Paul Mangan 977fa3edad 2005-10-21 [paul] 1.9.15cvs87
* tools/
	* tools/
	* tools/README
	* tools/README.sylprint
	* tools/		** REMOVED **
	* tools/
	* tools/
	* tools/
	* tools/gpg-sign-syl		** REMOVED **
	* tools/
	* tools/
	* tools/
	* tools/
	* tools/
	* tools/
	* tools/sylpheed-switcher	** REMOVED **
	* tools/
	* tools/sylprint.rc
	* tools/tb2sylpheed
	* tools/
	* tools/kdeservicemenu/
		update default config dir
		update binary name (thanks to Fabien Vantard)
		remove obsolete scripts
2005-10-21 09:05:25 +00:00

233 lines
8.1 KiB
Raw Blame History

NAME - process a Sylpheed mail and print it using
enscript if available (or lpr if not)
SYNTAX '%s' [-r] [options]
Sylprint is a perl script for printing mails from Sylpheed
mailer. Syntax given is appropiate (and designed) for usage
in the "Printing" box of Sylpheed that appears when going
Configuration->Common Preferences menu, Other tab.
Sylprint translates the english header names given by
Sylpheed into the local language if available. Also wraps
long lines without breaking words, and indents headers, all
in order to make a nicer and easier to read hardcopy.
There are other programs that produce a nicer hardcopy,
for example muttprint, but you pay the price of requiring
LaTeX installed for the job. Sylprint tries to do it nice,
but no so nice and also lowering resources required.
It also has a GTK interface (in development) if you don't
want to remember all those flags. The interface is only that,
an interface, thus isn't required at all for running
sylprint script, but while an experienced user may prefer
to use the script straightforward, a beginner may feel more
comfortable with a "printing panel"-like window.
Options may be specfied in any order, but separated (i.e.: a
valid specification is "-e -h" while "-eh" is not).
All the options except -p and -v have the purpose of changing
or disabling something that is done by default, so if you like
the default output all may be totally useless. But not always.
Options are:
-e Do not use enscript at all (even if available).
-f font
Use font for printing mail. Font specification style
is name[@{size|width/height}] (examples: 'Times',
'Times@12', 'Times@8/10').
Font syntax correctness is checked, but availability
of the font on the system is not checked.
Default font is 'Courier@9/13'.
-h Do not print page header. Page header includes date
and page numbering and is generated by enscript.
-p printer
Use printer for printing (default is 'lp'). Printer
is not checked at all, so must be a valid printer
name within your system.
-r Do not parse user configuration file (sylprint.rc).
This must be the first option after filename if used.
-s [char]
Do not print separator line between headers and body
unless char is specified, then set char as separator
character in place of default one (underscore).
-t Do not translate mail headers.
-v Preview mail before printing. Preview is done using
gv for enscript processed mails and gless for non
processed ones.
You can specify this option twice to avoid printing
at all, in case you only want a preview.
-w [number]
If no number is given, disables line wrapping in
mail text, else sets the column for wrapping to
number instead of 79, which is the default value.
-H Do not print mail headers (From, To, etc.). This also
disables separator line printing.
-Q [quote chars]
Do not print quoted text (usually introduced by '>').
You may supply the character or characters that lead
the quoted text. These character(s) must be the first
on a line to be interpreted as quoted.
Remember to escape them from shell enclosed in single
quotes ('|' for example) if required.
-S Do not print mail signature (mail signatures started
with -- and carriage return).
-- Finish option parsing. All the options specified after
this are passed unmodified to enscript or lpr.
"required filename missing"
No arguments were provided to the script, at least
one, the filename with the mail to be printed, is
required. See SYNTAX.
"invalid font"
The parameter of -f option does not match a valid
font specification. See OPTIONS or enscript manpage.
"invalid number"
The parameter of -w option must be a decimal number
without sign. See SYNTAX.
"/usr/bin/lpr not found"
The line printer command couldn't be stated. Be sure
you have it installed where you configured, and if
file permissions allow you to execute it.
In some systems access to printer(s) is restricted.
"trying lpr: error message"
The lpr command failed by some reason, luckily by the
stated in error message.
"/usr/bin/enscript not found, using lpr"
Enscript can't be found there, be sure it's installed
and you set the right path in the config.
As fallback, mail is printed using (ugly) lpr.
"charset not supported by enscript: using lpr"
Enscript doesn't (actually) support:
* euc-jp (Japanese)
* euc-kr (Korean)
* iso-8859-9 (Turkish)
* gb2312, big5 (Chinese)
charset encodings, so only lpr can be used with them.
LANG If defined is used to guess the language that should
be tried for translating and the charset encoding.
HOME For getting Sylpheed user's config directory.
USER For building temp files.
The script itself.
Stores user default preferred configuration for the
script. Settings in this file may be overriden by
command line options. Must be stored in the same
directory of the script and/or in the ~/.sylpheed-claws
one (Sylpheed user's configuration directory).
Temporary files created to store a processed mail.
Username is the login name of the user invoking the
sylprint script and number is the PID of the script
process itself.
These files are actually deleted unless something went
really wrong.
Same as the former, used to store PostScript preview
of mail if preview is enabled.
Sylpheed Claws:
enscript(1), lpr(1), gv(1)
Supported languages are only those supported by Sylpheed.
Supported encodings are only those supported by enscript.
Charset encodings not supported by enscript are printed via
There are languages partially translated, mainly because
the strings lack of translation in the po files or I was
unable to guess a correct one from them.
Currently Greek is the only language in this category.
There is no enough command line options to set all config
variables. This is not really a bug, because is intentional,
only most common/useful features have an option. The rest
can be set on the rc file.
Diagnostic messages should be nicer and more informative.
If you use a proportional font for printing mail with
enscript, all the header's alignment and long line wrapping
may be (and almost surely be) lost.
The original author is Ricardo Mones Lastra, but much more
people have, indirectly, contributed to this by providing
Sylpheed translations, here used again:
Alfons Hoogervorst; Andreas Hinz; Ante Karamati<74>;
Danilo Bodei; Dmitry S. Sivachenko; Fabio Junior
Beneditto; Frank J. J. Weng; G<>rkem <20>etin; Gustavo
Noronha Silva; Hiroyuki Yamamoto; Jens Oberender;
Joakim Andreasson; Martin Schaaf; Melvin Hadasht;
Michalis Kabrianis; Paul Rolland; Peeter Vois;
Przemyslaw Sulek; Sergey Vlasov; Sz<53>kely Kriszti<74>n;
Vincent van Adrighem; Vladim<69>r Marek; Xiangxin Luo.
(Obtained from "Last-Translator" field on current po files)
Sylprint script, config files and documentation.
(c) 2001 by Ricardo Mones Lastra <>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
MA 02111-1307, USA.