1636 lines
53 KiB
1636 lines
53 KiB
import * as FS from "fs";
import { randomUUID } from "node:crypto";
import * as Path from "path";
import * as toml from "@iarna/toml";
import deepEqual from "deep-equal";
import semver from "semver";
import * as uuid from "uuid";
import * as Verda from "verda";
import which from "which";
export const build = Verda.create();
const { task, file, oracle, computed } = build.ruleTypes;
const { de, fu, sfu, ofu } = build.rules;
const { run, node, cd, cp, rm, mv, fail, echo, silently, absolutelySilently } = build.actions;
const { FileList } = build.predefinedFuncs;
const BUILD = ".build";
const DIST = "dist";
const IMAGES = "images";
const PACKAGES = "packages";
const TOOLS = "tools";
const IMAGE_TASKS = ".build/image-tasks";
const GLYF_TTC = ".build/glyf-ttc";
const SHARED_CACHE = `${BUILD}/cache`;
const DIST_TTC = "dist/.ttc";
const DIST_SUPER_TTC = "dist/.super-ttc";
const ARCHIVE_DIR = "release-archives";
const PATEL_C = ["node", "node_modules/patel/bin/patel-c"];
const MAKE_TTC = ["node", "node_modules/otb-ttc-bundle/bin/otb-ttc-bundle"];
const SEVEN_ZIP = process.env.SEVEN_ZIP_PATH || "7z";
const TTFAUTOHINT = process.env.TTFAUTOHINT_PATH || "ttfautohint";
const defaultWebFontFormats = ["WOFF2", "TTF"];
const webfontFormatsFast = ["TTF"];
const webfontFormatsPages = ["WOFF2"];
const WIDTH_NORMAL = "Normal";
const WEIGHT_NORMAL = "Regular";
const SLOPE_NORMAL = "Upright";
const DEFAULT_SUBFAMILY = "Regular";
const BUILD_PLANS = "build-plans.toml";
const PRIVATE_BUILD_PLANS = "private-build-plans.toml";
// Save journal to build/
// Enable self-tracking
////// Environment //////
const Version = computed(`env::version`, async target => {
const [pjf] = await target.need(sfu`package.json`);
const pj = JSON.parse(await FS.promises.readFile(pjf.full, "utf-8"));
return pj.version;
const CheckTtfAutoHintExists = oracle(`oracle:check-ttfautohint-exists`, async target => {
try {
return await which(TTFAUTOHINT);
} catch (e) {
fail("External dependency <ttfautohint>, needed for building hinted font, does not exist.");
const Dependencies = computed("env::dependencies", async target => {
const [packageJsons] = await target.need(AllPackageJsons);
const subGoals = [];
for (const pjf of packageJsons) {
return await target.need(subGoals);
const AllPackageJsons = computed("env::all-package-jsons", async target => {
const [ppj, tpj] = await target.need(PackagesPackagesJsons, ToolPackagesJsons);
return [`package.json`, ...ppj, ...tpj];
const PackagesPackagesJsons = computed("env::packages-packages-jsons", target =>
FileList({ under: "packages", pattern: "*/package.json" })(target),
const ToolPackagesJsons = computed("env::tool-packages-jsons", target =>
FileList({ under: "tools", pattern: "*/package.json" })(target),
const DependenciesFor = computed.make(
pakcageJsonPath => `env::dependencies-for::${pakcageJsonPath}`,
async (target, pakcageJsonPath) => {
const [pjf] = await target.need(sfu(pakcageJsonPath));
const pj = JSON.parse(await FS.promises.readFile(pjf.full, "utf-8"));
let subGoals = [];
for (const pkgName in pj.dependencies) {
if (/^@iosevka/.test(pkgName)) continue;
subGoals.push(InstalledVersion(pkgName, pj.dependencies[pkgName]));
const [actual] = await target.need(subGoals);
return actual;
const InstalledVersion = computed.make(
(pkg, required) => `env::installed-version::${pkg}::${required}`,
async (target, pkg, required) => {
const [pj] = await target.need(sfu(`node_modules/${pkg}/package.json`));
const depPkg = JSON.parse(await FS.promises.readFile(pj.full));
if (!semver.satisfies(depPkg.version, required)) {
`Package version for ${pkg} is outdated:`,
`Required ${required}, Installed ${depPkg.version}`,
return { name: pkg, actual: depPkg.version, required };
////// Plans //////
const RawPlans = computed(`metadata:raw-plans`, async target => {
await target.need(sfu(BUILD_PLANS), ofu(PRIVATE_BUILD_PLANS), Version);
const bp = await tryParseToml(BUILD_PLANS);
bp.buildOptions = bp.buildOptions || {};
if (FS.existsSync(PRIVATE_BUILD_PLANS)) {
const privateBP = await tryParseToml(PRIVATE_BUILD_PLANS);
Object.assign(bp.buildPlans, privateBP.buildPlans || {});
Object.assign(bp.collectPlans, privateBP.collectPlans || {});
Object.assign(bp.buildOptions, privateBP.buildOptions || {});
return bp;
async function tryParseToml(str) {
try {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(toml.parse(FS.readFileSync(str, "utf-8"))));
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(
`Failed to parse configuration file ${str}.\n` +
`Please validate whether there's syntax error.\n` +
const BuildPlans = computed("metadata:build-plans", async target => {
const [rp] = await target.need(RawPlans);
const rawBuildPlans = rp.buildPlans;
// Initialize build plans
const returnBuildPlans = {};
for (const prefix in rawBuildPlans) {
const bp = { ...rawBuildPlans[prefix] };
validateBuildPlan(prefix, bp);
bp.webfontFormats = bp.webfontFormats || defaultWebFontFormats;
bp.targets = [];
returnBuildPlans[prefix] = bp;
// Resolve WWS, including inheritance and default config
for (const prefix in rawBuildPlans) {
resolveWws(prefix, returnBuildPlans, rp);
// Create file name to BP mapping
const fileNameToBpMap = {};
for (const prefix in rawBuildPlans) {
const bp = returnBuildPlans[prefix];
const weights = bp.weights,
slopes = bp.slopes,
widths = bp.widths;
const suffixMapping = getSuffixMapping(weights, slopes, widths);
for (const suffix in suffixMapping) {
const sfi = suffixMapping[suffix];
if (weights && !weights[sfi.weight]) continue;
if (slopes && !slopes[sfi.slope]) continue;
const fileName = makeFileName(prefix, suffix);
fileNameToBpMap[fileName] = { prefix, suffix };
returnBuildPlans[prefix] = bp;
return { fileNameToBpMap, buildPlans: returnBuildPlans };
function linkSpacingDerivableBuildPlans(bps) {
for (const pfxTo in bps) {
const bpTo = bps[pfxTo];
if (blockSpacingDerivationTo(bpTo)) continue;
if (!isDeriveToSpacing(bpTo.spacing)) continue;
for (const pfxFrom in bps) {
const bpFrom = bps[pfxFrom];
if (!isDeriveFromSpacing(bpFrom.spacing)) continue;
if (!spacingDeriveCompatible(pfxTo, bpTo, pfxFrom, bpFrom)) continue;
bpTo.spacingDeriveFrom = pfxFrom;
function blockSpacingDerivationTo(bp) {
return !!bp.compatibilityLigatures;
function isDeriveToSpacing(spacing) {
return spacing === "term" || spacing === "fontconfig-mono" || spacing === "fixed";
function isDeriveFromSpacing(spacing) {
return !spacing || spacing === "normal";
function spacingDeriveCompatible(pfxTo, bpTo, pfxFrom, bpFrom) {
// If the two build plans are the same, then they are compatible.
