/* * Sylpheed -- a GTK+ based, lightweight, and fast e-mail client * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Hiroyuki Yamamoto & The Sylpheed Claws Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "defs.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils.h" #include "procheader.h" #include "matcher.h" #include "filtering.h" #include "prefs_gtk.h" #include "compose.h" #define PREFSBUFSIZE 1024 GSList * pre_global_processing = NULL; GSList * post_global_processing = NULL; GSList * filtering_rules = NULL; static gboolean filtering_is_final_action(FilteringAction *filtering_action); #define STRLEN_WITH_CHECK(expr) \ strlen_with_check(#expr, __LINE__, expr) static inline gint strlen_with_check(const gchar *expr, gint fline, const gchar *str) { if (str) return strlen(str); else { debug_print("%s(%d) - invalid string %s\n", __FILE__, fline, expr); return 0; } } FilteringAction * filteringaction_new(int type, int account_id, gchar * destination, gint labelcolor, gint score) { FilteringAction * action; action = g_new0(FilteringAction, 1); action->type = type; action->account_id = account_id; if (destination) { action->destination = g_strdup(destination); } else { action->destination = NULL; } action->labelcolor = labelcolor; action->score = score; return action; } void filteringaction_free(FilteringAction * action) { g_return_if_fail(action); if (action->destination) g_free(action->destination); g_free(action); } FilteringProp * filteringprop_new(MatcherList * matchers, GSList * action_list) { FilteringProp * filtering; filtering = g_new0(FilteringProp, 1); filtering->matchers = matchers; filtering->action_list = action_list; return filtering; } static FilteringAction * filteringaction_copy(FilteringAction * src) { FilteringAction * new; new = g_new0(FilteringAction, 1); new->type = src->type; new->account_id = src->account_id; if (src->destination) new->destination = g_strdup(src->destination); else new->destination = NULL; new->labelcolor = src->labelcolor; return new; } FilteringProp * filteringprop_copy(FilteringProp *src) { FilteringProp * new; GSList *tmp; new = g_new0(FilteringProp, 1); new->matchers = g_new0(MatcherList, 1); for (tmp = src->matchers->matchers; tmp != NULL && tmp->data != NULL;) { MatcherProp *matcher = (MatcherProp *)tmp->data; new->matchers->matchers = g_slist_append(new->matchers->matchers, matcherprop_copy(matcher)); tmp = tmp->next; } new->matchers->bool_and = src->matchers->bool_and; new->action_list = NULL; for (tmp = src->action_list ; tmp != NULL ; tmp = tmp->next) { FilteringAction *filtering_action; filtering_action = tmp->data; new->action_list = g_slist_append(new->action_list, filteringaction_copy(filtering_action)); } return new; } void filteringprop_free(FilteringProp * prop) { GSList * tmp; g_return_if_fail(prop); matcherlist_free(prop->matchers); for (tmp = prop->action_list ; tmp != NULL ; tmp = tmp->next) { filteringaction_free(tmp->data); } g_free(prop); } /* fitleringaction_apply runs the action on one MsgInfo return value : return TRUE if the action could be applied */ static gboolean filteringaction_apply(FilteringAction * action, MsgInfo * info) { FolderItem * dest_folder; gint val; Compose * compose; PrefsAccount * account; gchar * cmd; switch(action->type) { case MATCHACTION_MOVE: dest_folder = folder_find_item_from_identifier(action->destination); if (!dest_folder) { debug_print("*** folder not found '%s'\n", action->destination ?action->destination :""); return FALSE; } if (folder_item_move_msg(dest_folder, info) == -1) { debug_print("*** could not move message\n"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; case MATCHACTION_COPY: dest_folder = folder_find_item_from_identifier(action->destination); if (!dest_folder) { debug_print("*** folder not found '%s'\n", action->destination ?action->destination :""); return FALSE; } if (folder_item_copy_msg(dest_folder, info) == -1) return FALSE; return TRUE; case MATCHACTION_DELETE: if (folder_item_remove_msg(info->folder, info->msgnum) == -1) return FALSE; return TRUE; case MATCHACTION_MARK: procmsg_msginfo_set_flags(info, MSG_MARKED, 0); return TRUE; case MATCHACTION_UNMARK: procmsg_msginfo_unset_flags(info, MSG_MARKED, 0); return TRUE; case