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2015-11-09 23:52:33 +01:00

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\title{Reproducible Software Deployment with GNU~Guix}
\author{Ludovic Courtès}
\date{\small{Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique, November 2015}}
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\Huge{\textbf{The difficulty of keeping software environments under
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{fg=white,bg=black}
\Huge{\#1. Upgrades are hard.}
\Huge{\#2. Stateful system management is intractable.}
\begin{frame}[plain, fragile]
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draw=guixorange1, very thick,
fill=white, text=black, text width=3.2cm,
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& \node(initb)[stylish]{\textbf{\Large{\$DISTRO}}};
\node<2->(state1a)[stylish]{state $1_a$};
& \node<2->(state1b)[stylish]{state $1_b$};
\node<3->(state2a)[stylish]{state $2_a$};
& \node<3->(state2b)[stylish]{state $2_b$};
\node<4->(state3a)[stylish]{state $3_a$};
& \node<4->(state3b)[stylish]{state $3_b$};
\path[->, very thick, draw=white]<2->
(inita) edge node[right]{\texttt{apt-get update}} (state1a);
\path[->, very thick, draw=white]<3->
(state1a) edge node[right]{\texttt{apt-get install foo}} (state2a);
\path[->, very thick, draw=white]<4->
(state2a) edge node[right]{\texttt{apt-get remove bar}} (state3a);
\path[->, very thick, draw=white]<2->
(initb) edge node[right]{\texttt{apt-get update}} (state1b);
\path[->, very thick, draw=white]<3->
(state1b) edge node[right]{\texttt{apt-get remove bar}} (state2b);
\path[->, very thick, draw=white]<4->
(state2b) edge node[right]{\texttt{apt-get install foo}} (state3b);
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fill=guixorange1, text width=3cm,
inner sep=5mm, opacity=.75, text opacity=1,
drop shadow={opacity=0.5}] at (5, 4) {
\textbf{\Huge{= ?}}
\Huge{\#3. It's worse than this.}
\Huge{It's worse, really.}
\Large{``Let's Package jQuery: A Javascript Packaging Dystopian
Novella'' by Chris Webber}
\LARGE{\textbf{Giving up?}}
\uncover<2->{$\rightarrow$ ``app bundles'' (Docker images)}
% TODO: http://www.vitavonni.de/blog/201503/2015031201-the-sad-state-of-sysadmin-in-the-age-of-containers.html
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\node [at=(current page.center), inner sep=0pt]
%% \section{Functional Package Management}
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{bg=guixblue2}
\Huge{\textbf{Functional package management.}}
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{fg=white,bg=black}
$\texttt{openmpi} = f(\texttt{hwloc}, \texttt{gcc}, \texttt{make},\texttt{coreutils})$
\uncover<2->{$\texttt{hwloc} = g(\texttt{pciaccess}, \texttt{gcc}, \texttt{make}, \texttt{coreutils})$}
\uncover<3->{$\texttt{gcc} = h(\texttt{make}, \texttt{coreutils}, \texttt{gcc}_0)$}
\uncover<1>{\large{where $f =$ \texttt{./configure \&\& make \&\& make install}}}
\node<4->[fill=guixorange1, text=black, text opacity=1, opacity=.7,
rounded corners=2mm, inner sep=5mm] at (5, 1) {
\textbf{\Large{the complete DAG is captured}}
%% \item<3-> \textit{Caching Function Calls Using Precise Dependencies}
%% (``Vesta''), Heydon et al., 2000
\item \textit{A Safe and Policy-Free System for Software
Deployment}, Dolstra et al., 2003\\ \alert{\textbf{Nix}},
\item \textit{Functional Package Management with Guix}, Courtès,
(define hello
(name "hello")
(version "2.10")
(source (\alert{origin}
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append
"mirror://gnu/\textrm{...}/hello-" version
(sha256 (base32 "0wqd\textrm{...}dz6"))))
(\alert{build-system} gnu-build-system)
(synopsis "Hello, world!")
(description "Produce a friendly greeting.")