return deepEqual(rectifyPlanForSpacingDerive(bpTo), rectifyPlanForSpacingDerive(bpFrom));
function rectifyPlanForSpacingDerive(p) {
return {
family: "#Validation",
desc: "#Validation",
spacing: "#Validation",
buildCharMap: false,
snapshotFamily: null,
snapshotFeature: null,
targets: null,
const BuildPlanOf = computed.group("metadata:build-plan-of", async (target, gid) => {
const [{ buildPlans }] = await target.need(BuildPlans);
const plan = buildPlans[gid];
if (!plan) fail(`Build plan for '${gid}' not found.` + whyBuildPlanIsnNotThere(gid));
return plan;
const GroupFontsOf = computed.group("metadata:group-fonts-of", async (target, gid) => {
const [plan] = await target.need(BuildPlanOf(gid));
return plan.targets;
const VariantCompositesFromBuildPlan = computed(
async target => {
const [{ buildPlans }] = await target.need(BuildPlans);
let data = {};
for (const bpn in buildPlans) {
let bp = buildPlans[bpn];
if (bp.variants) {
data[bpn] = bp.variants;
return data;
const LigtionCompositesFromBuildPlan = computed(
async target => {
const [{ buildPlans }] = await target.need(BuildPlans);
let data = {};
for (const bpn in buildPlans) {
let bp = buildPlans[bpn];
if (bp.ligations) {
data[`buildPlans.${bpn}`] = bp.ligations;
if (bp.customLigationTags) {
for (const [tag, config] of Object.entries(bp.customLigationTags)) {
data[`buildPlans.${bpn}.${tag}`] = config;
return data;
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
const FontInfoOf = computed.group("metadata:font-info-of", async (target, fileName) => {
const [{ fileNameToBpMap, buildPlans }] = await target.need(BuildPlans);
const [version] = await target.need(Version);
const fi0 = fileNameToBpMap[fileName];
if (!fi0) fail(`Build plan for '${fileName}' not found.` + whyBuildPlanIsnNotThere(fileName));
const bp = buildPlans[fi0.prefix];
if (!bp) fail(`Build plan for '${fileName}' not found.` + whyBuildPlanIsnNotThere(fileName));
const sfm = getSuffixMapping(bp.weights, bp.slopes, bp.widths);
const sfi = sfm[fi0.suffix];
const hintReferenceSuffix = fetchHintReferenceSuffix(sfm);
let spacingDerive = null;
if (bp.spacingDeriveFrom) {
spacingDerive = {
manner: bp.spacing,
prefix: bp.spacingDeriveFrom,
fileName: makeFileName(bp.spacingDeriveFrom, fi0.suffix),
const [variantCompositesFromBuildPlan] = await target.need(VariantCompositesFromBuildPlan);
const [ligtionCompositesFromBuildPlan] = await target.need(LigtionCompositesFromBuildPlan);
return {
name: fileName,
variants: bp.variants || null,
derivingVariants: bp.derivingVariants,
buildCharMap: bp.buildCharMap,
featureControl: {
noCvSs: bp.noCvSs || false,
noLigation: bp.noLigation || false,
exportGlyphNames: bp.exportGlyphNames || false,
buildTextureFeature: bp.buildTextureFeature || false,
// Ligations
ligations: bp.ligations || null,
customLigationTags: bp.customLigationTags || null,
// Shape
shape: {
serifs: bp.serifs || "sans",
spacing: bp.spacing || "normal",
weight: sfi.shapeWeight,
width: sfi.shapeWidth,
slope: sfi.shapeSlope,
slopeAngle: sfi.shapeSlopeAngle,
// Naming
namingOverride: bp.namingOverride || null,
// Menu
menu: {
family: bp.family,
version: version,
width: sfi.menuWidth,
slope: sfi.menuSlope,
weight: sfi.menuWeight,
// CSS
css: {
weight: sfi.cssWeight,
stretch: sfi.cssStretch,
style: sfi.cssStyle,
// Hinting
hintParams: bp.hintParams || [],
!bp.metricOverride && hintReferenceSuffix !== fi0.suffix
? makeFileName(fi0.prefix, hintReferenceSuffix)
: null,
// Other parameters
compatibilityLigatures: bp.compatibilityLigatures || null,
metricOverride: bp.metricOverride || null,
excludedCharRanges: bp.excludeChars?.ranges,
// Spacing derivation -- creating faster build for spacing variants
// Composite variants from build plan -- used for variant resolution when building fonts
function fetchHintReferenceSuffix(sfm) {
if (sfm["regular"]) return "regular";
let bestSuffix = null,
bestSfi = null;
for (const [suffix, sfi] of Object.entries(sfm)) {
if (
!bestSfi ||
Math.abs(sfi.shapeWeight - 400) < Math.abs(bestSfi.shapeWeight - 400) ||
(Math.abs(sfi.shapeWeight - 400) === Math.abs(bestSfi.shapeWeight - 400) &&
Math.abs(sfi.shapeSlopeAngle) < Math.abs(bestSfi.shapeSlopeAngle)) ||
(Math.abs(sfi.shapeWeight - 400) === Math.abs(bestSfi.shapeWeight - 400) &&
Math.abs(sfi.shapeSlopeAngle) === Math.abs(bestSfi.shapeSlopeAngle) &&
Math.abs(sfi.shapeWidth - 500) < Math.abs(bestSfi.shapeWidth - 500))
) {
bestSuffix = suffix;
bestSfi = sfi;
return bestSuffix;
function getSuffixMapping(weights, slopes, widths) {
const mapping = {};
for (const w in weights) {
validateRecommendedWeight(w, weights[w].menu, "Menu");
validateRecommendedWeight(w, weights[w].css, "CSS");
for (const s in slopes) {
for (const wd in widths) {
const suffix = makeSuffix(w, wd, s, DEFAULT_SUBFAMILY);
mapping[suffix] = getSuffixMappingItem(weights, w, slopes, s, widths, wd);
return mapping;
function getSuffixMappingItem(weights, w, slopes, s, widths, wd) {
const weightDef = wwsDefValidate("Weight definition of " + s, weights[w]);
const widthDef = wwsDefValidate("Width definition of " + s, widths[wd]);
const slopeDef = wwsDefValidate("Slope definition of " + s, slopes[s]);
return {
// Weights
weight: w,
shapeWeight: nValidate("Shape weight of " + w, weightDef.shape, VlShapeWeight),
cssWeight: nValidate("CSS weight of " + w, weightDef.css, VlCssWeight),
menuWeight: nValidate("Menu weight of " + w, weightDef.menu, VlMenuWeight),
// Widths
width: wd,
shapeWidth: nValidate("Shape width of " + wd, widthDef.shape, VlShapeWidth),
cssStretch: sValidate("CSS stretch of " + wd, widthDef.css, VlCssFontStretch),
menuWidth: nValidate("Menu width of " + wd, widthDef.menu, VlMenuWidth),
// Slopes
slope: s,
shapeSlope: sValidate("Shape slope of " + s, slopeDef.shape, VlShapeSlope),
shapeSlopeAngle: nValidate("Angle of " + s, slopeDef.angle, VlSlopeAngle),
cssStyle: sValidate("CSS style of " + s, slopeDef.css, VlCssStyle),
menuSlope: sValidate("Menu slope of " + s, slopeDef.menu, VlShapeSlope),
function makeFileName(prefix, suffix) {
return prefix + "-" + suffix;
function makeSuffix(w, wd, s, fallback) {
return (
(wd === WIDTH_NORMAL ? "" : wd) +
(w === WEIGHT_NORMAL ? "" : w) +
(s === SLOPE_NORMAL ? "" : s) || fallback
function whyBuildPlanIsnNotThere(gid) {
if (!FS.existsSync(PRIVATE_BUILD_PLANS))
return "\n -- Possible reason: Config file 'private-build-plans.toml' does not exist.";
return "";
////// Font Building //////
const ageKey = uuid.v4();
const DistUnhintedTTF = file.make(
(gr, fn) => `${DIST}/${gr}/TTF-Unhinted/${fn}.ttf`,
async (target, out, gr, fn) => {
await target.need(Scripts, Parameters, Dependencies, de(out.dir));
const [fi] = await target.need(FontInfoOf(fn));
const charMapPath = file.getPathOf(BuildCM(gr, fn));
const ttfaControlsPath = file.getPathOf(BuildTtfaControls(gr, fn));
if (fi.spacingDerive) {
// The font is a spacing variant, and is derivable form an existing
// normally-spaced variant.
