Support cover pages

This commit is contained in:
malc 2012-02-05 20:02:56 +04:00
parent 0e03e1f905
commit 1c0afdfa49

View file

@ -214,8 +214,11 @@ let debugrect (x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) =
type columns =
columncount * ((pdimno * x * y * (pageno * width * height * leftx)) array)
and columncount = int and pdimno = int;;
multicol * ((pdimno * x * y * (pageno * width * height * leftx)) array)
and multicol = columncount * covercount * covercount
and pdimno = int
and columncount = int
and covercount = int;;
type conf =
{ mutable scrollbw : int
@ -1424,7 +1427,7 @@ let scalecolor2 (r, g, b) =
let represent () =
let docolumns = function
| None -> ()
| Some (columns, _) ->
| Some ((columns, coverA, coverB), _) ->
let a = Array.make state.pagecount (-1, -1, -1, (-1, -1, -1, -1)) in
let rec loop pageno pdimno pdim x y rowh pdims =
if pageno = state.pagecount
@ -1438,9 +1441,16 @@ let represent () =
pdimno, pdim, pdims
let x, y, rowh =
if pageno mod columns = 0
then 0, y + rowh + conf.interpagespace, h
else x + w + conf.interpagespace, y, max rowh h
if pageno = coverA - 1 || pageno = state.pagecount - coverB
then (
(conf.winw - state.scrollw - w) / 2,
y + rowh + conf.interpagespace, h
else (
if (pageno - coverA) mod columns = 0
then 0, y + rowh + conf.interpagespace, h
else x + w + conf.interpagespace, y, max rowh h
a.(pageno) <- (pdimno, x, y, pdim);
loop (pageno+1) pdimno pdim x y rowh pdims
@ -1461,7 +1471,7 @@ let represent () =
fix (n+1) rowh
fix 0 0;
conf.columns <- Some (columns, a);
conf.columns <- Some ((columns, coverA, coverB), a);
docolumns conf.columns;
state.maxy <- calcheight ();
@ -1504,7 +1514,7 @@ let reshape =
let w =
match conf.columns with
| None -> w
| Some (c, _) -> (w - (c-1)*conf.interpagespace) / c
| Some ((c, _, _), _) -> (w - (c-1)*conf.interpagespace) / c
invalidate ();
wcmd "geometry" [`i w; `i h];
@ -2118,7 +2128,7 @@ let setzoom zoom =
let setcolumns columns =
let setcolumns columns coverA coverB =
if columns < 2
then (
conf.columns <- None;
@ -2126,7 +2136,7 @@ let setcolumns columns =
setzoom 1.0;
else (
conf.columns <- Some (columns, [||]);
conf.columns <- Some ((columns, coverA, coverB), [||]);
conf.zoom <- 1.0;
reshape conf.winw conf.winh;
@ -2165,7 +2175,7 @@ let enterbirdseye () =
match conf.beyecolumns with
| Some c ->
conf.zoom <- 1.0;
Some (c, [||])
Some ((c, 0, 0), [||])
| None -> None
Glut.setCursor Glut.CURSOR_INHERIT;
@ -2188,7 +2198,7 @@ let leavebirdseye (c, leftx, pageno, _, anchor) goback =
conf.hlinks <- c.hlinks;
conf.beyecolumns <- (
match conf.columns with
| Some (c, _) -> Some c
| Some ((c, _, _), _) -> Some c
| None -> None
conf.columns <- (
@ -3370,6 +3380,19 @@ let describe_location () =
(fn+1) (ln+1) state.pagecount percent
let columns_to_string (n, a, b) =
if a = 0 && b = 0
then Printf.sprintf "%d" n
else Printf.sprintf "%d,%d,%d" n a b;
let columns_of_string s =
(int_of_string s, 0, 0)
with _ ->
Scanf.sscanf s "%u,%u,%u" (fun n a b -> (n, a, b));
let enterinfomode =
let btos b = if b then "\xe2\x88\x9a" else "" in
let showextended = ref false in
@ -3678,12 +3701,14 @@ let enterinfomode =
| _ -> ()
src#int "columns"
src#string "columns"
(fun () ->
match conf.columns with
| None -> 1
| Some (n, _) -> n)
(fun v -> setcolumns v);
| None -> "1"
| Some (multicol, _) -> columns_to_string multicol)
(fun v ->
let n, a, b = columns_of_string v in
setcolumns n a b);
sep ();
src#caption "Presentation mode" 0;
@ -4360,7 +4385,7 @@ let birdseyespecial key ((oconf, leftx, _, hooverpageno, anchor) as beye) =
let incr =
match conf.columns with
| None -> 1
| Some (c, _) -> c
| Some ((c, _, _), _) -> c
match key with
| Glut.KEY_UP -> upbirdseye incr beye
@ -5140,7 +5165,8 @@ struct
| "ghyllscroll" ->
{ c with ghyllscroll = Some (ghyllscroll_of_string v) }
| "columns" ->
{ c with columns = Some (max (int_of_string v) 2, [||]) }
let nab = columns_of_string v in
{ c with columns = Some (nab, [||]) }
| "birds-eye-columns" ->
{ c with beyecolumns = Some (max (int_of_string v) 2) }
| _ -> c
@ -5498,7 +5524,8 @@ struct
if always || a <> b
match a with
| Some (c, _) when c > 1 -> Printf.bprintf bb "\n %s='%d'" s c
| Some ((n, a, b), _) when n > 1 ->
Printf.bprintf bb "\n %s='%d,%d,%d'" s n a b
| _ -> ()
and obeco s a b =
if always || a <> b