Facebook or Google, check the extension (part after the @) and see if it matches the website's url. For example, if it is from facebook, then check to see if the email address ends in "facebook.com" or "*any word*.facebook.com. If it's different (like facebook.social) then it's a scam. If it's an email from within your own company or school, then check if the extension matches your work or school email. And if it's from a person, make sure it's actually the person they say they are. If it's someone you don't know, or you don't have a way to confirm, be careful. If they're asking for banking info, login info, or any other peronal info, then DON'T GIVE IT TO THEM!
