2016-07-18 00:43:19 +02:00

1383 lines
36 KiB

open Utils;;
let (~>) = Bytes.unsafe_of_string;;
type cursor =
type winstate =
| MaxVert
| MaxHorz
| Fullscreen
type visiblestate =
| Unobscured
| PartiallyObscured
| FullyObscured
let classify_key key =
let open Keys in
match key with
| 0xffbe -> F1
| 0xffc0 -> F3
| 0xffc6 -> F9
| 62 -> Gt
| 91 -> Lb
| 60 -> Lt
| 93 -> Rb
| 39 -> Apos
| 0xff08 -> Backspace
| 0xff9f -> Delete
| 0xff54 -> Down
| 0xff0d -> Enter
| 61 -> Equals
| 0xff1b -> Escape
| 0xff50 -> Home
| 0xff63 -> Insert
| 0xff57 -> Jend
| 0xffff -> KPdelete
| 0xff99 -> KPdown
| 0xff9c -> KPend
| 0xff8d -> KPenter
| 0xff95 -> KPhome
| 0xff96 -> KPleft
| 0xffad -> KPminus
| 0xff9b -> KPnext
| 0xffab -> KPplus
| 0xff9a -> KPprior
| 0xff98 -> KPright
| 0xff97 -> KPup
| 0xff51 -> Left
| 45 -> Minus
| 0xff56 -> Next
| 124 -> Pipe
| 43 -> Plus
| 0xff55 -> Prior
| 63 -> Question
| 0xff53 -> Right
| 47 -> Slash
| 32 -> Space
| 0xff09 -> Tab
| 0x7e -> Tilde
| 0xff52 -> Up
| 48 -> N0
| 49 -> N1
| 50 -> N2
| 51 -> N3
| 52 -> N4
| 57 -> N9
| 66 -> CB
| 70 -> CF
| 71 -> CG
| 72 -> CH
| 78 -> CN
| 80 -> CP
| 81 -> CQ
| 87 -> CW
| 83 -> CS
| 97 -> Ca
| 98 -> Cb
| 99 -> Cc
| 101 -> Ce
| 102 -> Cf
| 103 -> Cg
| 104 -> Ch
| 105 -> Ci
| 106 -> Cj
| 107 -> Ck
| 108 -> Cl
| 109 -> Cm
| 110 -> Cn
| 111 -> Co
| 112 -> Cp
| 113 -> Cq
| 114 -> Cr
| 115 -> Cs
| 116 -> Ct
| 117 -> Cu
| 118 -> Cv
| 119 -> Cw
| 120 -> Cx
| 121 -> Cy
| 122 -> Cz
| n -> Code n
type wid = int and screenno = int and vid = int and atom = int;;
external glxinit : string -> wid -> screenno -> vid = "ml_glxinit";;
external glxcompleteinit : unit -> unit = "ml_glxcompleteinit";;
external swapb : unit -> unit = "ml_swapb";;
external setcursor : cursor -> unit = "ml_setcursor";;
external setwinbgcol : int -> unit = "ml_setbgcol";;
(* let vlog fmt = Format.ksprintf ignore fmt;; *)
let onot = object
method map _ = ()
method expose = ()
method visible _ = ()
method reshape _ _ = ()
method mouse _ _ _ _ _ = ()
method motion _ _ = ()
method pmotion _ _ = ()
method key _ _ = ()
method enter _ _ = ()
method leave = ()
method winstate _ = ()
method quit: 'a. 'a = exit 0
method scroll _ _ = ()
class type t = object
method map : bool -> unit
method expose : unit
method visible : visiblestate -> unit
method reshape : int -> int -> unit
method mouse : int -> bool -> int -> int -> int -> unit
method motion : int -> int -> unit
method pmotion : int -> int -> unit
method key : int -> int -> unit
method enter : int -> int -> unit
method leave : unit
method winstate : winstate list -> unit
method quit : 'a. 'a
method scroll : int -> int -> unit
type state =
{ mutable mink : int
; mutable maxk : int
; mutable keymap : int array array
; fifo : (bytes -> unit) Queue.t
; mutable seq : int
; mutable protoatom : atom
; mutable deleatom : atom
; mutable nwmsatom : atom
; mutable maxvatom : atom
; mutable maxhatom : atom
; mutable fulsatom : atom
; mutable idbase : int
; mutable wid : int
; mutable fid : int
; mutable fullscreen : (int -> unit)
; mutable setwmname : (bytes -> unit)
; mutable actwin : (unit -> unit)
; mutable stringatom : int
; mutable t : t
; mutable sock : Unix.file_descr
; mutable x : int
; mutable y : int
; mutable w : int
; mutable h : int
; mutable fs : fs
; mutable curcurs : cursor
; mutable capslmask : int
; mutable numlmask : int
; mutable levl3mask : int
; mutable levl5mask : int
; mutable xkb : bool
and fs =
| NoFs
| Fs of (int * int * int * int)
let state =
{ mink = max_int
; maxk = min_int
