2013-03-20 11:26:52 +01:00

253 lines
6.5 KiB
Executable file

# Author: Thorsten Maerz <>
# License: GPL
# Dependencies: MIME::Parser, LWP::MediaTypes from
# Converts mbox files as exported from Calypso to MH format. Regenerates
# Calypso's folder structure and optionally includes the attachments.
use strict ;
our $mboxdir = '' || showhelp(); # enter path to exported mbox
our $mboxfile = '' || showhelp(); # enter name of exported mbox
our $outdir = '' || showhelp(); # enter destination path
my $incl_attach = 1 ; # include attachments (needs CPAN modules)
my $verbose = 1 ; # show some headers of processed mail
my $testonly = 0 ; # dont create any files
# no user servicable parts below :)
if ($incl_attach) {
use MIME::Parser;
use LWP::MediaTypes qw(guess_media_type);
my $mbox = "$mboxdir/$mboxfile";
my $calypso_hdr = 'From \?\?\?@\?\?\? '; #Mon Apr 17 00:37:38 2000
my $hdr_Folder = 'X-CalypsoFolder:';
my $hdr_HTML = 'X-CalypsoHtmlBody:';
my $hdr_Account = 'X-CalypsoAccount:';
my $hdr_Attach = 'X-Attachment:';
my %mail_nr;
my $create_dirs = 1 ; # create dirs from "X-Calypso-Folder:" header
sub showhelp {
die ( "You have not yet configured this script.\n"
. "Please provide the correct path and file names, e.g\n"
. "\tour \$mboxdir = 'Archive'\n"
. "\tour \$mboxfile = 'mail.txt'\n"
. "\tour \$outdir = 'Calypso'\n"
. "at the top of $0\n"
# MAIN : scan $mbox linewise
# Create a separate message for each $calypso_hdr found (MH format)
# $attach_full = filename with path, $attach_short = original attachment name
# $folder = Calypso folder
my ($folder, $html, $html_full, $html_short,
$account, $attach, $attach_short, $attach_full);
my @lines ;
open (INBOX, "<".$mbox);
while (<INBOX>) {
if (m/^$calypso_hdr/) {
if (@lines) {
$mail_nr{$folder}++ ;
shift @lines ; # remove blank line
@lines = () ;
$folder = $html = $html_full = $html_short = $account
= $attach = $attach_short = $attach_full = "";
else {
if (/^$hdr_Folder /) { $folder = $' ;
$folder =~ s/"//eg ;
$folder =~ tr#\\#\/# ;
if (/^$hdr_HTML /) { $html = $' ;
$html =~ s/"//eg ;
$html =~ tr#\\#\/# ;
if ($html =~ /; /) {
$html_full = $` ;
$html_short = $' ;
if (/^$hdr_Account /) { $account = $' ;
$account =~ s/"//eg ;
if (/^$hdr_Attach /) { $attach = $' ;
$attach =~ s/"//eg ;
$attach =~ tr#\\#\/# ;
if ($attach =~ /; /) {
$attach_full = $` ;
$attach_short = $' ;
push (@lines, $_ );
close (INBOX);
# sub:savemail
# Saves mail in @lines to $outdir/$folder/$mail_nr
# Folder is created unless $testonly or (not $create_dirs) is set
sub savemail {
my $mailname = $mail_nr{$folder};
my %headers;
my $ishead=1;
my $lineno=0;
my $targetdir="";
# extract headers
foreach (@lines) {
my ($hdr,$cnt);
m/^$/ and ($ishead="");
if ( $ishead ) {
if (m/: /) {
($hdr,$cnt) = ($`,$');
if ($verbose) {
print "MAIL : $mailname\n";
print "FOLDER : $folder\n" if ($folder);
print "HTML : $html_short ($html_full)\n" if ($html);
print "ACCOUNT : $account\n" if ($account);
print "ATTACH : $attach_short ($attach_full)\n" if ($attach);
print "\n";
# write mail to folder
if (! $testonly ) {
if ($create_dirs) {
$targetdir = $outdir.'/'.$folder ;
my $curdir = '';
foreach (split('/',$targetdir)) {
$curdir .= $_ . '/';
( -d $curdir) || mkdir $curdir;
open (OUTFILE, ">".$targetdir.'/'.$mailname);
foreach (@lines) { print OUTFILE "$_\n" ; }
close (OUTFILE);
if ($incl_attach) {
# make inline attachment from external file
# uses MIME::Parser, LWP::MediaTypes from
# (Currently leaves a blank attachment in converted mails. Feel free to
# improve this script)
sub include_attachment() {
my $mailname = shift ;
my $parser = new MIME::Parser ;
my $entity ;
my %attachments ;
my %CID ;
$parser->output_to_core(1); # dont save to harddisk
$entity = $parser->parse_open($mailname);
# look for external attachments
foreach ($entity->head->get('X-Attachment')) {
if (m/["']? # 1. start with " or ' (or none)
([^"';]+) # word till quote or separator
["']? # delete quote
\s?;\s? # separator ; (opt. spaces)
["']? # 2. start (s.a.)
([^"';]+) #
/x ) { $attachments{$1} = $2 ;
foreach ($entity->head->get('X-CalypsoHtmlBody')) {
if (m/["']? # 1. start with " or ' (or none)
([^"';]+) # word till quote or separator
["']? # delete quote
\s?;\s? # separator ; (opt. spaces)
["']? # 2. start (s.o.)
([^"';]+) #
/x ) { $attachments{$1} = $2 ;
foreach ($entity->head->get('X-CalypsoHtmlImg')) {
if (m/["']? # 1. start with " or ' (or none)
([^"';]+) # word till quote or separator
["']? # delete quote
\s?;\s? # separator ; (opt. spaces)
["']? # 2. start (s.a.)
([^"';]+) #
\s?;\s? # separator ; (opt. spaces)
["']? # 3. start (s.a.)
([^"';]+) #
/x ) { $attachments{$1} = $3 ;
$CID{$1} = $2 ;
if (%attachments) {
# read attachment
foreach my $key (keys (%attachments)) {
our $attachdir;
my $type ;
my $enc ;
my $fnam = $key;
$fnam =~ tr#\\#/# if -d '/' ; # correct path names on unix like OS
$fnam = $mboxdir .'/'. $fnam ;
$type = guess_media_type($fnam);
if ( $type =~ m/text/i ) { $enc = "8bit" }
else { $enc = "base64" }
$entity->attach(Path => $fnam,
Type => $type,
Encoding => $enc,
Filename => $attachments{$key}
my $lines = $entity->as_string ;
# correct images names in html messages
foreach (keys (%CID)) {
$lines =~ s/CID:$CID{$_}/$attachments{$_}/eg;
print $mailname."\n";
# qx(mv $mailname $mailname.bak);
open ( MAIL, ">".$mailname );
print( MAIL $lines );
close( MAIL );