#!/bin/bash # Where are we? pwd=$(pwd) # Find out what the src and dest are... echo "Please enter your source path" read -r src echo "Please enter your destination path" read -r dest # Check for the 'bin' dir in the users 'Home' directory and create it if not present... if [ -d "$HOME"/bin ]; then echo "$HOME/bin exists, nothing to do..." else echo "$HOME/bin not found - creating..." && mkdir "$HOME"/bin && echo "$HOME/bin created!" fi # Make the root dir... mkdir "$HOME"/bin/backup_home # Copy files over to ~/bin cp "$pwd"/Backup.sh "$HOME"/bin/backup_home cp "$pwd"/Backup.svg "$HOME"/bin/backup_home cp "$pwd"/LICENSE "$HOME"/bin/backup_home cp "$pwd"/README.md "$HOME"/bin/backup_home cp "$pwd"/uninstall.sh "$HOME"/bin/backup_home cp "$pwd"/Backup.desktop "$HOME"/.local/share/applications # Set source and destination in Backup.sh sed -i "s|source=|source=$src|" "$HOME"/bin/backup_home/Backup.sh sed -i "s|destination=|destination=$dest|" "$HOME"/bin/backup_home/Backup.sh # Edit the menu entry file... sed -i "s|Exec=|Exec=$HOME/bin/backup_home/Backup.sh|" "$HOME"/.local/share/applications/Backup.desktop sed -i "s|Icon=|Icon=$HOME/bin/backup_home/Backup.svg|" "$HOME"/.local/share/applications/Backup.desktop # Let the user know we have finished... echo "All done! Press 'Enter' to close this window..." read -r