; keymap = E.a
; fifo = Queue.create ()
; seq = 0
; protoatom = -1
; deleatom = -1
; nwmsatom = -1
; maxvatom = -1
; maxhatom = -1
; fulsatom = -1
; idbase = -1
; wid = -1
; fid = -1
; fullscreen = (fun _ -> ())
; setwmname = (fun _ -> ())
; actwin = (fun _ -> ())
; sock = Unix.stdin
; t = onot
; x = -1
; y = -1
; w = -1
; h = -1
; fs = NoFs
; stringatom = 31
; curcurs = CURSOR_TEXT
; capslmask = 0
; numlmask = 0
; levl3mask = 0
; levl5mask = 0
; xkb = false
(* let w8 s pos i = Bytes.set s pos (Char.chr (i land 0xff));; *)
(* let r8 s pos = Char.code (Bytes.get s pos);; *)
(* let ordermagic = 'l';; *)
(* let w16 s pos i = *)
(* w8 s pos i; *)
(* w8 s (pos+1) (i lsr 8) *)
(* ;; *)
(* let w32 s pos i = *)
(* w16 s pos i; *)
(* w16 s (pos+2) (i lsr 16) *)
(* ;; *)
(* let r16 s pos = *)
(* let rb pos1 = Char.code (Bytes.get s (pos + pos1)) in *)
(* (rb 0) lor ((rb 1) lsl 8) *)
(* ;; *)
(* let r16s s pos = *)
(* let i = r16 s pos in *)
(* i - ((i land 0x8000) lsl 1) *)
(* ;; *)
(* let r32 s pos = *)
(* let rb pos1 = Char.code (Bytes.get s (pos + pos1)) in *)
(* let l = (rb 0) lor ((rb 1) lsl 8) *)
(* and u = (rb 2) lor ((rb 3) lsl 8) in *)
(* (u lsl 16) lor l *)
(* ;; *)
let makereq opcode len reqlen =
let s = Bytes.create len in
w8 s 0 opcode;
w16 s 2 reqlen;
let readstr sock n = try readstr sock n with End_of_file -> state.t#quit
(* let s = Bytes.create n in *)
(* let rec loop pos n = *)
(* let m = tempfailureretry ( sock s pos) n in *)
(* if m = 0 *)
(* then state.t#quit; *)
(* if n != m *)
(* then ( *)
(* ignore (tempfailureretry ( [sock] [] []) 0.01); *)
(* loop (pos + m) (n - m) *)
(* ) *)
(* in *)
(* loop 0 n; *)
(* s; *)
(* ;; *)
let sendstr1 s pos len sock =
vlog "%d <= %S" state.seq s;
sendstr1 s pos len sock;
state.seq <- state.seq + 1
(* let sendstr1 s pos len sock = *)
(* let s = Bytes.unsafe_to_string s in *)
(* vlog "%d <= %S" state.seq s; *)
(* state.seq <- state.seq + 1; *)
(* let n = tempfailureretry (Unix.write_substring sock s pos) len in *)
(* if n != len *)
(* then error "send %d returned %d" len n; *)
(* ;; *)
let updkmap sock resp =
let syms = r8 resp 1 in
let len = r32 resp 4 in
let data =
if len > 0
then readstr sock (4*len)
else E.b
let m = len / syms in
state.keymap <- Array.make_matrix
(state.maxk - state.mink) syms 0xffffff;
let rec loop i = if i = m then () else
let k = i*4*syms in
let rec loop2 k l = if l = syms then () else
let v = r32 data k in
state.keymap.(i).(l) <- v;
loop2 (k+4) (l+1)
loop2 k 0;
loop (i+1);
loop 0;
let updmodmap sock resp =
let n = r8 resp 1 in
let len = r16 resp 4 in
let data =
if len > 0
then readstr sock (len*4)
else E.b
if len > 0 then (*???*)
let modmap = Array.make_matrix 8 n 0xffffff in
let rec loop l = if l = 8 then () else
let p = l*n in
let rec loop1 m = if m = n then () else
let p = p+m in
let code = r8 data p in
modmap.(l).(m) <- code;
if l = 1
then (
let ki = code - state.mink in
if ki >= 0
let a = state.keymap.(ki) in
let rec capsloop i = if i = Array.length a || i > 3 then () else
let s = a.(i) in
if s = 0xffe5
then state.capslmask <- 2
else capsloop (i+1)
capsloop 0;
else (
if l > 3
then (
let ki = code - state.mink in
if ki >= 0
let a = state.keymap.(ki) in
let rec lloop i = if i = Array.length a || i > 3 then () else
let s = a.(i) in
match s with
| 0xfe03 -> state.levl3mask <- 1 lsl l
| 0xfe11 -> state.levl5mask <- 1 lsl l
| 0xff7f -> state.numlmask <- 1 lsl l
| _ -> lloop (i+1)
lloop 0;
loop1 (m+1)
loop1 0;
loop (l+1)
loop 0;
let sendwithrep sock s f =
Queue.push f state.fifo;
