
786 lines
22 KiB

open Utils
open Glutils
open Config
let scrollph y maxy =
let sh = float (maxy + !S.winh) /. float !S.winh in
let sh = float !S.winh /. sh in
let sh = max sh (float conf.scrollh) in
let percent = float y /. float maxy in
let position = (float !S.winh -. sh) *. percent in
let position =
if position +. sh > float !S.winh
then float !S.winh -. sh
else position
position, sh
let isbirdseye = function
| Birdseye _ -> true
| Textentry _ | View | LinkNav _ -> false
let istextentry = function
| Textentry _ -> true
| Birdseye _ | View | LinkNav _ -> false
let vscrollw () =
if !S.uioh#alwaysscrolly || ((conf.scrollb land scrollbvv != 0)
&& (!S.maxy > !S.winh))
then conf.scrollbw
else 0
let vscrollhit x =
if conf.leftscroll
then x < vscrollw ()
else x > !S.winw - vscrollw ()
let firstof first active =
if first > active || abs (first - active) > fstate.maxrows - 1
then max 0 (active - (fstate.maxrows/2))
else first
let calcfirst first active =
if active > first
let rows = active - first in
if rows > fstate.maxrows then active - fstate.maxrows else first
else active
let enttext () =
let len = String.length !S.text in
let x0 = if conf.leftscroll then vscrollw () else 0 in
let drawstring s =
let hscrollh =
match !S.mode with
| Textentry _ | View | LinkNav _ ->
let h, _, _ = !S.uioh#scrollpw in
| Birdseye _ -> 0
let rect x w =
x (float (!S.winh - (fstate.fontsize + 4) - hscrollh))
(x+.w) (float (!S.winh - hscrollh))
let w = float (!S.winw - 1 - vscrollw ()) in
if !S.progress >= 0.0 && !S.progress < 1.0
then (
GlDraw.color (0.3, 0.3, 0.3);
let w1 = w *. !S.progress in
rect (float x0) w1;
GlDraw.color (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
rect (float x0+.w1) (float x0+.w-.w1)
else (
GlDraw.color (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
rect (float x0) w;
GlDraw.color (1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
(if conf.leftscroll then x0 + 2 else x0 + if len > 0 then 8 else 2)
(!S.winh - hscrollh - 5) s;
let s =
match !S.mode with
| Textentry ((prefix, text, _, _, _, _), _) ->
let s =
if len > 0
then Printf.sprintf "%s%s_ [%s]" prefix text !S.text
else Printf.sprintf "%s%s_" prefix text
| Birdseye _ | View | LinkNav _ -> !S.text
if nonemptystr s
then drawstring s
let textentrykeyboard
key mask ((c, text, opthist, onkey, ondone, cancelonempty), onleave) =
S.text := E.s;
let enttext te =
S.mode := Textentry (te, onleave);
enttext ();
postRedisplay "textentrykeyboard enttext";
let histaction cmd =
match opthist with
| None -> ()
| Some (action, _) ->
let te = (c, action cmd, opthist, onkey, ondone, cancelonempty) in
S.mode := Textentry (te, onleave);
postRedisplay "textentry histaction"
let open Keys in
let kt = Wsi.ks2kt key in
match [@warning "-fragile-match"] kt with
| Backspace ->
if emptystr text && cancelonempty
then (
onleave Cancel;
postRedisplay "textentrykeyboard after cancel";
let s = withoutlastutf8 text in
enttext (c, s, opthist, onkey, ondone, cancelonempty)
| Enter ->
ondone text;
onleave Confirm;
postRedisplay "textentrykeyboard after confirm"
| Up -> histaction HCprev
| Down -> histaction HCnext
| Home -> histaction HCfirst
| End -> histaction HClast
| Escape ->
if emptystr text
then (
begin match opthist with
| None -> ()
| Some (_, onhistcancel) -> onhistcancel ()
onleave Cancel;
S.text := E.s;
postRedisplay "textentrykeyboard after cancel2"
else enttext (c, E.s, opthist, onkey, ondone, cancelonempty)
