Paul Mangan 12b1a0de0e 2007-07-27 [paul] 2.10.0cvs74
* src/
	* src/filtering.c
	* src/folder.c
	* src/mainwindow.c
	* src/matcher.c
	* src/matcher.h
	* src/matcher_parser_parse.y
	* src/procmsg.c
	* src/procmsg.h
	* src/stock_pixmap.c
	* src/stock_pixmap.h
	* src/summaryview.c
	* src/summaryview.h
	* src/toolbar.c
	* src/toolbar.h
	* src/pixmaps/watchthread.xpm
		add 'watch thread' feature
2007-07-27 14:19:05 +00:00

530 lines
11 KiB

etpan_dir = etpan
etpan_library = etpan/
etpan_dir =
etpan_library =
SUBDIRS = common gtk $(etpan_dir) . plugins
bin_PROGRAMS = claws-mail
@rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/sylpheed-claws
@ln -s claws-mail $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/sylpheed-claws
claws_mail_SOURCES = \
account.c \
action.c \
addrbook.c \
addrcache.c \
addrclip.c \
addr_compl.c \
addressadd.c \
addressbook.c \
addressbook_foldersel.c \
addrgather.c \
addrharvest.c \
addrindex.c \
addritem.c \
addrquery.c \
addrselect.c \
alertpanel.c \
browseldap.c \
codeconv.c \
compose.c \
crash.c \
customheader.c \
displayheader.c \
editaddress.c \
editaddress_other_attributes_ldap.c \
editbook.c \
editgroup.c \
editjpilot.c \
editldap_basedn.c \
editldap.c \
edittags.c \
editvcard.c \
enriched.c \
exphtmldlg.c \
expldifdlg.c \
export.c \
exporthtml.c \
exportldif.c \
filtering.c \
folder.c \
folder_item_prefs.c \
foldersel.c \
folderutils.c \
folderview.c \
gedit-print.c \
grouplistdialog.c \
headerview.c \
html.c \
image_viewer.c \
imap.c \
imap_gtk.c \
import.c \
importldif.c \
importmutt.c \
importpine.c \
inc.c \
jpilot.c \
ldapctrl.c \
ldaplocate.c \
ldapquery.c \
ldapserver.c \
ldapupdate.c \
ldaputil.c \
ldif.c \
localfolder.c \
main.c \
mainwindow.c \
manual.c \
matcher.c \
matcher_parser_lex.l \
matcher_parser_parse.y \
mbox.c \
message_search.c \
messageview.c \
mh.c \
mh_gtk.c \
mimeview.c \
msgcache.c \
mutt.c \
news.c \
news_gtk.c \
noticeview.c \
partial_download.c \
pine.c \
pop.c \
prefs_account.c \
prefs_actions.c \
prefs_common.c \
prefs_compose_writing.c \
prefs_customheader.c \
prefs_display_header.c \
prefs_ext_prog.c \
prefs_filtering_action.c \
prefs_filtering.c \
prefs_folder_item.c \
prefs_fonts.c \
prefs_gtk.c \
prefs_image_viewer.c \
prefs_logging.c \
prefs_matcher.c \
prefs_message.c \
prefs_msg_colors.c \
prefs_other.c \
prefs_quote.c \
prefs_receive.c \
prefs_send.c \
prefs_spelling.c \
prefs_summaries.c \
prefs_summary_column.c \
prefs_summary_open.c \
prefs_folder_column.c \
prefs_template.c \
prefs_themes.c \
prefs_toolbar.c \
prefs_wrapping.c \
privacy.c \
procheader.c \
procmime.c \
procmsg.c \
quote_fmt.c \
quote_fmt_lex.l \
quote_fmt_parse.y \
recv.c \