const noGcTtfPath = file.getPathOf(BuildNoGcUnhintedTtfImpl(gr, fn));
const spD = fi.spacingDerive;
const [deriveFrom] = await target.need(
DistUnhintedTTF(spD.prefix, spD.fileName),
echo.action(echo.hl.command(`Create TTF`), out.full);
await silently.node(`packages/font/src/derive-spacing.mjs`, {
i: deriveFrom.full,
o: out.full,
paramsDir: Path.resolve("params"),
oNoGc: noGcTtfPath.full,
} else {
// Ab-initio build
const cacheFileName =
`${Math.round(1000 * fi.shape.weight)}-${Math.round(1000 * fi.shape.width)}-` +
`${Math.round(3600 * fi.shape.slopeAngle)}-${fi.shape.serifs}`;
const cachePath = `${SHARED_CACHE}/${cacheFileName}.mpz`;
const cacheDiffPath = `${charMapPath.dir}/${fn}.cache.mpz`;
await target.need(de(charMapPath.dir), de(ttfaControlsPath.dir), de(SHARED_CACHE));
echo.action(echo.hl.command(`Create TTF`), out.full);
const { cacheUpdated } = await silently.node("packages/font/src/index.mjs", {
// INPUT: font info
// INPUT: path to parameters
paramsDir: Path.resolve("params"),
// TTF output. Optional.
o: out.full,
// Charmap output. Optional.
...(fi.buildCharMap ? { oCharMap: charMapPath.full } : {}),
// TTFAutohint controls output. Optional.
oTtfaControls: ttfaControlsPath.full,
// Geometry cache parameters. Optional.
cache: {
input: cachePath,
output: cacheDiffPath,
freshAgeKey: ageKey,
if (cacheUpdated) {
const lock = build.locks.alloc(cacheFileName);
await lock.acquire();
await silently.node(`packages/font/src/merge-cache.mjs`, {
base: cachePath,
diff: cacheDiffPath,
version: fi.menu.version,
freshAgeKey: ageKey,
const BuildCM = file.make(
(gr, f) => `${BUILD}/TTF/${gr}/${f}.charmap.mpz`,
async (target, output, gr, f) => {
await target.need(DistUnhintedTTF(gr, f));
const BuildTtfaControls = file.make(
(gr, f) => `${BUILD}/TTF/${gr}/${f}.ttfa.txt`,
async (target, output, gr, f) => {
await target.need(DistUnhintedTTF(gr, f));
const BuildNoGcUnhintedTtfImpl = file.make(
(gr, f) => `${BUILD}/TTF/${gr}/${f}.no-gc.ttf`,
async (target, output, gr, f) => {
await target.need(DistUnhintedTTF(gr, f));
const BuildNoGcTtfImpl = file.make(
(gr, f) => `${BUILD}/TTF/${gr}/${f}.no-gc.hinted.ttf`,
async (target, output, gr, f) => {
await target.need(DistHintedTTF(gr, f));
const DistHintedTTF = file.make(
(gr, fn) => `${DIST}/${gr}/TTF/${fn}.ttf`,
async (target, out, gr, fn) => {
const [fi, hint] = await target.need(
if (fi.spacingDerive) {
// The font is a spacing variant, and is derivable form an existing
// normally-spaced variant.
const spD = fi.spacingDerive;
const noGcTtfPath = file.getPathOf(BuildNoGcTtfImpl(gr, fn));
const [deriveFrom] = await target.need(
DistHintedTTF(spD.prefix, spD.fileName),
echo.action(echo.hl.command(`Hint TTF`), out.full);
await silently.node(`packages/font/src/derive-spacing.mjs`, {
i: deriveFrom.full,
oNoGc: noGcTtfPath.full,
o: out.full,
paramsDir: Path.resolve("params"),
} else {
const [from, ttfaControls] = await target.need(
DistUnhintedTTF(gr, fn),
BuildTtfaControls(gr, fn),
echo.action(echo.hl.command(`Hint TTF`), out.full, echo.hl.operator("<-"), from.full);
await silently.run(hint, fi.hintParams, "-m", ttfaControls.full, from.full, out.full);
const BuildNoGcTtf = task.make(
(gr, fn) => `BuildNoGcTtf::${gr}/${fn}`,
async (target, gr, fn) => {
const [fi] = await target.need(FontInfoOf(fn));
if (fi.spacingDerive) {
const [noGc] = await target.need(BuildNoGcTtfImpl(gr, fn));
return noGc;
} else {
const [distHinted] = await target.need(DistHintedTTF(gr, fn));
return distHinted;
function formatSuffix(fmt, unhinted) {
return fmt + (unhinted ? "-Unhinted" : "");
const DistWoff2 = file.make(
(gr, fn, unhinted) => `${DIST}/${gr}/${formatSuffix("WOFF2", unhinted)}/${fn}.woff2`,
async (target, out, group, f, unhinted) => {
const [rp] = await target.need(RawPlans);
const Ctor = unhinted ? DistUnhintedTTF : DistHintedTTF;
const [from] = await target.need(Ctor(group, f), de`${out.dir}`);
echo.action(echo.hl.command("Create WOFF2"), out.full, echo.hl.operator("<-"), from.full);
if (rp.buildOptions && rp.buildOptions.woff2CompressApp) {
// woff2_compress does not support specifying output file name.