sendstr1 s 0 (Bytes.length s) sock;
let padcatl =
let pad = "123" in
fun ss ->
let b = Buffer.create 16 in
List.iter (Buffer.add_bytes b) ss;
let bl = Buffer.length b in
let pl = bl land 3 in
if pl != 0
then (
Buffer.add_substring b pad 0 (4 - pl);
Buffer.to_bytes b;
let padcat s1 s2 = padcatl [s1; s2];;
let internreq name onlyifexists =
let s = makereq 16 8 8 in
let s = padcat s name in
w8 s 1 (if onlyifexists then 1 else 0);
w16 s 2 (Bytes.length s / 4);
w16 s 4 (Bytes.length name);
let sendintern sock s onlyifexists f =
let s = internreq s onlyifexists in
sendwithrep sock s f;
let createwindowreq wid parent x y w h bw eventmask vid depth mid =
let s = makereq 1 48 12 in
w8 s 1 depth;
w32 s 4 wid;
w32 s 8 parent;
w16 s 12 x;
w16 s 14 y;
w16 s 16 w;
w16 s 18 h;
w16 s 20 bw;
w16 s 22 0; (* copyfromparent *)
w32 s 24 vid; (* visual *)
w32 s 28 0x280a; (* valuemask =
| background pixel
| border pixel
| event mask
| colormap *)
w32 s 32 0; (* background pixel *)
w32 s 36 0; (* border pixel*)
w32 s 40 eventmask;
w32 s 44 mid;
let createcolormapreq mid wid vid =
let s = makereq 78 16 4 in
w8 s 1 0;
w32 s 4 mid;
w32 s 8 wid;
w32 s 12 vid;
let getgeometryreq wid =
let s = makereq 14 8 2 in
w32 s 4 wid;
let mapreq wid =
let s = makereq 8 8 2 in
w32 s 4 wid;
let getkeymapreq first count =
let s = makereq 101 8 2 in
w8 s 4 first;
w8 s 5 count;
let changepropreq wid prop typ format props =
let s = makereq 18 24 0 in
let s = padcat s props in
w8 s 1 0;
w16 s 2 (Bytes.length s / 4);
w32 s 4 wid;
w32 s 8 prop;
w32 s 12 typ;
w8 s 16 format;
let ful = Bytes.length props / (match format with
| 8 -> 1
| 16 -> 2
| 32 -> 4
| n -> error "no idea what %d means" n)
w32 s 20 ful;
let getpropreq delete wid prop typ =
let s = makereq 20 24 6 in
w8 s 1 (if delete then 1 else 0);
w32 s 4 wid;
w32 s 8 prop;
w32 s 12 typ;
w32 s 16 0;
w32 s 20 2;
let configurewindowreq wid mask values =
let s = makereq 12 12 0 in
let s = padcat s values in
w16 s 2 (Bytes.length s / 4);
w32 s 4 wid;
w16 s 8 mask;
let s32 n =
let s = Bytes.create 4 in
w32 s 0 n;
let clientmessage format seq wid typ data =
let s = makereq 33 12 0 in
let s = padcat s data in
w8 s 1 format;
w16 s 2 seq;
w32 s 4 wid;
w32 s 8 typ;
let sendeventreq propagate destwid mask data =
let s = makereq 25 12 11 in
let s = padcat s data in
w8 s 1 propagate;
w16 s 2 11;
w32 s 4 destwid;
w32 s 8 mask;
let getmodifiermappingreq () =
makereq 119 4 1;
let queryextensionreq name =
let s = makereq 98 8 0 in
let s = padcat s name in
w16 s 2 (Bytes.length s / 4);
w16 s 4 (Bytes.length name);
let getkeysym pkpk code mask =
if (pkpk >= 0xff80 && pkpk <= 0xffbd)
|| (pkpk >= 0x11000000 && pkpk <= 0x1100ffff)
then (
if mask land state.numlmask != 0
let keysym = state.keymap.(code-state.mink).(1) in
if keysym = 0 then pkpk else keysym
else pkpk
else (
let shift =
if pkpk land 0xf000 = 0xf000
then 0
else (mask land 1) lxor ((mask land state.capslmask) lsr 1)
let index =
if state.xkb && mask land 0x2000 != 0
shift + 2
let l3 = (mask land state.levl3mask) != 0 in
let l4 = (mask land state.levl5mask) != 0 in
shift +
if l3 then (if l4 then 8 else 4) else (if l4 then 6 else 0)
let keysym = state.keymap.(code-state.mink).(index) in
if index land 1 = 1 && keysym = 0
then state.keymap.(code-state.mink).(index - 1)
else keysym
let getkeysym code mask =
let pkpk = state.keymap.(code-state.mink).(0) in
if state.xkb && pkpk lsr 8 = 0xfe (* XKB *)
then 0
else getkeysym pkpk code mask
let readresp sock =
let resp = readstr sock 32 in
let opcode = r8 resp 0 in