(home-page "http://www.gnu.org/software/hello/")
(license gpl3+)))
% \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay]
% \node[rounded corners=4, text centered,
% fill=guixorange1, text width=3cm,
% inner sep=3mm, rotate=-5, opacity=.75, text opacity=1,
% drop shadow={opacity=0.5},
% at=(current page.center)] {
% \textbf{\large{Emacs + Geiser demo!}}
% };
% \end{tikzpicture}
\begin{tikzpicture}[tools/.style = {
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text centered,
rounded corners=2mm,
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rectangle, text width=50mm, text centered,
rounded corners=2mm, minimum height=15mm,
top color=guixorange1,
bottom color=guixyellow,
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draw=guixorange1, very thick, dashed,
fill=black, text=white, text width=5cm,
rounded corners=2mm,
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draw=guixred2, thick, rectangle,
fill=black, text=white,
\matrix[row sep=3mm, column sep=1cm] {
\node(builders)[builders, text height=5cm]{}
node[fill=black, text=white] at (0, 2) {\large{\textbf{build processes}}}
node[fill=black, text=white] at (0, 1.5) {chroot, separate UIDs}
node[builder, onslide=<1-2>{black}] at (-1,-0.5) {\alert<3->{Guile}, make, etc.}
node[builder, onslide=<1-2>{black}] at ( 0,-0.5) {\alert<3->{Guile}, make, etc.}
node[builder, onslide=<1-2>{black}] at ( 1,-0.5) {\alert<3->{Guile}, make, etc.}; &
node[fill=white, text=black] at (0, 1) {\large{\textbf{Guile Scheme}}}
node[tool] at (0, 0) {\texttt{(guix packages)}}
node(client)[tool] at (0, -1) {\texttt{(guix store)}};
\node(daemon)[daemon]{\large{\textbf{build daemon}}}; &
\path[very thick, draw=guixorange1]<2->
(client.south) edge [out=-90, in=0, ->] node[below, sloped]{RPCs} (daemon.east);
\path[->, very thick, draw=guixorange1]<3->
(daemon) edge (builders);
%% \frametitle{Bit-Reproducible Builds$^*$}
%% \framesubtitle{$^*$ almost!}
\$ guix build hello
\uncover<3->{\$ \alert<3>{guix gc --references /gnu/store/\textrm{...}-hello-2.10}
\node<1>(labelnixhash) [fill=white, text=black] at (current page.center) {%
\Large{\textbf{isolated build}: chroot, separate name spaces, etc.}
\node<2>(labelnixhash) [fill=white, text=black] at (4cm, 2cm) {%
hash of \textbf{all} the dependencies};
\path[->]<2>(labelnixhash.north) edge [bend left, in=180, out=-45] (nixhash.south);
\draw<4-> (-10pt, 105pt) [very thick, color=guixorange2, rounded corners=8pt]
arc (10:-50:-50pt and 110pt);
\node<4->[fill=white, text=black, text opacity=1, opacity=.7,
rounded corners=2mm, inner sep=5mm]
at (7, 2) {\textbf{\Large{(nearly) bit-identical for everyone}}};
%% \node<5>[fill=white, text=black, text opacity=1, opacity=.7,
%% rounded corners=1mm, inner sep=3mm]
%% at (8, 1) {\url{http://reproducible.debian.net}};
\$ guix package -i gcc-toolchain coreutils sed grep
\$ eval `guix package --search-paths`
\$ guix package --manifest=my-software.scm
\node[rounded corners=4, text centered,
fill=guixorange1, text width=3cm,
inner sep=3mm, rotate=5, opacity=.75, text opacity=1,
drop shadow={opacity=0.5}] at (5, 4) {
\Huge{Want your PhD student to hack on GNUnet?}
\uncover<2->{\Large{A simple matter of installing the deps, right?}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\node [at=(current page.center), inner sep=0pt]
\$ guix environment --container gnunet
\$ guix environment --ad-hoc python-ipython python-numpy \\
-E ipython
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{bg=guixblue2}
\Huge{\textbf{Whole-system deployment.}}
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{fg=white,bg=black}
\begin{tikzpicture}[kernel/.style = {
text width=10cm, minimum height=1.4cm,
text centered,
rounded corners=2mm,
fill=white, text=black
userland/.style = {
