
606 lines
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;;;; database.scm - tests for (cuirass database) module
;;; Copyright © 2016 Mathieu Lirzin <>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Ludovic Courtès <>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Clément Lassieur <>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Mathieu Othacehe <>
;;; This file is part of Cuirass.
;;; Cuirass is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
;;; your option) any later version.
;;; Cuirass is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with Cuirass. If not, see <>.
(use-modules (cuirass base)
(cuirass database)
(cuirass notification)
(cuirass parameters)
(cuirass remote)
(cuirass specification)
(cuirass utils)
(tests common)
(guix channels)
((guix utils) #:select (call-with-temporary-output-file))
(rnrs io ports)
(ice-9 match)
(srfi srfi-19)
(srfi srfi-64))
(define (mailer)
(string-append "sendmail://" (getcwd) "/tests/"))
;; The above bash program will be invoked by mailutils. It copies what's
;; passed on the standard input to the following file.
(define tmp-mail ".tmp-mail")
(define example-spec
(name "guix")
(build 'hello)
(list (channel
(name 'guix)
(url "git://")
(branch "master"))
(name 'my-channel)
(url "git://my-git-channel.git")
(branch "master"))))
(list (build-output
(job "job")
(type "type")
(output "out")
(path ""))))
(list (email
(from "from")
(to "to")
(server (mailer)))))))
(define (make-dummy-instances fakesha1 fakesha2)
(checkout->channel-instance "foo"
#:name 'guix
#:url "git://"
#:commit fakesha1)
(checkout->channel-instance "bar"
#:name 'my-channel
#:url "git://my-git-channel.git"
#:commit fakesha2)))
(define* (make-dummy-build drv
#:optional (eval-id 2)
(job-name "job")
`(("foo" . ,(format #f "~a.output" drv)))))
`((#:derivation . ,drv)
(#:eval-id . ,eval-id)
(#:job-name . ,job-name)
(#:timestamp . ,(time-second (current-time time-utc)))
(#:system . "x86_64-linux")
(#:nix-name . "foo")
(#:log . "log")
(#:outputs . ,outputs)))
(define %dummy-worker
(name "worker")
(address "address")
(machine "machine")
(systems '("a" "b"))
(last-seen 1)))
(test-group-with-cleanup "database"
(test-assert "db-init"
(test-equal "db-add-or-update-specification"
(db-add-or-update-specification example-spec))
(test-equal "db-add-or-update-specification 2"
(inherit example-spec)
(build 'core)))
(db-get-specification "guix"))))
(test-assert "exec-query"
(exec-query (%db) "\
INSERT INTO Evaluations (specification, status,
timestamp, checkouttime, evaltime) VALUES ('guix', 0, 0, 0, 0);")
(exec-query (%db) "SELECT * FROM Evaluations;")))
(test-assert "db-get-specification"
(let* ((spec (db-get-specification "guix"))
(channels (specification-channels spec))
(build-outputs (specification-build-outputs spec)))
(and (string=? (specification-name spec) "guix")
(equal? (map channel-name channels) '(guix my-channel))
(equal? (map build-output-job build-outputs) '("job")))))
(test-equal "db-add-evaluation"
'(2 3)
(db-add-evaluation "guix"
(make-dummy-instances "fakesha1" "fakesha2"))
(db-add-evaluation "guix"
(make-dummy-instances "fakesha3" "fakesha4"))))
(test-assert "db-set-evaluation-status"
(db-set-evaluation-status 2 (evaluation-status started)))
(test-assert "db-set-evaluation-time"
(db-set-evaluation-time 2))
(test-assert "db-abort-pending-evaluations"
(test-equal "db-add-build"
(let ((build (make-dummy-build "/foo.drv")))
(db-add-build build)))
(test-equal "db-add-build duplicate"
(let ((build (make-dummy-build "/foo.drv")))
(db-add-build build)))
(test-assert "db-add-build-product"
(db-add-build-product `((#:build . 1)
(#:type . "1")
(#:file-size . 1)
(#:checksum . "sum")
(#:path . "path"))))
(test-equal "db-get-output"
'((#:derivation . "/foo.drv") (#:name . "foo"))
(db-get-output "/foo.drv.output"))
(test-equal "db-get-outputs"
'(("foo" (#:path . "/foo.drv.output")))
(db-get-outputs "/foo.drv"))
(test-assert "db-get-time-since-previous-build"
(db-get-time-since-previous-build "job" "guix"))
(test-assert "db-register-builds"
(let ((drv "/test.drv"))
(db-register-builds `(((#:job-name . "test")
(#:derivation . ,drv)
(#:system . "x86_64-linux")
(#:nix-name . "test")
(#:log . "log")
(#:outputs .
