;;; database.scm -- store evaluation and build results ;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017 Mathieu Lirzin ;;; Copyright © 2017, 2020 Mathieu Othacehe ;;; Copyright © 2018, 2020 Ludovic Courtès ;;; Copyright © 2018 Clément Lassieur ;;; Copyright © 2018 Tatiana Sholokhova ;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020 Ricardo Wurmus ;;; ;;; This file is part of Cuirass. ;;; ;;; Cuirass is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; Cuirass is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with Cuirass. If not, see . (define-module (cuirass database) #:use-module (cuirass logging) #:use-module (cuirass config) #:use-module (cuirass notification) #:use-module (cuirass parameters) #:use-module (cuirass remote) #:use-module (cuirass specification) #:use-module (cuirass utils) #:use-module (guix channels) #:use-module (squee) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (ice-9 format) #:use-module (ice-9 ftw) #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim) #:use-module (ice-9 regex) #:use-module (ice-9 threads) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-19) #:use-module (srfi srfi-26) #:use-module (system foreign) #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors) #:export (;; Procedures. db-init db-open db-close exec-query/bind-params expect-one-row read-sql-file db-add-checkout db-add-or-update-specification db-remove-specification db-get-specification db-get-specifications evaluation-status db-add-evaluation db-abort-pending-evaluations db-set-evaluation-status db-set-evaluation-time build-status build-weather db-add-output db-add-build db-add-build-product db-get-output db-get-outputs db-get-time-since-previous-build db-get-build-percentages db-get-jobs db-register-builds db-update-build-status! db-update-build-worker! db-restart-build! db-restart-evaluation! db-retry-evaluation! db-cancel-pending-builds! db-get-build-products db-get-builds-by-search db-get-builds db-get-build db-get-events db-delete-events-with-ids-<=-to db-get-pending-derivations db-get-checkouts db-get-latest-checkout db-get-evaluation db-get-evaluations db-get-evaluations-build-summary db-get-evaluations-id-min db-get-evaluations-id-max db-get-evaluation-summary db-get-builds-query-min db-get-builds-query-max db-get-builds-min db-get-builds-max db-get-evaluation-specification db-get-build-product-path db-push-notification db-pop-notification db-add-or-update-worker db-get-worker db-get-workers db-worker-current-builds db-remove-unresponsive-workers db-clear-workers db-clear-build-queue ;; Parameters. %create-database? %package-database %package-schema-file %db-channel ;; Macros. exec-query/bind with-database with-db-worker-thread with-transaction)) ;; Maximum priority for a Build or Specification. (define max-priority 9) (define (%exec-query db query args) (exec-query db query args)) (define (normalize obj) (if (string? obj) obj (and obj (object->string obj)))) (define-syntax %exec-query/bind (lambda (s) ;; Expand to an 'exec-query' call where the query string has ;; interspersed question marks and the argument list is separate. (define (string-literal? s) (string? (syntax->datum s))) (define (interleave a b) (if (null? b) (list (car a)) `(,(car a) ,(car b) ,@(interleave (cdr a) (cdr b))))) (define (interleave-arguments str) (string-join (interleave str (map (lambda (i) (string-append "$" (number->string (1+ i)))) (iota (1- (length str))))) " ")) (syntax-case s () ((_ db (bindings ...) tail str arg rest ...) #'(%exec-query/bind db (bindings ... (str arg)) tail rest ...)) ((_ db (bindings ...) tail str) #'(%exec-query/bind db (bindings ...) str)) ((_ db ((strings args) ...) tail) ;; Optimized case: only string literals. (with-syntax ((query (interleave-arguments (append (syntax->datum #'(strings ...)) (list (syntax->datum #'tail)))))) #'(%exec-query db query (map normalize (list args ...)))))))) (define-syntax-rule (exec-query/bind db query args ...) "Execute the specific QUERY with the given ARGS. Uses of 'exec-query/bind' typically look like this: (exec-query/bind db \"SELECT * FROM Foo WHERE x = \" x \"AND Y=\" y \";\") References to variables 'x' and 'y' here are replaced by $1 and $2 in the SQL query. This ensures that (1) SQL injection is impossible, and (2) the number of parameters matches the number of arguments to bind." (%exec-query/bind db () "" query args ...)) (define (exec-query/bind-params db query params) (define param-regex (make-regexp ":[a-zA-Z]+")) (define (argument-indexes arguments) (let loop ((res '()) (bindings '()) (counter 1) (arguments arguments)) (if (null? arguments) (reverse res) (let* ((arg (car arguments)) (index (assoc-ref bindings arg))) (if index (loop (cons index res) bindings counter (cdr arguments)) (loop (cons counter res) `((,arg . ,counter) ,@bindings) (1+ counter) (cdr arguments))))))) (let* ((args (reverse (fold-matches param-regex query '() (lambda (m p) (cons (match:substring m) p))))) (indexes (argument-indexes args)) (proc (lambda (m) (let ((index (car indexes))) (set! indexes (cdr indexes)) (string-append "$" (number->string index))))) (query (regexp-substitute/global #f param-regex query 'pre proc 'post)) (params (map (lambda (arg) (let ((symbol (symbol->keyword (string->symbol (substring arg 1))))) (assoc-ref params symbol))) (delete-duplicates args)))) (exec-query db query (map normalize params)))) (define %create-database? (make-parameter #f)) (define %package-database (make-parameter #f)) (define %package-schema-file ;; Define to the database schema file of this package. (make-parameter (string-append (or (getenv "CUIRASS_DATADIR") (string-append %datadir "/" %package)) "/schema.sql"))) (define %package-sql-dir ;; Define to the directory containing the SQL files. (make-parameter (string-append (or (getenv "CUIRASS_DATADIR") (string-append %datadir "/" %package)) "/sql"))) (define %db-channel (make-parameter #f)) (define-syntax-rule (with-database body ...) "Run BODY with %DB-CHANNEL being dynamically bound to a channel providing a worker thread that allows database operations to run without