/* * Sylpheed -- a GTK+ based, lightweight, and fast e-mail client * Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Hiroyuki Yamamoto * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "defs.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "intl.h" #include "main.h" #include "inc.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "folderview.h" #include "summaryview.h" #include "prefs_common.h" #include "prefs_account.h" #include "account.h" #include "procmsg.h" #include "socket.h" #include "ssl.h" #include "pop.h" #include "recv.h" #include "mbox.h" #include "utils.h" #include "gtkutils.h" #include "statusbar.h" #include "manage_window.h" #include "stock_pixmap.h" #include "progressdialog.h" #include "inputdialog.h" #include "alertpanel.h" #include "folder.h" #include "filtering.h" #include "log.h" #include "hooks.h" static GList *inc_dialog_list = NULL; static guint inc_lock_count = 0; static GdkPixmap *currentxpm; static GdkBitmap *currentxpmmask; static GdkPixmap *errorxpm; static GdkBitmap *errorxpmmask; static GdkPixmap *okxpm; static GdkBitmap *okxpmmask; #define MSGBUFSIZE 8192 static void inc_finished (MainWindow *mainwin, gboolean new_messages); static gint inc_account_mail_real (MainWindow *mainwin, PrefsAccount *account); static IncProgressDialog *inc_progress_dialog_create (gboolean autocheck); static void inc_progress_dialog_set_list(IncProgressDialog *inc_dialog); static void inc_progress_dialog_destroy (IncProgressDialog *inc_dialog); static IncSession *inc_session_new (PrefsAccount *account); static void inc_session_destroy (IncSession *session); static gint inc_start (IncProgressDialog *inc_dialog); static IncState inc_pop3_session_do (IncSession *session); static void inc_progress_dialog_update (IncProgressDialog *inc_dialog, IncSession *inc_session); static void inc_progress_dialog_set_label (IncProgressDialog *inc_dialog, IncSession *inc_session); static void inc_progress_dialog_set_progress (IncProgressDialog *inc_dialog, IncSession *inc_session); static void inc_progress_dialog_update_periodic (IncProgressDialog *inc_dialog, IncSession *inc_session); static gint inc_recv_data_progressive (Session *session, guint cur_len, guint total_len, gpointer data); static gint inc_recv_data_finished (Session *session, guint len, gpointer data); static gint inc_recv_message (Session *session, const gchar *msg, gpointer data); static gint inc_drop_message (Pop3Session *session, const gchar *file); static void inc_put_error (IncState istate, Pop3Session *session); static void inc_cancel_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data); static gint inc_dialog_delete_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventAny *event, gpointer data); static gint get_spool (FolderItem *dest, const gchar *mbox); static gint inc_spool_account(PrefsAccount *account); static gint inc_all_spool(void); static void inc_autocheck_timer_set_interval (guint interval); static gint inc_autocheck_func (gpointer data); static void inc_notify_cmd (gint new_msgs, gboolean notify); /** * inc_finished: * @mainwin: Main window. * @new_messages: TRUE if some messages have been received. * * Update the folder view and the summary view after receiving * messages. If @new_messages is FALSE, this function avoids unneeded * updating. **/ static void inc_finished(MainWindow *mainwin, gboolean new_messages) { FolderItem *item; if (prefs_common.scan_all_after_inc) folderview_check_new(NULL); if (!new_messages && !prefs_common.scan_all_after_inc) return; if (prefs_common.open_inbox_on_inc) { item = cur_account && cur_account->inbox ? folder_find_item_from_identifier(cur_account->inbox) : folder_get_default_inbox(); folderview_unselect(mainwin->folderview); folderview_select(mainwin->folderview, item); } } void inc_mail(MainWindow *mainwin, gboolean notify) { gint new_msgs = 0; gint account_new_msgs = 0; if (inc_lock_count) return; if (prefs_common.work_offline) if (alertpanel(_("Offline warning"), _("You're working offline. Override?"), _("Yes"), _("No"), NULL) != G_ALERTDEFAULT) return; inc_lock(); inc_autocheck_timer_remove(); main_window_lock(mainwin); if (prefs_common.use_extinc && prefs_common.extinc_cmd) { /* external incorporating program */ if (execute_command_line(prefs_common.extinc_cmd, FALSE) < 0) { main_window_unlock(mainwin); inc_autocheck_timer_set(); return; } } else { account_new_msgs = inc_account_mail_real(mainwin, cur_account); if (account_new_msgs > 0) new_msgs += account_new_msgs; } inc_finished(mainwin, new_msgs > 0); main_window_unlock(mainwin); inc_notify_cmd(new_msgs, notify); inc_autocheck_timer_set(); inc_unlock(); } void inc_pop_before_smtp(PrefsAccount *acc) { IncProgressDialog *inc_dialog; IncSession *session; MainWindow *mainwin; mainwin = mainwindow_get_mainwindow(); session = inc_session_new(acc); if (!session) return; POP3_SESSION(session->session)->pop_before_smtp = TRUE; inc_dialog = inc_progress_dialog_create(FALSE); inc_dialog->queue_list = g_list_append(inc_dialog->queue_list, session); /* FIXME: assumes to attach to first main window */ inc_dialog->mainwin = mainwin; inc_progress_dialog_set_list(inc_dialog); if (mainwin) { toolbar_main_set_sensitive(mainwin); main_window_set_menu_sensitive(mainwin); } inc_start(inc_dialog); } static gint inc_account_mail_real(MainWindow *mainwin, PrefsAccount *account) { IncProgressDialog *inc_dialog; IncSession *session; switch (account->protocol) { case A_IMAP4: case A_NNTP: /* Melvin: bug [14] * FIXME: it should return foldeview_check_new() value. * TODO: do it when bug [19] is fixed (IMAP folder sets * an incorrect new message count) */ folderview_check_new(FOLDER(account->folder)); return 0; case A_POP3: case A_APOP: session = inc_session_new(account); if (!session) return 0; inc_dialog = inc_progress_dialog_create(FALSE); inc_dialog->queue_list = g_list_append(inc_dialog->queue_list, session); inc_dialog->mainwin = mainwin; inc_progress_dialog_set_list(inc_dialog); if (mainwin) { toolbar_main_set_sensitive(mainwin); main_window_set_menu_sensitive(mainwin); } return inc_start(inc_dialog); case A_LOCAL: return inc_spool_account(account); default: break; } return 0; } gint inc_account_mail(MainWindow *mainwin, PrefsAccount *account) { gint new_msgs; if (inc_lock_count) return 0; if (prefs_common.work_offline) if (alertpanel(_("Offline warning"), _("You're working offline. Override?"), _("Yes"), _("No"), NULL) != G_ALERTDEFAULT) return 0; inc_autocheck_timer_remove(); main_window_lock(mainwin); new_msgs = inc_account_mail_real(mainwin, account); inc_finished(mainwin, new_msgs > 0); main_window_unlock(mainwin); inc_autocheck_timer_set(); return new_msgs; } void inc_all_account_mail(MainWindow *mainwin, gboolean autocheck, gboolean notify) { GList *list, *queue_list = NULL; IncProgressDialog *inc_dialog; gint new_msgs = 0; gint account_new_msgs = 0; if (prefs_common.work_offline) if (alertpanel(_("Offline warning"), _("You're working offline. Override?"), _("Yes"), _("No"), NULL) != G_ALERTDEFAULT) return; if (inc_lock_count) return; inc_autocheck_timer_remove(); main_window_lock(mainwin); list = account_get_list(); if (!list) { inc_finished(mainwin, new_msgs > 0); main_window_unlock(mainwin); inc_notify_cmd(new_msgs, notify); inc_autocheck_timer_set(); return; } /* check local folders */ account_new_msgs = inc_all_spool(); if (account_new_msgs > 0) new_msgs += account_new_msgs; /* check IMAP4 / News folders */ for (list = account_get_list(); list != NULL; list = list->next) { PrefsAccount *account = list->data; if ((account->protocol == A_IMAP4 || account->protocol == A_NNTP) && account->recv_at_getall) { new_msgs += folderview_check_new(FOLDER(account->folder)); } } /* check POP3 accounts */ for (list = account_get_list(); list != NULL; list = list->next) { IncSession *session; PrefsAccount *account = list->data; if (account->recv_at_getall) { session = inc_session_new(account); if (session) queue_list = g_list_append(queue_list, session); } } if (queue_list) { inc_dialog = inc_progress_dialog_create(autocheck); inc_dialog->queue_list = queue_list; inc_dialog->mainwin = mainwin; inc_progress_dialog_set_list(inc_dialog); toolbar_main_set_sensitive(mainwin); main_window_set_menu_sensitive(mainwin); new_msgs += inc_start(inc_dialog); } inc_finished(mainwin, new_msgs > 0); main_window_unlock(mainwin); inc_notify_cmd(new_msgs, notify); inc_autocheck_timer_set(); } static IncProgressDialog *inc_progress_dialog_create(gboolean autocheck) { IncProgressDialog *dialog; ProgressDialog *progress; dialog = g_new0(IncProgressDialog, 1); progress = progress_dialog_create(); gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(progress->window), _("Retrieving new messages")); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(progress->cancel_btn), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(inc_cancel_cb), dialog); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(progress->window), "delete_event", G_CALLBACK(inc_dialog_delete_cb), dialog); /* manage_window_set_transient(GTK_WINDOW(progress->window)); */ progress_dialog_get_fraction(progress); stock_pixmap_gdk(progress->clist, STOCK_PIXMAP_COMPLETE, &okxpm, &okxpmmask); stock_pixmap_gdk(progress->clist, STOCK_PIXMAP_CONTINUE, ¤txpm, ¤txpmmask); stock_pixmap_gdk(progress->clist, STOCK_PIXMAP_ERROR, &errorxpm, &errorxpmmask); if (prefs_common.recv_dialog_mode == RECV_DIALOG_ALWAYS || (prefs_common.recv_dialog_mode == RECV_DIALOG_MANUAL && !autocheck)) { dialog->show_dialog = TRUE; gtk_widget_show_now(progress->window); } dialog->dialog = progress; gettimeofday(&dialog->progress_tv, NULL); gettimeofday(&dialog->folder_tv, NULL); dialog->queue_list = NULL; dialog->cur_row = 0; inc_dialog_list = g_list_append(inc_dialog_list, dialog); return dialog; } static void inc_progress_dialog_set_list(IncProgressDialog *inc_dialog) { GList *list; for (list = inc_dialog->queue_list; list != NULL; list = list->next) { IncSession *session = list->data; Pop3Session *pop3_session = POP3_SESSION(session->session); gchar *text[3]; session->data = inc_dialog; text[0] = NULL; text[1] = pop3_session->ac_prefs->account_name; text[2] = _("Standby"); gtk_clist_append(GTK_CLIST(inc_dialog->dialog->clist), text); } } static void inc_progress_dialog_clear(IncProgressDialog *inc_dialog) { progress_dialog_get_fraction(inc_dialog->dialog); progress_dialog_set_label(inc_dialog->dialog, ""); if (inc_dialog->mainwin) main_window_progress_off(inc_dialog->mainwin); } static void inc_progress_dialog_destroy(IncProgressDialog *inc_dialog) { g_return_if_fail(inc_dialog != NULL); inc_dialog_list = g_list_remove(inc_dialog_list, inc_dialog); if (inc_dialog->mainwin) main_window_progress_off(inc_dialog->mainwin); progress_dialog_destroy(inc_dialog->dialog); g_free(inc_dialog); } static IncSession *inc_session_new(PrefsAccount *account) { IncSession *session; g_return_val_if_fail(account != NULL, NULL); if (account->protocol != A_POP3 && account->protocol != A_APOP) return NULL; if (!account->recv_server || !account->userid) return NULL; session = g_new0(IncSession, 1); session->session = pop3_session_new(account); session->session->data = session; POP3_SESSION(session->session)->drop_message = inc_drop_message; session_set_recv_message_notify(session->session, inc_recv_message, session); session_set_recv_data_progressive_notify(session->session, inc_recv_data_progressive, session); session_set_recv_data_notify(session->session, inc_recv_data_finished, session); return session; } static void inc_session_destroy(IncSession *session) { g_return_if_fail(session != NULL); session_destroy(session->session); g_free(session); } static gint inc_start(IncProgressDialog *inc_dialog) { IncSession *session; GtkCList *clist = GTK_CLIST(inc_dialog->dialog->clist); GList *qlist; Pop3Session *pop3_session; IncState inc_state; gint error_num = 0; gint new_msgs = 0; gchar *msg; gchar *fin_msg; FolderItem *processing, *inbox; MsgInfo *msginfo; GSList *msglist, *msglist_element; qlist = inc_dialog->queue_list; while (qlist != NULL) { GList *next = qlist->next; session = qlist->data; pop3_session = POP3_SESSION(session->session); pop3_session->user = g_strdup(pop3_session->ac_prefs->userid); if (pop3_session->ac_prefs->passwd) pop3_session->pass = g_strdup(pop3_session->ac_prefs->passwd); else if (pop3_session->ac_prefs->tmp_pass) pop3_session->pass = g_strdup(pop3_session->ac_prefs->tmp_pass); else { gchar *pass; if (inc_dialog->show_dialog) manage_window_focus_in (inc_dialog->dialog->window, NULL, NULL); pass = input_dialog_query_password (pop3_session->ac_prefs->recv_server, pop3_session->user); if (inc_dialog->show_dialog) manage_window_focus_out (inc_dialog->dialog->window, NULL, NULL); if (pass) { pop3_session->ac_prefs->tmp_pass = g_strdup(pass); pop3_session->pass = pass; } } qlist = next; } #define SET_PIXMAP_AND_TEXT(xpm, xpmmask, str) \ { \ gtk_clist_set_pixmap(clist, inc_dialog->cur_row, 0, xpm, xpmmask); \ gtk_clist_set_text(clist, inc_dialog->cur_row, 2, str); \ } for (; inc_dialog->queue_list != NULL; inc_dialog->cur_row++) { session = inc_dialog->queue_list->data; pop3_session = POP3_SESSION(session->session); if (pop3_session->pass == NULL) { SET_PIXMAP_AND_TEXT(okxpm, okxpmmask, _("Cancelled")); inc_session_destroy(session); inc_dialog->queue_list = g_list_remove(inc_dialog->queue_list, session); continue; } inc_progress_dialog_clear(inc_dialog); gtk_clist_moveto(clist, inc_dialog->cur_row, -1, 1.0, 0.0); SET_PIXMAP_AND_TEXT(currentxpm, currentxpmmask, _("Retrieving")); /* begin POP3 session */ inc_state = inc_pop3_session_do(session); switch (inc_state) { case INC_SUCCESS: if (pop3_session->cur_total_num > 0) msg = g_strdup_printf (_("Done (%d message(s) (%s) received)"), pop3_session->cur_total_num, to_human_readable(pop3_session->cur_total_recv_bytes)); else msg = g_strdup_printf(_("Done (no new messages)")); SET_PIXMAP_AND_TEXT(okxpm, okxpmmask, msg); g_free(msg); break; case INC_CONNECT_ERROR: SET_PIXMAP_AND_TEXT(errorxpm, errorxpmmask, _("Connection failed")); break; case INC_AUTH_FAILED: SET_PIXMAP_AND_TEXT(errorxpm, errorxpmmask, _("Auth failed")); break; case INC_LOCKED: SET_PIXMAP_AND_TEXT(errorxpm, errorxpmmask, _("Locked")); break; case INC_ERROR: case INC_NO_SPACE: case INC_IO_ERROR: case INC_SOCKET_ERROR: case INC_EOF: SET_PIXMAP_AND_TEXT(errorxpm, errorxpmmask, _("Error")); break; case INC_TIMEOUT: SET_PIXMAP_AND_TEXT(errorxpm, errorxpmmask, _("Timeout")); break; case INC_CANCEL: SET_PIXMAP_AND_TEXT(okxpm, okxpmmask, _("Cancelled")); break; default: break; } if (pop3_session->error_val == PS_AUTHFAIL) { if(!prefs_common.no_recv_err_panel) { if((prefs_common.recv_dialog_mode == RECV_DIALOG_ALWAYS) || ((prefs_common.recv_dialog_mode == RECV_DIALOG_MANUAL) && focus_window)) manage_window_focus_in(inc_dialog->dialog->window, NULL, NULL); } } /* CLAWS: perform filtering actions on dropped message */ /* CLAWS: get default inbox (perhaps per account) */ if (pop3_session->ac_prefs->inbox) { /* CLAWS: get destination folder / mailbox */ inbox = folder_find_item_from_identifier(pop3_session->ac_prefs->inbox); if (!inbox) inbox = folder_get_default_inbox(); } else inbox = folder_get_default_inbox(); /* get list of messages in processing */ processing = folder_get_default_processing(); folder_item_scan(processing); msglist = folder_item_get_msg_list(processing); /* process messages */ folder_item_update_freeze(); for(msglist_element = msglist; msglist_element != NULL; msglist_element = msglist_element->next) { msginfo = (MsgInfo *) msglist_element->data; if (!pop3_session->ac_prefs->filter_on_recv || !procmsg_msginfo_filter(msginfo)) folder_item_move_msg(inbox, msginfo); procmsg_msginfo_free(msginfo); } folder_item_update_thaw(); g_slist_free(msglist); statusbar_pop_all(); new_msgs += pop3_session->cur_total_num; if (pop3_session->error_val == PS_AUTHFAIL && pop3_session->ac_prefs->tmp_pass) { g_free(pop3_session->ac_prefs->tmp_pass); pop3_session->ac_prefs->tmp_pass = NULL; } pop3_write_uidl_list(pop3_session); if (inc_state != INC_SUCCESS && inc_state != INC_CANCEL) { error_num++; if (inc_dialog->show_dialog) manage_window_focus_in (inc_dialog->dialog->window, NULL, NULL); inc_put_error(inc_state, pop3_session); if (inc_dialog->show_dialog) manage_window_focus_out (inc_dialog->dialog->window, NULL, NULL); if (inc_state == INC_NO_SPACE || inc_state == INC_IO_ERROR) break; } inc_session_destroy(session); inc_dialog->queue_list = g_list_remove(inc_dialog->queue_list, session); } #undef SET_PIXMAP_AND_TEXT if (new_msgs > 0) fin_msg = g_strdup_printf(_("Finished (%d new message(s))"), new_msgs); else fin_msg = g_strdup_printf(_("Finished (no new messages)")); progress_dialog_set_label(inc_dialog->dialog, fin_msg); #if 0 if (error_num && !prefs_common.no_recv_err_panel) { if (inc_dialog->show_dialog) manage_window_focus_in(inc_dialog->dialog->window, NULL, NULL); alertpanel_error_log(_("Some errors occurred while getting mail.")); if (inc_dialog->show_dialog) manage_window_focus_out(inc_dialog->dialog->window, NULL, NULL); } #endif