Tristan Chabredier d711833382 2006-09-06 [wwp] 2.4.0cvs154
* manual/pl/advanced.xml
	* manual/advanced.xml
	* manual/es/advanced.xml
	* manual/fr/advanced.xml
	* src/prefs_customheader.c
	* src/prefs_filtering_action.c
	* src/foldersel.c
	* src/prefs_summaries.c
	* src/prefs_filtering.c
	* src/account.c
	* src/compose.c
	* src/prefs_summary_column.c
	* src/addr_compl.c
	* src/prefs_actions.c
	* src/prefs_folder_column.c
	* src/ssl_manager.c
	* src/prefs_template.c
	* src/prefs_display_header.c
	* src/prefs_common.h
	* src/prefs_matcher.c
	* src/prefs_common.c
	* src/prefs_toolbar.c
	* src/summaryview.c
	* src/folderview.c
	* src/gtk/gtksctree.c
	* src/gtk/pluginwindow.c
	* src/gtk/progressdialog.c
	* src/gtk/prefswindow.c
		renamed hidden option enable_rules_hint to use_stripes_everywhere
		to make its meaning more obvious (all versions of the manual reflect
		the change).
		added an extra hidden option use_stripes_in_summary to allow
		discarding these stripes in mainwindow's folder and message lists;
		en and fr manuals only are OK towards this.
2006-09-06 09:14:40 +00:00

696 lines
22 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<section id="ch_advanced">
<title>Advanced features</title>
<section id="adv_actions">
Actions allow you to use all the power of the Unix command-line with
your emails. You can define various commands, taking parameters such
as the current email file, a list of emails, the currently selected
text, and so on. In this way, you'll be able to perform various tasks
such as editing a raw mail in your text editor,
<emphasis>hide</emphasis> what you mean using ROT-13, apply patches
contained in emails directly, and so on. The only limit is your
imagination. You can configure Actions via the <quote>Tools</quote>
<title>Simple <quote>Open With...</quote></title>
Menu name: <emphasis>Open with/kate</emphasis>
Command Line: <command>kate %p</command>
Opens the file of the selected decoded MIME part
(<emphasis>%p</emphasis>) with the <emphasis>kate</emphasis> text
<title>Spam management using <ulink
Menu name: <emphasis>Bogofilter/Mark as Ham</emphasis>
Command Line: <command>bogofilter -n -v -B "%f"</command>
Marks the currently selected mails (<emphasis>%f</emphasis>) as
<quote>not spam</quote> using <emphasis>Bogofilter</emphasis>.
Menu name: <emphasis>Bogofilter/Mark as Spam</emphasis>
Command Line: <command>bogofilter -s -v -B "%f"</command>
Marks the currently selected mails (<emphasis>%f</emphasis>) as
<quote>spam</quote> using <emphasis>Bogofilter</emphasis>.
<title>Search Google using an external script</title>
Menu name: <emphasis>Search/Google</emphasis>
Command Line: <command>|/path/to/</command>
Searches Google for the currently selected text
(<emphasis>|</emphasis>) using the external script <emphasis><ulink
<section id="adv_templates">
Templates are used in composition windows, and act as a model for
emails. Templates can be filled with static text and dynamic parts,
such as the original sender's name (<quote>Dear %N, ...</quote>),
the date, etc. When applying a template, the dynamic fields will be
replaced with the relevant values. You can configure templates via
the <quote>Tools</quote> menu.
When applying a template, you will be asked to <quote>Insert</quote>
or <quote>Replace</quote>, the difference between replacing and
inserting is only concerned with the message body.
<quote>Replace</quote> will replace the current composition window
message body with the body defined in the template, clearing it if
the template body is empty. <quote>Insert</quote> will insert
the template's body, if set, at the current cursor position.
Whether you choose to Insert or Replace, any To, Cc or Bcc field
that is defined in the template will be appended to the compose
window's recipients list. If it is defined, the template's Subject
will always replace the compose window's Subject.
Symbols can be used in all parts of the templates and will be
substituted with their respective dynamic value if possible, otherwise
no value will be used. This often makes more sense if you apply a
template when replying or forwarding, otherwise most of the symbols
value will be undefined. There is no restriction on which symbols can
be used in template parts, even if inserting the body (%M or %Q) may
make no sense in common situations.
When applying a template, the body is processed first, then the To, Cc,
Bcc and Subject fields follow.