interfering with fibers." (parameterize ((%db-channel (make-worker-thread-channel (lambda () (list (db-open))) #:parallelism (min (current-processor-count) 8)))) body ...)) (define-syntax-rule (with-db-worker-thread db exp ...) "Evaluate EXP... in the critical section corresponding to %DB-CHANNEL. DB is bound to the argument of that critical section: the database connection." (let ((send-timeout 2) (receive-timeout 5) (caller-name (frame-procedure-name (stack-ref (make-stack #t) 1)))) (call-with-worker-thread (%db-channel) (lambda (db) exp ...) #:send-timeout send-timeout #:send-timeout-proc (lambda () (log-message (format #f "No available database workers for ~a seconds." (number->string send-timeout)))) #:receive-timeout receive-timeout #:receive-timeout-proc (lambda () (log-message (format #f "Database worker unresponsive for ~a seconds (~a)." (number->string receive-timeout) caller-name)))))) (define-syntax-rule (with-transaction exp ...) "Evalute EXP within an SQL transaction." (with-db-worker-thread db (exec-query db "BEGIN TRANSACTION;") exp ... (exec-query db "COMMIT;"))) (define (read-sql-file file-name) "Return a list of string containing SQL instructions from FILE-NAME." (call-with-input-file file-name (lambda (port) (let loop ((insts '())) (let ((inst (read-delimited ";" port 'concat))) (if (or (eof-object? inst) ;; Don't cons the spaces after the last instructions. (string-every char-whitespace? inst)) (reverse! insts) (loop (cons inst insts)))))))) (define (expect-one-row rows) "Several SQL queries expect one result, or zero if not found. This gets rid of the list, and returns #f when there is no result." (match rows ((row) row) (() #f))) (define (db-load db schema) "Evaluate the file SCHEMA, which may contain SQL queries, into DB." (for-each (cut exec-query db <>) (read-sql-file schema))) (define (db-schema-version db) (catch 'psql-query-error (lambda () (match (expect-one-row (exec-query db "SELECT version FROM SchemaVersion")) ((version) (string->number version)))) (lambda _ #f))) (define (db-set-schema-version db version) (exec-query db "DELETE FROM SchemaVersion") (exec-query/bind db "INSERT INTO SchemaVersion (version) VALUES (" version ")")) (define (latest-db-schema-version) "Return the version to which the schema should be upgraded, based on the upgrade-n.sql files, or 0 if there are no such files." (reduce max 0 (map (compose string->number (cut match:substring <> 1)) (filter-map (cut string-match "^upgrade-([0-9]+)\\.sql$" <>) (or (scandir (%package-sql-dir)) '()))))) (define* (db-init db #:key (schema (%package-schema-file))) "Open the database to store and read jobs and builds informations. Return a database object." (db-load db schema) (db-set-schema-version db (latest-db-schema-version)) db) (define (schema-upgrade-file version) "Return the file containing the SQL instructions that upgrade the schema from VERSION-1 to VERSION." (in-vicinity (%package-sql-dir) (format #f "upgrade-~a.sql" version))) (define (db-upgrade db) "Upgrade database DB based on its current version and the available upgrade-n.sql files." (for-each (lambda (version) (db-load db (schema-upgrade-file version)) (db-set-schema-version db version)) (let ((current (db-schema-version db))) (iota (- (latest-db-schema-version) current) (1+ current)))) db) (define* (db-open #:key (database (%package-database))) "Open database to store or read jobs and builds informations. Return a database object." (unless database (%package-database (format #f "dbname=~a host=~a" (%cuirass-database) (%cuirass-host)))) (let ((db (connect-to-postgres-paramstring (%package-database)))) (when (%create-database?) (match (db-schema-version db) (#f (db-init db)) (else (db-upgrade db)))) db)) (define (db-close db) "Close database object DB." (pg-conn-finish db)) (define* (db-add-checkout spec-name eval-id instance #:key timestamp) "Insert INSTANCE associated with SPEC-NAME and EVAL-ID. If a checkout with the same revision already exists for SPEC-NAME, return #f." (let ((channel (channel-instance-channel instance))) (with-db-worker-thread db (match (expect-one-row (exec-query/bind db "\ INSERT INTO Checkouts (specification, revision, evaluation, channel, directory, timestamp) VALUES (" spec-name ", " (channel-instance-commit instance) ", " eval-id ", " (symbol->string (channel-name channel)) ", " (channel-instance-checkout instance) ", " (or timestamp 0) ") ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT checkouts_pkey DO NOTHING RETURNING (specification, revision);")) (x x) (() #f))))) (define (db-add-or-update-specification spec) "Store SPEC in database." (with-db-worker-thread db (let ((channels (map channel->sexp (specification-channels spec))) (build-outputs (map build-output->sexp (specification-build-outputs spec))) (notifications (map notification->sexp (specification-notifications spec)))) (match (expect-one-row (exec-query/bind db "\ INSERT INTO Specifications (name, build, channels, \ build_outputs, notifications, priority, systems) \ VALUES (" (specification-name spec) ", " (specification-build spec) ", " channels ", " build-outputs ", " notifications ", " (specification-priority spec) ", " (specification-systems spec) ") ON CONFLICT(name) DO UPDATE SET build = " (specification-build spec) ", channels = " channels ", build_outputs = " build-outputs ", notifications = " notifications ", priority = " (specification-priority spec) ", systems = " (specification-systems spec) "RETURNING name;")) ((name) name) (else #f))))) (define (db-remove-specification name) "Remove the specification matching NAME from the database." (with-db-worker-thread db (exec-query/bind db "\ DELETE FROM Specifications WHERE name=" name ";"))) (define (db-get-specification name) "Retrieve a specification in the database with the given NAME." (expect-one-row (db-get-specifications name))) (define* (db-get-specifications #:optional name) (with-db-worker-thread db (let loop ((rows (if name (exec-query/bind db " SELECT name, build, channels, build_outputs, notifications,\ priority, systems FROM Specifications WHERE name =" name ";") (exec-query