/* * Sylpheed -- a GTK+ based, lightweight, and fast e-mail client * Copyright (C) 1999,2000 Hiroyuki Yamamoto * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "intl.h" #include "pop.h" #include "socket.h" #include "md5.h" #include "prefs_account.h" #include "utils.h" #include "inc.h" #include "recv.h" static gint pop3_ok(SockInfo *sock, gchar *argbuf); static void pop3_gen_send(SockInfo *sock, const gchar *format, ...); static gint pop3_gen_recv(SockInfo *sock, gchar *buf, gint size); gint pop3_greeting_recv(SockInfo *sock, gpointer data) { Pop3State *state = (Pop3State *)data; gchar buf[POPBUFSIZE]; if (pop3_ok(sock, buf) == PS_SUCCESS) { if (state->ac_prefs->protocol == A_APOP) { state->greeting = g_strdup(buf); return POP3_GETAUTH_APOP_SEND; } else return POP3_GETAUTH_USER_SEND; } else return -1; } gint pop3_getauth_user_send(SockInfo *sock, gpointer data) { Pop3State *state = (Pop3State *)data; g_return_val_if_fail(state->user != NULL, -1); inc_progress_update(state, POP3_GETAUTH_USER_SEND); pop3_gen_send(sock, "USER %s", state->user); return POP3_GETAUTH_USER_RECV; } gint pop3_getauth_user_recv(SockInfo *sock, gpointer data) { if (pop3_ok(sock, NULL) == PS_SUCCESS) return POP3_GETAUTH_PASS_SEND; else return -1; } gint pop3_getauth_pass_send(SockInfo *sock, gpointer data) { Pop3State *state = (Pop3State *)data; g_return_val_if_fail(state->pass != NULL, -1); pop3_gen_send(sock, "PASS %s", state->pass); return POP3_GETAUTH_PASS_RECV; } gint pop3_getauth_pass_recv(SockInfo *sock, gpointer data) { Pop3State *state = (Pop3State *)data; if (pop3_ok(sock, NULL) == PS_SUCCESS) return POP3_GETRANGE_STAT_SEND; else { log_warning(_("error occurred on authorization\n")); state->error_val = PS_AUTHFAIL; return -1; } } gint pop3_getauth_apop_send(SockInfo *sock, gpointer data) { Pop3State *state = (Pop3State *)data; gchar *start, *end; gchar *apop_str; gchar md5sum[33]; g_return_val_if_fail(state->user != NULL, -1); g_return_val_if_fail(state->pass != NULL, -1); inc_progress_update(state, POP3_GETAUTH_APOP_SEND); if ((start = strchr(state->greeting, '<')) == NULL) { log_warning(_("Required APOP timestamp not found " "in greeting\n")); return -1; } if ((end = strchr(start, '>')) == NULL || end == start + 1) { log_warning(_("Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n")); return -1; } *(end + 1) = '\0'; apop_str = g_strconcat(start, state->pass, NULL); md5_hex_digest(md5sum, apop_str); g_free(apop_str); pop3_gen_send(sock, "APOP %s %s", state->user, md5sum); return POP3_GETAUTH_APOP_RECV; } gint pop3_getauth_apop_recv(SockInfo *sock, gpointer data) { Pop3State *state = (Pop3State *)data; if (pop3_ok(sock, NULL) == PS_SUCCESS) return POP3_GETRANGE_STAT_SEND; else { log_warning(_("error occurred on authorization\n")); state->error_val = PS_AUTHFAIL; return -1; } } gint pop3_getrange_stat_send(SockInfo *sock, gpointer data) { Pop3State *state = (Pop3State *)data; inc_progress_update(state, POP3_GETRANGE_STAT_SEND); pop3_gen_send(sock, "STAT"); return POP3_GETRANGE_STAT_RECV; } gint pop3_getrange_stat_recv(SockInfo *sock, gpointer data) { Pop3State *state = (Pop3State *)data; gchar buf[POPBUFSIZE + 1]; gint ok; if ((ok = pop3_ok(sock, buf)) == PS_SUCCESS) { if (sscanf(buf, "%d %d", &state->count, &state->bytes) != 2) { log_warning(_("POP3 protocol error\n")); return -1; } else { if (state->count == 0) return POP3_LOGOUT_SEND; else { state->cur_msg = 1; state->new = state->count; if (state->ac_prefs->rmmail || state->ac_prefs->getall) return POP3_RETR_SEND; else return POP3_GETRANGE_UIDL_SEND; } } } else if (ok == PS_PROTOCOL) return POP3_LOGOUT_SEND; else return -1; } gint pop3_getrange_last_send(SockInfo *sock, gpointer data) { pop3_gen_send(sock, "LAST"); return POP3_GETRANGE_LAST_RECV; } gint pop3_getrange_last_recv(SockInfo *sock, gpointer data) { Pop3State *state = (Pop3State *)data; gchar buf[POPBUFSIZE + 1]; if (pop3_ok(sock, buf) == PS_SUCCESS) { gint last; if (sscanf(buf, "%d", &last) == 0) { log_warning(_("POP3 protocol error\n")); return -1; } else { if (state->count == last) return POP3_LOGOUT_SEND; else { state->new = state->count - last; state->cur_msg = last + 1; return POP3_RETR_SEND; } } } else return POP3_RETR_SEND; } gint pop3_getrange_uidl_send(SockInfo *sock, gpointer data) { pop3_gen_send(sock, "UIDL"); return