2022-02-03 12:07:47 +01:00

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Building using CMake

ModelRailroadTimetablePlanner uses CMake build system.

CMake Minimum Version: 3.5


  1. Qt:


    • Core
    • Gui
    • Widgets
    • Svg
    • PrintSupport
    • LinguistTools
  2. SQLite 3:

  3. libzip:

  4. zlib:


  • Install GCC and CMake

    sudo apt install build-essential cmake

  • Install Qt 5:

    sudo apt install qtbase5-dev libqt5svg5-dev qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools

  • Install SQLite 3

    sudo apt install libsqlite3-dev

  • Install libzip

    sudo apt install libzip-dev

  • Install zlib

    NOTE: automatically installed if installing libzip

    sudo apt install zlib1g-dev


Setup Qt

Set QT5_DIR CMake variable:
Set to the folder which contains Qt5Config.cmake file
Example: C:\Qt\5.15.2\mingw81_64\lib\cmake\Qt5

Setup libzip

If compiled from source libzip should generate CMake config package files
This is the preferred method to include it:

Set LibZip_DIR CMake variable:
Set to the folder which contains libzip-config.cmake file
Example: %LIBZIP_INSTALL_DIRECTORY%\lib\cmake\libzip
(replace %LIBZIP_INSTALL_DIRECTORY% with the directory in which you installed libzip)

Alternative method:
Include headers directory and libraries directory in CMake variables

Append include directory to CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH or set LibZip_INCLUDE_DIRS
Append lib and bin directory to CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH


Windows CMake Doesn't Find DLL

MinGW can link directly to *.dll dynamic libraries but CMake is set to look for import libraries *.dll.a.

SQLite 3 does not provide an import library so CMake will NOT find it.
To manually create an import library from a *.dll and associated *.def file, go to library directory and run:

dlltool --dllname sqlite3.dll --def sqlite3.def --output-lib sqlite3.dll.a

For more information see DLL Import Library Tool


  • Clone the repository

    git clone

  • Go to project directory

    cd ModelRailroadTimetablePlanner

  • Create directory for building the program

    mkdir build
    cd build

  • Run CMake

    cmake ..

    NOTE: you can use cmake-gui to configure CMake variables

  • Build

    cmake --build .

    NOTE: if you have problems locating libzip on Ubuntu
    Set LibZip_LIBRARIES=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

  • Install

    cmake --build . -t install

  • Run


    NOTE: the location depends on where you installed the program
    Look at CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable


Enable BUILD_DOXYGEN in CMake configuration to generate doxygen documentation.
The output will go in build/docs directory.

NSIS Installer

TODO: document makensis.exe