| Delete -> ()
| Insert when Wsi.withshift mask ->
let s = getcmdoutput (fun s ->
prerr_endline ("error pasting: " ^ s)) conf.pastecmd in
enttext (c, s, opthist, onkey, ondone, cancelonempty)
| Code _ | Ascii _ ->
begin match onkey text kt with
| TEdone text ->
ondone text;
onleave Confirm;
postRedisplay "textentrykeyboard after confirm2";
| TEcont text -> enttext (c, text, opthist, onkey, ondone, cancelonempty);
| TEstop ->
onleave Cancel;
postRedisplay "textentrykeyboard after cancel3";
| TEswitch te ->
S.mode := Textentry (te, onleave);
postRedisplay "textentrykeyboard switch";
| _ -> vlog "unhandled key"
class type lvsource =
method getitemcount : int
method getitem : int -> (string * int)
method hasaction : int -> bool
method exit : uioh:uioh ->
cancel:bool ->
active:int ->
first:int ->
pan:int ->
uioh option
method getactive : int
method getfirst : int
method getpan : int
method getminfo : (int * int) array
class virtual lvsourcebase =
val mutable m_active = 0
val mutable m_first = 0
val mutable m_pan = 0
method getactive = m_active
method getfirst = m_first
method getpan = m_pan
method getminfo : (int * int) array = E.a
let coe s = (s :> uioh)
let setuioh uioh = S.uioh := coe uioh
let changetitle uioh =
let title = uioh#title in
Wsi.settitle @@ if emptystr title then "llpp" else title ^ " - llpp";
class listview ~zebra ~helpmode ~(source:lvsource) ~trusted ~modehash =
object (self)
val m_pan = source#getpan
val m_first = source#getfirst
val m_active = source#getactive
val m_qsearch = E.s
val m_prev_uioh = !S.uioh
method private elemunder y =
if y < 0
then None
let n = y / (fstate.fontsize+1) in
if m_first + n < source#getitemcount
then (
if source#hasaction (m_first + n)
then Some (m_first + n)
else None
else None
method display =
Gl.enable `blend;
GlFunc.blend_func ~src:`src_alpha ~dst:`one_minus_src_alpha;
GlDraw.color (0., 0., 0.) ~alpha:0.85;
filledrect 0. 0. (float !S.winw) (float !S.winh);
GlDraw.color (1., 1., 1.);
Gl.enable `texture_2d;
let fs = fstate.fontsize in
let nfs = fs + 1 in
let hw = !S.winw/3 in
let ww = fstate.wwidth in
let tabw = 17.0*.ww in
let itemcount = source#getitemcount in
let minfo = source#getminfo in
if conf.leftscroll
then (
GlMat.push ();
GlMat.translate ~x:(float conf.scrollbw) ();
let x0 = 0.0 and x1 = float (!S.winw - conf.scrollbw - 1) in
let rec loop row =
if not ((row - m_first) > fstate.maxrows)
then (
if row >= 0 && row < itemcount
then (
let (s, level) = source#getitem row in
let y = (row - m_first) * nfs in
let x = 5.0 +. (float (level + m_pan)) *. ww in
if helpmode
then GlDraw.color
(let c = if row land 1 = 0 then 1.0 else 0.92 in (c,c,c));
if row = m_active
then (
Gl.disable `texture_2d;
let alpha = if source#hasaction row then 0.9 else 0.3 in
GlDraw.color (1., 1., 1.) ~alpha;
linerect (x0 +. 1.) (float (y + 1)) (x1) (float (y + fs + 3));
Gl.enable `texture_2d;
let c =
if zebra && row land 1 = 1
then 0.8
else 1.0
GlDraw.color (c,c,c);
let drawtabularstring s =
let drawstr x s =
let x' = truncate (x0 +. x) in
let s1, s2 = splitatchar s '\000' in
if emptystr s2
then Ffi.drawstr fs x' (y+nfs) s
let rec e s =
if emptystr s
then s
let s' = withoutlastutf8 s in
let s = s' ^ Utf8syms.ellipsis in
let w = Ffi.measurestr fs s in
if float x' +. w +. ww < float (hw + x')
then s
else e s'
let s1 =
if float x' +. ww +. Ffi.measurestr fs s1 > float (hw + x')
then e s1
else s1
ignore (Ffi.drawstr fs x' (y+nfs) s1);