// Thus we need to move it after compression.
await absolutelySilently.run(rp.buildOptions.woff2CompressApp, from.full);
await mv(`${from.dir}/${from.name}.woff2`, out.full);
} else {
await silently.node(`tools/misc/src/ttf-to-woff2.mjs`, from.full, out.full);
////// Font Distribution //////
// Group-level entry points
const Entry_GroupContents = task.group("contents", async (target, gr) => {
await target.need(Entry_GroupFonts(gr), Entry_GroupUnhintedFonts(gr));
return gr;
const Entry_GroupTTFs = task.group("ttf", async (target, gr) => {
await target.need(GroupTtfsImpl(gr, false));
const Entry_GroupUnhintedTTFs = task.group("ttf-unhinted", async (target, gr) => {
await target.need(GroupTtfsImpl(gr, true));
const Entry_GroupWoff2s = task.group("woff2", async (target, gr) => {
await target.need(GroupWoff2Impl(gr, false));
const Entry_GroupUnhintedWoff2s = task.group("woff2-unhinted", async (target, gr) => {
await target.need(GroupWoff2Impl(gr, true));
const Entry_GroupWebFonts = task.group("webfont", async (target, gr) => {
await target.need(GroupWebFontsImpl(gr, false));
const Entry_GroupUnhintedWebFonts = task.group("webfont-unhinted", async (target, gr) => {
await target.need(GroupWebFontsImpl(gr, true));
const Entry_GroupFonts = task.group("fonts", async (target, gr) => {
await target.need(GroupTtfsImpl(gr, false), GroupWebFontsImpl(gr, false));
const Entry_GroupUnhintedFonts = task.group("fonts-unhinted", async (target, gr) => {
await target.need(GroupTtfsImpl(gr, true), GroupWebFontsImpl(gr, true));
// Webfont CSS
const DistWebFontCSS = file.make(
(gr, unhinted) => `${DIST}/${gr}/${formatSuffix(gr, unhinted)}.css`,
async (target, out, gr, unhinted) => {
const [plan] = await target.need(BuildPlanOf(gr));
await target.need(de(out.dir));
await createWebFontCssImpl(target, out.full, gr, plan.webfontFormats, unhinted);
async function createWebFontCssImpl(target, output, gr, formats, unhinted) {
const [bp, ts] = await target.need(BuildPlanOf(gr), GroupFontsOf(gr));
const hs = await target.need(...ts.map(FontInfoOf));
echo.action(echo.hl.command(`Create WebFont CSS`), output, echo.hl.operator("<-"), gr);
await silently.node(
// Content files
const GroupTtfsImpl = task.make(
(gr, unhinted) => `group-${formatSuffix("TTFImpl", unhinted)}::${gr}`,
async (target, gr, unhinted) => {
const Ctor = unhinted ? DistUnhintedTTF : DistHintedTTF;
const [ts] = await target.need(GroupFontsOf(gr));
await target.need(ts.map(tn => Ctor(gr, tn)));
return gr;
const GroupWoff2Impl = task.make(
(gr, unhinted) => `group-${formatSuffix("WOFF2Impl", unhinted)}::${gr}`,
async (target, gr, unhinted) => {
const [ts] = await target.need(GroupFontsOf(gr));
await target.need(ts.map(tn => DistWoff2(gr, tn, unhinted)));
return gr;
const GroupWebFontsImpl = task.make(
(gr, unhinted) => `group-${formatSuffix("WebFontImpl", unhinted)}::${gr}`,
async (target, gr, unhinted) => {
const [bp] = await target.need(BuildPlanOf(gr));
const groupsNeeded = [];
for (const ext of bp.webfontFormats) {
switch (ext) {
case "TTF":
groupsNeeded.push(GroupTtfsImpl(gr, unhinted));
case "WOFF2":
groupsNeeded.push(GroupWoff2Impl(gr, unhinted));
await target.need(groupsNeeded, DistWebFontCSS(gr, unhinted));
return gr;
////// Font Collection Plans //////
const CollectPlans = computed(`metadata:collect-plans`, async target => {
const [rawPlans] = await target.need(RawPlans);
return await getCollectPlans(target, rawPlans.collectPlans);
async function getCollectPlans(target, rawCollectPlans) {
const plans = {};
let allCollectableGroups = new Set();
for (const collectPrefix in rawCollectPlans) {
const collect = rawCollectPlans[collectPrefix];
const glyfTtcComposition = {}; // Collect plan for glyf-sharing TTCs
const ttcComposition = {}; // Collect plan for master TTCs
const singleGroupTtcInfos = {}; // single-group TTCs
const shouldProduceSgr = collect.release && collect.from.length > 1;
if (shouldProduceSgr) {
for (const prefix of collect.from) {
const sgrPrefix = SGR_PREFIX_PREFIX + prefix;
if (allCollectableGroups.has(sgrPrefix))
throw new Error(`Group ${sgrPrefix} is already in another release plan.`);
singleGroupTtcInfos[sgrPrefix] = { from: prefix, comp: {} };
if (!collect || !collect.from || !collect.from.length) continue;
for (const prefix of collect.from) {
const [gri] = await target.need(BuildPlanOf(prefix));
const ttfFileNameSet = new Set(gri.targets);
const suffixMap = getSuffixMapping(gri.weights, gri.slopes, gri.widths);
for (const suffix in suffixMap) {
const sfi = suffixMap[suffix];
const ttfTargetName = makeFileName(prefix, suffix);
if (!ttfFileNameSet.has(ttfTargetName)) continue;
const glyfTtcFileName = fnStandardTtc(true, collectPrefix, suffixMap, sfi);
if (!glyfTtcComposition[glyfTtcFileName]) glyfTtcComposition[glyfTtcFileName] = [];
glyfTtcComposition[glyfTtcFileName].push({ dir: prefix, file: ttfTargetName });
const ttcFileName = fnStandardTtc(false, collectPrefix, suffixMap, sfi);
if (!ttcComposition[ttcFileName]) ttcComposition[ttcFileName] = [];
if (shouldProduceSgr) {
const sgrPrefix = SGR_PREFIX_PREFIX + prefix;
const sgrTtcFileName = fnStandardTtc(false, sgrPrefix, suffixMap, sfi);
const sgrInfo = singleGroupTtcInfos[sgrPrefix];
if (!sgrInfo.comp[sgrTtcFileName]) sgrInfo.comp[sgrTtcFileName] = [];
plans[collectPrefix] = {
groupDecomposition: [...collect.from],
inRelease: !!collect.release,
isAmended: !!collect.isAmended,
return plans;
function fnStandardTtc(fIsGlyfTtc, prefix, suffixMapping, sfi) {
let optimalSfi = null,
maxScore = 0;
for (const ttcSuffix in suffixMapping) {
const sfiT = suffixMapping[ttcSuffix];
if (sfi.shapeWeight !== sfiT.shapeWeight) continue;
if (fIsGlyfTtc && sfi.shapeWidth !== sfiT.shapeWidth) continue;
if (fIsGlyfTtc && sfi.shapeSlopeAngle !== sfiT.shapeSlopeAngle) continue;
const score =
