Paul Mangan 869c0aa408 2005-09-12 [paul] 1.9.14cvs19
* src/prefs_themes.c
		make theme info selectable
	* src/gtk/description_window.c
		make window non-modal
	* tools/README
		add details of
	* tools/
		update for new zh_TW translator
		widen the output
		create alternate coloured lines
		improve readability
2005-09-12 08:24:25 +00:00

252 lines
7.9 KiB

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# - Generate statistics for Sylpheed Claws po directory.
# (c) 2003 by Ricardo Mones Lastra <>
# This program is released under the GNU General Public License.
# constants -----------------------------------------------------------------
%langname = (
'bg.po' => 'Bulgarian',
'ca.po' => 'Catalan',
'cs.po' => 'Czech',
'de.po' => 'German',
'el.po' => 'Greek',
'en_GB.po' => 'British English',
'es.po' => 'Spanish',
'fi.po' => 'Finnish',
'fr.po' => 'French',
'hr.po' => 'Croatian',
'hu.po' => 'Hungarian',
'it.po' => 'Italian',
'ja.po' => 'Japanese',
'ko.po' => 'Korean',
'nb.po' => 'Norwegian',
'nl.po' => 'Dutch',
'pl.po' => 'Polish',
'pt_BR.po' => 'Brazilian Portuguese',
'ru.po' => 'Russian',
'sk.po' => 'Slovak',
'sr.po' => 'Serbian',
'sv.po' => 'Swedish',
'zh_CN.po' => 'Simpilified Chinese',
'zh_TW.po' => 'Taiwanese',
%lasttranslator = (
'bg.po' => 'George Danchev <>',
'ca.po' => 'Miquel Oliete <>',
'cs.po' => 'Radek Vybíral <>',
'de.po' => 'Thomas Gilgin <>',
'el.po' => 'Michalis Kabrianis <>',
'en_GB.po' => 'Paul Mangan <>',
'es.po' => 'Ricardo Mones Lastra <>',
'fi.po' => 'Flammie Pirinen <>',
'fr.po' => 'Fabien Vantard <>',
'hr.po' => 'Dragan Leskovar <>',
'hu.po' => 'Gál Zoltán <>',
'it.po' => 'Andrea Spadaccini <>',
'ja.po' => 'Rui Hirokawa <>',
'ko.po' => 'ChiDeok, Hwang <>',
'nb.po' => 'Geir Helland <>',
'nl.po' => 'Wilbert Berendsen <>',
'pl.po' => 'Emilian Nowak <>',
'pt_BR.po' => 'Frederico Goncalves Guimaraes <>',
'ru.po' => 'Pavlo Bohmat <>',
'sk.po' => 'Andrej Kacian <>',
'sr.po' => 'urke <>',
'sv.po' => 'Joakim Andreasson <>',
'zh_CN.po' => 'Hansom Young <>',
'zh_TW.po' => 'Wei-Lun Chao <>',
%barcolornorm = (
default => 'white',
partially => 'lightblue',
completed => 'blue',
%barcoloraged = (
default => 'white',
partially => 'lightgrey', # ligth red '#FFA0A0',
completed => 'grey', # darker red '#FF7070',
%barcolorcheat = ( # remarks translations with revision dates in the future
default => 'white',
partially => 'yellow',
completed => 'red',
$barwidth = 500; # pixels
$barheight = 12; # pixels
$transolddays = 90; # days to consider a translation is old, so probably unmaintained.
