# Z21ServerEmulator Computer Z21 Emulator with Qt GUI ## Z21 Library (Philipp Gahtow) This application uses Philipp Gahtow's Z21 library written for Arduino. It then adapts the code to work on desktop computers (Tested on Linux and Windows 10) The goal is to make as few modifications as possible to keep compatible with Z21 library updates. ### GitHub Page: https://github.com/Digital-MoBa ### SouceForge: Z21 Libray: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pgahtow/files/Arduino%20%28v1.0%29%20libaries Full Z21 Command Station: https://sourceforge.net/projects/f944.pgahtow.p/files/ ### Website: https://pgahtow.de/w/Z21_mobile/en ## Z21 Protocol Roco Website: https://www.z21.eu/en/downloads/manuals