Further information and examples of usage can be found in the
user-contributed FAQ on the Sylpheed-Claws website <ulink
<section id="adv_processing">
Processing rules are the same as Filtering rules, except that they are
applied when entering a folder and apply only to this folder. You can
use them to automatically move old mails into an archive folder, or for
further dispatching of emails, and more. You can set each folder's
Processing rules by right-clicking on it.
Processing rules are accompanied by Pre-processing and Post-processing
rules. Like Processing rules, they apply only when opening a folder,
but like Filtering rules, they are shared accross all folders. You can
configure them from the <quote>Tools</quote> menu. Pre-processing rules
are executed before the folder's specific Processing rules, while
Post-processing rules are executed afterwards.
<section id="adv_colour_labels">
<title>Colour Labels</title>
Colour labels can be used to denote a message as having a particular
significance. To set a colour label simply right-click a message in the
Message List and use the <quote>Color label</quote> submenu.
Colour labels are user-configurable. Both the colour and the label can
be set by the user. Preferences can be found on the
<quote>Configuration/Preferences/Display/Colors</quote> page.
<section id="adv_ml_support">
<title>Mailing-List support</title>
Sylpheed-Claws offers mailing-list support from the
<quote>Message/Mailing-List/</quote> submenu. When you have a
mailing-list message selected, the submenu allows you to quickly
initiate subscribing, unsubscribing, posting, getting help, contacting
the list owner, and viewing the list archive; either by opening a new
Compose window with the appropriate address pre-filled, or by opening
the URL in your web browser.
<section id="adv_plugins">
Plugins are the mechanism for extending Sylpheed-Claws' capabilities.
For example, imagine that you want to store your mails in a remote
<acronym>SQL</acronym> database. In most mailers out there this is
simply impossible without reworking the internals of the mailer. With
Sylpheed-Claws you can simply write a plugin to achieve the task.
This is just an example of the possibilities. A good number of plugins
developed for Sylpheed-Claws already exist, and more are to come. The
<link linkend="ch_plugins">Extending Sylpheed-Claws section</link>
gives details of them.
<section id="deploying">
<title>Deploying Sylpheed-Claws</title>
The initial configuration wizard tries to guess various fields using
information gathered from the system, such as username, hostname, and
more. As it is oriented towards general use, the default values often
have to be fixed. However, this wizard is customisable, in a manner
designed to allow system administrators to deploy Sylpheed-Claws easily
over various users of one machine, or even over multiple machines
installed via some replication tool.
The first part consists of creating a wizard configuration template
and setting the various default parameters of a new Sylpheed-Claws
Start with a user who does not have a <filename class="directory"
>~/.sylpheed-claws</filename> directory, ideally a new user.
Start Sylpheed-Claws and go through the wizard. The values you fill in
will be of no use for the future deployment, so you can click
Once the wizard is finished and you have Sylpheed-Claws' main window
opened, configure the various defaults you want to have in the master.
You can load plugins, add people or LDAP servers in the addressbook,
create filtering rules, and so on.
If needed, and if the deployed Sylpheed-Claws will use MH folders, you
can create subdirectories in the mailbox.
Next, quit Sylpheed-Claws.
Now, edit the newly created wizard template file,
<filename>~/.sylpheed-claws/accountrc.tmpl</filename>. In this file,
you will see different variables, corresponding to the wizard's fields.
You can leave some commented, in which case the usual default will be
used, or specify values or variables. Not all fields can contain
variables; for example, <literal>smtpauth</literal>,
<literal>smtpssl</literal> and <literal>recvssl</literal> are booleans,
either 0 or 1, and <literal>recvtype</literal> is an integer value. The
other fields, like <literal>name</literal>, <literal>email</literal>,
or <literal>recvuser</literal>, are parsed by the wizard and the
variables they contain are replaced by values. This allows you to
specify everything as needed for your site, even if you have strange
server names or server logins.
Save this file, and delete both
<filename>~/.sylpheed-claws/accountrc</filename>, (which contains your
dummy account) and
<filename>~/.sylpheed-claws/folderlist.xml</filename>, (so that the
folder tree will be correctly parsed for new users). Recursively copy
<filename class="directory">.sylpheed-claws</filename> to
<filename class="directory">/etc/skel/</filename>; if the deployed
Sylpheed-Claws will use MH folders, also copy the created
<filename class="directory">Mail</filename> directory. chown all of
<filename class="directory">/etc/skel/.sylpheed-claws</filename>
and <filename class="directory">/etc/skel/Mail</filename> to
<literal>root:root</literal> for security reasons.
Test! Create a new user, login as that user, run Sylpheed-Claws. If you
filled everything as you wanted, this user will just have to fill in
his passwords.
