import downloader from utils import Session, Downloader, LazyUrl, clean_url, try_n, Soup, clean_title, get_ext, get_max_range, get_print import json, os, ree as re from timee import sleep from translator import tr_ import urllib import constants from ratelimit import limits, sleep_and_retry from m3u8_tools import playlist2stream, M3u8_stream BASE_URL = '' class Downloader_pinter(Downloader): type = 'pinter' URLS = ['pinterest.'] type_pinter = 'board' display_name = 'Pinterest' @try_n(4) def init(self): self.api = PinterestAPI() self._pin_id = re.find(r'https?://.*pinterest\.[^/]+/pin/([0-9]+)', self.url) if self._pin_id is not None: self.type_pinter = 'pin' else: username, board = get_username_board(self.url) if '/' in board: self.type_pinter = 'section' self.print_('type: {}'.format(self.type_pinter)) if self.type_pinter in ['board', 'section']: = get_info(username, board, self.api) elif self.type_pinter == 'pin': pass #5132 else: raise NotImplementedError(self.type_pinter) @classmethod def fix_url(cls, url): if 'pinterest.' not in url: url = '{}'.format(url) return url @property def name(self): if self.type_pinter == 'pin': return self._pin_id username =['owner']['username'] name =['name'] return clean_title((u'{}/{}').format(username, name)) def read(self): if self.type_pinter == 'pin': self.single = True id = self._pin_id else: id =['id'] self.title = imgs = get_imgs(id, self.api,,, type=self.type_pinter) for img in imgs: self.urls.append(img.url) self.title = def get_info(username, board, api): if '/' in board: section = (u'/').join(board.split('/')[1:]) board = board.split('/')[0] info = api.board(username, board) for s in api.board_sections(info['id']): print(s['slug'].lower(), section) if s['slug'].lower() == section.lower(): break else: raise Exception('Invalid section') title = s['title'] info.update(s) info['name'] = (u'{}/{}').format(info['name'], title) print('section_id:', info['id']) else: info = api.board(username, board) return info class PinterestAPI: HEADERS = { 'Accept': 'application/json, text/javascript, */*, q=0.01', 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5', 'Referer': BASE_URL + '/', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'X-APP-VERSION' : '31461e0', 'X-Pinterest-AppState': 'active', 'Origin': BASE_URL, } def __init__(self): self.session = Session('chrome') self.session.headers.update(self.HEADERS) def pin(self, pin_id): options = {'id': pin_id, 'field_set_key': 'detailed'} return self._call('Pin', options)['resource_response']['data'] def pin_related(self, pin_id): options = {'pin': pin_id, 'add_vase': True, 'pins_only': True} return self._pagination('RelatedPinFeed', options) def board(self, user, board): options = {'slug': board, 'username': user, 'field_set_key': 'detailed'} return self._call('Board', options)['resource_response']['data'] def board_pins(self, board_id): options = {'board_id': board_id} return self._pagination('BoardFeed', options) def board_related(self, board_id): options = {'board_id': board_id, 'add_vase': True} return self._pagination('BoardRelatedPixieFeed', options) def board_sections(self, board_id): options = {'board_id': board_id} return self._pagination('BoardSections', options) def board_section_pins(self, section_id): options = {'section_id': section_id} return self._pagination('BoardSectionPins', options) @try_n(4) @sleep_and_retry @limits(1, 4) # 1000 calls per hour def _call(self, resource, options): url = ('{}/resource/{}Resource/get/').format(BASE_URL, resource) params = {'data': json.dumps({'options': options}), 'source_url': ''} print('_call: {}, {}'.format(url, params)) r = self.session.get(url, params=params) print(r) global R R = r s = r.text status_code = r.status_code try: data = json.loads(s) except ValueError: data = {} if status_code < 400 and not r.history: return data if status_code == 404 or r.history: raise Exception('Not Found') raise Exception('API request failed: {}'.format(status_code)) def _pagination(self, resource, options): while True: data = self._call(resource, options) for x in data['resource_response']['data']: yield x try: bookmarks = data['resource']['options']['bookmarks'] if not bookmarks or bookmarks[0] == '-end-' or bookmarks[0].startswith('Y2JOb25lO'): return options['bookmarks'] = bookmarks except KeyError: return class Image: def __init__(self, img): = img['id'] print( videos = img.get('videos') if videos and 'video_list' in videos: src = list(videos['video_list'].values())[0]['url'] else: src = img['images']['orig']['url'] ext = get_ext(src) if ext.lower() == '.m3u8': try: src = playlist2stream(src) except: src = M3u8_stream(src) ext = '.mp4' self.url = LazyUrl(('{}/pin/{}/').format(BASE_URL,, lambda _: src, self) self.filename = ('{}{}').format(, ext) def get_imgs(id, api, cw=None, title=None, type='board'): print_ = get_print(cw) n = get_max_range(cw) imgs = [] ids = set() print('get_imgs: type={}'.format(type)) if type == 'board': gen = api.board_pins(id) elif type == 'section': gen = api.board_section_pins(id) elif type == 'pin': gen = [] else: raise Exception((u'Type "{}" is not supported').format(type)) for img in gen: if 'images' not in img: print('skip img:', img['id']) continue img = Image(img) if type == 'pin' and != id: raise AssertionError('id mismatch') if in ids: print('duplicate:', continue ids.add( print(img.url) print(img.filename) print() imgs.append(img) if len(imgs) >= n: break if cw is not None: if not cw.alive: return [] cw.setTitle((u'{} {} ({})').format(tr_(u'\uc77d\ub294 \uc911...'), title, len(imgs))) return imgs def get_username_board(url): url = clean_url(url) m ='pinterest.[a-zA-Z.]+?/([^/]+)/([^#\\?]+)', url) username, board = m.groups() board = urllib.parse.unquote(board).strip() while board.endswith('/'): board = board[:-1].strip() return (username, board)