match opcode land lnot 0x80 with
| 0 -> (* error *)
let s = resp in
let code = r8 s 1
and serial = r16 s 2
and resid = r32 resp 4
and min = r16 s 8
and maj = r8 s 10 in
error "code=%d serial=%d resid=%#x min=%d maj=%d\n%S"
code serial resid min maj (Bytes.unsafe_to_string resp);
| 1 -> (* response *)
let rep = Queue.pop state.fifo in
rep resp;
| 2 -> (* key press *)
if Array.length state.keymap > 0
let code = r8 resp 1 in
let mask = r16 resp 28 in
let keysym = getkeysym code mask in
vlog "keysym = %x %c mask %#x code %d"
keysym (Char.unsafe_chr keysym) mask code;
state.t#key keysym mask;
| 3 -> (* key release *)
if Array.length state.keymap > 0
let code = r8 resp 1 in
let mask = r16 resp 28 in
let keysym = getkeysym code mask in
vlog "release keysym = %x %c mask %#x code %#d"
keysym (Char.unsafe_chr keysym) mask code
| 4 -> (* buttonpress *)
let n = r8 resp 1
and x = r16s resp 24
and y = r16s resp 26
and m = r16 resp 28 in
state.t#mouse n true x y m;
vlog "press %d" n
| 5 -> (* buttonrelease *)
let n = r8 resp 1
and x = r16s resp 24
and y = r16s resp 26
and m = r16 resp 28 in
state.t#mouse n false x y m;
vlog "release %d %d %d" n x y
| 6 -> (* motion *)
let x = r16s resp 24 in
let y = r16s resp 26 in
let m = r16 resp 28 in
if m land 0x1f00 = 0
then state.t#pmotion x y
else state.t#motion x y;
vlog "move %dx%d => %d" x y m
| 7 -> (* enter *)
let x = r16s resp 24
and y = r16s resp 26 in
state.t#enter x y;
vlog "enter %d %d" x y
| 8 -> (* leave *)
| 18 -> (* unmap *)
state.t#map false;
vlog "unmap";
| 19 -> (* map *)
state.t#map true;
vlog "map";
| 12 -> (* exposure *)
vlog "exposure";
| 15 -> (* visibility *)
let v = r8 resp 8 in
let vis =
match v with
| 0 -> Unobscured
| 1 -> PartiallyObscured
| 2 -> FullyObscured
| _ ->
dolog "unknown visibility %d" v;
state.t#visible vis;
vlog "visibility %d" v;
| 34 -> (* mapping *)
state.keymap <- E.a;
let s = getkeymapreq state.mink (state.maxk-state.mink-1) in
sendwithrep sock s (updkmap sock);
state.capslmask <- 0;
state.levl3mask <- 0;
state.levl5mask <- 0;
state.numlmask <- 0;
let s = getmodifiermappingreq () in
sendwithrep sock s (updmodmap sock);
| 33 -> (* clientmessage *)
let atom = r32 resp 8 in
if atom = state.protoatom
then (
let atom = r32 resp 12 in
if atom = state.deleatom
then state.t#quit
vlog "atom %#x" atom
| 21 -> (* reparent *)
vlog "reparent"
| 22 -> (* configure *)
let x = r16s resp 16
and y = r16s resp 18
and w = r16 resp 20
and h = r16 resp 22 in
vlog "configure cur [%d %d %d %d] conf [%d %d %d %d]"
state.x state.y state.w state.h
x y w h
if w != state.w || h != state.h
then (
state.t#reshape w h;
state.w <- w;
state.h <- h;
state.x <- x;
state.y <- y;
| 28 ->
let atom = r32 resp 8 in
if atom = state.nwmsatom
let s = getpropreq false state.wid atom 4 in
sendwithrep sock s (fun resp ->
let len = r32 resp 4 in
let nitems = r32 resp 16 in
let wsl =
if len = 0
then []
let s = readstr sock (len*4) in
let rec loop wsl i = if i = nitems then wsl else
let atom = r32 s (i*4) in
let wsl =
if atom = state.maxhatom
then MaxHorz::wsl
else (
if atom = state.maxvatom
then MaxVert::wsl
else (
if atom = state.fulsatom
then (
state.fs <- Fs (state.x, state.y, state.w, state.h);
else wsl
in loop wsl (i+1)
loop [] 0
state.t#winstate (List.sort compare wsl)
| n ->
dolog "event %d %S" n (Bytes.unsafe_to_string resp)
let readresp sock =
let rec loop () =
readresp sock;
if hasdata sock then loop ();
loop ();
let sendstr s ?(pos=0) ?(len=Bytes.length s) sock =
sendstr1 s pos len sock;
if hasdata sock then readresp sock;