(("foo" . ,(format #f "~a.output" drv))
("foo2" . ,(format #f "~a.output.2" drv))))))
2 (db-get-specification "guix"))))
(test-assert "db-update-build-status!"
(db-update-build-status! "/test.drv"
(build-status failed)))
(test-assert "db-update-build-worker!"
(db-update-build-worker! "/test.drv" "worker"))
(test-equal "db-get-builds-by-search"
'(3 1 "test")
(let ((build
(match (db-get-builds-by-search
'((nr . 1)
(query . "status:failed test")))
((build) build))))
(assoc-ref build #:id)
(assoc-ref build #:status)
(assoc-ref build #:job-name))))
(test-assert "db-get-builds"
(let* ((build (match (db-get-builds `((order . build-id)
(status . failed)))
((build) build)))
(outputs (assq-ref build #:outputs)))
(equal? outputs
'(("foo" (#:path . "/test.drv.output"))
("foo2" (#:path . "/test.drv.output.2"))))))
(test-equal "db-get-builds job-name"
(let ((build (match (db-get-builds `((order . build-id)
(job . "job")))
((build) build))))
(assoc-ref build #:derivation)))
(test-equal "db-get-build"
(let ((build (db-get-build 1)))
(assoc-ref build #:derivation)))
(test-equal "db-get-build derivation"
(let ((build (db-get-build "/foo.drv")))
(assoc-ref build #:id)))
(test-equal "db-get-pending-derivations"
(test-equal "db-get-checkouts"
'("fakesha1" "fakesha2")
(make-dummy-instances "fakesha1" "fakesha2")
(map (cut assq-ref <> #:commit) (db-get-checkouts 2))))
(test-equal "db-get-evaluation"
(let ((evaluation (db-get-evaluation 2)))
(assq-ref evaluation #:specification)))
(test-equal "db-get-evaluations"
'("guix" "guix")
(map (lambda (eval)
(assq-ref eval #:specification))
(db-get-evaluations 2)))
(test-equal "db-get-evaluations-build-summary"
'((0 0 0) (0 1 1))
(let ((summaries
(db-get-evaluations-build-summary "guix" 2 #f #f)))
(map (lambda (summary)
(assq-ref summary #:succeeded)
(assq-ref summary #:failed)
(assq-ref summary #:scheduled)))
(test-equal "db-get-evaluations-id-min"
(db-get-evaluations-id-min "guix"))
(test-equal "db-get-evaluations-id-min"
(db-get-evaluations-id-min "foo"))
(test-equal "db-get-evaluations-id-max"
(db-get-evaluations-id-max "guix"))
(test-equal "db-get-evaluations-id-max"
(db-get-evaluations-id-max "foo"))
(test-equal "db-get-evaluation-summary"
'(2 0 1 1)
(let* ((summary (db-get-evaluation-summary 2))
(total (assq-ref summary #:total))
(succeeded (assq-ref summary #:succeeded))
(failed (assq-ref summary #:failed))
(scheduled (assq-ref summary #:scheduled)))
(list total succeeded failed scheduled)))
(test-equal "db-get-evaluation-summary empty"
'(0 0 0 0)
(let* ((summary (db-get-evaluation-summary 3))
(total (assq-ref summary #:total))
(succeeded (assq-ref summary #:succeeded))
(failed (assq-ref summary #:failed))
(scheduled (assq-ref summary #:scheduled)))
(list total succeeded failed scheduled)))
(test-equal "db-get-builds-query-min"
(db-get-builds-query-min "spec:guix foo"))
(test-equal "db-get-builds-query-max"
(db-get-builds-query-min "spec:guix status:failed test"))
(test-equal "db-get-builds-min"
(match (db-get-builds-min 2 "failed")
((timestamp id)
(test-equal "db-get-builds-max"
(match (db-get-builds-max 2 "pending")
((timestamp id)
(test-equal "db-get-evaluation-specification"
(db-get-evaluation-specification 2))
(test-equal "db-get-build-products"
`(((#:id . 1)
(#:type . "1")
(#:file-size . 1)
(#:checksum . "sum")
(#:path . "path")))
(db-get-build-products 1))
(test-equal "db-get-build-product-path"
(db-get-build-product-path 1))
(test-equal "db-add-or-update-worker"
(db-add-or-update-worker %dummy-worker)
(db-add-or-update-worker %dummy-worker)))
(test-equal "db-get-worker"
(db-get-worker "worker"))
(test-equal "db-get-workers"
(list %dummy-worker)
(test-assert "db-remove-unresponsive-workers"
(let ((drv "/foo.drv"))
(db-update-build-worker! drv "worker")
(db-update-build-status! drv (build-status started))
(db-remove-unresponsive-workers 50)
(and (eq? (db-get-workers) '())
(let* ((build (db-get-build drv))
(worker (assq-ref build #:worker))
(status (assq-ref build #:status)))
(and (not worker)
(eq? status (build-status scheduled))))))))
(test-equal "db-clear-workers"
(test-equal "db-update-build-status!"