(sfiT.weight === WEIGHT_NORMAL ? 1 : 0) +
(sfiT.width === WIDTH_NORMAL ? 1 : 0) +
(sfiT.slope === SLOPE_NORMAL ? 1 : 0);
if (!optimalSfi || score > maxScore) {
maxScore = score;
optimalSfi = sfiT;
if (!optimalSfi) throw new Error("Unreachable: TTC name decision");
return `${prefix}-${makeSuffix(
////// Font Collection //////
const SpecificTtc = task.group(`ttc`, async (target, cgr) => {
const [cPlan] = await target.need(CollectPlans);
const ttcFiles = Array.from(Object.keys(cPlan[cgr].ttcComposition));
await target.need(ttcFiles.map(pt => CollectedTtcFile(cgr, pt)));
const SpecificSuperTtc = task.group(`super-ttc`, async (target, cgr) => {
await target.need(CollectedSuperTtcFile(cgr));
const CollectedSuperTtcFile = file.make(
cgr => `${DIST_SUPER_TTC}/${cgr}.ttc`,
async (target, out, cgr) => {
const [cp] = await target.need(CollectPlans, de(out.dir));
const parts = Array.from(Object.keys(cp[cgr].glyfTtcComposition));
const [inputs] = await target.need(parts.map(pt => GlyfTtc(cgr, pt)));
await buildCompositeTtc(out, inputs);
const CollectedTtcFile = file.make(
(cgr, f) => `${DIST_TTC}/${cgr}/${f}.ttc`,
async (target, out, cgr, f) => {
const [cp] = await target.need(CollectPlans, de`${out.dir}`);
const parts = Array.from(new Set(cp[cgr].ttcComposition[f]));
const [inputs] = await target.need(parts.map(pt => GlyfTtc(cgr, pt)));
await buildCompositeTtc(out, inputs);
const SGrTtcFile = file.make(
(cgr, sgr, f) => `${DIST_TTC}/${sgr}/${f}.ttc`,
async (target, out, cgr, sgr, f) => {
const [cp] = await target.need(CollectPlans, de`${out.dir}`);
const sgrInfo = cp[cgr].singleGroupTtcInfos[sgr];
const parts = Array.from(new Set(sgrInfo.comp[f] || []));
const [inputs] = await target.need(parts.map(pt => DistHintedTTF(sgrInfo.from, pt)));
await buildCompositeTtc(out, inputs);
const SGrSuperTtcFile = file.make(
(cgr, sgr) => `${DIST_SUPER_TTC}/${sgr}.ttc`,
async (target, out, cgr, sgr) => {
const [cp] = await target.need(CollectPlans, de`${out.dir}`);
const sgrInfo = cp[cgr].singleGroupTtcInfos[sgr];
const parts = Array.from(Object.keys(sgrInfo.comp));
const [inputs] = await target.need(parts.map(pt => SGrTtcFile(cgr, sgr, pt)));
await buildCompositeTtc(out, inputs);
async function buildCompositeTtc(out, inputs) {
const inputPaths = inputs.map(f => f.full);
echo.action(echo.hl.command(`Create TTC`), out.full, echo.hl.operator("<-"), inputPaths);
await foldWithTempFileRetryImpl(inputPaths, i =>
absolutelySilently.run(MAKE_TTC, ["-o", out.full], i),
// TTC for glyph sharing
const GlyfTtc = file.make(
(cgr, f) => `${GLYF_TTC}/${cgr}/${f}.ttc`,
async (target, out, cgr, f) => {
const [cp] = await target.need(CollectPlans);
const parts = cp[cgr].glyfTtcComposition[f];
await buildGlyphSharingTtc(target, parts, out);
async function buildGlyphSharingTtc(target, parts, out) {
await target.need(de`${out.dir}`);
const [ttfInputs] = await target.need(parts.map(part => BuildNoGcTtf(part.dir, part.file)));
const ttfInputPaths = ttfInputs.map(p => p.full);
echo.action(echo.hl.command(`Create TTC`), out.full, echo.hl.operator("<-"), ttfInputPaths);
await foldWithTempFileRetryImpl(ttfInputPaths, i =>
silently.run(MAKE_TTC, "-u", ["-o", out.full], i),
async function foldWithTempFileRetryImpl(inputPaths, fn) {
try {
return await fn(inputPaths);
} catch (e) {
// Retry with temporary files
const tempPaths = [];
for (const input of inputPaths) {
let tmp = `${BUILD}/${String(randomUUID())}.${Path.extname(input)}`;
await cp(input, tmp);
await fn(tempPaths);
for (const tmp of tempPaths) await rm(tmp);
////// Archives //////
// Collection Archives
const TtcZip = file.make(
(cgr, version) => `${ARCHIVE_DIR}/PkgTTC-${cgr}-${version}.zip`,
async (target, out, cgr) => {
const [cPlan] = await target.need(CollectPlans, de`${out.dir}`);
const ttcFiles = Array.from(Object.keys(cPlan[cgr].ttcComposition));
await target.need(ttcFiles.map(pt => CollectedTtcFile(cgr, pt)));
await CreateGroupArchiveFile(`${DIST_TTC}/${cgr}`, out, `*.ttc`);
const SuperTtcZip = file.make(
(cgr, version) => `${ARCHIVE_DIR}/SuperTTC-${cgr}-${version}.zip`,
async (target, out, cgr) => {
await target.need(de`${out.dir}`, CollectedSuperTtcFile(cgr));
await CreateGroupArchiveFile(DIST_SUPER_TTC, out, `${cgr}.ttc`);
const SgrTtcZip = file.make(
(cgr, sgr, version) => `${ARCHIVE_DIR}/PkgTTC-${sgr}-${version}.zip`,
async (target, out, cgr, sgr) => {
const [cPlan] = await target.need(CollectPlans, de`${out.dir}`);
const ttcFiles = Array.from(Object.keys(cPlan[cgr].singleGroupTtcInfos[sgr].comp));
await target.need(ttcFiles.map(pt => SGrTtcFile(cgr, sgr, pt)));
await CreateGroupArchiveFile(`${DIST_TTC}/${sgr}`, out, `*.ttc`);
const SgrSuperTtcZip = file.make(
(cgr, sgr, version) => `${ARCHIVE_DIR}/SuperTTC-${sgr}-${version}.zip`,
async (target, out, cgr, sgr) => {
await target.need(de`${out.dir}`, SGrSuperTtcFile(cgr, sgr));
await CreateGroupArchiveFile(DIST_SUPER_TTC, out, `${sgr}.ttc`);
// Single-group Archives
const GroupTtfZip = file.make(
(gr, version, unhinted) =>
`${ARCHIVE_DIR}/${formatSuffix("PkgTTF", unhinted)}-${gr}-${version}.zip`,
async (target, out, gr, _version_, unhinted) => {
await target.need(de`${out.dir}`);
await target.need(GroupTtfsImpl(gr, unhinted));
await CreateGroupArchiveFile(
`${DIST}/${gr}/${formatSuffix("TTF", unhinted)}`,
const GroupWebZip = file.make(
(gr, version, unhinted) =>
`${ARCHIVE_DIR}/${formatSuffix("PkgWebFont", unhinted)}-${gr}-${version}.zip`,
async (target, out, gr, _version_, unhinted) => {
const [plan] = await target.need(BuildPlanOf(gr));
await target.need(de`${out.dir}`);
await target.need(GroupWebFontsImpl(gr, unhinted));
await CreateGroupArchiveFile(
`${formatSuffix(gr, unhinted)}.css`,
...plan.webfontFormats.map(format => formatSuffix(format, unhinted)),
async function CreateGroupArchiveFile(dir, out, ...files) {
const relOut = Path.relative(dir, out.full);