POP3_GETRANGE_UIDL_RECV; } gint pop3_getrange_uidl_recv(SockInfo *sock, gpointer data) { Pop3State *state = (Pop3State *)data; gboolean nb; gboolean new = FALSE; gchar buf[POPBUFSIZE]; gchar id[IDLEN + 1]; if (pop3_ok(sock, NULL) != PS_SUCCESS) return POP3_GETRANGE_LAST_SEND; if (!state->id_table) new = TRUE; nb = sock_is_nonblocking_mode(sock); if (nb && (sock_set_nonblocking_mode(sock, FALSE) < 0)) return -1; while (sock_read(sock, buf, sizeof(buf)) >= 0) { gint num; if (buf[0] == '.') break; if (sscanf(buf, "%d %" Xstr(IDLEN) "s", &num, id) != 2) continue; if (new == FALSE && g_hash_table_lookup(state->id_table, id) == NULL) { state->new = state->count - num + 1; state->cur_msg = num; new = TRUE; } if (new == TRUE) state->new_id_list = g_slist_append (state->new_id_list, g_strdup(id)); else state->id_list = g_slist_append (state->id_list, g_strdup(id)); } if (nb && (sock_set_nonblocking_mode(sock, TRUE) < 0)) return -1; if (new == TRUE) return POP3_RETR_SEND; else return POP3_LOGOUT_SEND; } gint pop3_retr_send(SockInfo *sock, gpointer data) { Pop3State *state = (Pop3State *)data; inc_progress_update(state, POP3_RETR_SEND); pop3_gen_send(sock, "RETR %d", state->cur_msg); return POP3_RETR_RECV; } gint pop3_retr_recv(SockInfo *sock, gpointer data) { Pop3State *state = (Pop3State *)data; const gchar *file; gint ok, drop_ok; if ((ok = pop3_ok(sock, NULL)) == PS_SUCCESS) { if (recv_write_to_file(sock, (file = get_tmp_file())) < 0) { state->inc_state = INC_NOSPACE; return -1; } if ((drop_ok = inc_drop_message(file, state)) < 0) { state->inc_state = INC_ERROR; return -1; } if (drop_ok == 0 && state->ac_prefs->rmmail) return POP3_DELETE_SEND; if (state->new_id_list) { state->id_list = g_slist_append (state->id_list, state->new_id_list->data); state->new_id_list = g_slist_remove(state->new_id_list, state->new_id_list->data); } if (state->cur_msg < state->count) { state->cur_msg++; return POP3_RETR_SEND; } else return POP3_LOGOUT_SEND; } else if (ok == PS_PROTOCOL) return POP3_LOGOUT_SEND; else return -1; } gint pop3_delete_send(SockInfo *sock, gpointer data) { Pop3State *state = (Pop3State *)data; //inc_progress_update(state, POP3_DELETE_SEND); pop3_gen_send(sock, "DELE %d", state->cur_msg); return POP3_DELETE_RECV; } gint pop3_delete_recv(SockInfo *sock, gpointer data) { Pop3State *state = (Pop3State *)data; gint ok; if ((ok = pop3_ok(sock, NULL)) == PS_SUCCESS) { if (state->cur_msg < state->count) { state->cur_msg++; return POP3_RETR_SEND; } else return POP3_LOGOUT_SEND; } else if (ok == PS_PROTOCOL) return POP3_LOGOUT_SEND; else return -1; } gint pop3_logout_send(SockInfo *sock, gpointer data) { Pop3State *state = (Pop3State *)data; inc_progress_update(state, POP3_LOGOUT_SEND); pop3_gen_send(sock, "QUIT"); return POP3_LOGOUT_RECV; } gint pop3_logout_recv(SockInfo *sock, gpointer data) { if (pop3_ok(sock, NULL) == PS_SUCCESS) return -1; else return -1; } static gint pop3_ok(SockInfo *sock, gchar *argbuf) { gint ok; gchar buf[POPBUFSIZE + 1]; gchar *bufp; if ((ok = pop3_gen_recv(sock, buf, sizeof(buf))) == PS_SUCCESS) { bufp = buf; if (*bufp == '+' || *bufp == '-') bufp++; else return PS_PROTOCOL; while (isalpha(*bufp)) bufp++; if (*bufp) *(bufp++) = '\0'; if (!strcmp(buf, "+OK")) ok = PS_SUCCESS; else if (!strncmp(buf, "-ERR", 4)) { if (strstr(bufp, "lock") || strstr(bufp, "Lock") || strstr(bufp, "LOCK") || strstr(bufp, "wait")) ok = PS_LOCKBUSY; else ok = PS_PROTOCOL; if (*bufp) fprintf(stderr, "POP3: %s\n", bufp); } else ok = PS_PROTOCOL; if (argbuf) strcpy(argbuf, bufp); } return ok; } static void pop3_gen_send(SockInfo *sock, const gchar *format, ...) { gchar buf[POPBUFSIZE + 1]; va_list args; va_start(args, format); g_vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 2, format, args); va_end(args); if (!strncasecmp(buf, "PASS ", 5)) log_print("POP3> PASS ********\n"); else log_print("POP3> %s\n", buf); strcat(buf, "\r\n"); sock_write(sock, buf, strlen(buf)); } static gint pop3_gen_recv(SockInfo *sock, gchar *buf, gint size) { gboolean nb; nb = sock_is_nonblocking_mode(sock); if (nb && (sock_set_nonblocking_mode(sock, FALSE) < 0)) return PS_SOCKET; if (sock_read(sock, buf, size) < 0) { return PS_SOCKET; } else { strretchomp(buf); log_print("POP3< %s\n", buf); if (nb && (sock_set_nonblocking_mode(sock, TRUE) < 0)) return PS_SOCKET; return PS_SUCCESS; } }