$transoldmonths = $transolddays / 30;
$transneedthresold = 0.75; # percent/100
$msgfmt = '/usr/bin/msgfmt';
$averagestr = 'Project average';
$contactaddress = '';
# $pagehead = '../../claws.i18n.head.php';
# $pagetail = '../../claws.i18n.tail.php';
# code begins here ----------------------------------------------------------
sub get_current_date {
$date = `date --utc`;
chop $date;
$date =~ /(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)(\D+)(\d+)/;
$datetimenow = "$5-$3-$9 at $7"."$8";
sub get_trans_age {
my ($y, $m, $d) = @_;
return ($y * 365) + ($m * 31) + $d;
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday) = gmtime(time);
$year += 1900;
$cage = get_trans_age($year,$mon,$mday); # get current "age"
# drawing a language status row
sub print_lang {
my ($lang, $person, $trans, $fuzzy, $untrans, $tage, $oddeven) = @_;
$total = $trans + $fuzzy + $untrans;
if ($tage == 0) { $tage = $cage; } # hack for average translation
print STDERR $cage, " ", $tage, "\n";
if (($cage - $tage) < 0) {
$barcolor = \%barcolorcheat;
} else {
$barcolor = (($cage - $tage) > $transolddays)? \%barcoloraged : \%barcolornorm ;
$_ = $person;
if (/(.+)\s+\<(.+)\>/) { $pname = $1; $pemail = $2; } else { $pname = $pemail = $contactaddress; }
print "<tr";
if ($oddeven > 0) { print " bgcolor=#EFEFEF"; }
print ">\n<td>\n";
if ($lang eq $averagestr) {
print "<b>$lang</b>";
} else {
print "<a href=\"mailto:%22$pname%22%20<$pemail>\">$lang</a>";
print "</td>\n";
print "<td>\n<table style='border: solid 1px black; width: $barwidth' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr>\n";
$barlen = ($trans / $total) * $barwidth;
print "<td style='width:$barlen", "px; height:$barheight", "px;' bgcolor=\"$$barcolor{completed}\"></td>\n";
$barlen2 = ($fuzzy / $total) * $barwidth;
print "<td style='width:$barlen2", "px' bgcolor=\"$$barcolor{partially}\"></td>\n";
$barlen3 = $barwidth - $barlen2 - $barlen;
print "<td style='width:$barlen3", "px' bgcolor=\"$$barcolor{default}\"></td>\n";
print "</tr>\n</table>\n</td>\n\n<td style='text-align: right'>", int(($trans / $total) * 10000) / 100, "%</td>\n";
if (($lang eq $langname{'en_GB.po'}) or ($lang eq $averagestr)) { $trans = $total; } # hack for en_GB and average results
$transtatus = (($trans / $total) < $transneedthresold)? '<font size="+1" color="red"> * </font>': '';
print "<td>$transtatus</td>\n</tr>\n";
sub tens {
my ($i) = @_;
return (($i > 9)? "$i" : "0$i");
# get project version from changelog (project dependent code :-/ )
$_ = `head -1 ../ChangeLog-gtk2.claws`;
if (/\S+\s+\S+\s+(\S+)/) { $genversion = $1; } else { $genversion = 'Unknown'; }
$numlang = keys(%langname);
# print `cat $pagehead`;
# make it a here-doc
#print <<ENDOFHEAD;
# removed for being included
# start
print qq ~<div class=indent>
<b>Translation Status (on $datetimenow for $genversion)</b>
<div class=indent>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>~;
# table header
print qq ~<tr bgcolor=#cccccc>
<th align=left>Language</th>
# get files
opendir(PODIR, ".") || die("Error: can't open current directory\n");
@sorted_pofiles = sort(@pofiles);
# iterate them
$alang = $atran = $afuzz = $auntr = $oddeven = 0;
foreach $pofile (@sorted_pofiles) {
$_ = $pofile;
if (/.+\.po$/) {
print STDERR "Processing $_\n"; # be a little informative
$transage = $tran = $fuzz = $untr = 0;
$_ = `$msgfmt -c --statistics -o /dev/null $pofile 2>&1`;
if (/([0-9]+)\s+translated/) {
$tran = $1;
if (/([0-9]+)\s+fuzzy/) {
$fuzz = $1;
if (/([0-9]+)\s+untranslated/) {
$untr = $1;
# print STDERR "Translated [$tran] Fuzzy [$fuzz] Untranslated [$untr]\n";
$atran += $tran;
$afuzz += $fuzz;
$auntr += $untr;
$_ = `grep 'PO-Revision-Date:' $pofile | cut -f2 -d:`;
if (/\s+(\d+)\-(\d+)\-(\d+)/) {
$transage = get_trans_age($1,$2,$3);
print_lang($langname{$pofile},$lasttranslator{$pofile},$tran,$fuzz,$untr,$transage, $oddeven);
if ($oddeven == 1) { $oddeven = 0 } else { $oddeven++; }
# average results for the project
print "<tr>\n<td colspan=3 height=8></td>\n<tr>";
# table footer
print "</table>\n";
# end
# print "<br>Number of languages supported: $alang <br>";
print qq ~<p>
Languages marked with <font size="+1" color="red"> *</font>
really need your help to be completed.
The ones with grey bars are <i>probably unmaintained</i> because
translation is more than $transoldmonths months old, anyway, trying
to contact current translator first is usually a good idea before
submitting an updated one.<p><b>NOTE</b>: if you are the translator
of one of them and don't want to see your language bar in grey you
should manually update the <tt>PO-Revision-Date</tt> field in the .po
file header (or, alternatively, use a tool which does it for you).
# print `cat $pagetail`;
# make it a here-doc
#print <<ENDOFTAIL;
# removed for being included
# done