Ffi.drawstr fs (hw + x') (y+nfs) s2
if trusted
let x = if helpmode && row > 0 then x +. ww else x in
let s1, s2 = splitatchar s '\t' in
if nonemptystr s2
let nx = drawstr x s1 in
let sw = nx -. x in
let x = x +. (max tabw sw) in
drawstr x s2
let len = String.length s - 2 in
if len > 0 && s.[0] = '\xc2' && s.[1] = '\xb7'
let s = String.sub s 2 len in
let x = if not helpmode then x +. ww else x in
GlDraw.color (1.2, 1.2, 1.2);
let vinc = Ffi.drawstr (fs+fs/4)
(truncate (x -. ww)) (y+nfs) s in
GlDraw.color (1., 1., 1.);
vinc +. (float fs *. 0.8)
else drawstr x s
else drawstr x s
ignore (drawtabularstring s);
loop (row+1)
loop m_first;
GlDraw.color (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) ~alpha:0.5;
let xadj = 5.0 in
let rec loop row =
if (row - m_first) <= fstate.maxrows
if row >= 0 && row < itemcount
let (s, level) = source#getitem row in
let pos0 = Ne.index s '\000' in
let y = (row - m_first) * nfs in
let x = float (level + m_pan) *. ww in
let (first, last) = minfo.(row) in
let prefix =
if pos0 > 0 && first > pos0
then String.sub s (pos0+1) (first-pos0-1)
else String.sub s 0 first
let suffix = String.sub s first (last - first) in
let w1 = Ffi.measurestr fstate.fontsize prefix in
let w2 = Ffi.measurestr fstate.fontsize suffix in
let x = x +. if conf.leftscroll then xadj else 5.0 in
let x = if pos0 > 0 && first > pos0 then x +. float hw else x in
let x0 = x +. w1
and y0 = float (y+2) in
let x1 = x0 +. w2
and y1 = float (y+fs+3) in
filledrect x0 y0 x1 y1;
loop (row+1)
Gl.disable `texture_2d;
if Array.length minfo > 0 then loop m_first;
Gl.disable `blend;
if conf.leftscroll
then GlMat.pop ()
method nextcurlevel incr =
let len = source#getitemcount in
let curlevel =
if m_active >= 0 && m_active < len
then snd (source#getitem m_active)
else -1
let rec flow i =
if i = len
then i-1
else (
if i < 0
then 0
let _, l = source#getitem i in
if l <= curlevel then i else flow (i+incr)
let active = flow (m_active+incr) in
let first = calcfirst m_first active in
postRedisplay "listview nextcurlevel";
{< m_active = active; m_first = first >}
method updownlevel incr =
let len = source#getitemcount in
let curlevel =
if m_active >= 0 && m_active < len
then snd (source#getitem m_active)
else -1
let rec flow i =
if i = len
then i-1
else (
if i = -1 then 0 else
let _, l = source#getitem i in
if l != curlevel then i else flow (i+incr)
let active = flow m_active in
let first = calcfirst m_first active in
postRedisplay "listview updownlevel";
{< m_active = active; m_first = first >}
method private key1 key mask =
let set1 active first qsearch =
coe {< m_active = active; m_first = first; m_qsearch = qsearch >}
let search active pattern incr =
let active = if active = -1 then m_first else active in
let dosearch re =
let rec loop n =
if n >= 0 && n < source#getitemcount
then (
let s, _ = source#getitem n in
match Str.search_forward re s 0 with
| exception Not_found -> loop (n + incr)
| _ -> Some n
else None
loop active
let qpat = Str.quote pattern in
match Str.regexp_case_fold qpat with
| s -> dosearch s
| exception exn ->
dolog "regexp_case_fold for `%S' failed: %S\n" qpat @@
Printexc.to_string exn;
let itemcount = source#getitemcount in
let find start incr =
let rec find i =
if i = -1 || i = itemcount
then -1
else (
if source#hasaction i
then i
else find (i + incr)
find start
let set active first =
let first = bound first 0 (itemcount - fstate.maxrows) in
