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2015-05-24 17:33:22 +02:00

315 lines
9.6 KiB

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\title{Functional Package Management with GNU Guix}
%%\subtitle{How GNU Guix Seeks to Empower Users}
\author{Ricardo Wurmus\\\texttt{rekado@elephly.net}}
\date{\small{OpenTechSummit\\14 May 2015}}
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} % remove the navigation bar
\tableofcontents[currentsection, hideothersections]
\tableofcontents[currentsection, currentsubsection]
\begin{frame}{Good idea}
\item easy to install, upgrade, remove software
\item dependency resolution
\item centrally maintained repositories
\begin{frame}{Common problems}
\item outdated packages
\item version conflicts
\item changes affect all users
\item potentially dangerous
\item trust
\begin{frame}{Partial solutions}
\item \alert{third-party repositories}\\
EPEL, PPAs, ...
\item \alert{manual compilation}\\
install to custom prefix, static linking
\item \alert{language-specific package systems}\\
gem, cabal, pip, cpan, npm ...
\item \alert{build your own system package}\\
RPM, deb, PKGBUILD, ...
\item \alert{meta package managers}\\
e.g. fpm generating RPM, deb, gem
\item \alert{giving up}\\
virtual machines, ``app images'', snapshots
\begin{frame}{Functional package management}
\item no \alert{global} values:\\
/bin, /usr/include, /usr/lib, ...
\item \alert{purity}:\\
only declared inputs are visible at build time
\item \alert{reproducible} results:\\
build outputs can be cached and substituted;\\
automatic deduplication!
\item \alert{immutable results} without \alert{side effects}:\\
nothing outside of the cache and internal state is modified
\begin{tikzpicture}[tools/.style = {
text width=35mm, minimum height=4cm,
text centered,
rounded corners=2mm,
fill=black, text=white
tool/.style = {
fill=black, text=white, text width=3cm,
text centered
daemon/.style = {
rectangle, text width=50mm, text centered,
rounded corners=2mm, minimum height=15mm,
top color=guixorange1,
bottom color=guixyellow,
builders/.style = {
draw=guixorange1, very thick, dashed,
fill=white, text=black, text width=5cm,
rounded corners=2mm,
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fill=white, text=black,
\matrix[row sep=3mm, column sep=1cm] {
\node(builders)[builders, text height=5cm]{}
node at (0, 2) {\large{\textbf{build processes}}}
node at (0, 1.5) {chroot, separate UIDs}
node[builder] at (-1,-0.5) {\alert{Guile}, make, etc.}
node[builder] at ( 0,-0.5) {\alert{Guile}, make, etc.}
node[builder] at ( 1,-0.5) {\alert{Guile}, make, etc.}; &
node[text=white] at (0, 1) {\large{\textbf{Guix client}}}
node[tool] at (0, 0) {\texttt{(guix packages)}}
node(client)[tool] at (0, -1) {\texttt{(guix store)}};
\node(daemon)[daemon]{\large{\textbf{build daemon}}}; &
\path[very thick, draw=guixblue2]
(client.south) edge [out=-90, in=0, ->] node[below, sloped]{RPCs} (daemon.east);
\path[->, very thick, draw=guixblue2]
(daemon) edge (builders);
(define hello
(name "hello")
(version "2.8")
(source (\alert{origin}
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append
"mirror://gnu/\textrm{...}/hello-" version
(sha256 (base32 "0wqd\textrm{...}dz6"))))
(\alert{build-system} gnu-build-system)
(synopsis "Hello, GNU world: An example GNU package")
(description "Produce a friendly greeting.")
(home-page "http://www.gnu.org/software/hello/")
(license gpl3+)))
\item version 0.8.2 is \textbf{out now}
\item quickly growing collection of package recipes (1800+)
\item \textbf{install the distribution}
\item \textbf{use it}, report bugs, add packages
\item share your \textbf{ideas}!
\node[overlay, rounded corners=4, text centered,
minimum size=10mm, fill=guixorange1, text width=5cm,
inner sep=3mm, rotate=-7, opacity=.75, text opacity=1,
drop shadow={opacity=0.5}] at (3, 3) {
\textbf{your help needed!}
\texttt{rekado@elephly.net} \hfill{\alert{\url{http://gnu.org/software/guix/}}}
\begin{textblock}{12}(2, 8)
Copyright \copyright{} 2015 Ricardo Wurmus \texttt{rekado@elephly.net}.\\
Copyright \copyright{} 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014 Ludovic Courtès \texttt{ludo@gnu.org}.
A GNU head, GFDL, \url{http://gnu.org/graphics/agnuhead.html}\\
GNU Guix logo, GFDL, \url{http://gnu.org/s/guix/graphics}
Copyright of other images included in this document is held by
their respective owners.
This work is licensed under the \alert{Creative Commons
Attribution-Share Alike 3.0} License. To view a copy of this
license, visit
\url{http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/} or send a
letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San
Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
At your option, you may instead copy, distribute and/or modify
this document under the terms of the \alert{GNU Free Documentation
License, Version 1.3 or any later version} published by the Free
Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover
Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is
available at \url{http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gfdl.html}.
% Give a link to the 'Transparent Copy', as per Section 3 of the GFDL.
The source of this document is available from
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