#!/bin/sh # Copyright 1999-2014 the Claws Mail team. # This file is part of Claws Mail package, and distributed under the # terms of the General Public License version 3 (or later). # See COPYING file for license details. bisonver=`bison --version` if [ "$bisonver" = "" ]; then echo Bison is needed to compile Claws Mail git exit 1 fi if [ "$LEX" != "" ]; then flexver=`$LEX --version|sed "s/.* //"` else flexver=`flex --version|sed "s/.* //"` fi if [ "$flexver" = "" ]; then echo Flex 2.5.31 or greater is needed to compile Claws Mail git exit 1 else flex_major=`echo $flexver|sed "s/\..*//"` flex_minor=`echo $flexver|sed "s/$flex_major\.\(.*\)\..*/\1/"` flex_micro=`echo $flexver|sed "s/$flex_major\.$flex_minor\.\(.*\)/\1/"` flex_numversion=$(expr \ $flex_major \* 10000 + \ $flex_minor \* 100 + \ $flex_micro) if [ $flex_numversion -lt 20531 ]; then echo Flex 2.5.31 or greater is needed to compile Claws Mail git exit 1 fi fi aclocal -I m4 \ && libtoolize --force --copy \ && autoheader \ && automake --add-missing --foreign --copy \ && autoconf if test -z "$NOCONFIGURE"; then exec ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode $@ fi