Tristan Chabredier 9aa907b365 2008-01-22 [wwp] 3.2.0cvs62
* src/account.c
	* src/account.h
	* src/compose.c
	* src/messageview.c
	* src/summaryview.c
	* src/common/utils.c
	* src/common/utils.h
		Allow from=address in mailto sequence:
		  --compose ''
		  The 'from' will try to select the first account matching in accounts list,
		  otherwise will use the usual account selection mechanism but override with
		  this 'from' address.
		Allow mailto with NNTP accounts
		  mailto is now possible w/ NNTP account - if mailto is used when a NNTP account
		  is the default one or if a NNTP account address is used with 'from'.
		  This is more or less a bugfix as it was possible to use mailto with a NNTP
		  default account but the complete mailto sequence was put in To.
2008-01-22 17:43:12 +00:00

534 lines
14 KiB

* Sylpheed -- a GTK+ based, lightweight, and fast e-mail client
* Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Hiroyuki Yamamoto and the Claws Mail team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef __UTILS_H__
#define __UTILS_H__
# include "config.h"
#include <glib.h>
#include <glib-object.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <time.h>
# include <alloca.h>
# include <wchar.h>
/* Wrappers for C library function that take pathname arguments. */
# include <glib/gstdio.h>
#define g_open open
#define g_rename rename
#define g_mkdir mkdir
#define g_stat stat
#define g_lstat lstat
#define g_unlink unlink
#define g_remove remove
#define g_rmdir rmdir
#define g_fopen fopen
#define g_freopen freopen
#if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 7, 0)
#ifdef G_OS_UNIX
#define g_chdir chdir
#define g_chmod chmod
gint g_chdir (const gchar *path);
gint g_chmod (const gchar *path,
gint mode);
#endif /* G_OS_UNIX */
#endif /* !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION */
/* The AC_CHECK_SIZEOF() in configure fails for some machines.
* we provide some fallback values here */
#ifndef HAVE_U32_TYPEDEF
#undef u32 /* maybe there is a macro with this name */
typedef guint32 u32;
#define HAVE_U32_TYPEDEF
#define CHDIR_RETURN_IF_FAIL(dir) \
{ \
if (change_dir(dir) < 0) return; \
#define CHDIR_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAIL(dir, val) \
{ \
if (change_dir(dir) < 0) return val; \
#define CHDIR_EXEC_CODE_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAIL(dir, val, code) \
{ \
if (change_dir(dir) < 0) { \
code \
return val; \
} \
#define Xalloca(ptr, size, iffail) \
{ \
if ((ptr = alloca(size)) == NULL) { \
g_warning("can't allocate memory\n"); \
iffail; \
} \
#define Xstrdup_a(ptr, str, iffail) \
{ \
gchar *__tmp; \
if ((__tmp = alloca(strlen(str) + 1)) == NULL) { \
g_warning("can't allocate memory\n"); \
iffail; \
} else \
strcpy(__tmp, str); \
ptr = __tmp; \
#define Xstrndup_a(ptr, str, len, iffail) \
{ \
gchar *__tmp; \
if ((__tmp = alloca(len + 1)) == NULL) { \
g_warning("can't allocate memory\n"); \
iffail; \
} else { \
strncpy(__tmp, str, len); \
__tmp[len] = '\0'; \
} \
ptr = __tmp; \
#define Xstrcat_a(ptr, str1, str2, iffail) \
{ \
gchar *__tmp; \
gint len1, len2; \
len1 = strlen(str1); \
len2 = strlen(str2); \
if ((__tmp = alloca(len1 + len2 + 1)) == NULL) { \
g_warning("can't allocate memory\n"); \
iffail; \
} else { \
memcpy(__tmp, str1, len1); \
memcpy(__tmp + len1, str2, len2 + 1); \
} \
ptr = __tmp; \
#define AUTORELEASE_STR(str, iffail) \
{ \
gchar *__str; \
Xstrdup_a(__str, str, iffail); \
g_free(str); \
str = __str; \
#define FILE_OP_ERROR(file, func) \
{ \
g_printerr("%s: ", file); \
fflush(stderr); \
perror(func); \
#define IS_ASCII(c) (((guchar) c) <= 0177 ? 1 : 0)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef gpointer (*GNodeMapFunc) (gpointer nodedata, gpointer data);
/* debug functions */
void debug_set_mode (gboolean mode);
gboolean debug_get_mode (void);
#ifndef __CYGWIN__
#define debug_print \
debug_print_real("%s:%d:", debug_srcname(__FILE__), __LINE__), \
/* FIXME: cygwin: why debug_srcname couldn't be resolved in library? */
#define debug_print \
debug_print_real("%s:%d:", __FILE__, __LINE__), \
/* for macro expansion */
#define Str(x) #x
#define Xstr(x) Str(x)
/* System related stuff. */
gboolean superuser_p (void);
/* String utilities. */
void list_free_strings (GList *list);
void slist_free_strings (GSList *list);
void hash_free_strings (GHashTable *table);
gint str_case_equal (gconstpointer v,
gconstpointer v2);