let reshape w h =
if state.fs = NoFs
let s = Bytes.create 8 in
w32 s 0 w;
w32 s 4 h;
let s = configurewindowreq state.wid 0x000c s in
sendstr s state.sock;
else state.fullscreen state.wid
let activatewin () =
state.actwin ();
let syncsendwithrep sock secstowait s f =
let completed = ref false in
sendwithrep sock s (fun resp -> f resp; completed := true);
let now = Unix.gettimeofday in
let deadline = now () +. secstowait in
let rec readtillcompletion () =
let sf deadline =
let timeout = deadline -. now () in
if timeout <= 0.0
then [], [], []
else [sock] [] [] timeout
let r, _, _ = tempfailureretry sf deadline in
match r with
| [] -> error "didn't get X response in %f seconds, aborting" secstowait
| _ ->
readresp sock;
if not !completed
then readtillcompletion ()
readtillcompletion ();
let mapwin () =
let s = mapreq state.wid in
sendstr s state.sock;
let syncsendintern sock secstowait s onlyifexists f =
let s = internreq s onlyifexists in
syncsendwithrep sock secstowait s f;
let setup disp sock rootwid screennum w h =
let s = readstr sock 2 in
let n = Bytes.length s in
if n != 2
then error "failed to read X connection setup response n=%d" n;
match Bytes.get s 0 with
| '\000' ->
let reasonlen = r8 s 1 in
let s = readstr sock 6 in
let maj = r16 s 0
and min = r16 s 2
and add = r16 s 4 in
let len = add*4 in
let data = readstr sock len in
let reason = Bytes.sub data 0 reasonlen in
error "X connection failed maj=%d min=%d reason=%S"
maj min (Bytes.unsafe_to_string reason)
| '\002' -> failwith "X connection setup failed: authentication required";
| '\001' ->
let s = readstr sock 38 in
let maj = r16 s 0
and min = r16 s 2
and add = r16 s 4
and idbase = r32 s 10
and idmask = r32 s 14
and vlen = r16 s 22
and screens = r8 s 26
and formats = r8 s 27
and minkk = r8 s 32
and maxkk = r8 s 33 in
let data = readstr sock (4*add-32) in
let vendor = Bytes.sub data 0 vlen in
let pos = ((vlen+3) land lnot 3) + formats*8 in
if screennum >= screens
then error "invalid screen %d, max %d" screennum (screens-1);
let pos =
let rec findscreen n pos = if n = screennum then pos else
let pos =
let ndepths = r8 data (pos+39) in
let rec skipdepths n pos = if n = ndepths then pos else
let pos =
let nvisiuals = r16 data (pos+2) in
pos + nvisiuals*24 + 8
skipdepths (n+1) pos
skipdepths n (pos+40)
findscreen (n+1) pos
findscreen 0 pos
let root = if rootwid = 0 then r32 data pos else rootwid in
let rootw = r16 data (pos+20)
and rooth = r16 data (pos+22)
and rootdepth = r8 data (pos+38)in
state.mink <- minkk;
state.maxk <- maxkk;
state.idbase <- idbase;
vlog "vendor = %S, maj=%d min=%d" (Bytes.unsafe_to_string vendor) maj min;
vlog "screens = %d formats = %d" screens formats;
vlog "minkk = %d maxkk = %d" minkk maxkk;
vlog "idbase = %#x idmask = %#x" idbase idmask;
vlog "root=%#x %dx%d" root rootw rooth;
vlog "wmm = %d, hmm = %d" (r16 data (pos+24)) (r16 data (pos+26));
vlog "visualid = %#x" (r32 data (pos+32));
vlog "root depth = %d" rootdepth;
let wid = state.idbase in
let mid = wid+1 in
let fid = mid+1 in
state.wid <- wid;
state.fid <- fid;
let vid = glxinit disp wid screennum in
let ndepths = r8 data (pos+39) in
let rec finddepth n' pos =
if n' = ndepths
then error "cannot find depth for visual %#x" vid;
let depth = r8 data pos in
let nvisuals = r16 data (pos+2) in
let rec findvisual n pos =
if n = nvisuals
then finddepth (n'+1) pos
let id = r32 data pos in
if id = vid
then depth
else findvisual (n+1) (pos+24)
findvisual 0 (pos+8)
let depth = finddepth 0 (pos+40) in
