
97 lines
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With sexp-xgettext, arbitrary s-expressions can be marked for
translation (not only strings like with normal xgettext).
S-expressions can be marked with G_ (simple marking for translation),
N_ (“complex” marking with different forms depending on number like
ngettext), C_ (“complex” marking distinguished from other markings by
a msgctxt like pgettext) or NC_ (mix of both).
Marking a string for translation behaves like normal gettext. Marking
a parenthesized expression (i.e. a list or procedure call) extracts
each string from the parenthesized expression. If a symbol, keyword
or other parenthesized expression occurs between the strings, it is
extracted as an XML element. Expressions before or after all strings
are not extracted. If strings from a parenthesized sub-expression
shall be extracted too, the sub-expression must again be marked with
G_ unless it is the only sub-expression or it follows a quote,
unquote, quasiquote or unquote-splicing. The order of XML elements
can be changed in the translation to produce a different ordering
inside a parenthesized expression. If a string shall not be extracted
from a marked expression, it must be wrapped, for example by a call to
the identity procedure. Be careful when marking non-SHTML content
such as procedure calls for translation: Additional strings will be
inserted between non-string elements.
Known issues:
* Line numbers are sometimes off.
* Some less important other TODOs in the comments.
The following commands are an example of the translation for locale
de_DE. Adapt as necessary. We assume the software requirements
mentioned in the README are installed.
To create a pot file (adjust the package version!):
guile scripts/sexp-xgettext.scm -f po/POTFILES \
-o po/guix-website.pot \
--from-code=UTF-8 \
--copyright-holder="the authors of the Guix Website" \
--package-name="guix-website" \
--package-version="20201117" \
--msgid-bugs-address="" \
--keyword=G_ \
--keyword=N_:1,2 \
--keyword=C_:1c,2 \
To create a po file from a pot file, do the usual:
cd po
msginit -l de --no-translator
To add a new translation:
$EDITOR po/LINGUAS <-- Add full locale name (ll_LL)
$EDITOR po/ietf-tags.scm <-- Add locale name association
To merge an existing po file with a new pot file:
cd po
msgmerge --previous -U de.po guix-website.pot
To update mo files:
mkdir -p de/LC_MESSAGES
cd po
msgfmt de.po
cd ..
mv po/ de/LC_MESSAGES/
To translate package synopsis and descriptions, you will need the guix-packages
domain. On the Guix System, you can copy one from your installation:
cp /run/current-system/profile/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ de/LC_MESSAGES/
To build all languages:
guix build -f .guix.scm
To test the de_DE translation, update its mo files as above, then:
guix environment --ad-hoc haunt
LC_ALL=de_DE.utf8 \
GUILE_LOAD_PATH=$(guix build guile-syntax-highlight)/share/guile/site/3.0:$GUILE_LOAD_PATH \
haunt build
GUILE_LOAD_PATH=$(guix build guile-syntax-highlight)/share/guile/site/3.0:$GUILE_LOAD_PATH \
haunt serve
For checking for errors / debugging newly marked files you can try:
GUILE_LOAD_PATH=.:$(guix build haunt)/share/guile/site/3.0:\
$(guix build guile-syntax-highlight)/share/guile/site/3.0:$GUILE_LOAD_PATH \
guile apps/base/templates/about.scm # an example for debugging about.scm