guint str_case_hash (gconstpointer key);
void ptr_array_free_strings (GPtrArray *array);
typedef gboolean (*StrFindFunc) (const gchar *haystack,
const gchar *needle);
gboolean str_find (const gchar *haystack,
const gchar *needle);
gboolean str_case_find (const gchar *haystack,
const gchar *needle);
/* number-string conversion */
gint to_number (const gchar *nstr);
gchar *itos_buf (gchar *nstr,
gint n);
gchar *itos (gint n);
gchar *to_human_readable (off_t size);
/* alternative string functions */
gint strcmp2 (const gchar *s1,
const gchar *s2);
gchar *strstr2 (const gchar *s1,
const gchar *s2);
gint path_cmp (const gchar *s1,
const gchar *s2);
gchar *strretchomp (gchar *str);
gchar *strtailchomp (gchar *str,
gchar tail_char);
gchar *strcrchomp (gchar *str);
gint file_strip_crs (const gchar *file);
gchar *strcasestr (const gchar *haystack,
const gchar *needle);
gpointer my_memmem (gconstpointer haystack,
size_t haystacklen,
gconstpointer needle,
size_t needlelen);
gchar *strncpy2 (gchar *dest,
const gchar *src,
size_t n);
gboolean is_next_nonascii (const gchar *s);
gint get_next_word_len (const gchar *s);
/* functions for string parsing */
gint subject_compare (const gchar *s1,
const gchar *s2);
gint subject_compare_for_sort (const gchar *s1,
const gchar *s2);
void trim_subject (gchar *str);
void eliminate_parenthesis (gchar *str,
gchar op,
gchar cl);
void extract_parenthesis (gchar *str,
gchar op,
gchar cl);
void extract_quote (gchar *str,
gchar quote_chr);
void eliminate_address_comment (gchar *str);
gchar *strchr_with_skip_quote (const gchar *str,
gint quote_chr,
gint c);
void extract_address (gchar *str);
void extract_list_id_str (gchar *str);
GSList *address_list_append (GSList *addr_list,
const gchar *str);
GSList *address_list_append_with_comments(GSList *addr_list,
const gchar *str);
GSList *references_list_prepend (GSList *msgid_list,
const gchar *str);
GSList *references_list_append (GSList *msgid_list,
const gchar *str);
GSList *newsgroup_list_append (GSList *group_list,
const gchar *str);
GList *add_history (GList *list,
const gchar *str);
void remove_return (gchar *str);
void remove_space (gchar *str);
void unfold_line (gchar *str);
void subst_char (gchar *str,
gchar orig,
gchar subst);
void subst_chars (gchar *str,
gchar *orig,
gchar subst);
void subst_for_filename (gchar *str);
void subst_for_shellsafe_filename (gchar *str);
gboolean is_ascii_str (const gchar *str);
gint get_quote_level (const gchar *str,
const gchar *quote_chars);
gint check_line_length (const gchar *str,
gint max_chars,
gint *line);
gchar **strsplit_with_quote (const gchar *str,
const gchar *delim,
gint max_tokens);
gchar *get_abbrev_newsgroup_name (const gchar *group,
gint len);
gchar *trim_string (const gchar *str,
gint len);
GList *uri_list_extract_filenames (const gchar *uri_list);
gboolean is_uri_string (const gchar *str);
gchar *get_uri_path (const gchar *uri);
gint get_uri_len (const gchar *str);
void decode_uri (gchar *decoded_uri,
const gchar *encoded_uri);
void decode_uri_with_plus (gchar *decoded_uri,
const gchar *encoded_uri,
gboolean with_plus);
gint scan_mailto_url (const gchar *mailto,
gchar **from,
gchar **to,
gchar **cc,
gchar **bcc,
gchar **subject,
gchar **body,
gchar ***attach);
/* return static strings */
const gchar *get_home_dir (void);
const gchar *get_rc_dir (void);
void set_rc_dir (const gchar *dir);
gboolean rc_dir_is_alt (void);
const gchar *get_mail_base_dir (void);
const gchar *get_news_cache_dir (void);
const gchar *get_imap_cache_dir (void);
const gchar *get_mime_tmp_dir (void);
const gchar *get_template_dir (void);
const gchar *get_plugin_dir (void);
const gchar *get_tmp_dir (void);
const gchar *get_locale_dir (void);
gchar *get_tmp_file (void);
const gchar *get_domain_name (void);
/* file / directory handling */
off_t get_file_size (const gchar *file);
off_t get_file_size_as_crlf (const gchar *file);
time_t get_file_mtime (const gchar *file);
gboolean file_exist (const gchar *file,
gboolean allow_fifo);
gboolean is_relative_filename (const gchar *file);
gboolean is_dir_exist (const gchar *dir);
gboolean is_file_entry_exist (const gchar *file);
gboolean dirent_is_regular_file (struct dirent *d);
#define is_file_exist(file) file_exist(file, FALSE)
#define is_file_or_fifo_exist(file) file_exist(file, TRUE)
gint change_dir (const gchar *dir);
gint make_dir (const gchar *dir);
gint make_dir_hier (const gchar *dir);