let s = createcolormapreq mid root vid in
sendstr s sock;
let mask = 0
+ 0x00000001 (* KeyPress *)
(* + 0x00000002 *) (* KeyRelease *)
+ 0x00000004 (* ButtonPress *)
+ 0x00000008 (* ButtonRelease *)
+ 0x00000010 (* EnterWindow *)
+ 0x00000020 (* LeaveWindow *)
+ 0x00000040 (* PointerMotion *)
(* + 0x00000080 *) (* PointerMotionHint *)
(* + 0x00000100 *) (* Button1Motion *)
(* + 0x00000200 *) (* Button2Motion *)
(* + 0x00000400 *) (* Button3Motion *)
(* + 0x00000800 *) (* Button4Motion *)
(* + 0x00001000 *) (* Button5Motion *)
+ 0x00002000 (* ButtonMotion *)
(* + 0x00004000 *) (* KeymapState *)
+ 0x00008000 (* Exposure *)
+ 0x00010000 (* VisibilityChange *)
+ 0x00020000 (* StructureNotify *)
(* + 0x00040000 *) (* ResizeRedirect *)
(* + 0x00080000 *) (* SubstructureNotify *)
(* + 0x00100000 *) (* SubstructureRedirect *)
(* + 0x00200000 *) (* FocusChange *)
+ 0x00400000 (* PropertyChange *)
(* + 0x00800000 *) (* ColormapChange *)
(* + 0x01000000 *) (* OwnerGrabButton *)
let s = createwindowreq wid root 0 0 w h 0 mask vid depth mid in
sendstr s sock;
sendintern sock (~> "WM_PROTOCOLS") false (fun resp ->
state.protoatom <- r32 resp 8;
sock (~> "WM_DELETE_WINDOW") false (fun resp ->
state.deleatom <- r32 resp 8;
let s = s32 state.deleatom in
let s = changepropreq wid state.protoatom 4 32 s in
sendstr s sock;
sendintern sock (~> "WM_CLIENT_MACHINE") false (fun resp ->
let atom = r32 resp 8 in
let empty = E.s in
let hostname =
try Unix.gethostname ()
with exn ->
dolog "error getting host name: %s" @@ exntos exn;
if hostname != empty
let s = changepropreq wid atom state.stringatom 8
(~> hostname) in
sendstr s sock;
sendintern sock (~> "_NET_WM_PID") false (fun resp ->
let atom = r32 resp 8 in
let pid = Unix.getpid () in
let s = s32 pid in
let s = changepropreq wid atom 6(*cardinal*) 32 s in
sendstr s sock;
state.actwin <- (fun () ->
let s = Bytes.create 4 in
let s = configurewindowreq wid 0x40 s in
sendstr s state.sock;
let s = mapreq wid in
sendstr s state.sock;
sendintern sock (~> "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW") true (fun resp ->
let atom = r32 resp 8 in
state.actwin <- (fun () ->
let data = Bytes.make 20 '\000' in
let cm = clientmessage 32 0 wid atom data in
let s = sendeventreq 0 root 0x180000 cm in
sendstr s state.sock;
syncsendintern sock 2.0 (~> "WM_CLASS") false (fun resp ->
let atom = r32 resp 8 in
let llpp = ~> "llpp\000llpp\000" in
let s = changepropreq wid atom 31 8 llpp in
sendstr s sock;
let s = getkeymapreq state.mink (state.maxk-state.mink) in
sendwithrep sock s (updkmap sock);
let s = getmodifiermappingreq () in
sendwithrep sock s (updmodmap sock);
sendintern sock (~> "UTF8_STRING") true (fun resp ->
let atom = r32 resp 8 in
if atom != 0
then state.stringatom <- atom;
let setwmname s =
let s = changepropreq wid 39 state.stringatom 8 s in
sendstr s state.sock;
state.setwmname <- setwmname;
sendintern sock (~> "_NET_WM_NAME") true (fun resp ->
let atom = r32 resp 8 in
if atom != 0
then state.setwmname <- (fun s ->
setwmname s;
let s = changepropreq wid atom state.stringatom 8 s in
sendstr s state.sock;
state.fullscreen <- (fun wid ->
let s = Bytes.create 16 in
match state.fs with
| NoFs ->
w32 s 0 0;
w32 s 4 0;
w32 s 8 rootw;
w32 s 12 rooth;
let s = configurewindowreq wid 0x000f s in
sendstr s state.sock;
state.fs <- Fs (state.x, state.y, state.w, state.h);
| Fs (x, y, w, h) ->
w32 s 0 x;
w32 s 4 y;
w32 s 8 w;
w32 s 12 h;
let s = configurewindowreq wid 0x000f s in
sendstr s state.sock;
state.fs <- NoFs;
