#include #include #include #include #include #include "defs.h" #include "intl.h" #include "utils.h" #include "scoring.h" #define PREFSBUFSIZE 1024 GSList * global_scoring = NULL; ScoringProp * scoringprop_new(MatcherList * matchers, int score) { ScoringProp * scoring; scoring = g_new0(ScoringProp, 1); scoring->matchers = matchers; scoring->score = score; return scoring; } ScoringProp * scoringprop_copy(ScoringProp *src) { ScoringProp * new; GSList *tmp; new = g_new0(ScoringProp, 1); new->matchers = g_new0(MatcherList, 1); for (tmp = src->matchers->matchers; tmp != NULL && tmp->data != NULL;) { MatcherProp *matcher = (MatcherProp *)tmp->data; new->matchers->matchers = g_slist_append(new->matchers->matchers, matcherprop_copy(matcher)); tmp = tmp->next; } new->matchers->bool_and = src->matchers->bool_and; new->score = src->score; return new; } void scoringprop_free(ScoringProp * prop) { matcherlist_free(prop->matchers); g_free(prop); } gint scoringprop_score_message(ScoringProp * scoring, MsgInfo * info) { if (matcherlist_match(scoring->matchers, info)) return scoring->score; else return 0; } gint score_message(GSList * scoring_list, MsgInfo * info) { gint score = 0; gint add_score; GSList * l; for(l = scoring_list ; l != NULL ; l = g_slist_next(l)) { ScoringProp * scoring = (ScoringProp *) l->data; add_score = (scoringprop_score_message(scoring, info)); if (add_score == MAX_SCORE || add_score == MIN_SCORE) { score = add_score; break; } score += add_score; } return score; } /* syntax for scoring config file ~/.sylpheed/scoringrc header "x-mailing" match "toto" score -10 subject match "regexp" & to regexp "regexp" score 50 subject match "regexp" | to regexpcase "regexp" | age_sup 5 score 30 if score is = MIN_SCORE (-999), no more match is done in the list if score is = MAX_SCORE (-999), no more match is done in the list */ gchar * scoringprop_to_string(ScoringProp * prop) { gchar * list_str; gchar * score_str; gchar * scoring_str; list_str = matcherlist_to_string(prop->matchers); if (list_str == NULL) return NULL; score_str = itos(prop->score); scoring_str = g_strconcat(list_str, " score ", score_str, NULL); g_free(list_str); return scoring_str; } void prefs_scoring_free(GSList * prefs_scoring) { while (prefs_scoring != NULL) { ScoringProp * scoring = (ScoringProp *) prefs_scoring->data; scoringprop_free(scoring); prefs_scoring = g_slist_remove(prefs_scoring, scoring); } } static gboolean prefs_scoring_free_func(GNode *node, gpointer data) { FolderItem *item = node->data; if(!item->prefs) return FALSE; prefs_scoring_free(item->prefs->scoring); item->prefs->scoring = NULL; return FALSE; } void prefs_scoring_clear() { GList * cur; for (cur = folder_get_list() ; cur != NULL ; cur = g_list_next(cur)) { Folder *folder; folder = (Folder *) cur->data; g_node_traverse(folder->node, G_PRE_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, prefs_scoring_free_func, NULL); } prefs_scoring_free(global_scoring); global_scoring = NULL; }