Now, if you're creating a master for a site-wide deployment, you can
continue with this process. If you were just doing it for one machine,
you're done!
Here are the different variables of the <filename>accountrc.tmpl</filename>
Your domain name ( If not set, it'll be extracted from the
The user's name. If not set, it'll be extracted from Unix login
information, which is usually ok.
The user's email. If not set, it'll be extracted from
<literal>$name</literal> and <literal>$domain</literal>.
Your organization. If not set, it'll be empty.
The SMTP server to use. If not set, it'll be
0 or 1. Whether to authenticate on the SMTP server. If not set, it'll
be 0.
The login on the SMTP server. If not set, it'll be empty (same login as
for reception will be used).
The password on the SMTP server. If not set, it'll be empty (if
<literal>smtppass</literal> is empty but <literal>smtpuser</literal> is
not, the user will be asked for the password).
The type of server to receive from. 0 for POP3, 3 for IMAP4, 5 for a
local MBOX file. If not set, it'll be 0 (POP3).
The reception server. If not set, it'll be
<literal>(pop|imap).$domain</literal>, depending on
The login on the reception server. If not set, it'll be extracted from
the Unix login information.
The password on the reception server. If not set, it'll be empty (the
user will be asked for it once per session).
The IMAP subdirectory. If not set, it'll be empty, which is often
The MBOX file to receive from if <literal>$recvtype</literal> is 5.
If not set, <literal>/var/mail/$LOGIN</literal>.
The MH mailbox to store mail in (for <literal>$recvtype</literal> 0 or
5). If not set, it'll be <quote>Mail</quote>.
0 or 1. Whether to use SSL for sending mail. If not set, it'll be 0.
0 or 1. Whether to use SSL for receiving mail. If not set, it'll be 0.
Here are the different variables you can use in the
<literal>domain</literal>, <literal>name</literal>,
<literal>email</literal>, <literal>organization</literal>,
<literal>smtpserver</literal>, <literal>smtpuser</literal>,
<literal>smtppass</literal>, <literal>recvserver</literal>,
<literal>recvuser</literal>, <literal>recvpass</literal>,
<literal>imapdir</literal>, <literal>mboxfile</literal> and
<literal>mailbox</literal> fields:
The domain name as extracted from Unix hostname information.
Often wrong.
The domain name as set in the domain variable, the first of the
template file.
<para>The user's real name.</para>
<para>The user's Unix login.</para>
The user's real name as set in the name variable of the template field,
in lowercase and with spaces replaced by dots.
<quote>Colin Leroy</quote> becomes <quote>colin.leroy</quote>.
The email address as set in the email variable of the template field.
Be sure not to use a variable before defining it.
<section id="adv_hidden">
<title>Hidden preferences</title>
There are a number of hidden preferences in Sylpheed-Claws, preferences
that some users who we wanted to please couldn't live without, but
which did not have a place in the GUI in our opinion. You can find the
following, and change them while Sylpheed-Claws is not running, in
Show unread messages in the Message List using a bold font.
The maximum amount of memory to use to cache messages, in kB.
The minimum time in minutes to keep a cache in memory. Caches more
recent than this time will not be freed, even if the memory usage is
too high.
Don't use bold and italic text in Compose dialogue's account selector.
Use the <emphasis>old</emphasis> dotted line look for the Folder List and
Message List instead of the <emphasis>modern</emphasis> lineless look.
Enable the horizontal scrollbar in the Message List.
Enable alternately coloured lines in GtkTreeView components.
Enable alternately coloured lines in main window's GtkTreeView components
(folder list and messages list). The only useful way to use this option is
to set it to 0 when use_stripes_everywhere is set to 1.
Display the sender's email address in the To column of the
Sent folder instead of the recipient's.
Specify the policy of vertical scrollbar of Folder List.
'0' is always shown, '1' is automatic, '2' is always hidden.
Time in milliseconds that will cause a folder tree to expand
when the mouse cursor is held over it during drag 'n' drop.
Don't ask for confirmation before definitive deletion of emails.
The colours used in the log window.
Number of seconds to wait before marking an opened mail as read.
Disables the verification of SSL certificates.
Update stepping in progress bars.
Display the cursor in the message view.
Number of days to include a message in a thread when using
<quote>Thread using subject in addition to standard headers</quote>.
Show handles in the toolbars.
Use UTF-8 encoding for broken mails instead of current locale.
Display a confirmation dialogue on drag 'n' drop of folders.