await rm(out.full);
echo.action(echo.hl.command("Create Archive"), out.full);
await cd(dir).silently.run(
[SEVEN_ZIP, "a"],
["-tzip", "-r", "-mx=9", "-mmt1"],
////// Exports //////
// Sample Images
const Pages = task(`pages`, async t => {
await t.need(
const PagesDir = oracle(`pages-dir-path`, async t => {
const [rp] = await t.need(RawPlans);
if (!rp.buildOptions || !rp.buildOptions.__pagesDir) fail("Pages directory not found");
return rp.buildOptions.__pagesDir;
const PagesFontVersionSync = task(`pages:font-version-sync`, async t => {
const [version] = await t.need(Version);
const [pagesDir] = await t.need(PagesDir);
const packageJson = JSON.parse(
await FS.promises.readFile(Path.resolve(pagesDir, "package.json"), "utf-8"),
packageJson.version = version;
await FS.promises.writeFile(
Path.resolve(pagesDir, "package.json"),
JSON.stringify(packageJson, null, " "),
const PagesDataExport = task(`pages:data-export`, async t => {
const [version] = await t.need(Version);
const [pagesDir] = await t.need(PagesDir, Parameters, UtilScripts);
await node(`tools/generate-samples/src/tokenized-sample-code.mjs`, {
output: Path.resolve(pagesDir, "shared/tokenized-sample-code/alphabet.txt.json"),
await node(`tools/data-export/src/meta.mjs`, {
paramsDir: Path.resolve("params"),
exportPathMeta: Path.resolve(pagesDir, "shared/data-import/raw/metadata.json"),
const PagesAtlasExport = task.group(`pages:atlas-export`, async (t, gr) => {
const [version] = await t.need(Version);
const [pagesDir] = await t.need(PagesDir, Parameters, UtilScripts);
const [cm, cmi, cmo] = await t.need(
BuildCM(gr, `${gr}-Regular`),
BuildCM(gr, `${gr}-Italic`),
BuildCM(gr, `${gr}-Oblique`),
await node(`tools/data-export/src/atlas.mjs`, {
charMapPath: cm.full,
charMapItalicPath: cmi.full,
charMapObliquePath: cmo.full,
gr === "Iosevka"
? Path.resolve(pagesDir, "shared/data-import/raw/atlas-shared.json")
: null,
output: Path.resolve(pagesDir, `shared/data-import/raw/atlas-${gr}.json`),
const PagesFontExport = task.group(`pages:font-export`, async (target, gr) => {
const [pagesDir] = await target.need(PagesDir);
if (!pagesDir) return;
const outDir = Path.resolve(pagesDir, "shared/fonts/imports", gr);
await target.need(GroupWebFontsImpl(gr, false), de(outDir));
await cp(`${DIST}/${gr}/WOFF2`, Path.resolve(outDir, "WOFF2"));
await createWebFontCssImpl(target, Path.resolve(outDir, `${gr}.css`), gr, webfontFormatsPages);
await rm(Path.resolve(outDir, "TTF"));
const PagesFastFont = task.group(`pages:ff`, async (t, gr) => {
await t.need(PagesDataExport, PagesAtlasExport(gr), PagesFastFontExportImpl(gr));
const PagesFastFontExportImpl = task.group(`pages:fast-font-export-impl`, async (target, gr) => {
const [pagesDir] = await target.need(PagesDir);
if (!pagesDir) return;
const outDir = Path.resolve(pagesDir, "shared/fonts/imports", gr);
await target.need(GroupTtfsImpl(gr, true), de(outDir));
// Next.js 12 has some problem about refreshing fonts, so write an empty CSS first
await createWebFontCssImpl(target, Path.resolve(outDir, `${gr}.css`), gr, null);
await Delay(2000);
// Then do the copy
await cp(`${DIST}/${gr}/TTF-Unhinted`, Path.resolve(outDir, "TTF"));
await createWebFontCssImpl(target, Path.resolve(outDir, `${gr}.css`), gr, webfontFormatsFast);
await rm(Path.resolve(outDir, "WOFF2"));
const AmendReadme = task("amend-readme", async target => {
await target.need(
const AmendReadmeFor = task.make(
f => `amend-readme::for::${f}`,
async (target, f) => {
const [version] = await target.need(Version, Parameters, UtilScripts);
const [rpFiles] = await target.need(ReleaseNotePackagesFile);
const [cm, cmi, cmo] = await target.need(
BuildCM("Iosevka", "Iosevka-Regular"),
BuildCM("Iosevka", "Iosevka-Italic"),
BuildCM("Iosevka", "Iosevka-Oblique"),
return node(`tools/amend-readme/src/index.mjs`, {
projectRoot: Path.resolve("."),
paramsDir: Path.resolve("params"),
mdFilePath: f,
releasePackagesJsonPath: rpFiles.full,
charMapPath: cm.full,
charMapItalicPath: cmi.full,
charMapObliquePath: cmo.full,
const ReleaseNotePackagesFile = file(`${BUILD}/release-packages.json`, async (t, out) => {
const [cp] = await t.need(CollectPlans);
const [{ buildPlans }] = await t.need(BuildPlans);
let releaseNoteGroups = {};
for (const [k, plan] of Object.entries(cp)) {
if (!plan.inRelease || plan.isAmended) continue;
const primePlan = buildPlans[plan.groupDecomposition[0]];
let subGroups = {};
for (const gr of plan.groupDecomposition) {
const bp = buildPlans[gr];
subGroups[gr] = {
family: bp.family,
desc: bp.desc,
spacing: buildPlans[gr].spacing || "type",
releaseNoteGroups[k] = {
slab: primePlan.serifs === "slab",
quasiProportional: primePlan.spacing === "quasi-proportional",
await FS.promises.writeFile(out.full, JSON.stringify(releaseNoteGroups, null, " "));
const AmendLicenseYear = task("amend-readme:license-year", async target => {
return node(`tools/amend-readme/src/license-year.mjs`, {
path: "LICENSE.md",
// Sample Images
const SampleImages = task(`sample-images`, async target => {
const [tasksToTake] = await target.need(SampleImagesPre, de(IMAGES));
let tasks = [];
for (const id of tasksToTake) tasks.push(ScreenShotImpl(id));
await target.need(tasks);
const SampleImagesPre = task(`sample-images:pre`, async target => {
const [version] = await target.need(Version, de(IMAGE_TASKS), UtilScripts);
const fontGroups = await target.need(
GroupTtfsImpl(`Iosevka`, false),
GroupTtfsImpl(`IosevkaSlab`, false),
GroupTtfsImpl(`IosevkaAile`, false),
GroupTtfsImpl(`IosevkaEtoile`, false),
const [cm, cmi, cmo] = await target.need(
BuildCM("Iosevka", "Iosevka-Regular"),
BuildCM("Iosevka", "Iosevka-Italic"),
BuildCM("Iosevka", "Iosevka-Oblique"),
return await node("tools/generate-samples/src/index.mjs", {
paramsDir: Path.resolve("params"),
outputDir: IMAGE_TASKS,