remotefolder.c \
send_message.c \
setup.c \
simple-gettext.c \
sourcewindow.c \
ssl_manager.c \
statusbar.c \
stock_pixmap.c \
summary_search.c \
summaryview.c \
textview.c \
toolbar.c \
undo.c \
unmime.c \
uri_opener.c \
vcard.c \
claws_mailincludedir = $(pkgincludedir)
claws_mailinclude_HEADERS = \
account.h \
action.h \
adbookbase.h \
addrbook.h \
addrcache.h \
addrclip.h \
addr_compl.h \
addrdefs.h \
addressadd.h \
addressbook.h \
addressbook_foldersel.h \
addressitem.h \
addrgather.h \
addrharvest.h \
addrindex.h \
addritem.h \
addrquery.h \
addrselect.h \
alertpanel.h \
browseldap.h \
codeconv.h \
compose.h \
crash.h \
customheader.h \
displayheader.h \
editaddress.h \
editaddress_other_attributes_ldap.h \
editbook.h \
editgroup.h \
editjpilot.h \
editldap_basedn.h \
editldap.h \
edittags.h \
editvcard.h \
enriched.h \
exphtmldlg.h \
expldifdlg.h \
export.h \
exporthtml.h \
exportldif.h \
filtering.h \
folder.h \
folder_item_prefs.h \
foldersel.h \
folderutils.h \
folderview.h \
gedit-print.h \
grouplistdialog.h \
headerview.h \
html.h \
image_viewer.h \
imap.h \
imap_gtk.h \
import.h \
importldif.h \
importmutt.h \
importpine.h \
inc.h \
jpilot.h \
ldapctrl.h \
ldaplocate.h \
ldapquery.h \
ldapserver.h \
ldapupdate.h \
ldaputil.h \
ldif.h \
localfolder.h \
main.h \
mainwindow.h \
manual.h \
matcher.h \
matcher_parser.h \
matcher_parser_lex.h \
matcher_parser_parse.h \
mbox.h \
message_search.h \
messageview.h \
mh.h \
mh_gtk.h \
mimeview.h \
msgcache.h \
mutt.h \
news.h \
news_gtk.h \
noticeview.h \
partial_download.h \
pine.h \
pop.h \
prefs_account.h \
prefs_actions.h \
prefs_common.h \
prefs_compose_writing.h \
prefs_customheader.h \
prefs_display_header.h \
prefs_ext_prog.h \
prefs_filtering_action.h \
prefs_filtering.h \
prefs_folder_item.h \
prefs_fonts.h \
prefs_gtk.h \
prefs_image_viewer.h \
prefs_logging.h \
prefs_matcher.h \
prefs_message.h \
prefs_msg_colors.h \
prefs_other.h \
prefs_quote.h \
prefs_receive.h \
prefs_send.h \
prefs_spelling.h \
prefs_summaries.h \
prefs_summary_column.h \
prefs_summary_open.h \
prefs_folder_column.h \
prefs_template.h \
prefs_themes.h \
prefs_toolbar.h \
prefs_wrapping.h \
privacy.h \
procheader.h \
procmime.h \
procmsg.h \
quote_fmt.h \
quote_fmt_lex.h \
quote_fmt_parse.h \
recv.h \
remotefolder.h \
send_message.h \
setup.h \
sourcewindow.h \
ssl_manager.h \
statusbar.h \
stock_pixmap.h \
summary_search.h \
summaryview.h \
textview.h \
toolbar.h \
undo.h \
unmime.h \
uri_opener.h \
vcard.h \
matcher_parser_parse.h \
pixmaps/addr_one.xpm \
pixmaps/addr_two.xpm \
pixmaps/address_book.xpm \
pixmaps/address_search.xpm \
pixmaps/address.xpm \
pixmaps/book.xpm \
pixmaps/category.xpm \