sendintern sock (~> "_NET_WM_STATE") true (fun resp ->
state.nwmsatom <- r32 resp 8;
if state.nwmsatom != 0
then (
sendintern sock (~> "_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT") true (fun resp ->
state.maxvatom <- r32 resp 8;
sendintern sock (~> "_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ") true (fun resp ->
state.maxhatom <- r32 resp 8;
sendintern sock (~> "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN") true (fun resp ->
state.fulsatom <- r32 resp 8;
if state.fulsatom != 0
state.fullscreen <-
(fun wid ->
let data = Bytes.make 20 '\000' in
let fs, f =
match state.fs with
| NoFs -> Fs (-1, -1, -1, -1), 1
| Fs _ -> NoFs, 0
w32 data 0 f;
w32 data 4 state.fulsatom;
let cm = clientmessage 32 0 wid state.nwmsatom data in
let s = sendeventreq 0 root 0x180000 cm in
sendstr s sock;
state.fs <- fs;
let s = queryextensionreq (~> "XKEYBOARD") in
sock s (fun resp ->
let present = r8 resp 8 in
if present != 0
then (
let maj = r8 resp 9 in
let s = Bytes.create 8 in
w8 s 0 maj; (* XKB *)
w8 s 1 0; (* XKBUseExtension *)
w16 s 2 2; (* request-length *)
w16 s 4 1; (* wantedMajor *)
w16 s 6 0; (* watnedMinor *)
sock s
(fun resp ->
let supported = r8 resp 1 in
state.xkb <- supported != 0
let s = getgeometryreq wid in
syncsendwithrep sock 2.0 s (fun resp ->
glxcompleteinit ();
let w = r16 resp 16
and h = r16 resp 18 in
state.w <- w;
state.h <- h;
| c ->
error "unknown conection setup response %d" (Char.code c)
let getauth haddr dnum =
let haddr =
if emptystr haddr || haddr = "localhost"
try Unix.gethostname ()
with exn ->
dolog "failed to resolve `%S': %s" haddr @@ exntos exn;
else haddr
let path =
try Sys.getenv "XAUTHORITY"
with Not_found ->
try Filename.concat (Sys.getenv "HOME") ".Xauthority"
with Not_found -> E.s
let readauth ic =
let r16be s =
let rb pos = Char.code (Bytes.get s pos) in
(rb 1) lor ((rb 0) lsl 8)
let rec find () =
let rs () =
let s = really_input_string ic 2 in
let n = r16be (~> s) in
really_input_string ic n
let family = really_input_string ic 2 in
let addr = rs () in
let nums = rs () in
let optnum =
try Some (int_of_string nums)
with exn ->
"display number(%S) is not an integer (corrupt %S?): %s"
nums path @@ exntos exn;
let name = rs () in
let data = rs () in
vlog "family %S addr %S(%S) num %S(%d) name %S data %S"
family addr haddr nums dnum name data;
match optnum with
| Some num when addr = haddr && num = dnum ->
name, data
| _ -> find ()
let name, data =
try find ()
| End_of_file -> E.s, E.s
| exn ->
dolog "exception while reading X authority data (%S): %s"
path @@ exntos exn;
E.s, E.s
close_in ic;
name, data;
if emptystr path
then E.s, E.s
match open_in_bin path with
| ic -> readauth ic
| (exception exn) ->
dolog "failed to open X authority file `%S' : %s" path @@ exntos exn;
E.s, E.s
let init t rootwid w h platform =
let d =
try Sys.getenv "DISPLAY"
with exn ->
error "cannot get DISPLAY evironment variable: %s" @@ exntos exn
let getnum w b e =
if b = e
then error "invalid DISPLAY(%s) %S" w d
let s = String.sub d b (e - b) in
try int_of_string s
with exn ->
error "invalid DISPLAY %S can not parse %s(%S): %s"
d w s @@ exntos exn
let rec phost pos =
if pos = String.length d
then error "invalid DISPLAY %S no display number specified" d
else (
if d.[pos] = ':'
let rec pdispnum pos1 =
if pos1 = String.length d
then getnum "display number" (pos+1) pos1, 0
match d.[pos1] with
| '.' ->
let dispnum = getnum "display number" (pos+1) pos1 in
let rec pscreennum pos2 =
if pos2 = String.length d
then getnum "screen number" (pos1+1) pos2