packageSnapshotTasks: await PackageSnapshotConfig(target),
fontGroups: fontGroups,
charMapPath: cm.full,
charMapItalicPath: cmi.full,
charMapObliquePath: cmo.full,
const PackageSnapshotConfig = async target => {
const [plan] = await target.need(BuildPlans);
const cfg = [];
for (const key in plan.buildPlans) {
const p = plan.buildPlans[key];
if (!p || !p.snapshotFamily) continue;
name: "package-sample-" + key,
fontFamily: p.snapshotFamily,
fontFeatures: p.snapshotFeature,
return cfg;
const ScreenShotImpl = file.make(
img => `${IMAGES}/${img}.svg`,
async (target, out, id) => {
const [rp] = await target.need(RawPlans);
await target.need(SampleImagesPre, de(IMAGES));
await run(rp.buildOptions.snapshotGeneratorApp, [
// Release notes
const ReleaseNotes = task(`release:release-note`, async t => {
const [version] = await t.need(Version);
await t.need(ReleaseNotesFile(version));
const ReleaseNotesFile = file.make(
version => `${ARCHIVE_DIR}/release-notes-${version}.md`,
async (t, out, version) => {
await t.need(Version, UtilScripts, de(ARCHIVE_DIR));
const [changeFiles] = await t.need(ChangeFileList());
await t.need(changeFiles.map(fu));
await node("tools/amend-readme/src/generate-release-note.mjs", {
outputPath: out.full,
const ChangeLog = task(`release:change-log`, async t => {
await t.need(ChangeLogMd);
const ChangeLogMd = file(`CHANGELOG.md`, async (t, out) => {
const [version] = await t.need(Version);
await t.need(UtilScripts, de(ARCHIVE_DIR));
const [changeFiles] = await t.need(ChangeFileList());
await t.need(changeFiles.map(fu));
await node("tools/amend-readme/src/generate-change-log.mjs", { version, outputPath: out.full });
const ChangeFileList = oracle.make(
() => `release:change-file-list`,
target => FileList({ under: "changes", pattern: "*.md" })(target),
////// Entries //////
const Clean = task(`clean`, async () => {
await rm(BUILD);
await rm(DIST);
await rm(ARCHIVE_DIR);
const CleanDist = task(`clean-dist`, async () => {
await rm(DIST);
await rm(ARCHIVE_DIR);
const Release = task(`release`, async target => {
await target.need(ReleaseAncillary);
await target.need(ReleaseArchives, ReleaseSha256Text);
const ReleaseAncillary = task(`release:ancillary`, async target => {
await target.need(SampleImages, Pages, AmendReadme, ReleaseNotes, ChangeLog);
const ReleaseArchives = task(`release:archives`, async target => {
const [collectPlans] = await target.need(CollectPlans, UtilScripts);
let goals = [];
for (const [cgr, plan] of Object.entries(collectPlans)) {
if (!plan.inRelease) continue;
const [archiveFiles] = await target.need(goals);
return archiveFiles.flat(1);
const ReleaseSha256Text = file(`${ARCHIVE_DIR}/SHA-256.txt`, async (target, out) => {
const [files] = await target.need(ReleaseArchives);
await node(
files.map(f => f.full),
const ReleaseArchivesFor = task.group(`release:archives-for`, async (target, cgr) => {
const [version, collectPlans] = await target.need(Version, CollectPlans, UtilScripts);
const plan = collectPlans[cgr];
if (!plan || !plan.inRelease) throw new Error(`CollectGroup ${cgr} is not in release.`);
let goals = [];
goals.push(TtcZip(cgr, version));
goals.push(SuperTtcZip(cgr, version));
for (const sgr in plan.singleGroupTtcInfos) {
goals.push(SgrTtcZip(cgr, sgr, version));
goals.push(SgrSuperTtcZip(cgr, sgr, version));
const subGroups = collectPlans[cgr].groupDecomposition;
for (const gr of subGroups) {
goals.push(GroupTtfZip(gr, version, false));
goals.push(GroupTtfZip(gr, version, true));
goals.push(GroupWebZip(gr, version, false));
goals.push(GroupWebZip(gr, version, true));
const [archiveFiles] = await target.need(goals);
return archiveFiles;
////// Script Building //////
const Scripts = task("scripts", async target => {
const [jsFromPtlMap] = await target.need(JsFilesFromPtl);
const [jsList] = await target.need(FindScriptsUnder(`mjs`, PACKAGES));
const jsFromPtlSet = new Set(Object.keys(jsFromPtlMap));
let subGoals = [];
for (const js of jsFromPtlSet) subGoals.push(CompiledJsFromPtl(js));
for (const js of jsList) if (!jsFromPtlSet.has(js)) subGoals.push(sfu(js));
await target.need(subGoals);
const UtilScripts = task("util-scripts", async target => {
const [mjs] = await target.need(FindScriptsUnder("mjs", TOOLS));
const [md] = await target.need(FindScriptsUnder("md", TOOLS));
await target.need(mjs.map(fu), md.map(fu));
const FindScriptsUnder = oracle.make(
(ext, dir) => `${ext}-scripts-under::${dir}`,
(target, ext, dir) => FileList({ under: dir, pattern: `**/*.${ext}` })(target),
const JsFilesFromPtl = computed("scripts-js-from-ptl", async target => {
const [ptl] = await target.need(FindScriptsUnder(`ptl`, PACKAGES));
return Object.fromEntries(ptl.map(compiledMjsPathFromPtlPath));
const MacroPtlFiles = computed("macro-ptl-files", async target => {
const [jsFromPtlMap] = await target.need(JsFilesFromPtl);
let macroGoals = [];
for (const [mjs, { isMacro, fromPath }] of Object.entries(jsFromPtlMap)) {
if (isMacro) macroGoals.push(sfu(fromPath));
await target.need(macroGoals);
function compiledMjsPathFromPtlPath(path) {
const dirName = Path.dirname(path);
const newDirName = dirName.replace(/packages\/([\w-]+)\/src(?=$|\/)/, "packages/$1/lib");
const newFileName = Path.basename(path, Path.extname(path)) + ".mjs";
const isMacro = Path.basename(path) === "macros.ptl";
return [
{ isMacro, fromPath: path, oldOutPath: `${dirName}/${newFileName}` },
const CompiledJsFromPtl = file.make(
p => p,
async (target, out) => {
const [jsFromPtlMap] = await target.need(JsFilesFromPtl);
const ptl = jsFromPtlMap[out.full].fromPath;
const oldOutPath = jsFromPtlMap[out.full].oldOutPath;
await target.need(MacroPtlFiles, sfu(ptl));
echo.action(echo.hl.command("Compile Script"), ptl);
await rm(oldOutPath); // Remove old output file
await target.need(de(Path.dirname(out.full))); // Create output directory