db " SELECT name, build, channels, build_outputs, notifications,\ priority, systems FROM Specifications ORDER BY name ASC;"))) (specs '())) (match rows (() (reverse specs)) (((name build channels build-outputs notifications priority systems) . rest) (loop rest (cons (specification (name name) (build (with-input-from-string build read)) (channels (map sexp->channel* (with-input-from-string channels read))) (build-outputs (map sexp->build-output (with-input-from-string build-outputs read))) (notifications (map sexp->notification (with-input-from-string notifications read))) (priority (string->number priority)) (systems (with-input-from-string systems read))) specs))))))) (define-enumeration evaluation-status (started -1) (succeeded 0) (failed 1) (aborted 2)) (define* (db-add-evaluation spec-name instances #:key (checkouttime 0) (evaltime 0) timestamp) "Add a new evaluation for SPEC-NAME only if one of the INSTANCES is new. Otherwise, return #f." (define now (or timestamp (time-second (current-time time-utc)))) (with-db-worker-thread db (exec-query db "BEGIN TRANSACTION;") (let* ((eval-id (match (expect-one-row (exec-query/bind db "\ INSERT INTO Evaluations (specification, status, timestamp, checkouttime, evaltime) VALUES (" spec-name "," (evaluation-status started) "," now "," checkouttime "," evaltime ") RETURNING id;")) ((id) (string->number id)))) (new-instances (filter-map (lambda (instance) (db-add-checkout spec-name eval-id instance #:timestamp timestamp)) instances))) (if (null? new-instances) (begin (exec-query db "ROLLBACK;") #f) (begin (exec-query db "COMMIT;") eval-id))))) (define (db-abort-pending-evaluations) (with-db-worker-thread db (exec-query/bind db "UPDATE Evaluations SET status = " (evaluation-status aborted) " WHERE status = " (evaluation-status started)))) (define (db-set-evaluation-status eval-id status) (with-db-worker-thread db (exec-query/bind db "UPDATE Evaluations SET status = " status " WHERE id = " eval-id ";"))) (define (db-set-evaluation-time eval-id) (define now (time-second (current-time time-utc))) (with-db-worker-thread db (exec-query/bind db "UPDATE Evaluations SET evaltime = " now "WHERE id = " eval-id ";"))) (define-enumeration build-status ;; Build status as expected by Hydra's API. Note: the negative values are ;; Cuirass' own extensions. (submitted -3) (scheduled -2) (started -1) (succeeded 0) (failed 1) (failed-dependency 2) (failed-other 3) (canceled 4)) (define-enumeration build-weather (unknown -1) (new-success 0) (new-failure 1) (still-succeeding 2) (still-failing 3)) (define (build-status->weather status last-status) (cond ((or (< status 0) (not last-status)) (build-weather unknown)) ((and (= status 0) (> last-status 0)) (build-weather new-success)) ((and (> status 0) (= last-status 0)) (build-weather new-failure)) ((and (= status 0) (= last-status 0)) (build-weather still-succeeding)) ((and (> status 0) (> last-status 0)) (build-weather still-failing)))) (define (db-add-output derivation output) "Insert OUTPUT associated with DERIVATION." (with-db-worker-thread db (match output ((name . path) (exec-query/bind db "\ INSERT INTO Outputs (derivation, name, path) VALUES (" derivation ", " name ", " path ") ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT outputs_pkey DO NOTHING;"))))) (define (db-add-build build) "Store BUILD in database the database only if one of its outputs is new. Return #f otherwise. BUILD outputs are stored in the OUTPUTS table." (with-db-worker-thread db (exec-query/bind db " INSERT INTO Builds (derivation, evaluation, job_name, system, nix_name, log, status, priority, max_silent, timeout, timestamp, starttime, stoptime) VALUES (" (assq-ref build #:derivation) ", " (assq-ref build #:eval-id) ", " (assq-ref build #:job-name) ", " (assq-ref build #:system) ", " (assq-ref build #:nix-name) ", " (assq-ref build #:log) ", " (or (assq-ref build #:status) (build-status scheduled)) ", " (or (assq-ref build #:priority) max-priority) ", " (or (assq-ref build #:max-silent) 0) ", " (or (assq-ref build #:timeout) 0) ", " (or (assq-ref build #:timestamp) 0) ", " (or (assq-ref build #:starttime) 0) ", " (or (assq-ref build #:stoptime) 0) ") ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT builds_derivation_key DO NOTHING;")) (let* ((derivation (assq-ref build #:derivation)) (outputs (assq-ref build #:outputs)) (new-outputs (filter-map (cut db-add-output derivation <>) outputs))) derivation)) (define (db-add-build-product product) "Insert PRODUCT into BuildProducts table." (with-db-worker-thread db (exec-query/bind db "\ INSERT INTO BuildProducts (build, type, file_size, checksum, path) VALUES (" (assq-ref product #:build) ", " (assq-ref product #:type) ", " (assq-ref product #:file-size) ", " (assq-ref product #:checksum) ", " (assq-ref product #:path) ") ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT buildproducts_pkey DO NOTHING;"))) (define (db-get-output path) "Retrieve the OUTPUT for PATH." (with-db-worker-thread db (match (exec-query/bind db "SELECT derivation, name FROM Outputs WHERE path =" path " LIMIT 1;") (() #f) (((derivation name)) `((#:derivation . ,derivation) (#:name . ,name)))))) (define (db-get-outputs derivation) "Retrieve the OUTPUTS of the build identified by DERIVATION in the database." (with-db-worker-thread db (let loop ((rows (exec-query/bind db "SELECT name, path FROM Outputs WHERE derivation =" derivation ";")) (outputs '())) (match rows (() (reverse outputs)) (((name path) . rest) (loop rest (cons `(,name . ((#:path . ,path))) outputs))))))) (define (db-get-time-since-previous-build job-name specification) "Return the time difference in seconds between the current time and the registration time of the last build for JOB-NAME and SPECIFICATION." (with-db-worker-thread db (match (expect-one-row (exec-query/bind db " SELECT extract(epoch from now())::int - Builds.timestamp FROM Builds INNER JOIN Evaluations on Builds.evaluation = Evaluations.id WHERE job_name = " job-name "AND specification = " specification "ORDER BY Builds.timestamp DESC LIMIT 1")) ((time) (string->number time)) (else #f)))) (define (db-get-build-percentages builds) (define build-ids (format #f "{~a}" (string-join (map number->string (map (cut assq-ref <> #:id) builds)) ","))) (with-db-worker-thread db (let loop ((rows (exec-query/bind db " SELECT LEAST(duration::float/last_duration * 100, 100)::int AS percentage FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ON (b1.id) b1.id AS id, GREATEST((b2.stoptime - b2.starttime), 1) AS last_duration, (extract(epoch from now())::int - b1.starttime) AS duration FROM builds AS b1 LEFT JOIN builds AS b2 ON b1.job_name = b2.job_name WHERE b1.id IN (SELECT id FROM builds WHERE id = ANY(" build-ids ")) AND b2.status >= 0 ORDER BY b1.id, b2.id DESC) d;")) (percentages '())) (match rows (() (reverse percentages)) (((percentage) . rest) (loop rest (cons (string->number percentage) percentages))))))) (define (db-add-job job eval-id) "Insert JOB into Jobs table for the EVAL-ID evaluation. It is possible that another already built derivation has the same build outputs that the JOB derivation. In that case, the JOB DERIVATION field is set to the existing derivation sharing the same build outputs, otherwise it is set to the given JOB derivation." (let* ((name (assq-ref job #:job-name)) (derivation (assq-ref job #:derivation)) (outputs (assq-ref job #:outputs)) (output (match outputs (((name . path) _ ...) path))) (system (assq-ref job #:system))) (pk output derivation) (with-db-worker-thread db (exec-query/bind db "\ INSERT INTO Jobs (name, evaluation, build, system) (SELECT " name ", " eval-id ", (SELECT id FROM Builds WHERE derivation = (SELECT COALESCE((SELECT derivation FROM Outputs WHERE PATH = " output "), " derivation ")))," system ") ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT jobs_pkey DO NOTHING;")))) (define (db-get-jobs eval-id filters) "Return the jobs inside Jobs table for the EVAL-ID evaluation that are matching the given FILTERS. FILTERS is an assoc list whose possible keys are the symbols system and names." (define (format-names names) (format #f "{~a}" (string-join names ","))) (with-db-worker-thread db (let ((query " SELECT Builds.id, Builds.status, Jobs.name FROM Jobs INNER JOIN Builds ON Jobs.build = Builds.id WHERE Jobs.evaluation = :evaluation AND ((Jobs.system = :system) OR :system IS NULL) AND ((Jobs.name = ANY(:names)) OR :names IS NULL) ORDER BY Jobs.name") (params `((#:evaluation . ,eval-id) (#:system . ,(assq-ref filters 'system)) (#:names . ,(and=> (assq-ref filters 'names) format-names))))) (let loop ((rows (exec-query/bind-params db query params)) (jobs '())) (match rows (() (reverse jobs)) (((id status name) . rest) (loop rest (cons `((#:build . ,(string->number id)) (#:status . ,(string->number status)) (#:name . ,name)) jobs)))))))) (define (db-register-builds jobs eval-id specification) (define (new-outputs? outputs) (let ((new-outputs (filter-map (match-lambda ((name . path) (let ((drv (db-get-output path))) (and (not drv) path)))) outputs))) (not (null? new-outputs)))) (define (build-priority priority) (let ((spec-priority (specification-priority specification))) (+ (* spec-priority 10) priority))) (define (register job) (let* ((drv (assq-ref job #:derivation)) (job-name (assq-ref job #:job-name)) (system (assq-ref job #:system)) (nix-name (assq-ref job #:nix-name)) (log (assq-ref job #:log)) (period (assq-ref job #:period)) (priority (or (assq-ref job #:priority) max-priority)) (max-silent (assq-ref job #:max-silent-time)) (timeout (assq-ref job #:timeout)) (outputs (assq-ref job #:outputs)) (cur-time (time-second (current-time time-utc)))) (and (new-outputs? outputs) (let ((build `((#:derivation . ,drv) (#:eval-id . ,eval-id) (#:job-name . ,job-name) (#:system . ,system) (#:nix-name . ,nix-name) ;; XXX: We'd leave LOG to #f (i.e., NULL) but that ;; currently violates the non-NULL constraint. (#:log . ,(or log "")) (#:status . ,(build-status scheduled)) (#:priority . ,(build-priority priority)) (#:max-silent . ,max-silent) (#:timeout . ,timeout) (#:outputs . ,outputs) (#:timestamp . ,cur-time) (#:starttime . 0) (#:stoptime . 0)))) (if period (let* ((spec (specification-name specification)) (time (db-get-time-since-previous-build job-name spec)) (add-build? (cond ((not time) #t) ((> time period) #t) (else #f)))) (and add-build? (db-add-build build))) (db-add-build build)))) ;; Always register JOB inside the Jobs table. If there are new outputs, ;; JOB will refer to the newly created build. Otherwise, it will refer ;; to the last build with the same build outputs. (db-add-job job eval-id))) (with-db-worker-thread db (log-message "Registering builds for evaluation ~a." eval-id) (exec-query db "BEGIN TRANSACTION;") (let ((derivations (filter-map register jobs))) (exec-query db "COMMIT;") derivations))) (define (db-get-last-status drv) "Return the status of the last completed build with the same 'job_name' and specification' as DRV." (with-db-worker-thread db (match (expect-one-row (exec-query/bind db " SELECT Builds.status FROM (SELECT evaluation, job_name, specification FROM Builds INNER JOIN Evaluations ON Builds.evaluation = Evaluations.id WHERE derivation = " drv ") AS cur, Builds INNER JOIN Evaluations ON Builds.evaluation = Evaluations.id WHERE cur.job_name = Builds.job_name AND cur.specification = Evaluations.specification AND Builds.evaluation < cur.evaluation AND Builds.status >= 0 ORDER BY Builds.evaluation DESC LIMIT 1")) ((status) (string->number status)) (else #f)))) (define* (db-update-build-status! drv status #:key log-file) "Update the database so that DRV's status is STATUS. This also updates the 'starttime' or 'stoptime' fields. If LOG-FILE is true, record it as the build log file for DRV." (define now (time-second (current-time time-utc))) (define status-names `((,(build-status succeeded) . "succeeded") (,(build-status failed) . "failed") (,(build-status failed-dependency) . "failed (dependency)") (,(build-status failed-other) . "failed (other)") (,(build-status canceled) . "canceled"))) (with-db-worker-thread db (if (or (= status (build-status started)) (= status (build-status submitted))) (if log-file (exec-query/bind