Andrej Kacian 0faddd1e85 Use g_dir_open() and friends instead of opendir() and friends.
This makes more things work on Windows, since Mingw
opendir() is kind of flakey, and breaks e.g. vcalendar or rssyl
being able to read contents of their folders.

I only left opendir() in archive plugin, since it is only found
in unused part of code (excluded by #ifdef _TEST, which is never
true for claws-mail compilations).
2015-06-29 11:35:13 +02:00

713 lines
17 KiB

* Sylpheed -- a GTK+ based, lightweight, and fast e-mail client
* Copyright (C) 2003-2012 Match Grun and the Claws Mail team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Export address book to LDIF file.
# include "config.h"
#include "claws-features.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <glib/gi18n.h>
#include "mgutils.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "exportldif.h"
#include "xmlprops.h"
#include "ldif.h"
#undef mkdir
#define mkdir(a,b) mkdir(a)
#define DFL_DIR_CLAWS_OUT "claws-mail-out"
#define DFL_FILE_CLAWS_OUT "addressbook.ldif"
#define FMT_BUFSIZE 2048
#define XML_BUFSIZE 2048
/* Settings - properties */
#define EXML_PROPFILE_NAME "exportldif.xml"
#define EXMLPROP_DIRECTORY "directory"
#define EXMLPROP_FILE "file"
#define EXMLPROP_SUFFIX "suffix"
#define EXMLPROP_RDN_INDEX "rdn"
#define EXMLPROP_USE_DN "use-dn"
#define EXMLPROP_EXCL_EMAIL "exclude-mail"
static gchar *_attrName_UID_ = "uid";
static gchar *_attrName_DName_ = "cn";
static gchar *_attrName_EMail_ = "mail";
* Create initialized LDIF export control object.
* \return Initialized export control data.
ExportLdifCtl *exportldif_create( void ) {
ExportLdifCtl *ctl = g_new0( ExportLdifCtl, 1 );
ctl->path = NULL;
ctl->dirOutput = NULL;
ctl->fileLdif = NULL;
ctl->suffix = NULL;
ctl->rdnIndex = EXPORT_LDIF_ID_UID;
ctl->useDN = FALSE;
ctl->excludeEMail = TRUE;
ctl->retVal = MGU_SUCCESS;
ctl->rcCreate = 0;
ctl->settingsFile = g_strconcat(
return ctl;
* Free up object by releasing internal memory.
* \return ctl Export control data.
void exportldif_free( ExportLdifCtl *ctl ) {
cm_return_if_fail( ctl != NULL );
g_free( ctl->path );
g_free( ctl->fileLdif );
g_free( ctl->dirOutput );
g_free( ctl->suffix );
g_free( ctl->settingsFile );
/* Clear pointers */
ctl->path = NULL;
ctl->dirOutput = NULL;
ctl->fileLdif = NULL;
ctl->suffix = NULL;
ctl->rdnIndex = EXPORT_LDIF_ID_UID;
ctl->useDN = FALSE;
ctl->excludeEMail = FALSE;
ctl->retVal = MGU_SUCCESS;
ctl->rcCreate = 0;
/* Now release object */
g_free( ctl );
* Specify suffix to be used for creating DN entries.
* \param ctl Export control data.
* \param value Suffix.
void exportldif_set_suffix( ExportLdifCtl *ctl, const char *value ) {
cm_return_if_fail( ctl != NULL );
ctl->suffix = mgu_replace_string( ctl->suffix, value );
g_strstrip( ctl->suffix );
* Specify index of variable to be used for creating RDN entries.
* \param ctl Export control data.
* \param value Index to variable, as follows:
* <ul>
* <li><code>EXPORT_LDIF_ID_UID</code> - Use Sylpheed UID.</li>
* <li><code>EXPORT_LDIF_ID_DNAME</code> - Use Sylpheed display name.</li>
* <li><code>EXPORT_LDIF_ID_EMAIL</code> - Use first Email address.</li>
* </ul>
void exportldif_set_rdn( ExportLdifCtl *ctl, const gint value ) {
cm_return_if_fail( ctl != NULL );
ctl->rdnIndex = value;
* Specify that <code>DN</code> attribute, if present, should be used as the
* DN for the entry.
* \param ctl Export control data.
* \param value <i>TRUE</i> if DN should be used.
void exportldif_set_use_dn( ExportLdifCtl *ctl, const gboolean value ) {
cm_return_if_fail( ctl != NULL );
ctl->useDN = value;
* Specify that records without E-Mail addresses should be excluded.
* \param ctl Export control data.
* \param value <i>TRUE</i> if records without E-Mail should be excluded.
void exportldif_set_exclude_email( ExportLdifCtl *ctl, const gboolean value ) {
cm_return_if_fail( ctl != NULL );
ctl->excludeEMail = value;
* Format LDAP value name with no embedded commas.
