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# -*- scheme -*-
# @configure_input@
exec ${GUILE:-@GUILE@} --no-auto-compile -e main -s "$0" "$@"
;;;; cuirass -- continuous integration tool
;;; Copyright © 2016 Mathieu Lirzin <>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Mathieu Othacehe <>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Ludovic Courtès <>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Clément Lassieur <>
;;; This file is part of Cuirass.
;;; Cuirass is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;; Cuirass is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with Cuirass. If not, see <>.
(use-modules (cuirass)
(cuirass ui)
(cuirass logging)
(cuirass utils)
(guix ui)
((guix build utils) #:select (mkdir-p))
(fibers channels)
(srfi srfi-19)
(ice-9 threads) ;for 'current-processor-count'
(ice-9 getopt-long))
(define (show-help)
(format #t "Usage: ~a [OPTIONS]~%" (%program-name))
(display "Run build jobs from internal database.
--one-shot Evaluate and build jobs only once
--cache-directory=DIR Use DIR for storing repository data
--fallback Fall back to building when the substituter fails.
-S --specifications=SPECFILE
Add specifications from SPECFILE to database.
-D --database=DB Use DB to store build results.
--ttl=DURATION Keep build results live for at least DURATION.
--web Start the web interface
-p --port=NUM Port of the HTTP server.
--listen=HOST Listen on the network interface for HOST
-I, --interval=N Wait N seconds between each poll
--use-substitutes Allow usage of pre-built substitutes
--record-events Record events for distribution
--threads=N Use up to N kernel threads
-V, --version Display version
-h, --help Display this help message")
(define %options
'((one-shot (value #f))
(web (value #f))
(cache-directory (value #t))
(specifications (single-char #\S) (value #t))
(database (single-char #\D) (value #t))
(port (single-char #\p) (value #t))
(listen (value #t))
(interval (single-char #\I) (value #t))
(use-substitutes (value #f))
(threads (value #t))
(fallback (value #f))
(record-events (value #f))
(ttl (value #t))
(version (single-char #\V) (value #f))
(help (single-char #\h) (value #f))))
;;; Entry point.
(define* (main #:optional (args (command-line)))
;; Always have stdout/stderr line-buffered.
(setvbuf (current-output-port) 'line)
(setvbuf (current-error-port) 'line)
(let ((opts (getopt-long args %options)))
((%program-name (car args))
(%package-database (option-ref opts 'database (%package-database)))
(option-ref opts 'cache-directory (%package-cachedir)))
(%use-substitutes? (option-ref opts 'use-substitutes #f))
(%fallback? (option-ref opts 'fallback #f))
(%record-events? (option-ref opts 'record-events #f))
(time-second (string->duration (option-ref opts 'ttl "30d")))))
((option-ref opts 'help #f)
(exit 0))
((option-ref opts 'version #f)
(exit 0))
(mkdir-p (%gc-root-directory))
(let ((one-shot? (option-ref opts 'one-shot #f))
(port (string->number (option-ref opts 'port "8080")))
(host (option-ref opts 'listen "localhost"))
(interval (string->number (option-ref opts 'interval "300")))
(specfile (option-ref opts 'specifications #f))
;; Since our work is mostly I/O-bound, default to a maximum of 4
;; kernel threads. Going beyond that can increase overhead (GC
;; may not scale well, work-stealing may become detrimental,
;; etc.) for little in return.
(threads (or (and=> (option-ref opts 'threads #f)
(min (current-processor-count) 4))))
(log-message "running Fibers on ~a kernel threads" threads)
(lambda ()
(and specfile
(let ((new-specs (save-module-excursion
(lambda ()
(set-current-module (make-user-module '()))
(primitive-load specfile)))))
(for-each db-add-specification new-specs)))
(if one-shot?
(process-specs (db-get-specifications))
(let ((exit-channel (make-channel)))
(if (option-ref opts 'web #f)
'web exit-channel
(lambda ()
(run-cuirass-server #:host host #:port port)))
#:parallel? #t)
;; If Cuirass was stopped during an evaluation, consider
;; it done. Builds that were not registered during this
;; evaluation will be registered during the next
;; evaluation.
;; First off, restart builds that had not completed or
;; were not even started on a previous run.
'restart-builds exit-channel
(lambda ()
'build exit-channel
(lambda ()
(while #t
(process-specs (db-get-specifications))
(log-message "next evaluation in ~a seconds" interval)
(sleep interval)))))
'monitor exit-channel
(lambda ()
(while #t
(sleep 600)))))))
(primitive-exit (get-message exit-channel))))))
;; Most of our code is I/O so preemption doesn't matter much (it
;; could help while we're doing SQL requests, for instance, but it
;; doesn't actually help since these are non-resumable
;; continuations.) Thus, reduce the tick rate.
#:hz 10
#:parallelism threads
#:drain? #t)))))))