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;;;; -*- mode: Scheme; indent-tabs-mode: nil; fill-column: 80; -*-
;;;; Copyright © 2015 Rémi Delrue <>
;;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
(define-module (gnu gnunet scheduler)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
#:use-module (system foreign)
#:use-module (gnu gnunet binding-utils)
#:use-module (gnu gnunet common)
#:use-module (gnu gnunet configuration)
#:export (default-error-handler
#; set-next-task!
(define-gnunet %scheduler-run
"GNUNET_SCHEDULER_run" : '(* *) -> void)
(define-gnunet schedule-shutdown!
"GNUNET_SCHEDULER_shutdown" : '() -> void)
#;(define-gnunet %add-continuation
"GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_continuation" : (list '* '* unsigned-int) -> void)
#;(define-gnunet %add-continuation-with-priority
"GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_continuation_with_priority" :
(list '* '* unsigned-int unsigned-int) -> void)
(define-gnunet %add-with-priority
"GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_with_priority" : (list unsigned-int '* '*) -> '*)
(define-gnunet %add-now
"GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now" : '(* *) -> '*)
(define-gnunet %add-delayed
"GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_delayed" : (list time-relative '* '*) -> '*)
(define-gnunet %add-delayed-with-priority
"GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_delayed_with_priority" :
(list time-relative unsigned-int '* '*) -> '*)
(define-gnunet cancel-task! "GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel" : '(*) -> '*)
(define-gnunet %speedup-start "GNUNET_SPEEDUP_start_" : '(*) -> int)
(define-gnunet %speedup-stop "GNUNET_SPEEDUP_stop_" : '() -> void)
(define-gnunet %resolver-connect "GNUNET_RESOLVER_connect" : '(*) -> void)
(define priorities-alist
'((#:keep . 0)
(#:idle . 1)
(#:background . 2)
(#:default . 3)
(#:high . 4)
(#:ui . 5)
(#:urgent . 6)
(#:shutdown . 7)
(#:count . 8)))
(define (priority->number priority)
(assq-ref priorities-alist priority))
(define (number->priority n)
(rassq-ref priorities-alist n))
(define reasons-alist
'((#:none . 0)
(#:startup . 1)
(#:shutdown . 2)
(#:timeout . 4)
(#:read-ready . 8)
(#:write-ready . 16)
(#:prerequisite-done . 32)))
(define (reason-list->number . reasons)
(define (reason->number r)
(or (assq-ref reasons-alist r)
(throw 'invalid-arg "reason->number" r)))
(fold (lambda (reason result)
(logand (reason->number reason) result))
0 reasons))
(define (number->reason-list n)
(fold (lambda (reason result)
(if (zero? (logand (cdr reason) n))
(cons (car reason) result)))
'() reasons-alist))
(define (task-thunk->pointer thunk error-handler)
"Wraps THUNK for use with the scheduler, and returns a pointer to it.
THUNK should be a function of one argument: a list of reasons (as keywords)."
(procedure->pointer void
(lambda (unused %context)
(match (parse-c-struct %context
(list unsigned-int '* '*))
((%reasons _ _)
;; (with-throw-handler
;; #t (thunk (number->reason-list %reasons))
;; (lambda args (backtrace)))
; (catch #t
(thunk (number->reason-list %reasons)))))
; error-handler))))
'(* *)))
(define (default-error-handler key . args)
(simple-format #t "GNUNET SHUTDOWN: ~s ~s\n" key args)
(define* (call-with-scheduler config thunk
#:key (error-handler default-error-handler))
"Initialize and run GnuNets scheduler, that will start by calling THUNK, and
will only return when all tasks have been completed.
On systems with signals, receiving a SIGTERM (or any other similar signal)
causes `scheduler-shutdown` to be run after the active task is completed. As a
result, SIGTERM causes all the current pending tasks to be marked as ready, and
scheduled for immediate execution with reason #:shutdown. However, tasks
scheduled *after* the call to `scheduler-shutdown` may still be delayed
(define (init-and-start reasons)
(when (not (member #:shutdown reasons))
(%speedup-start (unwrap-configuration config))
(%resolver-connect (unwrap-configuration config))
(thunk reasons)))
(%scheduler-run (task-thunk->pointer init-and-start error-handler)
;;+TODO: shall I (assert (uint64? delay)) ?
;;+TODO: map delay = inf to %delay = uint64_max
(define* (add-task! thunk #:key (delay 0) (priority #:default)
(error-handler default-error-handler))
"Schedule THUNK for execution with DELAY with PRIORITY.
DELAY is an integer in microseconds,
PRIORITY is a keyword."
(let ((%thunk (task-thunk->pointer thunk error-handler)))
;; in the following calls to the %add-* functions, %null-pointer designates
;; the “closure” of the task (a simulation of the closure concept in C). As
;; we have real closures, we dont need to use this, hence the null pointer.
(cond ((and (zero? delay) (eq? #:default priority))
(%add-now %thunk %null-pointer))
((zero? delay)
(%add-with-priority (priority->number priority) %thunk %null-pointer))
((eq? #:default priority)
(%add-delayed delay %thunk %null-pointer))
(%add-delayed-with-priority delay (priority->number priority)
%thunk %null-pointer)))))
#;(define* (set-next-task! thunk #:key (reasons '(#:none)) (priority #:default)
(error-handler default-error-handler))
"Schedule TASK as the next action to complete."
(let ((%thunk (task-thunk->pointer thunk error-handler))
(%reasons (apply reason-list->number reasons)))
(if (eq? priority #:default)
(%add-continuation %thunk %null-pointer %reasons)
(%add-continuation-with-priority %thunk %null-pointer %reasons
(priority->number priority)))))