MATCHACTION_LOCK: procmsg_msginfo_set_flags(info, MSG_LOCKED, 0); return TRUE; case MATCHACTION_UNLOCK: procmsg_msginfo_unset_flags(info, MSG_LOCKED, 0); return TRUE; case MATCHACTION_MARK_AS_READ: procmsg_msginfo_unset_flags(info, MSG_UNREAD | MSG_NEW, 0); return TRUE; case MATCHACTION_MARK_AS_UNREAD: procmsg_msginfo_set_flags(info, MSG_UNREAD | MSG_NEW, 0); return TRUE; case MATCHACTION_COLOR: procmsg_msginfo_unset_flags(info, MSG_CLABEL_FLAG_MASK, 0); procmsg_msginfo_set_flags(info, MSG_COLORLABEL_TO_FLAGS(action->labelcolor), 0); return TRUE; case MATCHACTION_FORWARD: case MATCHACTION_FORWARD_AS_ATTACHMENT: account = account_find_from_id(action->account_id); compose = compose_forward(account, info, action->type == MATCHACTION_FORWARD ? FALSE : TRUE, NULL, TRUE); compose_entry_append(compose, action->destination, compose->account->protocol == A_NNTP ? COMPOSE_NEWSGROUPS : COMPOSE_TO); val = compose_send(compose); return val == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE; case MATCHACTION_REDIRECT: account = account_find_from_id(action->account_id); compose = compose_redirect(account, info); if (compose->account->protocol == A_NNTP) break; else compose_entry_append(compose, action->destination, COMPOSE_TO); val = compose_send(compose); return val == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE; case MATCHACTION_EXECUTE: cmd = matching_build_command(action->destination, info); if (cmd == NULL) return FALSE; else { system(cmd); g_free(cmd); } return TRUE; case MATCHACTION_SET_SCORE: info->score = action->score; return TRUE; case MATCHACTION_CHANGE_SCORE: info->score += action->score; return TRUE; case MATCHACTION_STOP: return FALSE; case MATCHACTION_HIDE: info->hidden = TRUE; return TRUE; default: break; } return FALSE; } gboolean filteringaction_apply_action_list(GSList *action_list, MsgInfo *info) { GSList *p; g_return_val_if_fail(action_list, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail(info, FALSE); for (p = action_list; p && p->data; p = g_slist_next(p)) { FilteringAction *a = (FilteringAction *) p->data; if (filteringaction_apply(a, info)) { if (filtering_is_final_action(a)) break; } else return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static gboolean filtering_match_condition(FilteringProp *filtering, MsgInfo *info) { return matcherlist_match(filtering->matchers, info); } /*! *\brief Apply a rule on message. * *\param filtering List of filtering rules. *\param info Message to apply rules on. *\param final Variable returning TRUE or FALSE if one of the * encountered actions was final. * See also \ref filtering_is_final_action. * *\return gboolean TRUE to continue applying rules. */ static gboolean filtering_apply_rule(FilteringProp *filtering, MsgInfo *info, gboolean * final) { gboolean result = TRUE; gchar buf[50]; GSList * tmp; * final = FALSE; for (tmp = filtering->action_list ; tmp != NULL ; tmp = tmp->next) { FilteringAction * action; action = tmp->data; if (FALSE == (result = filteringaction_apply(action, info))) { g_warning("No further processing after rule %s\n", filteringaction_to_string(buf, sizeof buf, action)); } if (filtering_is_final_action(action)) { * final = TRUE; break; } } return result; } /*! *\brief Check if an action is "final", i.e. should break further * processing. * *\param filtering_action Action to check. * *\return gboolean TRUE if \a filtering_action is final. */ static gboolean filtering_is_final_action(FilteringAction *filtering_action) { switch(filtering_action->type) { case MATCHACTION_MOVE: case MATCHACTION_DELETE: case MATCHACTION_STOP: return TRUE; /* MsgInfo invalid for message */ default: return FALSE; } } static gboolean filter_msginfo(GSList * filtering_list, MsgInfo * info) { GSList *l; gboolean final; gboolean apply_next; g_return_val_if_fail(info != NULL, TRUE); for (l = filtering_list, final = FALSE, apply_next = FALSE; l != NULL; l = g_slist_next(l)) { FilteringProp * filtering = (FilteringProp *) l->data; if (filtering_match_condition(filtering, info)) { apply_next = filtering_apply_rule(filtering, info, &final); if (final) break; } } /* put in inbox if a final rule could not be applied, or * the last rule was not a final one. */ if ((final && !apply_next) || !final) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /*! *\brief Filter a message against a list of rules. * *\param flist List of filter rules. *\param info Message. * *\return gboolean TRUE if filter rules handled the message. * *\note Returning FALSE means the message was not handled, * and that the calling code should do the default * processing. E.g. \ref inc.c::inc_start moves the * message to the inbox. */ gboolean filter_message_by_msginfo(GSList *flist, MsgInfo *info) { return filter_msginfo(flist, info); } gchar *filteringaction_to_string(gchar *dest, gint destlen, FilteringAction *action) { const gchar *command_str; gchar * quoted_dest; command_str = get_matchparser_tab_str(action->type); if (command_str == NULL) return NULL; switch(action->type) { case MATCHACTION_MOVE: case MATCHACTION_COPY: case MATCHACTION_EXECUTE: quoted_dest = matcher_quote_str(action->destination); g_snprintf(dest, destlen, "%s \"%s\"", command_str, quoted_dest); g_free(quoted_dest); return dest; case MATCHACTION_DELETE: case MATCHACTION_MARK: case MATCHACTION_UNMARK: case MATCHACTION_LOCK: case MATCHACTION_UNLOCK: case MATCHACTION_MARK_AS_READ: case MATCHACTION_MARK_AS_UNREAD: case MATCHACTION_STOP: case MATCHACTION_HIDE: g_snprintf(dest, destlen, "%s", command_str); return dest; case MATCHACTION_REDIRECT: case MATCHACTION_FORWARD: case MATCHACTION_FORWARD_AS_ATTACHMENT: quoted_dest = matcher_quote_str(action->destination); g_snprintf(dest, destlen, "%s %d \"%s\"", command_str, action->account_id, quoted_dest); g_free(quoted_dest); return dest; case MATCHACTION_COLOR: g_snprintf(dest, destlen, "%s %d", command_str, action->labelcolor); return dest; case MATCHACTION_CHANGE_SCORE: case MATCHACTION_SET_SCORE: g_snprintf(dest, destlen, "%s %d", command_str, action->score); return dest; default: return NULL; } } gchar * filteringaction_list_to_string(GSList * action_list) { gchar *action_list_str; gchar buf[256]; GSList * tmp; gchar *list_str; action_list_str = NULL; for (tmp = action_list ; tmp != NULL ; tmp = tmp->next) { gchar *action_str; FilteringAction * action; action = tmp->data; action_str = filteringaction_to_string(buf, sizeof buf, action); if (action_list_str != NULL) { list_str = g_strconcat(action_list_str, " ", action_str, NULL); g_free(action_list_str); } else { list_str = g_strdup(action_str); } action_list_str = list_str; } return action_list_str; } gchar * filteringprop_to_string(FilteringProp * prop) { gchar *list_str; gchar *action_list_str; gchar *filtering_str; action_list_str = filteringaction_list_to_string(prop->action_list); if (action_list_str == NULL) return NULL; list_str = matcherlist_to_string(prop->matchers); if (list_str == NULL) { g_free(action_list_str); return NULL; } filtering_str = g_strconcat(list_str, " ", action_list_str, NULL); g_free(action_list_str); g_free(list_str); return filtering_str; } void prefs_filtering_free(GSList * prefs_filtering) { while (prefs_filtering != NULL) { FilteringProp * filtering = (FilteringProp *) prefs_filtering->data; filteringprop_free(filtering); prefs_filtering = g_slist_remove(prefs_filtering, filtering); } } static gboolean prefs_filtering_free_func(GNode *node, gpointer data) { FolderItem *item = node->data; g_return_val_if_fail(item, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail(item->prefs, FALSE); prefs_filtering_free(item->prefs->processing); item->prefs->processing = NULL; return FALSE; } void prefs_filtering_clear(void) { GList * cur; for (cur = folder_get_list() ; cur != NULL ; cur = g_list_next(cur)) { Folder *folder; folder = (Folder *) cur->data; g_node_traverse(folder->node, G_PRE_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, prefs_filtering_free_func, NULL); } prefs_filtering_free(filtering_rules); filtering_rules = NULL; prefs_filtering_free(pre_global_processing); pre_global_processing = NULL; prefs_filtering_free(post_global_processing); post_global_processing = NULL; } void prefs_filtering_clear_folder(Folder *folder) { g_return_if_fail(folder); g_return_if_fail(folder->node); g_node_traverse(folder->node, G_PRE_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, prefs_filtering_free_func, NULL); /* FIXME: Note folder settings were changed, where the updates? */ }