gint remove_all_files (const gchar *dir);
gint remove_numbered_files (const gchar *dir,
guint first,
guint last);
gint remove_numbered_files_not_in_list(const gchar *dir,
GSList *numberlist);
gint remove_all_numbered_files (const gchar *dir);
gint remove_dir_recursive (const gchar *dir);
gint append_file (const gchar *src,
const gchar *dest,
gboolean keep_backup);
gint rename_force (const gchar *oldpath,
const gchar *newpath);
gint copy_file (const gchar *src,
const gchar *dest,
gboolean keep_backup);
gint move_file (const gchar *src,
const gchar *dest,
gboolean overwrite);
gint copy_dir (const gchar *src,
const gchar *dest);
gint copy_file_part_to_fp (FILE *fp,
off_t offset,
size_t length,
FILE *dest_fp);
gint copy_file_part (FILE *fp,
off_t offset,
size_t length,
const gchar *dest);
gchar *canonicalize_str (const gchar *str);
gint canonicalize_file (const gchar *src,
const gchar *dest);
gint canonicalize_file_replace (const gchar *file);
gchar *normalize_newlines (const gchar *str);
gchar *get_outgoing_rfc2822_str (FILE *fp);
gint change_file_mode_rw (FILE *fp,
const gchar *file);
FILE *my_tmpfile (void);
FILE *get_tmpfile_in_dir (const gchar *dir,
gchar **filename);
FILE *str_open_as_stream (const gchar *str);
gint str_write_to_file (const gchar *str,
const gchar *file);
gchar *file_read_to_str (const gchar *file);
gchar *file_read_stream_to_str (FILE *fp);
gchar *file_read_to_str_no_recode(const gchar *file);
gchar *file_read_stream_to_str_no_recode(FILE *fp);
char *fgets_crlf(char *buf, int size, FILE *stream);
/* process execution */
gint execute_command_line (const gchar *cmdline,
gboolean async);
gchar *get_command_output (const gchar *cmdline);
/* open URI with external browser */
gint open_uri(const gchar *uri, const gchar *cmdline);
/* open file with text editor */
gint open_txt_editor(const gchar *filepath, const gchar *cmdline);
/* time functions */
time_t remote_tzoffset_sec (const gchar *zone);
time_t tzoffset_sec (time_t *now);
gchar *tzoffset (time_t *now);
void get_rfc822_date (gchar *buf,
gint len);
size_t fast_strftime (gchar *buf,
gint buflen,
const gchar *format,
struct tm *lt);
/* debugging */
void debug_print_real (const gchar *format, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(1, 2);
const char * debug_srcname (const char *file);
/* subject threading */
void * subject_table_lookup(GHashTable *subject_table, gchar * subject);
void subject_table_insert(GHashTable *subject_table, gchar * subject,
void * data);
void subject_table_remove(GHashTable *subject_table, gchar * subject);
void utils_free_regex(void);
gint subject_get_prefix_length (const gchar *subject);
/* quoting recognition */
const gchar * line_has_quote_char (const gchar *str,
const gchar *quote_chars);
gint g_int_compare (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b);
gchar *generate_msgid (gchar *buf, gint len);
gchar *generate_mime_boundary (const gchar *prefix);
gint quote_cmd_argument(gchar * result, guint size,
const gchar * path);
GNode *g_node_map(GNode *node, GNodeMapFunc func, gpointer data);
gboolean get_hex_value(guchar *out, gchar c1, gchar c2);
void get_hex_str(gchar *out, guchar ch);
/* auto pointer for containers that support GType system */
#define G_TYPE_AUTO_POINTER g_auto_pointer_register()
typedef struct AutoPointer GAuto;
GType g_auto_pointer_register (void);
GAuto *g_auto_pointer_new (gpointer pointer);
GAuto *g_auto_pointer_new_with_free (gpointer p,
GFreeFunc free);
gpointer g_auto_pointer_get_ptr (GAuto *auto_ptr);
GAuto *g_auto_pointer_copy (GAuto *auto_ptr);
void g_auto_pointer_free (GAuto *auto_ptr);
void replace_returns (gchar *str);
gboolean get_uri_part (const gchar *start,
const gchar *scanpos,
const gchar **bp,
const gchar **ep,
gboolean hdr);
gchar *make_uri_string (const gchar *bp,
const gchar *ep);
gboolean get_email_part (const gchar *start,
const gchar *scanpos,
const gchar **bp,
const gchar **ep,
gboolean hdr);
gchar *make_email_string(const gchar *bp,
const gchar *ep);
gchar *make_http_string (const gchar *bp,
const gchar *ep);
gchar *mailcap_get_command_for_type(const gchar *type,
const gchar *file_to_open);
void mailcap_update_default (const gchar *type,
const gchar *command);
gboolean file_is_email(const gchar *filename);
gboolean sc_g_list_bigger(GList *list, gint max);
gboolean sc_g_slist_bigger(GSList *list, gint max);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __UTILS_H__ */