draw=guixorange1, very thick,
fill=white, text=black, text width=5cm,
rounded corners=2mm, minimum height=1.4cm,
text centered
\matrix[row sep=6mm, column sep=1cm] {
\node<2->(initrd)[userland]{\textbf{\Large{initial RAM disk}}};
\node<4->(dmd)[userland]{\textbf{\Large{PID 1: GNU dmd}}
\\ services...};
\node<6->(user)[userland, dashed]{\textbf{\Large{applications}}};
\path[->, very thick, draw=guixred1]<2->
(kernel) edge (initrd);
\path[->, very thick, draw=guixred1]<4->
(initrd) edge (dmd);
\path[->, very thick, draw=guixred1]<6->
(dmd) edge (user);
guile/.style = {
fill=guixyellow, text=black, rotate=30,
rounded corners=4mm, text width=3cm,
opacity=.75, text opacity=1, text centered,
minimum height=1.3cm
\node<3->(labelinitrd) [guile] at (initrd.east) {%
\node<5->(labelinitrd) [guile] at (dmd.east) {%
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{bg=guixblue2}
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{fg=white,bg=black}
\Large{Debians dirtiest secret:\\
\textbf{Binary packages \alert{built by developers} are used in
the archive}}
\hfill{ --- Lucas Nussbaum, FOSDEM 2015}
% TODO: CIA's XCode exploit here
\frametitle{Transparent binary/source deployment}
alice@foo\$ \alert{guix package --install=}emacs
The following package will be installed:
emacs-24.5 /gnu/store/\dots{}-emacs-24.5
The following files will be \alert{downloaded}:
The following files will be \alert{downloaded}:
The following derivations will be \alert{built}:
\begin{frame}[plain, fragile, t]
\begin{tikzpicture}[box/.style = {
rounded corners=2mm,
fill=white, text=black, text width=4.8cm,
inner sep=2mm
server/.style = {
text centered, rounded corners=2mm,
fill=guixorange1, text=black, text width=3.4cm,
inner sep=3mm
note/.style = {
rounded corners=4, text centered,
fill=guixorange1, text width=3cm,
inner sep=3mm, rotate=5, opacity=.75, text opacity=1,
drop shadow={opacity=0.5}
\matrix[row sep=1.4cm, column sep=1.4cm] {
\node(def)[box]{\texttt{(define foo (package \textrm{...}))}};
& \node(user)[server]{\textbf{user}};
\node<2->(build)[box]{\texttt{guix build foo}
& \node<4-5>(hydra)[server]{hydra.gnu.org \textbf{build~farm}};
\node<3->(push){\texttt{git push}};
& \node<3->(savannah)[server]{git.sv.gnu.org}; \\
\path[->, very thick, draw=guixorange1]<2->
(def) edge node[left]{test} (build);
\path[->, very thick, draw=guixorange1]<3->
(build) edge (push);
\path[->, very thick, draw=guixorange1]<3->
(push) edge[->, in=-110, out=-70] (savannah);
\path[->, very thick, draw=guixorange1]<4-5>
(hydra) edge node[right]{pull} (savannah);
\path[->, very thick, draw=guixorange1]<4-6>
(user) edge[in=30,out=-30] node[left, sloped]{pull}
(savannah.north east);
\path[->, very thick, draw=guixorange1]<5>
(user) edge node[right]{get binary} (hydra);
\node<7>[overlay, fill=black, opacity=.8,
text height=9cm, text width=11cm,
at=(current page.center)] {};
\node<7>[note, rotate=3] at (2,1) {\textbf{no ``maintainer uploads''}};
\node<7>[note, rotate=-10] at (-2,-1) {\textbf{no single point of trust}};
\begin{frame}[plain, fragile]
\begin{tikzpicture}[white/.style = {
text centered, rounded corners=2mm,
fill=white, text=black, text width=2.8cm,
inner sep=3mm
orange/.style = {
text centered, rounded corners=2mm,
fill=guixorange1, text=black, text width=2.8cm,
inner sep=3mm
\matrix[row sep=1cm, column sep=0.5cm] {
& \node(binary)[orange]{\large{\textbf{binary}} \texttt{hydra.gnu.org}};
\node{\texttt{(define emacs (\alert{package} \textrm{\dots{}}))}};
& \node{\texttt{/gnu/store/\textrm{\dots{}}-emacs-24.5}};
\path[<->, very thick, draw=white]
(source) edge node[above]{\Huge{\textbf{?}}} (binary);
\begin{frame}{The path to greater user control}
\item{ \textbf{Bit-reproducible builds}
\item<2-> we have \highlight{isolated build environments}!