(list (build-status scheduled)
(build-status started)
(build-status succeeded)
(let* ((derivation (db-add-build
(make-dummy-build "/foo2.drv" 2
#:outputs '(("out" . "/foo")))))
(get-status (lambda* (#:optional (key #:status))
(assq-ref (db-get-build derivation) key))))
(let ((status0 (get-status)))
(db-update-build-status! "/foo2.drv" (build-status started)
#:log-file "/foo2.log")
(let ((status1 (get-status)))
(db-update-build-status! "/foo2.drv" (build-status succeeded))
;; Second call shouldn't make any difference.
(db-update-build-status! "/foo2.drv" (build-status succeeded))
(let ((status2 (get-status))
(start (get-status #:starttime))
(end (get-status #:stoptime))
(log (get-status #:log)))
(and (> start 0) (>= end start)
(list status0 status1 status2 log)))))))
(test-equal "db-get-builds"
'(("/baa.drv" "/bar.drv" "/baz.drv") ;ascending order
("/baz.drv" "/bar.drv" "/baa.drv") ;descending order
("/baz.drv" "/bar.drv" "/baa.drv") ;ditto
("/baz.drv") ;nr = 1
("/bar.drv" "/baa.drv" "/baz.drv")) ;status+submission-time
(exec-query (%db) "DELETE FROM Builds;")
(db-add-build (make-dummy-build "/baa.drv" 2
#:outputs `(("out" . "/baa"))))
(db-add-build (make-dummy-build "/bar.drv" 2
#:outputs `(("out" . "/bar"))))
(db-add-build (make-dummy-build "/baz.drv" 2
#:outputs `(("out" . "/baz"))))
(db-update-build-status! "/bar.drv" (build-status started)
#:log-file "/bar.drv.log")
(let ((summarize (lambda (alist)
(assq-ref alist #:derivation))))
(list (map summarize (db-get-builds '((nr . 3) (order . build-id))))
(map summarize (db-get-builds '()))
(map summarize (db-get-builds '((jobset . "guix"))))
(map summarize (db-get-builds '((nr . 1))))
(map summarize
(db-get-builds '((order . status+submission-time))))))))
(test-equal "db-get-pending-derivations"
'("/bar.drv" "/foo.drv")
(exec-query (%db) "DELETE FROM Builds;")
(db-add-build (make-dummy-build "/foo.drv" 1
#:outputs `(("out" . "/foo"))))
(db-add-build (make-dummy-build "/bar.drv" 2
#:outputs `(("out" . "/bar"))))
(sort (db-get-pending-derivations) string<?)))
(test-assert "db-get-build-percentages"
(let* ((ts (time-second (current-time time-utc)))
(old `((#:derivation . "/last.drv")
(#:eval-id . 2)
(#:job-name . "job")
(#:timestamp . ,(- ts 10))
(#:status . 0)
(#:starttime . 10)
(#:stoptime . 20)
(#:system . "x86_64-linux")
(#:nix-name . "foo")
(#:log . "log")
(#:outputs . (("out" . "/old-percentage")))))
(new `((#:derivation . "/cur.drv")
(#:eval-id . 2)
(#:job-name . "job")
(#:timestamp . ,(- ts 5))
(#:starttime . ,(- ts 5))
(#:system . "x86_64-linux")
(#:nix-name . "foo")
(#:log . "log")
(#:outputs . (("out" . "/new-percentage"))))))
(db-add-build old)
(db-add-build new)
(match (db-get-build-percentages
(list (db-get-build (assq-ref new #:derivation))))
(>= percentage 50))))))
(test-equal "db-update-build-status!"
