#' --- #' title: Emacs survey 2020 #' date: "2022-10-25" #' author: "Jose - https://ajuda.multifarm.top" #' output: #' html_document: #' code_folding: show #' toc: yes #' toc_float: #' smooth_scroll: true #' df_print: paged #' highlight: zenburn #' --- rm(list = ls()) # renv::init() #' For reproducibility library(data.table) library(DT) #' ## Emacs survey 2020: #' #' cleaned up data: #' #' https://emacs-survey.netlify.app/2020/Emacs-User-Survey-2020-clean.csv #' #' Raw data: #' #' https://emacs-survey.netlify.app/2020/Emacs-User-Survey-2020-raw.csv url = 'https://emacs-survey.netlify.app/2020/Emacs-User-Survey-2020-clean.csv' d <- fread(url, check.names = TRUE) str(d) names(d) #' ## Date #' #' Should arrange class(d$Submission.Date) d[, .N, Submission.Date] #' ## Favorite packages DT::datatable(d[, .N, Can.you.list.some.of.your.favorite.packages.][order(-N)]) #' ## Difficulties faced d[, .N, Can.you.recall.any.difficulties.you.faced.initially.learning.Emacs.][ order(-N)] |> datatable() #' ## Describe org-mode usage datatable(d[, .N, Describe.your.org.mode.usage]) #' ## Describe org-mode usage d[, .N, For.how.many.years.have.you.been.using.Emacs.][order(-N)] |> knitr::kable() sent1 = 'I installed it first circa 2013, I guess. Hard to remember; it was on Windows. I was not a regular user until 2016, and a confident user until 2017.' sent2 = "I've used Emacs for nearly one decade, but will be purposefully vague beyond this." sent1 sent2 d[For.how.many.years.have.you.been.using.Emacs. == sent1, "For.how.many.years.have.you.been.using.Emacs."] <- 7 d[For.how.many.years.have.you.been.using.Emacs. == sent2, "For.how.many.years.have.you.been.using.Emacs."] <- 10 d[, .N, For.how.many.years.have.you.been.using.Emacs.] d[, Years.using.emacs := as.numeric(For.how.many.years.have.you.been.using.Emacs.)] d[, .N, Years.using.emacs] library(ggplot2) ggplot(d, aes(Years.using.emacs)) + geom_histogram() + theme_minimal() ggplot(d, aes(Years.using.emacs)) + geom_density(aes(color = "red", fill = "red"), alpha = 0.3) + # geom_histogram(alpha = 0.1) + theme_minimal() #' ## OS you primarily use with emacs datatable(d[, .N, Which.OS.do.you.primarily.use.Emacs.on.][ order(-N) ])