db "UPDATE Builds SET starttime=" now ",status=" status ",log=" log-file "WHERE derivation=" drv ";") (exec-query/bind db "UPDATE Builds SET starttime=" now ",status=" status "WHERE derivation=" drv ";")) ;; Update only if we're switching to a different status; otherwise ;; leave things unchanged. This ensures that 'stoptime' remains valid ;; and doesn't change every time we mark DRV as 'succeeded' several ;; times in a row, for instance. The 'last_status' field is updated ;; with the status of the last completed build with the same ;; 'job_name' and 'specification'. (let* ((last-status (db-get-last-status drv)) (weather (build-status->weather status last-status)) (rows (exec-query/bind db " UPDATE Builds SET stoptime =" now ", status =" status ", last_status = " last-status ", weather = " weather "WHERE derivation =" drv " AND status != " status ";"))) (when (positive? rows) (let* ((build (db-get-build drv)) (spec (assq-ref build #:specification)) (specification (db-get-specification spec)) (notifications (specification-notifications specification))) (for-each (lambda (notif) (when (or (eq? weather (build-weather new-success)) (eq? weather (build-weather new-failure))) (db-push-notification notif (assq-ref build #:id)))) notifications))))))) (define* (db-update-build-worker! drv worker) "Update the database so that DRV's worker is WORKER." (with-db-worker-thread db (exec-query/bind db "UPDATE Builds SET worker=" worker "WHERE derivation=" drv ";"))) (define (db-restart-build! build-id) "Restart the build with BUILD-ID id." (with-db-worker-thread db (exec-query/bind db "UPDATE Builds SET status=" (build-status scheduled) ", starttime = 0, stoptime = 0 WHERE id=" build-id ";"))) (define (db-restart-evaluation! eval-id) "Restart the evaluation with EVAL-ID id." (with-db-worker-thread db (exec-query/bind db "UPDATE Builds SET status=" (build-status scheduled) ", starttime = 0, stoptime = 0 WHERE evaluation=" eval-id ";"))) (define (db-retry-evaluation! eval-id) "Retry the evaluation with EVAL-ID id." (with-db-worker-thread db (exec-query/bind db "\ DELETE FROM Checkouts WHERE evaluation=" eval-id ";"))) (define (db-cancel-pending-builds! eval-id) "Cancel the pending builds of the evaluation with EVAL-ID id." (with-db-worker-thread db (exec-query/bind db "UPDATE Builds SET status=" (build-status canceled) "WHERE evaluation=" eval-id "AND status = " (build-status started) ";"))) (define (query->bind-arguments query-string) "Return a list of keys to query strings by parsing QUERY-STRING." (define status-values `(("success" . ,(build-status succeeded)) ("failed" . ,(build-status failed)) ("failed-dependency" . ,(build-status failed-dependency)) ("failed-other" . ,(build-status failed-other)) ("canceled" . ,(build-status canceled)))) (let ((args (map (lambda (token) (match (string-split token #\:) (("system" system) `(#:system . ,system)) (("spec" spec) `(#:spec . ,spec)) (("status" status) `(#:status . ,(assoc-ref status-values status))) ((_ invalid) '()) ; ignore ((query) ;; Remove any '%' that could make the search too slow and ;; add one at the end of the query. `(#:query . ,(string-append (string-join (string-split query #\%) "") "%"))))) (string-tokenize query-string)))) ;; Normalize arguments (fold (lambda (key acc) (if (assq key acc) acc (cons (cons key #f) acc))) args '(#:spec #:system)))) (define (db-get-build-products build-id) "Return the build products associated to the given BUILD-ID." (with-db-worker-thread db (let loop ((rows (exec-query/bind db " SELECT id, type, file_size, checksum, path from BuildProducts WHERE build = " build-id)) (products '())) (match rows (() (reverse products)) (((id type file-size checksum path) . rest) (loop rest (cons `((#:id . ,(string->number id)) (#:type . ,type) (#:file-size . ,(string->number file-size)) (#:checksum . ,checksum) (#:path . ,path)) products))))))) (define (db-get-builds-by-search filters) "Retrieve all builds in the database which are matched by given FILTERS. FILTERS is an assoc list whose possible keys are the symbols query, border-low-id, border-high-id, and nr." (with-db-worker-thread db (let* ((query (format #f " SELECT * FROM (SELECT Builds.id, Builds.timestamp, Builds.starttime,Builds.stoptime, Builds.log, Builds.status, Builds.job_name, Builds.system, Builds.nix_name, Specifications.name FROM Builds INNER JOIN Evaluations ON Builds.evaluation = Evaluations.id INNER JOIN Specifications ON Evaluations.specification = Specifications.name WHERE (Builds.nix_name LIKE :query) AND ((Builds.status = :status) OR :status IS NULL) AND ((Specifications.name = :spec) OR :spec IS NULL) AND ((Builds.system = :system) OR :system IS NULL) AND ((:borderlowid < Builds.id) OR :borderlowid IS NULL) AND ((:borderhighid > Builds.id) OR :borderhighid IS NULL) ORDER BY (CASE WHEN :borderlowid IS NULL THEN Builds.id ELSE -Builds.id END) DESC LIMIT :nr) Builds ORDER BY Builds.id DESC;")) (builds (exec-query/bind-params db query `((#:borderlowid . ,(assq-ref filters 'border-low-id)) (#:borderhighid . ,(assq-ref filters 'border-high-id)) (#:nr . ,(match (assq-ref filters 'nr) (#f -1) (x x))) ,@(query->bind-arguments (assq-ref filters 'query)))))) (let loop ((builds builds) (result '())) (match builds (() (reverse result)) (((id timestamp starttime stoptime log status job-name system nix-name specification) . rest) (loop rest (cons `((#:id . ,(string->number id)) (#:timestamp . ,(string->number timestamp)) (#:starttime . ,(string->number starttime)) (#:stoptime . ,(string->number stoptime)) (#:log . ,log) (#:status . ,(string->number status)) (#:job-name . ,job-name) (#:system . ,system) (#:nix-name . ,nix-name) (#:specification . ,specification) (#:buildproducts . ,(db-get-build-products id))) result)))))))) (define (db-get-builds filters) "Retrieve all builds in the database which are matched by given FILTERS. FILTERS is an assoc list whose possible keys are 'derivation | 'id | 'jobset | 'job | 'system | 'nr | 'order | 'status | 'evaluation." ;; XXX: Make sure that all filters are covered by an index. (define (filters->order filters) (lambda (inner) (match (assq 'order filters) (('order . 