* \param value Data value to format.
* \return Formatted string, should be freed after use.
static gchar *exportldif_fmt_value( gchar *value ) {
gchar *dupval;
gchar *src;
gchar *dest;
gchar ch;
/* Duplicate incoming value */
dest = dupval = g_strdup( value );
/* Copy characters, ignoring commas */
src = value;
while( *src ) {
ch = *src;
if( ch != ',' ) {
*dest = ch;
*dest = '\0';
return dupval;
* Build DN for entry.
* \param ctl Export control data.
* \param person Person to format.
* \return Formatted DN entry.
static gchar *exportldif_fmt_dn(
ExportLdifCtl *ctl, const ItemPerson *person )
gchar buf[ FMT_BUFSIZE + 1 ];
gchar *retVal = NULL;
gchar *attr = NULL;
gchar *value = NULL;
gchar *dupval = NULL;
/* Process RDN */
*buf = '\0';
if( ctl->rdnIndex == EXPORT_LDIF_ID_UID ) {
attr = _attrName_UID_;
value = ADDRITEM_ID( person );
else if( ctl->rdnIndex == EXPORT_LDIF_ID_DNAME ) {
attr = _attrName_DName_;
value = ADDRITEM_NAME( person );
dupval = exportldif_fmt_value( value );
else if( ctl->rdnIndex == EXPORT_LDIF_ID_EMAIL ) {
GList *node;
node = person->listEMail;
if( node ) {
ItemEMail *email = node->data;
attr = _attrName_EMail_;
value = email->address;
dupval = exportldif_fmt_value( value );
/* Format DN */
if( attr ) {
if( value ) {
if( strlen( value ) > 0 ) {
strncat( buf, attr, FMT_BUFSIZE - strlen(buf) );
strncat( buf, "=", FMT_BUFSIZE - strlen(buf) );
if( dupval ) {
/* Format and free duplicated value */
strncat( buf, dupval, FMT_BUFSIZE - strlen(buf) );
g_free( dupval );
else {
/* Use original value */
strncat( buf, value, FMT_BUFSIZE - strlen(buf) );
/* Append suffix */
if( ctl->suffix ) {
if( strlen( ctl->suffix ) > 0 ) {
strncat( buf, ",", FMT_BUFSIZE - strlen(buf) );
strncat( buf, ctl->suffix, FMT_BUFSIZE - strlen(buf) );
retVal = g_strdup( buf );
return retVal;
* Find DN by searching attribute list.
* \param ctl Export control data.
* \param person Person to format.
* \return Formatted DN entry, should be freed after use.
static gchar *exportldif_find_dn(
ExportLdifCtl *ctl, const ItemPerson *person )
gchar *retVal = NULL;
const GList *node;
node = person->listAttrib;
while( node ) {
UserAttribute *attrib = node->data;
node = g_list_next( node );
if( g_utf8_collate( attrib->name, LDIF_TAG_DN ) == 0 ) {
retVal = g_strdup( attrib->value );
return retVal;
* Format E-Mail entries for person.
* \param person Person to format.
* \param stream Output stream.
* \return <i>TRUE</i> if entry formatted.
static gboolean exportldif_fmt_email( const ItemPerson *person, FILE *stream ) {
gboolean retVal = FALSE;
const GList *node;
node = person->listEMail;
while( node ) {
ItemEMail *email = node->data;
node = g_list_next( node );
ldif_write_value( stream, LDIF_TAG_EMAIL, email->address );
retVal = TRUE;
return retVal;
* Test for E-Mail entries for person.
* \param person Person to test.
* \return <i>TRUE</i> if person has E-Mail address.
static gboolean exportldif_test_email( const ItemPerson *person )
gboolean retVal = FALSE;
const GList *node;
node = person->listEMail;
while( node ) {
ItemEMail *email = node->data;
node = g_list_next( node );
if( email->address ) {
if( strlen( email->address ) > 0 ) {
retVal = TRUE;
retVal = TRUE;
return retVal;
* Format other attributes for person.
* \param person ItemPerson.
* \param stream Output stream.
static void exportldif_fmt_other_attributes(ItemPerson* person, FILE* stream) {
UserAttribute* attr;
GList* attrList = NULL;
gchar* attrib;
if (! person)
debug_print("cn: %s\n-----------------------------\n", ADDRITEM_NAME(person));
attrList = person->listAttrib;
while (attrList) {
attr = (UserAttribute *) attrList->data;
if (attr->uid) {
/* Native address book which does not conform to
* the LDAP schemas
attrib = g_strdup_printf("# %s", attr->name);
else {
attrib = g_strdup(attr->name);
debug_print("name: %s\nvalue: %s\n", attrib, attr->value);
ldif_write_value(stream, attrib, attr->value);
attrList = g_list_next(attrList);
* Find persons displayName.