await silently.run(PATEL_C, "--strict", "--esm", ptl, "-o", out.full);
const Parameters = task(`meta:parameters`, async target => {
await target.need(
////// Config Validation //////
// Build plan validation
function validateBuildPlan(prefix, bp) {
if (!bp.family) fail(`Build plan for ${prefix} does not have a family name. Exit.`);
failWithLegacyParamName(prefix, bp, `no-cv-ss`, `noCvSs`);
failWithLegacyParamName(prefix, bp, `no-ligation`, `noLigation`);
failWithLegacyParamName(prefix, bp, `export-glyph-names`, `exportGlyphNames`);
failWithLegacyParamName(prefix, bp, `build-texture-feature`, `buildTextureFeature`);
failWithLegacyParamName(prefix, bp, `metric-override`, `metricOverride`);
failWithLegacyParamName(prefix, bp, `compatibility-ligatures`, `compatibilityLigatures`);
failWithLegacyParamName(prefix, bp, `exclude-chars`, `excludeChars`);
function failWithLegacyParamName(prefix, bp, legacy, expected) {
if (bp[legacy]) {
`Build plan for '${prefix}' contains legacy build parameter '${legacy}'. ` +
`Please use '${expected}' instead.`,
function resolveWws(bpName, buildPlans, defaultConfig) {
const bp = buildPlans[bpName];
if (!bp) fail(`Build plan ${bpName} not found.`);
if (!bp.slopes && bp.slants) {
`Build plan for ${bpName} uses legacy "slants" to define slopes. ` +
`Use "slopes" instead.`,
bp.weights = resolveWwsAspect("weights", bpName, buildPlans, defaultConfig, []);
bp.widths = resolveWwsAspect("widths", bpName, buildPlans, defaultConfig, []);
bp.slopes = resolveWwsAspect("slopes", bpName, buildPlans, defaultConfig, []);
function resolveWwsAspect(aspectName, bpName, buildPlans, defaultConfig, deps) {
const bp = buildPlans[bpName];
if (!bp) fail(`Build plan ${bpName} not found.`);
if (deps.includes(bp)) {
fail(`Circular dependency detected when resolving ${aspectName} of ${bp.family}.`);
const updatedDeps = [...deps, bpName];
if (bp[aspectName]) {
const aspect = bp[aspectName];
if (typeof aspect.inherits == "string") {
if (aspect.inherits === "default") {
return defaultConfig[aspectName];
} else {
// Make sure it start with `buildPlans.`
if (!aspect.inherits.startsWith("buildPlans.")) {
`Invalid \`inherits\`2 value for ${aspectName} in ${bpName}. ` +
`It must be \`default\` or start with \`buildPlans.\`.`,
const inheritedPlanName = aspect.inherits.slice("buildPlans.".length);
return resolveWwsAspect(
} else {
return shimBpAspect(aspectName, bp[aspectName], defaultConfig[aspectName]);
} else if (bp[`${aspectName}-inherits`]) {
`The ${aspectName}-inherits syntax is deprecated. ` +
`Use the new syntax \`${aspectName}.inherits = "buildPlans.<plan name>\` instead.`,
const inheritedPlanName = bp[`${aspectName}-inherits`];
return resolveWwsAspect(
} else {
return defaultConfig[aspectName];
function shimBpAspect(aspectName, aspect, defaultAspect) {
if (!aspect) return defaultAspect;
const result = {};
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(aspect)) {
shimBpAspectKey(aspectName, result, k, v, defaultAspect);
return result;
function shimBpAspectKey(aspectName, sink, k, v, defaultAspect) {
if (typeof v === "string") {
if (!v.startsWith("default."))
throw new Error(
`Invalid configuration '${v}' for ${aspectName}.${k}'. ` +
`It must start with 'default.'`,
const remappingKey = v.slice("default.".length);
if (!defaultAspect[remappingKey])
throw new Error(
`Invalid configuration '${v}' for ${aspectName}.${k}'. ` +
`The default aspect doesn't have a key '${remappingKey}'.`,
sink[k] = defaultAspect[remappingKey];
} else {
sink[k] = v;
// Recommended weight validation
function validateRecommendedWeight(w, value, label) {
const RecommendedMenuWeights = {
thin: 100,
extralight: 200,
light: 300,
semilight: 350,
regular: 400,
book: 450,
medium: 500,
semibold: 600,
bold: 700,
extrabold: 800,
heavy: 900,
if (RecommendedMenuWeights[w] && RecommendedMenuWeights[w] !== value) {
`${label} weight settings of ${w} ( = ${value}) doesn't match ` +
`the recommended value ( = ${RecommendedMenuWeights[w]}).`,
// Value validation
function wwsDefValidate(key, obj) {
if (!obj || typeof obj === "string") {
throw new TypeError(`${key} is invalid.`);
return obj;
function nValidate(key, v, validator) {
if (validator.fixup) v = validator.fix(v);
if (typeof v !== "number" || !isFinite(v) || !validator.validate(v)) {
throw new TypeError(`${key} = ${v} is not a valid number.`);
return v;
const VlShapeWeight = { validate: x => x >= 100 && x <= 1000 };
const VlCssWeight = { validate: x => x > 0 && x <= 1000 };
const VlMenuWeight = VlCssWeight;
const g_widthFixupMemory = new Map();
const VlShapeWidth = {
validate: x => x >= 416 && x <= 720,
fix(x) {
if (x >= 3 && x <= 9) {
if (g_widthFixupMemory.has(x)) return g_widthFixupMemory.get(x);
const xCorrected = Math.round(500 * Math.pow(Math.sqrt(600 / 500), x - 5));
`The build plan is using legacy width grade ${x}. ` +
`Converting to unit width ${xCorrected}.`,
g_widthFixupMemory.set(x, xCorrected);
return xCorrected;
} else {
return x;
const VlMenuWidth = { validate: x => x >= 1 && x <= 9 && x % 1 === 0 };
const VlSlopeAngle = { validate: x => x >= 0 && x <= 15 };
function sValidate(key, v, validator) {
if (validator.fixup) v = validator.fix(v);
if (typeof v !== "string" || !validator.validate(v)) {
throw new TypeError(`${key} = ${v} is not a valid string.`);
return v;
const VlShapeSlope = { validate: x => x === "upright" || x === "oblique" || x === "italic" };
const VlCssStyle = { validate: x => x === "normal" || x === "oblique" || x === "italic" };
const VlCssFontStretch = {
validate: x =>
x == "ultra-condensed" ||
x == "extra-condensed" ||
x == "condensed" ||
x == "semi-condensed" ||
x == "normal" ||
x == "semi-expanded" ||
x == "expanded" ||
x == "extra-expanded" ||
x == "ultra-expanded",
// Utilities
function Delay(t) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, t));