while (inc_dialog->queue_list != NULL) { session = inc_dialog->queue_list->data; inc_session_destroy(session); inc_dialog->queue_list = g_list_remove(inc_dialog->queue_list, session); } if (prefs_common.close_recv_dialog || !inc_dialog->show_dialog) inc_progress_dialog_destroy(inc_dialog); else { gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(inc_dialog->dialog->window), fin_msg); gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(GTK_BIN(inc_dialog->dialog->cancel_btn)->child), _("Close")); } g_free(fin_msg); return new_msgs; } static IncState inc_pop3_session_do(IncSession *session) { Pop3Session *pop3_session = POP3_SESSION(session->session); IncProgressDialog *inc_dialog = (IncProgressDialog *)session->data; gchar *server; gushort port; gchar *buf; debug_print("getting new messages of account %s...\n", pop3_session->ac_prefs->account_name); pop3_session->ac_prefs->last_pop_login_time = time(NULL); buf = g_strdup_printf(_("%s: Retrieving new messages"), pop3_session->ac_prefs->recv_server); gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(inc_dialog->dialog->window), buf); g_free(buf); server = pop3_session->ac_prefs->recv_server; #if USE_OPENSSL port = pop3_session->ac_prefs->set_popport ? pop3_session->ac_prefs->popport : pop3_session->ac_prefs->ssl_pop == SSL_TUNNEL ? 995 : 110; SESSION(pop3_session)->ssl_type = pop3_session->ac_prefs->ssl_pop; if (pop3_session->ac_prefs->ssl_pop != SSL_NONE) SESSION(pop3_session)->nonblocking = pop3_session->ac_prefs->use_nonblocking_ssl; #else port = pop3_session->ac_prefs->set_popport ? pop3_session->ac_prefs->popport : 110; #endif buf = g_strdup_printf(_("Connecting to POP3 server: %s..."), server); log_message("%s\n", buf); progress_dialog_set_label(inc_dialog->dialog, buf); g_free(buf); session_set_timeout(SESSION(pop3_session), prefs_common.io_timeout_secs * 1000); if (session_connect(SESSION(pop3_session), server, port) < 0) { log_warning(_("Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d\n"), server, port); if(!prefs_common.no_recv_err_panel) { if((prefs_common.recv_dialog_mode == RECV_DIALOG_ALWAYS) || ((prefs_common.recv_dialog_mode == RECV_DIALOG_MANUAL) && focus_window)) { manage_window_focus_in(inc_dialog->dialog->window, NULL, NULL); } alertpanel_error(_("Can't connect to POP3 server: %s:%d"), server, port); manage_window_focus_out(inc_dialog->dialog->window, NULL, NULL); } session->inc_state = INC_CONNECT_ERROR; statusbar_pop_all(); return INC_CONNECT_ERROR; } while (session_is_connected(SESSION(pop3_session)) && session->inc_state != INC_CANCEL) gtk_main_iteration(); if (session->inc_state == INC_SUCCESS) { switch (pop3_session->error_val) { case PS_SUCCESS: switch (SESSION(pop3_session)->state) { case SESSION_ERROR: if (pop3_session->state == POP3_READY) session->inc_state = INC_CONNECT_ERROR; else session->inc_state = INC_ERROR; break; case SESSION_EOF: session->inc_state = INC_EOF; break; case SESSION_TIMEOUT: session->inc_state = INC_TIMEOUT; break; default: session->inc_state = INC_SUCCESS; break; } break; case PS_AUTHFAIL: session->inc_state = INC_AUTH_FAILED; break; case PS_IOERR: session->inc_state = INC_IO_ERROR; break; case PS_SOCKET: session->inc_state = INC_SOCKET_ERROR; break; case PS_LOCKBUSY: session->inc_state = INC_LOCKED; break; default: session->inc_state = INC_ERROR; break; } } session_disconnect(SESSION(pop3_session)); statusbar_pop_all(); return session->inc_state; } static void inc_progress_dialog_update(IncProgressDialog *inc_dialog, IncSession *inc_session) { inc_progress_dialog_set_label(inc_dialog, inc_session); inc_progress_dialog_set_progress(inc_dialog, inc_session); } static void inc_progress_dialog_set_label(IncProgressDialog *inc_dialog, IncSession *inc_session) { ProgressDialog *dialog = inc_dialog->dialog; Pop3Session *session; g_return_if_fail(inc_session != NULL); session = POP3_SESSION(inc_session->session); switch (session->state) { case POP3_GREETING: break; case POP3_GETAUTH_USER: case POP3_GETAUTH_PASS: case POP3_GETAUTH_APOP: progress_dialog_set_label(dialog, _("Authenticating...")); statusbar_print_all(_("Retrieving messages from %s (%s) ..."), SESSION(session)->server, session->ac_prefs->account_name); break; case