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2021-12-28 16:16:14 +01:00
#!/run/current-system/profile/bin/guile \
--no-auto-compile -e crash-dump -s
;;;; crash-dump -- crash dump HTTP web server.
;;; Copyright © 2021 Mathieu Othacehe <>
;;; This file is part of Crash-dump.
;;; Crash-dump is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;; Crash-dump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with Crash-dump. If not, see <>.
(use-modules (web server)
(web request)
(web response)
(web uri)
(webutils multipart)
(gcrypt base16)
(gcrypt hash)
(srfi srfi-1)
(srfi srfi-11)
(srfi srfi-26)
(rnrs bytevectors)
(rnrs io ports)
(ice-9 binary-ports)
(ice-9 ftw)
(ice-9 getopt-long)
(ice-9 match))
(define %program-name
(make-parameter "crash-dump"))
(define %program-version
(make-parameter "0.1"))
;; The dumps output directory.
(define %output
(make-parameter #f))
;; The supported dump types.
(define %whitelist-dumps
(define (show-help)
(format #t "Usage: ~a [OPTIONS]~%" (%program-name))
(display "Run the crash-dump web server.
-o --output=DIR Crash dumps directory.
-p --port=NUM Port of the HTTP server.
--listen=HOST Listen on the network interface for HOST
-V, --version Display version
-h, --help Display this help message")
(define (show-version)
"Display version information for COMMAND."
(simple-format #t "~a ~a~%"
(%program-name) (%program-version))
(display "Copyright (C) 2021 the Guix authors
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.")
(exit 0))
(define %options
'((output (single-char #\o) (value #t))
(port (single-char #\p) (value #t))
(listen (value #t))
(version (single-char #\V) (value #f))
(help (single-char #\h) (value #f))))
(define (getaddrinfo* host)
"Like 'getaddrinfo', but properly report errors."
(catch 'getaddrinfo-error
(lambda ()
(getaddrinfo host))
(lambda (key error)
(exit "lookup of host '~a' failed: ~a~%"
host (gai-strerror error)))))
;;; A common buffer size value used for the TCP socket SO_SNDBUF option.
(define %default-buffer-size
(* 208 1024))
(define %default-socket-options
;; List of options passed to 'setsockopt' when transmitting files.
(list (list SO_SNDBUF %default-buffer-size)))
(define* (configure-socket socket #:key (level SOL_SOCKET)
(options %default-socket-options))
"Apply multiple option tuples in OPTIONS to SOCKET, using LEVEL."
(for-each (cut apply setsockopt socket level <>)
(define (open-server-socket address)
"Return a TCP socket bound to ADDRESS, a socket address."
(let ((sock (socket (sockaddr:fam address) SOCK_STREAM 0)))
(configure-socket sock #:options (cons (list SO_REUSEADDR 1)
(bind sock address)
(define (request-path-components request)
"Split the URI path of REQUEST into a list of component strings. For
example: \"/foo/bar\" yields '(\"foo\" \"bar\")."
(split-and-decode-uri-path (uri-path (request-uri request))))
(define (preserve-connection-headers request response)
"Add REQUEST's 'connection' header, if any, to HEADERS, a list of response
(if (pair? response)
(let ((connection
(assq 'connection (request-headers request))))
(append response
(if connection
(list connection)
(define* (not-found request
#:key (phrase "Resource not found")
"Render 404 response for REQUEST."
(values (build-response #:code 404
#:headers (if ttl
`((cache-control (max-age . ,ttl)))
(string-append phrase ": "
(uri-path (request-uri request)))))
(define* (dump-port in out
#:optional len
#:key (buffer-size 16384)
(progress (lambda (t k) (k))))
"Read LEN bytes from IN or as much data as possible if LEN is #f, and write
it to OUT, using chunks of BUFFER-SIZE bytes. Call PROGRESS at the beginning
and after each successful transfer of BUFFER-SIZE bytes or less, passing it
the total number of bytes transferred and the continuation of the transfer as
a thunk."
(define buffer
(make-bytevector buffer-size))
(define (loop total bytes)
(or (eof-object? bytes)
(and len (= total len))
(let ((total (+ total bytes)))
(put-bytevector out buffer 0 bytes)
(lambda ()
(loop total
(get-bytevector-n! in buffer 0
(if len
(min (- len total) buffer-size)
;; Make sure PROGRESS is called when we start so that it can measure
;; throughput.
(lambda ()
(loop 0 (get-bytevector-n! in buffer 0
(if len
(min len buffer-size)
(define (output-file file port)
(let ((checksum
(bytevector->base16-string (port-sha256 port)) 8)))
(seek port 0 SEEK_SET)
(format #f "~a/~a-~a" (%output) file checksum)))
(define (dumps)
(let ((files
(scandir (%output)
(negate (cut member <> '("." ".."))))))
(map (lambda (file)
(let* ((file (string-append (%output) "/" file))
(file-stat (stat file)))
`((name . ,(basename file))
(size . ,(stat:size file-stat))
(m_time . ,(stat:mtime file-stat)))))
(define (make-handler)
(define (handle request body)
(format #t "~a ~a~%"
(request-method request)
(uri-path (request-uri request)))
(match (cons (request-method request)
(request-path-components request))
(values (build-response
#:code 200
#:headers '((content-type . (application/json))))
(scm->json-string (dumps))))
(('GET "download" name)
(let ((file
(string-append (%output) "/" name)))
(if (file-exists? file)
#:code 200
#:headers `((content-type . (application/octet-stream))
. (form-data (filename . ,(basename name))))))
(call-with-input-file file get-bytevector-all))
(not-found request))))
(('POST "upload")
(match (parse-request-body request body)
(((? part? p))
(let* ((name (string->symbol (part-name p)))
(file (part-body p))
(filename (output-file name file)))
(if (memq name %whitelist-dumps)
(call-with-output-file filename
(lambda (port)
(dump-port file port)))
(values (build-response #:code 200)
(basename filename)))
(values (build-response #:code 400)
(format #f "The part name '~a' is not supported."
(x (format #t "invalid content"))))
(x (not-found request))))
(lambda (request body)
(let-values (((response response-body)
(handle request body)))
(values (preserve-connection-headers request response)
(define* (crash-dump #:optional (args (command-line)))
(let ((opts (getopt-long args %options)))
((option-ref opts 'help #f)
(exit 0))
((option-ref opts 'version #f)
(exit 0))
(let* ((output (%output
(option-ref opts 'output "/tmp")))
(port (string->number (option-ref opts 'port "8080")))
(addr (match (getaddrinfo*
(option-ref opts 'listen "localhost"))
((info _ ...)
(addrinfo:addr info))
(exit "lookup of host returned nothing"))))
(socket (open-server-socket
(make-socket-address (sockaddr:fam addr)
(sockaddr:addr addr)
(run-server (make-handler) 'http `(#:socket ,socket)))))))