2001-07-28 07:34:34 +00:00

100 lines
2.7 KiB

# gif2xface -- converts a 48x48 GIF file to an X-Face mail header
# Author: Ricardo Mones Lastra <>
# URL:
# This is a hack over the original xbm2face script. The xbm files generated
# by some graphic tools (notably The Gimp version 1.2.1) aren't suitable to
# feed the compface program. Starting with a GIF and using some filters does
# the trick. A little help screen also added.
# This requieres giftopnm and pbmtoxbm (both in libgr-progs package).
# The original xbm2face author's comment follows:
# xbm2xface -- converts a 48x48 xbm file to an X-Face mail header
# Author: Jonathan Stigelman <>
# URL:
# FTP:
# This is a Perl script that I wrote to convert 48x48 xbm (X bitmap) files
# into X-Face: headers suitable for inclusion in RFC822 internet
# electronic mail. A 48x48 bitmap is awfully small, but X-Faces are still
# good enough for other people to visually establish your identity in
# email without having to carefully read your name.
# Basically, it gets you noticed...either as the person with the cool
# X-Face or as that jerk with modem noise in all of his email messages.
# People will start looking over your shoulder and say "Hey Cool! How'd
# you do that?" When they do, you just send 'em to my URL for this
# utility and tell 'em to upgrade to a real mail reader: XEmacs and VM.
# It also requires the 'compface' utility.
sub check_for_help {
local($param) = @_;
# is a filter, no args must be present
if (defined($param))
print "\n", 'gif2xface -- A filter for converting an 48x48 gif into a xface string', "\n\n" ;
print 'Usage: gif2xface < input.gif > output.xface', "\n\n";
sub reverse_byte {
local($byte) = @_;
local($n, $b);
for ( $b= $n= 0; $b<8; ++$b) {
$n |= (($byte & 1) << (7-$b));
$byte >>= 1;
# printf "0x%02x\n", &reverse_byte(0xF0);
$ra = rand;
$tf = "/tmp/gif2xface.$ra";
while (<>) {
print GP $_;
m/^#define \w+_width (\d+)/ && ($width=$1);
m/^#define \w+_height (\d+)/ && ($height=$1);
m/^static.* = \{/ && (( $width == 48 && $height == 48 )
|| die $0, ": sorry, xfaces must be 48x48 pixels" );
$| = 1; print "X-Face:";
while (<GP>) {
while (s/(0x..)(,|\};)\s*//) {
$st .= sprintf("0x%02x, ", &reverse_byte(eval($1)));
s/(0x..), 0x(..)/\1\2/g;
s/\s*(0x...., 0x...., 0x....)(,|\};)\s/\1,\n/g;
print CF $_;
close (CF);
close (GP);
unlink $tf;