POP3_GETRANGE_STAT: progress_dialog_set_label (dialog, _("Getting the number of new messages (STAT)...")); break; case POP3_GETRANGE_LAST: progress_dialog_set_label (dialog, _("Getting the number of new messages (LAST)...")); break; case POP3_GETRANGE_UIDL: progress_dialog_set_label (dialog, _("Getting the number of new messages (UIDL)...")); break; case POP3_GETSIZE_LIST: progress_dialog_set_label (dialog, _("Getting the size of messages (LIST)...")); break; case POP3_RETR: case POP3_RETR_RECV: break; case POP3_DELETE: #if 0 if (session->msg[session->cur_msg].recv_time < session->current_time) { gchar buf[MSGBUFSIZE]; g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("Deleting message %d"), session->cur_msg); progress_dialog_set_label(dialog, buf); } #endif break; case POP3_LOGOUT: progress_dialog_set_label(dialog, _("Quitting")); break; default: break; } } static void inc_progress_dialog_set_progress(IncProgressDialog *inc_dialog, IncSession *inc_session) { gchar buf[MSGBUFSIZE]; Pop3Session *pop3_session = POP3_SESSION(inc_session->session); gchar *total_size_str; gint cur_total; gint total; if (!pop3_session->new_msg_exist) return; cur_total = inc_session->cur_total_bytes; total = pop3_session->total_bytes; if (pop3_session->state == POP3_RETR || pop3_session->state == POP3_RETR_RECV || pop3_session->state == POP3_DELETE) { Xstrdup_a(total_size_str, to_human_readable(total), return); g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("Retrieving message (%d / %d) (%s / %s)"), pop3_session->cur_msg, pop3_session->count, to_human_readable(cur_total), total_size_str); progress_dialog_set_label(inc_dialog->dialog, buf); } progress_dialog_set_fraction (inc_dialog->dialog,(gfloat)cur_total / (gfloat)total); g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d / %d", pop3_session->cur_msg, pop3_session->count); gtk_progress_bar_set_text (GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(inc_dialog->mainwin->progressbar), buf); gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction (GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(inc_dialog->mainwin->progressbar), (gfloat)cur_total / (gfloat)total); if (pop3_session->cur_total_num > 0) { g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("Retrieving (%d message(s) (%s) received)"), pop3_session->cur_total_num, to_human_readable (pop3_session->cur_total_recv_bytes)); gtk_clist_set_text(GTK_CLIST(inc_dialog->dialog->clist), inc_dialog->cur_row, 2, buf); } } static void inc_progress_dialog_update_periodic(IncProgressDialog *inc_dialog, IncSession *inc_session) { struct timeval tv_cur; struct timeval tv_result; gint msec; gettimeofday(&tv_cur, NULL); tv_result.tv_sec = tv_cur.tv_sec - inc_dialog->progress_tv.tv_sec; tv_result.tv_usec = tv_cur.tv_usec - inc_dialog->progress_tv.tv_usec; if (tv_result.tv_usec < 0) { tv_result.tv_sec--; tv_result.tv_usec += 1000000; } msec = tv_result.tv_sec * 1000 + tv_result.tv_usec / 1000; if (msec > PROGRESS_UPDATE_INTERVAL) { inc_progress_dialog_update(inc_dialog, inc_session); inc_dialog->progress_tv.tv_sec = tv_cur.tv_sec; inc_dialog->progress_tv.tv_usec = tv_cur.tv_usec; } } static gint inc_recv_data_progressive(Session *session, guint cur_len, guint total_len, gpointer data) { IncSession *inc_session = (IncSession *)data; Pop3Session *pop3_session = POP3_SESSION(session); IncProgressDialog *inc_dialog; gint cur_total; g_return_val_if_fail(inc_session != NULL, -1); if (pop3_session->state != POP3_RETR && pop3_session->state != POP3_RETR_RECV && pop3_session->state != POP3_DELETE && pop3_session->state != POP3_LOGOUT) return 0; if (!pop3_session->new_msg_exist) return 0; cur_total = pop3_session->cur_total_bytes + cur_len; if (cur_total > pop3_session->total_bytes) cur_total = pop3_session->total_bytes; inc_session->cur_total_bytes = cur_total; inc_dialog = (IncProgressDialog *)inc_session->data; inc_progress_dialog_update_periodic(inc_dialog, inc_session); return 0; } static gint inc_recv_data_finished(Session *session, guint len, gpointer data) { IncSession *inc_session = (IncSession *)data; IncProgressDialog *inc_dialog; g_return_val_if_fail(inc_session != NULL, -1); inc_dialog = (IncProgressDialog *)inc_session->data; inc_recv_data_progressive(session, 0, 0, inc_session); if (POP3_SESSION(session)->state == POP3_LOGOUT) { inc_progress_dialog_update(inc_dialog, inc_session); } return 0; } static gint inc_recv_message(Session *session, const gchar *msg, gpointer data) { IncSession *inc_session = (IncSession *)data; IncProgressDialog *inc_dialog; g_return_val_if_fail(inc_session != NULL, -1); inc_dialog = (IncProgressDialog *)inc_session->data; switch (POP3_SESSION(session)->state) { case POP3_GETAUTH_USER: case POP3_GETAUTH_PASS: case POP3_GETAUTH_APOP: case POP3_GETRANGE_STAT: case POP3_GETRANGE_LAST: case POP3_GETRANGE_UIDL: case POP3_GETSIZE_LIST: inc_progress_dialog_update(inc_dialog, inc_session); break; case POP3_RETR: inc_recv_data_progressive(session, 0, 0, inc_session); break; case POP3_LOGOUT: inc_progress_dialog_update(inc_dialog, inc_session); break; default: break; } return 0; } static gint inc_drop_message(Pop3Session *session, const gchar *file) { FolderItem *inbox; FolderItem *dropfolder; IncSession *inc_session = (IncSession *)(SESSION(session)->data); gint msgnum; g_return_val_if_fail(inc_session != NULL, -1); if (session->ac_prefs->inbox) { inbox = folder_find_item_from_identifier (session->ac_prefs->inbox); if (!inbox) inbox = folder_get_default_inbox(); } else inbox = folder_get_default_inbox(); if (!inbox) { unlink(file); return -1; } /* CLAWS: claws uses a global .processing folder for the filtering. */ dropfolder = folder_get_default_processing(); /* add msg file to drop folder */ if ((msgnum = folder_item_add_msg( dropfolder, file, NULL, TRUE)) < 0) { unlink(file); return -1; } return 0; } static void inc_put_error(IncState istate, Pop3Session *session) { gchar *log_msg = NULL; gchar *err_msg = NULL; gboolean fatal_error = FALSE; switch (istate) { case INC_CONNECT_ERROR: log_msg = _("Connection failed."); if (prefs_common.no_recv_err_panel) break; err_msg = g_strdup_printf(_("Connection to %s:%d failed."), SESSION(session)->server, SESSION(session)->port); break; case INC_ERROR: log_msg = _("Error occurred while processing mail."); if (prefs_common.no_recv_err_panel) break; if (session->error_msg) err_msg = g_strdup_printf (_("Error occurred while processing mail:\n%s"), session->error_msg); else err_msg = g_strdup(log_msg); break; case INC_NO_SPACE: log_msg = _("No disk space left."); err_msg = g_strdup(log_msg); fatal_error = TRUE; break; case INC_IO_ERROR: log_msg = _("Can't write file."); err_msg = g_strdup(log_msg); fatal_error = TRUE; break; case INC_SOCKET_ERROR: log_msg = _("Socket error."); if (prefs_common.no_recv_err_panel) break; err_msg = g_strdup_printf(_("Socket error on connection to %s:%d."), SESSION(session)->server, SESSION(session)->port); break; case INC_EOF: log_msg = _("Connection closed by the remote host."); if (prefs_common.no_recv_err_panel) break; err_msg = g_strdup_printf(_("Connection to %s:%d closed by the remote host."), SESSION(session)->server, SESSION(session)->port); break; case INC_LOCKED: log_msg = _("Mailbox is locked."); if (prefs_common.no_recv_err_panel) break; if (session->error_msg) err_msg = g_strdup_printf(_("Mailbox is locked:\n%s"), session->error_msg); else err_msg = g_strdup(log_msg); break; case INC_AUTH_FAILED: log_msg = _("Authentication failed."); if (prefs_common.no_recv_err_panel) break; if (session->error_msg) err_msg = g_strdup_printf (_("Authentication failed:\n%s"), session->error_msg); else err_msg = g_strdup(log_msg); break; case INC_TIMEOUT: log_msg = _("Session timed out."); if (prefs_common.no_recv_err_panel) break; err_msg = g_strdup_printf(_("Connection to %s:%d timed out."), SESSION(session)->server, SESSION(session)->port); break; default: break; } if (log_msg) { if (fatal_error) log_error("%s\n", log_msg); else log_warning("%s\n", log_msg); } if (err_msg) { alertpanel_error_log(err_msg); g_free(err_msg); } } static void inc_cancel(IncProgressDialog *dialog) { IncSession *session; g_return_if_fail(dialog != NULL); if (dialog->queue_list == NULL) { inc_progress_dialog_destroy(dialog); return; } session = dialog->queue_list->data; session->inc_state = INC_CANCEL; log_message(_("Incorporation cancelled\n")); } gboolean inc_is_active(void) { return (inc_dialog_list != NULL); } void inc_cancel_all(void) { GList *cur; for (cur = inc_dialog_list; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) inc_cancel((IncProgressDialog *)cur->data); } static void inc_cancel_cb(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) { inc_cancel((IncProgressDialog *)data); } static gint inc_dialog_delete_cb(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventAny *event, gpointer data) { IncProgressDialog *dialog = (IncProgressDialog *)data; if (dialog->queue_list == NULL) inc_progress_dialog_destroy(dialog); return TRUE; } static gint inc_spool_account(PrefsAccount *account) { FolderItem *inbox; gchar *mbox; gint result; if (account->inbox) { inbox = folder_find_item_from_path(account->inbox); if (!inbox) inbox = folder_get_default_inbox(); } else inbox = folder_get_default_inbox(); if (is_file_exist(account->local_mbox)) mbox = g_strdup(account->local_mbox); else if (is_dir_exist(account->local_mbox)) mbox = g_strconcat(account->local_mbox, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, g_get_user_name(), NULL); else { debug_print("%s: local mailbox not found.\n", account->local_mbox); return -1; } result = get_spool(inbox, mbox); g_free(mbox); statusbar_pop_all(); return result; } static gint inc_all_spool(void) { GList *list = NULL; gint new_msgs = 0; gint account_new_msgs = 0; list = account_get_list(); if (!list) return 0; for (; list != NULL; list = list->next) { PrefsAccount *account = list->data; if ((account->protocol == A_LOCAL) && (account->recv_at_getall)) { account_new_msgs = inc_spool_account(account); if (account_new_msgs > 0) new_msgs += account_new_msgs; } } return new_msgs; } static gint get_spool(FolderItem *dest, const gchar *mbox) { gint msgs, size; gint lockfd; gchar tmp_mbox[MAXPATHLEN + 1]; g_return_val_if_fail(dest != NULL, -1); g_return_val_if_fail(mbox != NULL, -1); if (!is_file_exist(mbox) || (size = get_file_size(mbox)) == 0) { debug_print("%s: no messages in local mailbox.\n", mbox); return 0; } else if (size < 0) return -1; if ((lockfd = lock_mbox(mbox, LOCK_FLOCK)) < 0) return -1; g_snprintf(tmp_mbox, sizeof(tmp_mbox), "%s%ctmpmbox.%08x", get_tmp_dir(), G_DIR_SEPARATOR, (gint)mbox); if (copy_mbox(mbox, tmp_mbox) < 0) { unlock_mbox(mbox, lockfd, LOCK_FLOCK); return -1; } debug_print("Getting new messages from %s into %s...\n", mbox, dest->path); msgs = proc_mbox(dest, tmp_mbox, TRUE); unlink(tmp_mbox); if (msgs >= 0) empty_mbox(mbox); unlock_mbox(mbox, lockfd, LOCK_FLOCK); return msgs; } void inc_lock(void) { inc_lock_count++; } void inc_unlock(void) { if (inc_lock_count > 0) inc_lock_count--; } static guint autocheck_timer = 0; static gpointer autocheck_data = NULL; static void inc_notify_cmd(gint new_msgs, gboolean notify) { gchar *buf, *numpos; if (!(new_msgs && notify && prefs_common.newmail_notify_cmd && *prefs_common.newmail_notify_cmd)) return; buf = g_strdup(prefs_common.newmail_notify_cmd); if ((numpos = strstr(buf, "%d")) != NULL) { gchar *buf2; *numpos = '\0'; buf2 = g_strdup_printf("%s%d%s", buf, new_msgs, numpos + 2); g_free(buf); buf = buf2; } debug_print("executing new mail notification command: %s\n", buf); execute_command_line(buf, TRUE); g_free(buf); } void inc_autocheck_timer_init(MainWindow *mainwin) { autocheck_data = mainwin; inc_autocheck_timer_set(); } static void inc_autocheck_timer_set_interval(guint interval) { inc_autocheck_timer_remove(); /* last test is to avoid re-enabling auto_check after modifying the common preferences */ if (prefs_common.autochk_newmail && autocheck_data && prefs_common.work_offline == FALSE) { autocheck_timer = gtk_timeout_add (interval, inc_autocheck_func, autocheck_data); debug_print("added timer = %d\n", autocheck_timer); } } void inc_autocheck_timer_set(void) { inc_autocheck_timer_set_interval(prefs_common.autochk_itv * 60000); } void inc_autocheck_timer_remove(void) { if (autocheck_timer) { debug_print("removed timer = %d\n", autocheck_timer); gtk_timeout_remove(autocheck_timer); autocheck_timer = 0; } } static gint inc_autocheck_func(gpointer data) { MainWindow *mainwin = (MainWindow *)data; if (inc_lock_count) { debug_print("autocheck is locked.\n"); inc_autocheck_timer_set_interval(1000); return FALSE; } inc_all_account_mail(mainwin, TRUE, prefs_common.newmail_notify_auto); return FALSE; }