'build-id) "Builds.id ASC") (('order . 'evaluation) "Builds.evaluation DESC") (('order . 'finish-time) "stoptime DESC") (('order . 'finish-time+build-id) (if inner "CASE WHEN CAST(:borderlowid AS integer) IS NULL THEN stoptime ELSE -stoptime END DESC, CASE WHEN CAST(:borderlowid AS integer) IS NULL THEN Builds.id ELSE -Builds.id END DESC" "stoptime DESC, Builds.id DESC")) ;; With this order, builds in 'running' state (-1) appear ;; before those in 'scheduled' state (-2). (('order . 'status+submission-time) "Builds.status DESC, Builds.timestamp DESC, Builds.id ASC") (('order . 'priority+timestamp) "Builds.priority ASC, Builds.timestamp DESC") (_ "Builds.id DESC")))) ;; XXX: Make sure that all filters are covered by an index. (define (where-conditions filters) (define filter-name->sql `((id . "Builds.id = :id") (jobset . "Specifications.name = :jobset") (derivation . "Builds.derivation = :derivation") (job . "Builds.job_name = :job") (system . "Builds.system = :system") (worker . "Builds.worker = :worker") (oldevaluation . "Builds.evaluation < :oldevaluation") (evaluation . "Builds.evaluation = :evaluation") (status . ,(match (assq-ref filters 'status) (#f #f) ('done "Builds.status >= 0") ('scheduled "Builds.status = -2") ('started "Builds.status = -1") ('pending "Builds.status < 0") ('succeeded "Builds.status = 0") ('failed "Builds.status > 0"))) (weather . ,(match (assq-ref filters 'weather) (#f #f) ('all "Builds.weather >= 0") ('new "(Builds.weather = 0 OR Builds.weather = 1)"))) (border-low-time . "(((:borderlowtime, :borderlowid) < (Builds.stoptime, Builds.id)) OR :borderlowtime IS NULL OR :borderlowid IS NULL)") (border-high-time . "(((:borderhightime, :borderhighid) > (Builds.stoptime, Builds.id)) OR :borderhightime IS NULL OR :borderhighid IS NULL)"))) (filter string? (fold (lambda (filter-name where-condition-parts) (if (assq-ref filters filter-name) (cons (assq-ref filter-name->sql filter-name) where-condition-parts) where-condition-parts)) '() (map car filters)))) (define (format-outputs names paths) (map (lambda (name path) `(,name . ((#:path . ,path)))) (string-split names #\,) (string-split paths #\,))) (define (format-build-products ids types file-sizes checksums paths) (define (split list) (if list (string-split list #\,) '())) (map (lambda (id type file-size checksum path) `((#:id . ,(string->number id)) (#:type . ,type) (#:file-size . ,(string->number file-size)) (#:checksum . ,checksum) (#:path . ,path))) (split ids) (split types) (split file-sizes) (split checksums) (split paths))) (with-db-worker-thread db (let* ((order (filters->order filters)) (where (match (where-conditions filters) (() "") ((condition) (string-append "WHERE " condition "\n")) ((first-condition rest ...) (string-append "WHERE " first-condition "\n AND " (string-join rest " AND "))))) (query (format #f " SELECT Builds.derivation, Builds.id, Builds.timestamp, Builds.starttime, Builds.stoptime, Builds.log, Builds.status, Builds.last_status, Builds.weather, Builds.priority, Builds.max_silent, Builds.timeout, Builds.job_name, Builds.system, Builds.worker, Builds.nix_name, Builds.evaluation, agg.name, agg.outputs_name, agg.outputs_path,agg.bp_build, agg.bp_type, agg.bp_file_size, agg.bp_checksum, agg.bp_path FROM (SELECT B.id, B.derivation, B.name, string_agg(Outputs.name, ',') AS outputs_name, string_agg(Outputs.path, ',') AS outputs_path, string_agg(cast(BP.id AS text), ',') AS bp_build, string_agg(BP.type, ',') AS bp_type, string_agg(cast(BP.file_size AS text), ',') AS bp_file_size, string_agg(BP.checksum, ',') AS bp_checksum, string_agg(BP.path, ',') AS bp_path FROM (SELECT Builds.id, Builds.derivation, Specifications.name FROM Builds INNER JOIN Evaluations ON Builds.evaluation = Evaluations.id INNER JOIN Specifications ON Evaluations.specification = Specifications.name ~a ORDER BY ~a LIMIT :nr) B INNER JOIN Outputs ON Outputs.derivation = B.derivation LEFT JOIN BuildProducts as BP ON BP.build = B.id GROUP BY B.derivation, B.id, B.name) agg JOIN Builds on agg.id = Builds.id ORDER BY ~a;" where (order #t) (order #f))) (params (map (match-lambda ((name . value) (cons (symbol->keyword (or (assq-ref '((border-low-time . borderlowtime) (border-high-time . borderhightime) (border-low-id . borderlowid) (border-high-id . borderhighid)) name) name)) (match name ('nr value) ('order #f) ; Doesn't need binding. ('status #f) ; Doesn't need binding. (else value))))) filters)) (builds (exec-query/bind-params db query params))) (let loop ((builds builds) (result '())) (match builds (() (reverse result)) (((derivation id timestamp starttime stoptime log status last-status weather priority max-silent timeout job-name system worker nix-name eval-id specification outputs-name outputs-path products-id products-type products-file-size products-checksum products-path) . rest) (loop rest (cons `((#:derivation . ,derivation) (#:id . ,(string->number id)) (#:timestamp . ,(string->number timestamp)) (#:starttime . ,(string->number starttime)) (#:stoptime . ,(string->number stoptime)) (#:log . ,log) (#:status . ,(string->number status)) (#:last-status . ,(and last-status (string->number last-status))) (#:weather . ,(if weather (string->number weather) (build-weather unknown))) (#:priority . ,(string->number priority)) (#:max-silent . ,(string->number max-silent)) (#:timeout . ,(string->number timeout)) (#:job-name . ,job-name) (#:system . ,system) (#:worker . ,worker) (#:nix-name . ,nix-name) (#:eval-id . ,(string->number eval-id)) (#:specification . ,specification) (#:outputs . ,(format-outputs outputs-name outputs-path)) (#:buildproducts . ,(format-build-products products-id products-type products-file-size products-checksum products-path))) result)))))))) (define (db-get-build derivation-or-id) "Retrieve a build in the database which corresponds to DERIVATION-OR-ID." (let ((key (if (number? derivation-or-id) 'id 'derivation))) (expect-one-row (db-get-builds `((,key . ,derivation-or-id)))))) (define (db-get-pending-derivations) "Return the list of derivation file names corresponding to pending builds