\item<2-> ... but we need builds to be \highlight{deterministic}
\item<2-> \url{http://reproducible-builds.org}
\item{\textbf{No single binary provider}
\item<3-> \texttt{guix publish}
\item<3-> publish over GNUnet? (GSoC 2015)
\item \textbf{\alert<4>{Tools for users to challenge binaries}}
$ \alert{guix challenge} --substitute-urls="http://hydra.gnu.org http://guix.example.org"
\alert{/gnu/store/\dots{}-openssl-1.0.2d contents differ}:
local hash: 0725l22\dots{}
http://hydra.gnu.org/\dots{}-openssl-1.0.2d: 0725l22\dots{}
http://guix.example.org/\dots{}-openssl-1.0.2d: 1zy4fma\dots{}
\alert{/gnu/store/\dots{}-git-2.5.0 contents differ}:
local hash: 00p3bmr\dots{}
http://hydra.gnu.org/\dots{}-git-2.5.0: 069nb85\dots{}
http://guix.example.org/\dots{}-git-2.5.0: 0mdqa9w\dots{}
\alert{/gnu/store/\dots{}-pius-2.1.1 contents differ}:
local hash: 0k4v3m9\dots{}
http://hydra.gnu.org/\dots{}-pius-2.1.1: 0k4v3m9\dots{}
http://guix.example.org/\dots{}-pius-2.1.1: 1cy25x1\dots{}
%% \begin{frame}
%% \frametitle{Ken Thompson's attack?}
%% \begin{itemize}
%% \item ``Reflections on Trusting Trust'', Ken Thompson
%% \item ``Countering ... Through Diverse Double Compilation'', David
%% A. Wheeler
%% \end{itemize}
%% \end{frame}
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{bg=guixblue2}
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{fg=white,bg=black}
\item Nov. 2012 --- dubbed GNU
\item{Jan. 2013 --- \alert{0.1}}
\item ...
\item{Apr. 2014 --- \alert{0.6}, signed binaries, \texttt{guix
\item{July 2014 --- \alert{0.7}, \textbf{installable operating
\item ...
\item{29 Jan. 2015 --- \alert{0.8.1}, \textbf{ARMv7 port}}
\item ...
\item Aug. 2015 --- Reproducibility in Parallel Computing Workshop
\item{5 Nov. 2015 --- \alert{0.9.0}, new service framework, etc.}
\item full-featured package manager
\item 2,600+ packages, 4 platforms
\item \textbf{Guix System Distribution$^\beta$}
\item binaries at \url{http://hydra.gnu.org}
\item tooling: auto-update, ``linting'', etc.
\item l10n: 8 languages!
\item $\approx$25 contributors each month
\item ... and lots of friendly people!
\item $\approx$400 commits per month
\item $\approx$200--500 new packages per release
\item \textbf{install the distribution}
\item \textbf{use it}, report bugs, add packages
\item help with the \textbf{infrastructure} + admin
\item \textbf{donate} hardware/money
\item share your \textbf{ideas}!
\node[overlay, rounded corners=4, text centered,
minimum size=10mm, fill=guixorange1, text width=5cm,
inner sep=3mm, rotate=-7, opacity=.75, text opacity=1,
drop shadow={opacity=0.5}] at (3, 3) {
\textbf{your help needed!}
\begin{textblock}{12}(2, 8)
Copyright \copyright{} 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Ludovic Courtès \texttt{ludo@gnu.org}.\\[3.0mm]
GNU Guix logo, GFDL, \url{http://gnu.org/s/guix/graphics}
Copyright of other images included in this document is held by
their respective owners.
This work is licensed under the \alert{Creative Commons
Attribution-Share Alike 3.0} License. To view a copy of this
license, visit
\url{http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/} or send a
letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San
Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
At your option, you may instead copy, distribute and/or modify
this document under the terms of the \alert{GNU Free Documentation
License, Version 1.3 or any later version} published by the Free
Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover
Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is
available at \url{http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gfdl.html}.
% Give a link to the 'Transparent Copy', as per Section 3 of the GFDL.
The source of this document is available from
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