* \param person ItemPerson.
* \return displayName.
static gchar* exportldif_find_displayName(ItemPerson* person) {
gchar* displayName;
if (! person)
return NULL;
if (person->nickName && strlen(person->nickName) > 0)
displayName = g_strdup(person->nickName);
displayName = g_strdup(ADDRITEM_NAME(person));
return displayName;
* Format persons in an address book folder.
* \param ctl Export control data.
* \param stream Output stream.
* \param folder Folder to format.
* \return <i>TRUE</i> if no persons were formatted.
static gboolean exportldif_fmt_person(
ExportLdifCtl *ctl, FILE *stream, const ItemFolder *folder )
gboolean retVal = TRUE;
const GList *node;
gchar* sn = NULL;
gchar* displayName = NULL;
if( folder->listPerson == NULL ) return retVal;
node = folder->listPerson;
while( node ) {
AddrItemObject *aio = node->data;
node = g_list_next( node );
if( aio && aio->type == ITEMTYPE_PERSON ) {
ItemPerson *person = ( ItemPerson * ) aio;
gboolean classPerson = FALSE;
gboolean classInetP = FALSE;
gchar *dn = NULL;
/* Check for E-Mail */
if( exportldif_test_email( person ) ) {
classInetP = TRUE;
else {
/* Bail if no E-Mail address */
if( ctl->excludeEMail ) continue;
/* Format DN */
if( ctl->useDN ) {
dn = exportldif_find_dn( ctl, person );
if( dn == NULL ) {
dn = exportldif_fmt_dn( ctl, person );
if( dn == NULL ) continue;
ldif_write_value( stream, LDIF_TAG_DN, dn );
g_free( dn );
* Test for schema requirements. This is a simple
* test and does not trap all LDAP schema errors.
* These can be detected when the LDIF file is
* loaded into an LDAP server.
if( person->lastName ) {
if( strlen( person->lastName ) > 0 ) {
classPerson = TRUE;
classInetP = TRUE;
if( classPerson ) {
ldif_write_value( stream,
if( classInetP ) {
ldif_write_value( stream,
/* Format person attributes */
sn = g_strdup(person->lastName);
if (classPerson || classInetP) {
if(! sn || strcmp("", sn) == 0 || strcmp(" ", sn) == 0) {
sn = g_strdup("Some SN");
stream, LDIF_TAG_LASTNAME, sn );
sn = NULL;
stream, LDIF_TAG_FIRSTNAME, person->firstName );
if (! person->externalID)
displayName = exportldif_find_displayName(person);
displayName = g_strdup(person->nickName);
ldif_write_value(stream, LDIF_TAG_NICKNAME, displayName);
displayName = NULL;
/* Format E-Mail */
exportldif_fmt_email( person, stream );
/* Handle other attributes */
exportldif_fmt_other_attributes(person, stream);
/* End record */
ldif_write_eor( stream );
retVal = FALSE;
return retVal;
* Format an address book folder.
* \param ctl Export control data.
* \param stream Output stream.
* \param folder Folder to format.
* \return <i>TRUE</i> if no persons were formatted.
static void exportldif_fmt_folder(
ExportLdifCtl *ctl, FILE *stream, const ItemFolder *folder )
const GList *node;
/* Export entries in this folder */
exportldif_fmt_person( ctl, stream, folder );
/* Export entries in sub-folders */
node = folder->listFolder;
while( node ) {
AddrItemObject *aio = node->data;
node = g_list_next( node );
if( aio && aio->type == ITEMTYPE_FOLDER ) {
ItemFolder *subFolder = ( ItemFolder * ) aio;
exportldif_fmt_folder( ctl, stream, subFolder );
* Export address book to LDIF file.
* \param ctl Export control data.
* \param cache Address book/data source cache.
* \return Status.
void exportldif_process( ExportLdifCtl *ctl, AddressCache *cache )
ItemFolder *rootFolder;
FILE *ldifFile;
ldifFile = g_fopen( ctl->path, "wb" );
if( ! ldifFile ) {
/* Cannot open file */
ctl->retVal = MGU_OPEN_FILE;
rootFolder = cache->rootFolder;
exportldif_fmt_folder( ctl, ldifFile, rootFolder );
fclose( ldifFile );
ctl->retVal = MGU_SUCCESS;
* Build full export file specification.
* \param ctl Export control data.
static void exportldif_build_filespec( ExportLdifCtl *ctl ) {
gchar *fileSpec;
fileSpec = g_strconcat(
ctl->dirOutput, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, ctl->fileLdif, NULL );
ctl->path = mgu_replace_string( ctl->path, fileSpec );
g_free( fileSpec );
* Parse directory and filename from full export file specification.
