# parallel-programming A collection of tasks for studying parallel programming #### 1. Setup a proxy (on university computers only): ##### On Ubuntu: ```sh echo 'http_proxy=""' | sudo tee -a /etc/profile echo 'https_proxy=""' | sudo tee -a /etc/profile ``` Reboot a virtual machine to apply changes: ```sh systemctl reboot ``` ##### On Fedora: ```sh echo 'proxy=' | sudo tee -a /etc/dnf/dnf.conf echo 'http_proxy=""' | sudo tee -a /etc/profile echo 'http_proxy=""' | sudo tee -a /etc/profile ``` Reboot a virtual machine to apply changes: ```sh systemctl reboot ``` #### 2. Install a necessary dependencies: ##### On Ubuntu: ```sh sudo apt install gcc g++ libomp-dev git ``` ##### On Fedora: ```sh sudo dnf install gcc gcc-c++ libgomp git ``` #### 3. Clone the repository: ```sh git clone https://git.disroot.org/hassiy/parallel-programming.git ``` #### 4. Navigate to the project directory: ``` cd parallel-programming ``` #### 5. Unzip the 500f.zip file: ```sh unzip 500f.zip ``` #### 6. Use "cd" and "ls" commands to navigate to the necessary variant: In case to navigate to the 9th variant use command below: ```sh cd ~/parallel-programming/2/fork/linux ``` #### 7. Inspect README.md file before do something ```sh less README.md ``` #### 8. (Recommended) Make a backup of a code: ```sh cp main.cpp main.bk.cpp ``` where "main.cpp" may be different filename (i.e. fork2.cpp) use "ls" command to check a content of the current directory #### 9. Edit the code: To get a count of an available (logical) threads use command below: ```sh nproc ``` To get username enter command below: ```sh whoami ``` or ```sh echo $USER ``` Edit the code using one of "nano", "vi", "vim" text editor: i.e. using nano: ```sh nano main.cpp ``` or another .cpp filename. Use "ls" command to verify it Inspect the comments ###### !Don't forget to change file paths to the proper values! Save changes and exit #### 10. Compile a program: ```sh g++ main.cpp ``` file "a.out" will appear in the current directory "a.out" is a default binary name in gcc or g++ compilers Use -o (or --output) option to change an executable (binary) filename: ```sh g++ -o binary_name.exe main.cpp ``` If a program uses thread method use command bellow: ```sh g++ -lpthread main.cpp ``` If a program uses openMP method use command bellow: ```sh g++ -fopenmp main.cpp ``` #### 11. Execute the binary: ```sh ./a.out ``` or another binary name that was entered after -o option #### 12. If result wasn't in stdout you need to read "result" file(s): ```sh cat ~/parallel-programming/500f/result* ```