(list #f 1)
(db-add-evaluation "guix"
(make-dummy-instances "fakesha5" "fakesha6"))
(db-add-build (make-dummy-build "/old-build.drv" 3
#:job-name "job-1"
#:outputs `(("out" . "/old"))))
(db-add-build (make-dummy-build "/new-build.drv" 4
#:job-name "job-1"
#:outputs `(("out" . "/new"))))
(db-update-build-status! "/old-build.drv" 1)
(db-update-build-status! "/new-build.drv" 0)
(map (cut assq-ref <> #:last-status)
(list (db-get-build "/old-build.drv")
(db-get-build "/new-build.drv")))))
(test-equal "db-get-builds weather"
(build-weather new-success)
(assq-ref (db-get-build "/new-build.drv") #:weather)))
(test-assert "mail notification"
(lambda ()
(and (file-exists? tmp-mail)
(let ((str (call-with-input-file tmp-mail
(string-contains str "Build job-1 on guix is fixed."))))
#:times 5
#:delay 1))
(test-equal "db-get-builds weather"
(build-weather new-failure)
(db-update-build-status! "/old-build.drv" 0)
(db-update-build-status! "/new-build.drv" 1)
(assq-ref (db-get-build "/new-build.drv") #:weather)))
(test-assert "mail notification"
(lambda ()
(and (file-exists? tmp-mail)
(let ((str (call-with-input-file tmp-mail
(string-contains str "Build job-1 on guix is broken."))))
#:times 5
#:delay 1))
(test-equal "db-get-builds weather"
(build-weather still-succeeding)
(db-update-build-status! "/old-build.drv" 0)
(db-update-build-status! "/new-build.drv" 0)
(assq-ref (db-get-build "/new-build.drv") #:weather)))
(test-equal "db-get-builds weather"
(build-weather still-failing)
(db-update-build-status! "/old-build.drv" 1)
(db-update-build-status! "/new-build.drv" 1)
(assq-ref (db-get-build "/new-build.drv") #:weather)))
(test-assert "db-restart-build!"
(let ((build (db-get-build "/new-build.drv")))
(db-restart-build! (assq-ref build #:id))
(eq? (assq-ref (db-get-build "/new-build.drv") #:status)
(build-status scheduled))))
(test-assert "db-restart-evaluation!"
(let ((build (db-get-build "/old-build.drv")))
(db-restart-evaluation! (assq-ref build #:eval-id))
(eq? (assq-ref (db-get-build "/old-build.drv") #:status)
(build-status scheduled))))
(test-assert "db-retry-evaluation!"
(db-retry-evaluation! 4)
(null? (db-get-checkouts 4))))
(test-assert "db-cancel-pending-builds!"
(let* ((drv "/old-build.drv")
(build (db-get-build drv))
(eval-id (assq-ref build #:eval-id)))
(db-update-build-status! drv (build-status started))
(db-cancel-pending-builds! eval-id)
(eq? (assq-ref (db-get-build drv) #:status)
(build-status canceled))))
(test-assert "db-push-notification"
(let ((build (db-get-build "/new-build.drv")))
(from "from")
(to "to")
(server (mailer)))
(assq-ref build #:id))))
(test-assert "db-pop-notification"
(let ((build (db-get-build "/new-build.drv")))
(match (db-pop-notification)
((notif . notif-build)
(and (email? notif)
(equal? build notif-build))))))
(test-assert "set-build-successful!"
(let* ((name "/foo5.drv")
(make-dummy-build name #:outputs `(("out" . ,(getcwd)))))
(drv (assq-ref build #:derivation)))
(db-add-build build)
(set-build-successful! drv)
(match (assq-ref (db-get-build name) #:buildproducts)
(equal? (assq-ref product #:path) (getcwd))))))
(test-assert "db-worker-current-builds"
(let ((drv-1
(db-add-build (make-dummy-build "/build-1.drv")))
(db-add-build (make-dummy-build "/build-2.drv"))))
(db-add-or-update-worker %dummy-worker)
(db-update-build-worker! drv-1 "worker")
(db-update-build-worker! drv-2 "worker")
(db-update-build-status! drv-1 (build-status started))
(db-update-build-status! drv-2 (build-status started))
(match (db-worker-current-builds)
(eq? (assq-ref (db-get-build drv-2) #:id)
(assq-ref build #:id)))))))
(test-assert "db-close"
(false-if-exception (delete-file tmp-mail))
(db-close (%db))