pixmaps/checkbox_off.xpm \
pixmaps/checkbox_on.xpm \
pixmaps/check_spelling.xpm \
pixmaps/clipkey.xpm \
pixmaps/clip.xpm \
pixmaps/clip_gpg_signed.xpm \
pixmaps/close.xpm \
pixmaps/complete.xpm \
pixmaps/continue.xpm \
pixmaps/deleted.xpm \
pixmaps/dir_close.xpm \
pixmaps/dir_close_hrm.xpm \
pixmaps/dir_noselect.xpm \
pixmaps/dir_open_hrm.xpm \
pixmaps/dir_open.xpm \
pixmaps/down_arrow.xpm \
pixmaps/drafts_close.xpm \
pixmaps/drafts_open.xpm \
pixmaps/drafts_close.xpm \
pixmaps/drafts_open.xpm \
pixmaps/edit_extern.xpm \
pixmaps/error.xpm \
pixmaps/exec.xpm \
pixmaps/forwarded.xpm \
pixmaps/gpg_signed.xpm \
pixmaps/go_folders.xpm \
pixmaps/group.xpm \
pixmaps/ham_btn.xpm \
pixmaps/ignorethread.xpm \
pixmaps/inbox_open_hrm.xpm \
pixmaps/inbox_open.xpm \
pixmaps/inbox_close_hrm.xpm \
pixmaps/inbox_close.xpm \
pixmaps/interface.xpm \
pixmaps/jpilot.xpm \
pixmaps/key.xpm \
pixmaps/ldap.xpm \
pixmaps/linewrap.xpm \
pixmaps/linewrapcurrent.xpm \
pixmaps/locked.xpm \
pixmaps/mail_attach.xpm \
pixmaps/mail_compose.xpm \
pixmaps/mail_forward.xpm \
pixmaps/mail_receive_all.xpm \
pixmaps/mail_receive.xpm \
pixmaps/mail_reply_to_all.xpm \
pixmaps/mail_reply_to_author.xpm \
pixmaps/mail_reply.xpm \
pixmaps/mail_send_queue.xpm \
pixmaps/mail_send.xpm \
pixmaps/mail_sign.xpm \
pixmaps/mail.xpm \
pixmaps/mark.xpm \
pixmaps/mime_application.xpm \
pixmaps/mime_audio.xpm \
pixmaps/mime_image.xpm \
pixmaps/mime_message.xpm \
pixmaps/mime_pdf.xpm \
pixmaps/mime_ps.xpm \
pixmaps/mime_calendar.xpm \
pixmaps/mime_pgpsig.xpm \
pixmaps/mime_text_enriched.xpm \
pixmaps/mime_text_html.xpm \
pixmaps/mime_text_plain.xpm \
pixmaps/mime_unknown.xpm \
pixmaps/news_compose.xpm \
pixmaps/new.xpm \
pixmaps/notice_error.xpm \
pixmaps/notice_note.xpm \
pixmaps/notice_warn.xpm \
pixmaps/offline.xpm \
pixmaps/online.xpm \
pixmaps/open_mail.xpm \
pixmaps/outbox_close.xpm \
pixmaps/outbox_close_hrm.xpm \
pixmaps/outbox_open.xpm \
pixmaps/outbox_open_hrm.xpm \
pixmaps/outbox_close_mark.xpm \
pixmaps/outbox_close_hrm_mark.xpm \
pixmaps/outbox_open_mark.xpm \
pixmaps/outbox_open_hrm_mark.xpm \
pixmaps/paste.xpm \
pixmaps/preferences.xpm \
pixmaps/printer.xpm \
pixmaps/privacy_expired.xpm \
pixmaps/privacy_failed.xpm \
pixmaps/privacy_passed.xpm \
pixmaps/privacy_signed.xpm \
pixmaps/privacy_unknown.xpm \
pixmaps/privacy_warn.xpm \
pixmaps/privacy_emblem_encrypted.xpm \
pixmaps/privacy_emblem_failed.xpm \
pixmaps/privacy_emblem_passed.xpm \
pixmaps/privacy_emblem_signed.xpm \
pixmaps/privacy_emblem_warn.xpm \
pixmaps/properties.xpm \
pixmaps/queue_close.xpm \
pixmaps/queue_close_hrm.xpm \
pixmaps/queue_close_hrm_mark.xpm \
pixmaps/queue_close_mark.xpm \
pixmaps/queue_open.xpm \
