Christoph Hohmann 96a33aa0a7 * src/summaryview.c
removed setting folder status from summaryview.
        folder.c should update all message counts correctly.
2002-07-15 10:07:34 +00:00

17 lines
647 B

o make noticeview display only when no retrcpt is pending
(can switch this on and off, but there's somewhere a
gtk_show_all() which displays the noticeview when
messageview is displayed for the first time)
o make noticeview interface more generic
o revisit email/URL parser
o include and adapt Christian Mertes' top level domain patch
o with the new cache / mark system done by Christoph, it's
about time to make the cache files endian neutral (bribe
Hiro to accept the new system too)
o fix processing, summaryview still uses old list of
messages with messages deleted or moved by processing