match d.[pos2] with
| '0' .. '9' -> pscreennum (pos2+1)
| _ ->
error "invalid DISPLAY %S, cannot parse screen number" d
dispnum, pscreennum (pos1+1)
| '0' .. '9' -> pdispnum (pos1+1)
| _ ->
error "invalid DISPLAY %S, cannot parse display number" d
String.sub d 0 pos, pdispnum (pos+1)
else phost (pos+1)
let host, (dispnum, screennum) = phost 0 in
let aname, adata = getauth host dispnum in
let fd =
let fd, addr =
if emptystr host || host.[0] = '/' || host = "unix"
let addr =
match platform with
| Utils.Posx -> Unix.ADDR_UNIX d
| Utils.Plinux ->
Unix.ADDR_UNIX ("\000/tmp/.X11-unix/X" ^ string_of_int dispnum)
| Utils.Punknown | Utils.Psun | Utils.Pbsd | Utils.Pcygwin ->
Unix.ADDR_UNIX ("/tmp/.X11-unix/X" ^ string_of_int dispnum)
Unix.socket Unix.PF_UNIX Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0, addr
let h =
try Unix.gethostbyname host
with exn -> error "cannot resolve %S: %s" host @@ exntos exn
let addr = h.Unix.h_addr_list.(0) in
let port = 6000 + dispnum in
let fd = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
fd, (Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port))
try Unix.connect fd addr; fd
with exn -> error "failed to connect to X: %s" @@ exntos exn
cloexec fd;
let s = Bytes.create 12 in
let s = padcat s (~> aname) in
let s = padcat s (~> adata) in
Bytes.set s 0 ordermagic;
w16 s 2 11;
w16 s 4 0;
w16 s 6 (String.length aname);
w16 s 8 (String.length adata);
sendstr1 s 0 (Bytes.length s) fd;
state.sock <- fd;
setup d fd rootwid screennum w h;
state.t <- t;
fd, state.w, state.h;
let settitle s =
state.setwmname (~> s);
let setcursor cursor =
if cursor != state.curcurs
then (
setcursor cursor;
state.curcurs <- cursor;
let fullscreen () =
state.fullscreen state.wid;
let metamask = 0x40;;
let altmask = 8;;
let shiftmask = 1;;
let ctrlmask = 4;;
let withalt mask = mask land altmask != 0;;
let withctrl mask = mask land ctrlmask != 0;;
let withshift mask = mask land shiftmask != 0;;
let withmeta mask = mask land metamask != 0;;
let withnone mask = mask land (altmask + ctrlmask + shiftmask + metamask) = 0;;
let xlatt, xlatf =
let t = Hashtbl.create 20
and f = Hashtbl.create 20 in
let add n nl k =
List.iter (fun s -> Hashtbl.add t s k) (n::nl);
Hashtbl.add f k n
let addc c =
let s = String.make 1 c in
add s [] (Char.code c)
let addcr a b =
let an = Char.code a and bn = Char.code b in
for i = an to bn do addc (Char.chr i) done;
addcr '0' '9';
addcr 'a' 'z';
addcr 'A' 'Z';
String.iter addc "`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+\\|[{]};:,./<>?";
for i = 0 to 29 do add ("f" ^ string_of_int (i+1)) [] (0xffbe + i) done;
add "space" [] 0x20;
add "ret" ["return"; "enter"] 0xff0d;
add "tab" [] 0xff09;
add "left" [] 0xff51;
add "right" [] 0xff53;
add "home" [] 0xff50;
add "end" [] 0xff57;
add "ins" ["insert"] 0xff63;
add "del" ["delete"] 0xffff;
add "esc" ["escape"] 0xff1b;
add "pgup" ["pageup"] 0xff55;
add "pgdown" ["pagedown"] 0xff56;
add "backspace" [] 0xff08;
add "up" [] 0xff52;
add "down" [] 0xff54;
add "menu" [] 0xff67;
t, f;
let keyname k =
try Hashtbl.find xlatf k
with Not_found -> Printf.sprintf "%#x" k;
let namekey name =
try Hashtbl.find xlatt name
with Not_found ->
if String.length name = 1
then Char.code name.[0]
else int_of_string name;
let keypadtodigitkey key =
if key >= 0xffb0 && key <= 0xffb9 (* keypad numbers *)
then key - 0xffb0 + 48 else key
let isspecialkey key =
key land 0xff00 = 0xff00 (* keyboard *)
|| key land 0xfe00 = 0xfe00 (* xkb *)
|| key land 0xfd00 = 0xfd00 (* 3270 *)
let fontsizefactor () = 1