S.text := E.s;
coe {< m_active = active; m_first = first; m_qsearch = E.s >}
let navigate incr =
let isvisible first n = n >= first && n - first <= fstate.maxrows in
let active, first =
let incr1 = if incr > 0 then 1 else -1 in
if isvisible m_first m_active
let next =
let next = m_active + incr in
let next =
if next < 0 || next >= itemcount
then -1
else find next incr1
if abs (m_active - next) > fstate.maxrows
then -1
else next
if next = -1
let first = m_first + incr in
let first = bound first 0 (itemcount - fstate.maxrows) in
let next =
let next = m_active + incr in
let next = bound next 0 (itemcount - 1) in
find next ~-incr1
let active =
if next = -1
then m_active
else (
if isvisible first next
then next
else m_active
active, first
let first = min next m_first in
let first =
if abs (next - first) > fstate.maxrows
then first + incr
else first
next, first
let first = m_first + incr in
let first = bound first 0 (itemcount - 1) in
let active =
let next = m_active + incr in
let next = bound next 0 (itemcount - 1) in
let next = find next incr1 in
let active =
if next = -1 || abs (m_active - first) > fstate.maxrows
then (
let active = if m_active = -1 then next else m_active in
else next
if isvisible first active
then active
else -1
active, first
postRedisplay "listview navigate";
set active first;
let open Keys in
let kt = Wsi.ks2kt key in
match [@warning "-fragile-match"] kt with
| Ascii (('r'|'s') as c) when Wsi.withctrl mask ->
let incr = if c = 'r' then -1 else 1 in
let active, first =
match search (m_active + incr) m_qsearch incr with
| None ->
S.text := m_qsearch ^ " [not found]";
m_active, m_first
| Some active ->
S.text := m_qsearch;
active, firstof m_first active
postRedisplay "listview ctrl-r/s";
set1 active first m_qsearch;
| Insert when Wsi.withctrl mask ->
if m_active >= 0 && m_active < source#getitemcount
then (
let s, _ = source#getitem m_active in
selstring conf.selcmd s;
coe self
| Backspace ->
if emptystr m_qsearch
then coe self
else (
let qsearch = withoutlastutf8 m_qsearch in
if emptystr qsearch
then (
S.text := E.s;
postRedisplay "listview empty qsearch";
set1 m_active m_first E.s;
let active, first =
match search m_active qsearch ~-1 with
| None ->
S.text := qsearch ^ " [not found]";
m_active, m_first
| Some active ->
S.text := qsearch;
active, firstof m_first active
postRedisplay "listview backspace qsearch";
set1 active first qsearch
| Ascii _ | Code _ ->
let utf8 =
match [@warning "-partial-match"] kt with
| Ascii c -> String.make 1 c
| Code code -> Ffi.toutf8 code
let pattern = m_qsearch ^ utf8 in
let active, first =
match search m_active pattern 1 with
| None ->
S.text := pattern ^ " [not found]";
m_active, m_first
| Some active ->
S.text := pattern;
active, firstof m_first active
postRedisplay "listview qsearch add";
set1 active first pattern;
| Escape ->
S.text := E.s;
if emptystr m_qsearch
then (
postRedisplay "list view escape";
(* XXX:
let mx, my = state.mpos in
updateunder mx my;
Option.value ~default:m_prev_uioh @@
source#exit ~uioh:(coe self) ~cancel:true ~active:m_active
~first:m_first ~pan:m_pan
else (
postRedisplay "list view kill qsearch";
coe {< m_qsearch = E.s >}
| Enter ->
S.text := E.s;
let self = {< m_qsearch = E.s >} in
let opt =
postRedisplay "listview enter";
let cancel = not (m_active >= 0 && m_active < source#getitemcount) in
source#exit ~uioh:(coe self) ~cancel
~active:m_active ~first:m_first ~pan:m_pan;
