/* * Sylpheed -- a GTK+ based, lightweight, and fast e-mail client * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Match Grun and the Claws Mail team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* * Functions to define an address query (a request). */ #include #include #include #include #include "mgutils.h" #include "addrquery.h" /** * Query list for tracking current queries. */ static GList *_requestList_ = NULL; /** * Mutex to protect list from multiple threads. */ static pthread_mutex_t _requestListMutex_ = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; /** * Current query ID. This is incremented for each query request created. */ static gint _currentQueryID_ = 0; /** * Create new address query. * \return Initialized address query object. */ QueryRequest *reqreq_create( void ) { QueryRequest *req; req = g_new0( QueryRequest, 1 ); req->queryID = 0; req->searchType = ADDRSEARCH_NONE; req->searchTerm = NULL; req->callBackEnd = NULL; req->callBackEntry = NULL; req->queryList = NULL; return req; } /** * Clear the query. * \param req Request query object. */ void qryreq_clear( QueryRequest *req ) { GList *node; g_return_if_fail( req != NULL ); g_free( req->searchTerm ); req->queryID = 0; req->searchType = ADDRSEARCH_NONE; req->searchTerm = NULL; req->callBackEnd = NULL; req->callBackEntry = NULL; /* Empty the list */ node = req->queryList; while( node ) { node->data = NULL; node = g_list_next( node ); } g_list_free( req->queryList ); req->queryList = NULL; } /** * Free query. * \param req Request query object. */ void qryreq_free( QueryRequest *req ) { g_return_if_fail( req != NULL ); qryreq_clear( req ); g_free( req ); } /** * Specify search type. * \param req Request query object. * \param value Type. */ void qryreq_set_search_type( QueryRequest *req, const AddrSearchType value ) { g_return_if_fail( req != NULL ); req->searchType = value; } /** * Specify search term to be used. * \param req Request query object. * \param value Search term. */ void qryreq_set_search_term( QueryRequest *req, const gchar *value ) { req->searchTerm = mgu_replace_string( req->searchTerm, value ); g_return_if_fail( req != NULL ); g_strstrip( req->searchTerm ); } /** * Add address query object to request. * \param req Request query object. * \param aqo Address query object that performs the search. */ void qryreq_add_query( QueryRequest *req, AddrQueryObject *aqo ) { g_return_if_fail( req != NULL ); g_return_if_fail( aqo != NULL ); req->queryList = g_list_append( req->queryList, aqo ); } /** * Display object to specified stream. * \param req Request query object. * \param stream Output stream. */ void qryreq_print( const QueryRequest *req, FILE *stream ) { GList *node; g_return_if_fail( req != NULL ); fprintf( stream, "QueryRequest:\n" ); fprintf( stream, " queryID: %d\n", req->queryID ); fprintf( stream, " searchType: %d\n", req->searchType ); fprintf( stream, " searchTerm: '%s'\n", req->searchTerm ); node = req->queryList; while( node ) { AddrQueryObject *aqo = node->data; fprintf( stream, " --- type: %d\n", aqo->queryType ); node = g_list_next( node ); } } /** * Add query to list. * * \param searchTerm Search term. A private copy will be made. * \param callBackEnd Callback function that will be called when query * terminates. * \param callBackEntry Callback function that will be called after each * address entry has been read. * \return Initialize query request object. */ QueryRequest *qrymgr_add_request( const gchar *searchTerm, void *callBackEnd, void *callBackEntry ) { QueryRequest *req; req = g_new0( QueryRequest, 1 ); req->searchTerm = g_strdup( searchTerm ); req->callBackEnd = callBackEnd; req->callBackEntry = callBackEntry; req->timeStart = time( NULL ); req->queryList = NULL; /* Insert in head of list */ pthread_mutex_lock( & _requestListMutex_ ); req->queryID = ++_currentQueryID_; _requestList_ = g_list_prepend( _requestList_, req ); pthread_mutex_unlock( & _requestListMutex_ ); return req; } /** * Find query in list. * \param queryID ID of query to find. * \return Query object, or NULL if not found. */ QueryRequest *qrymgr_find_request( const gint queryID ) { QueryRequest *req; QueryRequest *q; GList *node; pthread_mutex_lock( & _requestListMutex_ ); req = NULL; node = _requestList_; while( node ) { q = node->data; if( q->queryID == queryID ) { req = q; break; } node = g_list_next( node ); } pthread_mutex_unlock( & _requestListMutex_ ); return req; } /** * Delete specified query. * \param queryID ID of query to retire. */ void qrymgr_delete_request( const gint queryID ) { QueryRequest *req; GList *node, *nf; pthread_mutex_lock( & _requestListMutex_ ); /* Find node */ nf = NULL; node = _requestList_; while( node ) { req = node->data; if( req->queryID == queryID ) { nf = node; qryreq_free( req ); break; } node = g_list_next( node ); } /* Free link element and associated query */ if( nf ) { _requestList_ = g_list_remove_link( _requestList_, nf ); g_list_free_1( nf ); } pthread_mutex_unlock( & _requestListMutex_ ); } /** * Initialize query manager. */ void qrymgr_initialize( void ) { _requestList_ = NULL; } /** * Free all queries. */ static void qrymgr_free_all_request( void ) { QueryRequest *req; GList *node; pthread_mutex_lock( & _requestListMutex_ ); node = _requestList_; while( node ) { req = node->data; qryreq_free( req ); node->data = NULL; node = g_list_next( node ); } g_list_free( _requestList_ ); _requestList_ = NULL; pthread_mutex_unlock( & _requestListMutex_ ); } /** * Teardown query manager. */ void qrymgr_teardown( void ) { qrymgr_free_all_request(); } /** * Display all queries to specified stream. * \param stream Output stream. */ void qrymgr_print( FILE *stream ) { QueryRequest *req; GList *node; pthread_mutex_lock( & _requestListMutex_ ); fprintf( stream, "=== Query Manager ===\n" ); node = _requestList_; while( node ) { req = node->data; qryreq_print( req, stream ); fprintf( stream, "---\n" ); node = g_list_next( node ); } pthread_mutex_unlock( & _requestListMutex_ ); } /* * End of Source. */