in the database. The returned list is guaranteed to not have any duplicates." (with-db-worker-thread db (map (match-lambda ((drv) drv)) (exec-query db " SELECT derivation FROM Builds WHERE Builds.status < 0;")))) (define (db-get-checkouts eval-id) (with-db-worker-thread db (let loop ((rows (exec-query/bind db "SELECT revision, channel, directory FROM Checkouts WHERE evaluation =" eval-id " ORDER BY channel ASC;")) (checkouts '())) (match rows (() (reverse checkouts)) (((revision channel directory) . rest) (loop rest (cons `((#:commit . ,revision) (#:channel . ,(string->symbol channel)) (#:directory . ,directory)) checkouts))))))) (define (db-get-latest-checkout spec channel eval-id) "Return the first checkout for the CHANNEL channel, part of SPEC specification with an evaluation id inferior or equal to EVAL-ID." (with-db-worker-thread db (match (expect-one-row (exec-query/bind db " SELECT channel, revision, directory FROM Checkouts WHERE specification = " spec " AND channel = " (symbol->string channel) " AND evaluation <= " eval-id "ORDER BY evaluation DESC LIMIT 1;")) (() #f) ((channel revision directory) `((#:commit . ,revision) (#:channel . ,(string->symbol channel)) (#:directory . ,directory)))))) (define (parse-evaluation evaluation) (match evaluation ((id specification status timestamp checkouttime evaltime) `((#:id . ,(string->number id)) (#:specification . ,specification) (#:status . ,(string->number status)) (#:timestamp . ,(string->number timestamp)) (#:checkouttime . ,(string->number checkouttime)) (#:evaltime . ,(string->number evaltime)) (#:checkouts . ,(db-get-checkouts id)))))) (define (db-get-evaluation id) (with-db-worker-thread db (match (exec-query/bind db "SELECT id, specification, status, timestamp, checkouttime, evaltime FROM Evaluations WHERE id = " id) (() #f) ((evaluation) (parse-evaluation evaluation))))) (define (db-get-evaluations limit) (with-db-worker-thread db (let loop ((rows (exec-query/bind db "SELECT id, specification, status, timestamp, checkouttime, evaltime FROM Evaluations ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT " limit ";")) (evaluations '())) (match rows (() (reverse evaluations)) ((evaluation . rest) (loop rest (cons (parse-evaluation evaluation) evaluations))))))) (define (db-get-evaluations-build-summary spec limit border-low border-high) (with-db-worker-thread db (let ((query " SELECT E.id, E.status, SUM(CASE WHEN B.status = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as succeeded, SUM(CASE WHEN B.status > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as failed, SUM(CASE WHEN B.status < 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as scheduled FROM (SELECT id, status FROM Evaluations WHERE specification=:spec AND (id > :borderlow OR :borderlow IS NULL) AND (id < :borderhigh OR :borderhigh IS NULL) ORDER BY CASE WHEN :borderlow IS NULL THEN id ELSE -id END DESC LIMIT :limit) E LEFT JOIN Builds as B ON B.evaluation=E.id GROUP BY E.id, E.status ORDER BY E.id DESC;") (params `((#:spec . ,spec) (#:limit . ,limit) (#:borderlow . ,border-low) (#:borderhigh . ,border-high)))) (let loop ((rows (exec-query/bind-params db query params)) (evaluations '())) (match rows (() (reverse evaluations)) (((id status succeeded failed scheduled) . rest) (loop rest (cons `((#:id . ,(string->number id)) (#:status . ,(string->number status)) (#:checkouts . ,(db-get-checkouts id)) (#:succeeded . ,(or (string->number succeeded) 0)) (#:failed . ,(or (string->number failed) 0)) (#:scheduled . ,(or (string->number scheduled) 0))) evaluations)))))))) (define (db-get-evaluations-id-min spec) "Return the min id of evaluations for the given specification SPEC." (with-db-worker-thread db (match (expect-one-row (exec-query/bind db " SELECT MIN(id) FROM Evaluations WHERE specification=" spec)) ((min) (and min (string->number min)))))) (define (db-get-evaluations-id-max spec) "Return the max id of evaluations for the given specification SPEC." (with-db-worker-thread db (match (expect-one-row (exec-query/bind db " SELECT MAX(id) FROM Evaluations WHERE specification=" spec)) ((max) (and max (string->number max)))))) (define (db-get-evaluation-summary id) (with-db-worker-thread db (match (expect-one-row (exec-query/bind db " SELECT Evaluations.id, Evaluations.status, Evaluations.timestamp, Evaluations.checkouttime, Evaluations.evaltime, SUM(CASE WHEN B.status > -100 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as total, SUM(CASE WHEN B.status = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as succeeded, SUM(CASE WHEN B.status > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as failed, SUM(CASE WHEN B.status < 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as scheduled FROM Evaluations LEFT JOIN Builds as B ON B.evaluation = Evaluations.id WHERE Evaluations.id = " id "GROUP BY Evaluations.id ORDER BY Evaluations.id ASC;")) ((id status timestamp checkouttime evaltime total succeeded failed scheduled) `((#:id . ,(string->number id)) (#:status . ,(string->number status)) (#:total . ,(or (string->number total) 0)) (#:timestamp . ,(string->number timestamp)) (#:checkouttime . ,(string->number checkouttime)) (#:evaltime . ,(string->number evaltime)) (#:succeeded . ,(or (string->number succeeded) 0)) (#:failed . ,(or (string->number failed) 0)) (#:scheduled . ,(or (string->number scheduled) 0)))) (else #f)))) (define (db-get-builds-query-min filters) "Return the smallest build row identifier matching QUERY." (with-db-worker-thread db (let* ((query "SELECT MIN(Builds.id) FROM Builds INNER JOIN Evaluations ON Builds.evaluation = Evaluations.id INNER JOIN Specifications ON Evaluations.specification = Specifications.name WHERE (Builds.nix_name LIKE :query) AND (Builds.status = :status OR :status IS NULL) AND (Specifications.name = :spec OR :spec IS NULL) AND (Builds.system = :system OR :system IS NULL);") (params (query->bind-arguments filters))) (match (expect-one-row (exec-query/bind-params db query params)) ((min) (and min (list (string->number min)))))))) (define (db-get-builds-query-max filters) "Return the largest build row identifier