* \param ctl Export control data.
* \param fileSpec File spec.
void exportldif_parse_filespec( ExportLdifCtl *ctl, gchar *fileSpec ) {
gchar *t;
gchar *base = g_path_get_basename(fileSpec);
ctl->fileLdif =
mgu_replace_string( ctl->fileLdif, base );
t = g_path_get_dirname( fileSpec );
ctl->dirOutput = mgu_replace_string( ctl->dirOutput, t );
g_free( t );
ctl->path = mgu_replace_string( ctl->path, fileSpec );
* Create output directory.
* \param ctl Export control data.
* \return TRUE if directory created.
gboolean exportldif_create_dir( ExportLdifCtl *ctl ) {
gboolean retVal = FALSE;
ctl->rcCreate = 0;
if( mkdir( ctl->dirOutput, S_IRWXU ) == 0 ) {
retVal = TRUE;
else {
ctl->rcCreate = errno;
return retVal;
* Retrieve create directory error message.
* \param ctl Export control data.
* \return Message.
gchar *exportldif_get_create_msg( ExportLdifCtl *ctl ) {
gchar *msg;
if( ctl->rcCreate == EEXIST ) {
msg = _( "Name already exists but is not a directory." );
else if( ctl->rcCreate == EACCES ) {
msg = _( "No permissions to create directory." );
else if( ctl->rcCreate == ENAMETOOLONG ) {
msg = _( "Name is too long." );
else {
msg = _( "Not specified." );
return msg;
* Set default values.
* \param ctl Export control data.
static void exportldif_default_values( ExportLdifCtl *ctl ) {
gchar *str;
str = g_strconcat(
get_home_dir(), G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S,
ctl->dirOutput = mgu_replace_string( ctl->dirOutput, str );
g_free( str );
ctl->fileLdif =
mgu_replace_string( ctl->fileLdif, DFL_FILE_CLAWS_OUT );
ctl->suffix = mgu_replace_string( ctl->suffix, "" );
ctl->rdnIndex = EXPORT_LDIF_ID_UID;
ctl->useDN = FALSE;
ctl->retVal = MGU_SUCCESS;
* Load settings from XML properties file.
* \param ctl Export control data.
void exportldif_load_settings( ExportLdifCtl *ctl ) {
XmlProperty *props;
gint rc;
gchar buf[ XML_BUFSIZE ];
props = xmlprops_create();
xmlprops_set_path( props, ctl->settingsFile );
rc = xmlprops_load_file( props );
if( rc == 0 ) {
/* Read settings */
*buf = '\0';
xmlprops_get_property_s( props, EXMLPROP_DIRECTORY, buf );
ctl->dirOutput = mgu_replace_string( ctl->dirOutput, buf );
*buf = '\0';
xmlprops_get_property_s( props, EXMLPROP_FILE, buf );
ctl->fileLdif = mgu_replace_string( ctl->fileLdif, buf );
*buf = '\0';
xmlprops_get_property_s( props, EXMLPROP_SUFFIX, buf );
ctl->suffix = mgu_replace_string( ctl->suffix, buf );
ctl->rdnIndex =
xmlprops_get_property_i( props, EXMLPROP_RDN_INDEX );
ctl->useDN =
xmlprops_get_property_b( props, EXMLPROP_USE_DN );
ctl->excludeEMail =
xmlprops_get_property_b( props, EXMLPROP_EXCL_EMAIL );
else {
/* Set default values */
exportldif_default_values( ctl );
exportldif_build_filespec( ctl );
/* exportldif_print( ctl, stdout ); */
xmlprops_free( props );
* Save settings to XML properties file.
* \param ctl Export control data.
void exportldif_save_settings( ExportLdifCtl *ctl ) {
XmlProperty *props;
props = xmlprops_create();
xmlprops_set_path( props, ctl->settingsFile );
xmlprops_set_property( props, EXMLPROP_DIRECTORY, ctl->dirOutput );
xmlprops_set_property( props, EXMLPROP_FILE, ctl->fileLdif );
xmlprops_set_property( props, EXMLPROP_SUFFIX, ctl->suffix );
xmlprops_set_property_i( props, EXMLPROP_RDN_INDEX, ctl->rdnIndex );
xmlprops_set_property_b( props, EXMLPROP_USE_DN, ctl->useDN );
xmlprops_set_property_b( props, EXMLPROP_EXCL_EMAIL, ctl->excludeEMail );
if (xmlprops_save_file( props ) != MGU_SUCCESS)
g_warning("can't save settings");
xmlprops_free( props );
* ============================================================================
* End of Source.
* ============================================================================