pixmaps/queue_open_hrm.xpm \
pixmaps/queue_open_hrm_mark.xpm \
pixmaps/queue_open_mark.xpm \
pixmaps/quicksearch.xpm \
pixmaps/replied.xpm \
pixmaps/search.xpm \
pixmaps/selection.xpm \
pixmaps/spam.xpm \
pixmaps/spam_btn.xpm \
pixmaps/claws-mail_icon.xpm \
pixmaps/claws-mail_logo.xpm \
pixmaps/claws-mail_logo-small.xpm \
pixmaps/claws-mail.xpm \
pixmaps/trash_hrm.xpm \
pixmaps/trash.xpm \
pixmaps/trash_btn.xpm \
pixmaps/unread.xpm \
pixmaps/read.xpm \
pixmaps/up_arrow.xpm \
pixmaps/vcard.xpm \
pixmaps/dir_close_mark.xpm \
pixmaps/dir_close_hrm_mark.xpm \
pixmaps/dir_open_hrm_mark.xpm \
pixmaps/dir_open_mark.xpm \
pixmaps/drafts_close_mark.xpm \
pixmaps/drafts_open_mark.xpm \
pixmaps/inbox_open_hrm_mark.xpm \
pixmaps/inbox_open_mark.xpm \
pixmaps/inbox_close_hrm_mark.xpm \
pixmaps/inbox_close_mark.xpm \
pixmaps/trash_hrm_mark.xpm \
pixmaps/trash_mark.xpm \
pixmaps/moved.xpm \
pixmaps/copied.xpm \
pixmaps/watchthread.xpm \
-I$(srcdir)/common \
-Icommon \
-I$(srcdir)/gtk \
arch_ldflags := -export-all-symbols
arch_ldflags :=
claws_mail_LDFLAGS = \
$(arch_ldflags) -export-dynamic
claws_mail_LDADD = \
$(etpan_library) \
gtk/ \
$(SM_LIBS) \
-DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"Claws-Mail\" \
-DLOCALEDIR=\""$(localedir)"\" \
-DMANUALDIR=\""$(manualdir)"\" \
-DFAQDIR=\""$(faqdir)"\" \
-DTARGET_ALIAS=\""$(target_triplet)"\" \
-DSYSCONFDIR=\""$(sysconfdir)"\" \
-DDATAROOTDIR=\""$(datarootdir)"\" \
#no-unused-function is there because of bison stuff
#no-deprecated-declarations because of gpgme_data_rewind, which we have
#to call inside gpgme due to our lack of LARGEFILE support
claws-mail$(EXEEXT): $(claws_mail_OBJECTS) $(claws_mail_DEPENDENCIES)
@rm -f claws-mail$(EXEEXT)
@rm -f claws-mail.def claws-mail.base claws-mail.exp libclaws-mail.a .libs/libclaws-mail.a
$(LINK) -shared $(claws_mailLDFLAGS) -Wl,--out-implib=libclaws-mail.a -Wl,--export-all-symbols,--exclude-symbols,main $(claws_mail_OBJECTS) -Wl,--no-whole-archive $(claws_mail_LDADD) $(LIBS)
dlltool --output-def claws-mail.def --dllname claws-mail$(EXEEXT) --export-all-symbols --exclude-symbols main $(claws_mail_OBJECTS) gtk/.libs/libclawsgtk.a
$(LINK) $(claws_mail_LDFLAGS) -Wl,--base-file,claws-mail.base $(claws_mail_OBJECTS) $(claws_mail_LDADD) $(LIBS)
sleep 5
dlltool --base-file claws-mail.base --input-def claws-mail.def --output-exp claws-mail.exp
$(LINK) $(claws_mail_LDFLAGS) -Wl,claws-mail.exp $(claws_mail_OBJECTS) $(claws_mail_LDADD) $(LIBS)
@cp libclaws-mail.a .libs/libclaws-mail.a
#claws-mail$(EXEEXT): $(claws_mail_OBJECTS) $(claws_mail_DEPENDENCIES)
# @rm -f claws-mail$(EXEEXT)
# $(LINK) $(claws_mail_LDFLAGS) $(claws_mail_OBJECTS) $(claws_mail_LDADD) $(LIBS)