Option.value ~default:m_prev_uioh opt
| Delete -> coe self
| Up -> navigate ~-1
| Down -> navigate 1
| Prior -> navigate ~-(fstate.maxrows)
| Next -> navigate fstate.maxrows
| Right ->
S.text := E.s;
postRedisplay "listview right";
coe {< m_pan = m_pan - 1 >}
| Left ->
S.text := E.s;
postRedisplay "listview left";
coe {< m_pan = m_pan + 1 >}
| Home ->
let active = find 0 1 in
postRedisplay "listview home";
set active 0;
| End ->
let first = max 0 (itemcount - fstate.maxrows) in
let active = find (itemcount - 1) ~-1 in
postRedisplay "listview end";
set active first;
| _ -> coe self
method key key mask =
match !S.mode with
| Textentry te ->
textentrykeyboard key mask te;
coe self
| Birdseye _ | View | LinkNav _ -> self#key1 key mask
method button button down x y _ =
let opt =
match button with
| 1 when vscrollhit x ->
postRedisplay "listview scroll";
if down
let _, position, sh = self#scrollph in
if y > truncate position && y < truncate (position +. sh)
then (
S.mstate := Mscrolly;
Some (coe self)
let s = float (max 0 (y - conf.scrollh)) /. float !S.winh in
let first = truncate (s *. float source#getitemcount) in
let first = min source#getitemcount first in
Some (coe {< m_first = first; m_active = first >})
else (
S.mstate := Mnone;
Some (coe self);
| 1 when down ->
begin match self#elemunder y with
| Some n ->
postRedisplay "listview click";
source#exit ~uioh:(coe {< m_active = n >})
~cancel:false ~active:n ~first:m_first ~pan:m_pan
| _ -> Some (coe self)
| n when (n == 4 || n == 5) && not down ->
let len = source#getitemcount in
let first =
if n = 5 && m_first + fstate.maxrows >= len
then m_first
let first = m_first + (if n == 4 then -1 else 1) in
bound first 0 (len - 1)
postRedisplay "listview wheel";
Some (coe {< m_first = first >})
| n when (n = 6 || n = 7) && not down ->
let inc = if n = 7 then -1 else 1 in
postRedisplay "listview hwheel";
Some (coe {< m_pan = m_pan + inc >})
| _ -> Some (coe self)
Option.value ~default:m_prev_uioh opt
method multiclick _ x y = self#button 1 true x y
method motion _ y =
match !S.mstate with
| Mscrolly ->
let s = float (max 0 (y - conf.scrollh)) /. float !S.winh in
let first = truncate (s *. float source#getitemcount) in
let first = min source#getitemcount first in
postRedisplay "listview motion";
coe {< m_first = first; m_active = first >}
| Msel _
| Mpan _
| Mscrollx
| Mzoom _
| Mzoomrect _
| Mnone -> coe self
method pmotion x y =
if x < !S.winw - conf.scrollbw
let n =
match self#elemunder y with
| None -> Wsi.setcursor Wsi.CURSOR_INHERIT; m_active
| Some n -> Wsi.setcursor Wsi.CURSOR_INFO; n
let o =
if n != m_active
then (postRedisplay "listview pmotion"; {< m_active = n >})
else self
coe o
else (
Wsi.setcursor Wsi.CURSOR_INHERIT;
coe self
method infochanged _ = ()
method scrollpw = (0, 0.0, 0.0)
method scrollph =
let nfs = fstate.fontsize + 1 in
let y = m_first * nfs in
let itemcount = source#getitemcount in
let maxi = max 0 (itemcount - fstate.maxrows) in
let maxy = maxi * nfs in
let p, h = scrollph y maxy in
conf.scrollbw, p, h
method modehash = modehash
method eformsgs = false
method alwaysscrolly = true
method scroll _ dy =
let self =
if dy != 0
then (
let len = source#getitemcount in
let first =
if dy > 0 && m_first + fstate.maxrows >= len
then m_first
let first = m_first + dy / 10 in
bound first 0 (len - 1)
postRedisplay "listview wheel";
{< m_first = first >}
else self
coe self
method zoom _ _ _ = ()