matching QUERY." (with-db-worker-thread db (let* ((query "SELECT MAX(Builds.id) FROM Builds INNER JOIN Evaluations ON Builds.evaluation = Evaluations.id INNER JOIN Specifications ON Evaluations.specification = Specifications.name WHERE (Builds.nix_name LIKE :query) AND (Builds.status = :status OR :status IS NULL) AND (Specifications.name = :spec OR :spec IS NULL) AND (Builds.system = :system OR :system IS NULL);") (params (query->bind-arguments filters))) (match (expect-one-row (exec-query/bind-params db query params)) ((max) (and max (list (string->number max)))))))) (define (db-get-builds-min eval status) "Return the min build (stoptime, rowid) pair for the given evaluation EVAL and STATUS." (with-db-worker-thread db (let ((query "SELECT stoptime, id FROM Builds WHERE evaluation = :eval AND ((:status = 'pending' AND Builds.status < 0) OR (:status = 'succeeded' AND Builds.status = 0) OR (:status = 'failed' AND Builds.status > 0) OR :status IS NULL) ORDER BY stoptime ASC, id ASC LIMIT 1") (params `((#:eval . ,eval) (#:status . ,status)))) (match (expect-one-row (exec-query/bind-params db query params)) ((stoptime id) (list (string->number stoptime) (string->number id))) (else #f))))) (define (db-get-builds-max eval status) "Return the max build (stoptime, rowid) pair for the given evaluation EVAL and STATUS." (with-db-worker-thread db (let ((query "SELECT stoptime, id FROM Builds WHERE evaluation = :eval AND ((:status = 'pending' AND Builds.status < 0) OR (:status = 'succeeded' AND Builds.status = 0) OR (:status = 'failed' AND Builds.status > 0) OR :status IS NULL) ORDER BY stoptime DESC, id DESC LIMIT 1") (params `((#:eval . ,eval) (#:status . ,status)))) (match (expect-one-row (exec-query/bind-params db query params)) ((stoptime id) (list (string->number stoptime) (string->number id))) (else #f))))) (define (db-get-evaluation-specification eval) "Return specification of evaluation with id EVAL." (with-db-worker-thread db (match (expect-one-row (exec-query/bind db " SELECT specification FROM Evaluations WHERE id = " eval)) ((spec) spec) (else #f)))) (define (db-get-build-product-path id) "Return the build product with the given ID." (with-db-worker-thread db (match (expect-one-row (exec-query/bind db " SELECT path FROM BuildProducts WHERE id = " id)) ((path) path) (else #f)))) (define (db-push-notification notification build) "Insert NOTIFICATION into Notifications table." (with-db-worker-thread db (exec-query/bind db "\ INSERT INTO Notifications (type, build) VALUES (" (notification->sexp notification) ", " build ");"))) (define (db-pop-notification) "Return two values, the latest notification from the Notifications table and the matching build." (with-db-worker-thread db (match (expect-one-row (exec-query/bind db " SELECT id, type, build from Notifications ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1;")) ((id type build) (exec-query/bind db "\ DELETE FROM Notifications WHERE id =" id ";") (cons (sexp->notification (with-input-from-string type read)) (db-get-build (string->number build)))) (else #f)))) (define (db-add-or-update-worker worker) "Insert WORKER into Worker table." (with-db-worker-thread db (exec-query/bind db "\ INSERT INTO Workers (name, address, machine, systems, last_seen) VALUES (" (worker-name worker) ", " (worker-address worker) ", " (worker-machine worker) ", " (string-join (worker-systems worker) ",") ", " (worker-last-seen worker) ") ON CONFLICT(name) DO UPDATE SET last_seen = " (worker-last-seen worker) ";"))) (define (db-get-worker name) "Return the worker with the given NAME." (with-db-worker-thread db (match (expect-one-row (exec-query/bind db " SELECT name, address, machine, systems, last_seen from Workers WHERE name = " name ";")) ((name address machine systems last-seen) (worker (name name) (address address) (machine machine) (systems (string-split systems #\,)) (last-seen (string->number last-seen)))) (else #f)))) (define (db-get-workers) "Return the workers in Workers table." (with-db-worker-thread db (let loop ((rows (exec-query db " SELECT name, address, machine, systems, last_seen from Workers")) (workers '())) (match rows (() (reverse workers)) (((name address machine systems last-seen) . rest) (loop rest (cons (worker (name name) (address address) (machine machine) (systems (string-split systems #\,)) (last-seen (string->number last-seen))) workers))))))) (define (db-worker-current-builds) "Return the list of builds that are been built on the available workers. Multiple builds can be marked as started on the same worker if the fetching workers do not keep up. Only pick the build with the latest start time." (with-db-worker-thread db (let loop ((rows (exec-query db " SELECT DISTINCT ON (name) name, builds.id FROM Workers INNER JOIN Builds ON workers.name = builds.worker AND Builds.status = -1 ORDER BY name, Builds.starttime DESC, Builds.id DESC;")) (builds '())) (match rows (() (reverse builds)) (((name id) . rest) (loop rest (cons (db-get-build (string->number id)) builds))))))) (define (db-remove-unresponsive-workers timeout) "Remove the workers that are unresponsive since at least TIMEOUT seconds. Also restart the builds that are started on those workers." (with-db-worker-thread db ;; Restart the builds that are marked as started on those workers. (exec-query/bind db " UPDATE Builds SET status = -2, worker = null FROM (SELECT id FROM Workers LEFT JOIN Builds ON builds.worker = workers.name WHERE status = -1 AND (extract(epoch from now())::int - last_seen) > " timeout ") AS expired WHERE builds.id = expired.id") (exec-query/bind db "DELETE FROM Workers WHERE (extract(epoch from now())::int - last_seen) > " timeout ";"))) (define (db-clear-workers) "Remove all workers from Workers table." (with-db-worker-thread db (exec-query db "DELETE FROM Workers;"))) (define (db-clear-build-queue) "Reset the status of builds in the database that are marked as \"started\"." (with-db-worker-thread db (exec-query db "UPDATE Builds SET status = -2 WHERE status < 0;"))) ;;; Local Variables: ;;; eval: (put 'with-db-worker-thread 'scheme-indent-function 1) ;;; End: