2018-05-19 12:50:05 +03:00

1648 lines
49 KiB

open Utils;;
type fontstate =
{ mutable fontsize : int
; mutable wwidth : float
; mutable maxrows : int
let fstate =
{ fontsize = 20 * Wsi.fontsizefactor ()
; wwidth = nan
; maxrows = -1
let irect_of_string s =
Scanf.sscanf s "%d/%d/%d/%d" (fun x0 y0 x1 y1 -> (x0,y0,x1,y1))
let irect_to_string (x0,y0,x1,y1) =
Printf.sprintf "%d/%d/%d/%d" x0 y0 x1 y1
let multicolumns_to_string (n, a, b) =
if a = 0 && b = 0
then Printf.sprintf "%d" n
else Printf.sprintf "%d,%d,%d" n a b;
let multicolumns_of_string s =
(int_of_string s, 0, 0)
with _ ->
Scanf.sscanf s "%u,%u,%u" (fun n a b ->
if a > 1 || b > 1
then failwith "subtly broken";
(n, a, b)
include Confstruct;;
type initparams =
(angle * fitmodel * trimparams * texcount * sliceheight * memsize
* colorspace * fontpath * trimcachepath * haspbo)
and angle = int
and opaque = Opaque.t
and rectcolor = rgba
and pixmapsize = int
and gen = int
and top = float
and dtop = float
and fontpath = string
and trimcachepath = string
and aalevel = int
and trimmargins = bool
and trimparams = (trimmargins * irect)
and haspbo = bool
and usefontconfig = bool
and usedoccss = bool
and uri = string
and caption = string
and tilex = int
and tiley = int
and tileparams = (x * y * width * height * tilex * tiley)
and under =
| Unone
| Ulinkuri of string
| Utext of facename
| Uannotation of (opaque * slinkindex)
and slinkindex = int
and facename = string
and launchcommand = string
and filename = string
and linkno = int
and destname = string
and link =
| Lnotfound
| Lfound of int
and linkdir =
| LDfirst
| LDlast
| LDfirstvisible of (int * int * int)
| LDleft of int
| LDright of int
| LDdown of int
| LDup of int
and pagewithlinks =
| Pwlnotfound
| Pwl of int
and scrollb = int
and anchor = pageno * top * dtop
and rect = float * float * float * float * float * float * float * float
and infochange = | Memused | Docinfo | Pdim
class type uioh =
method display : unit
method key : int -> int -> uioh
method button : int -> bool -> int -> int -> int -> uioh
method multiclick : int -> int -> int -> int -> uioh
method motion : int -> int -> uioh
method pmotion : int -> int -> uioh
method infochanged : infochange -> unit
method scrollpw : (int * float * float)
method scrollph : (int * float * float)
method modehash : keyhash
method eformsgs : bool
method alwaysscrolly : bool
method scroll : int -> int -> uioh
method zoom : float -> int -> int -> unit
module type TextEnumType =
type t
val name : string
val names : string array
module TextEnumMake (Ten : TextEnumType) =
let names = Ten.names;;
let to_int (t : Ten.t) = Obj.magic t;;
let to_string t = names.(to_int t);;
let of_int n : Ten.t = Obj.magic n;;
let of_string s =
let rec find i =
if i = Array.length names
then failwith ("invalid " ^ ^ ": " ^ s)
else (
if Ten.names.(i) = s
then of_int i
else find (i+1)
in find 0;;
module CSTE = TextEnumMake (struct
type t = colorspace;;
let name = "colorspace";;
let names = [|"rgb"; "bgr"; "gray"|];;
module MTE = TextEnumMake (struct
type t = mark;;
let name = "mark";;
let names = [|"page"; "block"; "line"; "word"|];;
module FMTE = TextEnumMake (struct
type t = fitmodel;;
let name = "fitmodel";;
let names = [|"width"; "proportional"; "page"|];;
type outlinekind =
| Onone
| Oanchor of anchor
| Ouri of uri
| Olaunch of launchcommand
| Oremote of (filename * pageno)
| Oremotedest of (filename * destname)
| Ohistory of (filename * conf * outline list * x * anchor * filename)
and outline = (caption * outlinelevel * outlinekind)
and outlinelevel = int
type page =
{ pageno : int
; pagedimno : int
; pagew : int
; pageh : int
; pagex : int
; pagey : int
; pagevw : int
; pagevh : int
; pagedispx : int
; pagedispy : int
; pagecol : int
type tile = opaque * pixmapsize * elapsed
and elapsed = float;;
type pagemapkey = pageno * gen;;
type tilemapkey = pageno * gen * colorspace * angle * width * height * col * row
and row = int
and col = int
and currently =
| Idle
| Loading of (page * gen)
| Tiling of (
page * opaque * colorspace * angle * gen * col * row * width * height
| Outlining of outline list
type mpos = int * int
and mstate =
| Msel of (mpos * mpos)
| Mpan of mpos
| Mscrolly | Mscrollx
| Mzoom of (buttonno * step * mpos)
| Mzoomrect of (mpos * mpos)
| Mnone
and buttonno = int
and step = int
type mode =
| Birdseye of (conf * leftx * pageno * pageno * anchor)
| Textentry of (textentry * onleave)
| View
| LinkNav of linktarget
and onleave = leavetextentrystatus -> unit
and leavetextentrystatus = | Cancel | Confirm
and helpitem = string * int * action
and action =
| Noaction
| Action of (uioh -> uioh)
and linktarget =
| Ltexact of (pageno * direction)
| Ltgendir of direction
| Ltnotready of (pageno * direction)
and direction = int (* -1, 0, 1 *)
and textentry = string * string * onhist option
* onkey * ondone * cancelonempty
and onkey = string -> Keys.t -> te
and ondone = string -> unit
and histcancel = unit -> unit
and onhist = ((histcmd -> string) * histcancel)
and histcmd = HCnext | HCprev | HCfirst | HClast
and cancelonempty = bool
and te =
| TEstop
| TEdone of string
| TEcont of string
| TEswitch of textentry
type 'a circbuf =
{ store : 'a array
; mutable rc : int
; mutable wc : int
; mutable len : int
type state =
{ mutable ss : Unix.file_descr
; mutable wsfd : Unix.file_descr
; mutable stderr : Unix.file_descr
; mutable errmsgs : Buffer.t
; mutable newerrmsgs : bool
; mutable w : int
; mutable x : x
; mutable y : y
; mutable anchor : anchor
; mutable ranchors : (string * string * anchor * string) list
; mutable maxy : int
; mutable layout : page list
; pagemap : (pagemapkey, opaque) Hashtbl.t
; tilemap : (tilemapkey, tile) Hashtbl.t
; tilelru : (tilemapkey * opaque * pixmapsize) Queue.t
; mutable pdims : (pageno * width * height * leftx) list
; mutable pagecount : int
; mutable currently : currently
; mutable mstate : mstate
; mutable searchpattern : string
; mutable rects : (pageno * rectcolor * rect) list
; mutable rects1 : (pageno * rectcolor * rect) list
; prects : (pageno, float array) Hashtbl.t
; mutable text : string
; mutable winstate : Wsi.winstate list
; mutable mode : mode
; mutable uioh : uioh
; mutable outlines : outline array
; mutable bookmarks : outline list
; mutable path : string
; mutable password : string
; mutable nameddest : string
; mutable geomcmds : (string * ((string * (unit -> unit)) list))
; mutable memused : memsize
; mutable gen : gen
; mutable autoscroll : int option
; mutable help : helpitem array
; mutable docinfo : (int * string) list
; mutable checkerstexid : GlTex.texture_id option
; hists : hists
; mutable prevzoom : (float * int)
; mutable progress : float
; mutable mpos : mpos
; mutable keystate : keystate
; mutable glinks : bool
; mutable prevcolumns : (columns * float) option
; mutable winw : int
; mutable winh : int
; mutable reprf : (unit -> unit)
; mutable origin : string
; mutable roam : (unit -> unit)
; mutable bzoom : bool
; mutable lnava : (pageno * linkno) option
; mutable slideshow : int
and hists =
{ pat : string circbuf
; pag : string circbuf
; nav : anchor circbuf
; sel : string circbuf
let emptyanchor = (0, 0.0, 0.0);;
let emptykeyhash = Hashtbl.create 0;;
let noreprf () = ();;
let noroam () = ();;
let nouioh : uioh = object (self)
method display = ()
method key _ _ = self
method multiclick _ _ _ _ = self
method button _ _ _ _ _ = self
method motion _ _ = self
method pmotion _ _ = self
method infochanged _ = ()
method scrollpw = (0, nan, nan)
method scrollph = (0, nan, nan)
method modehash = emptykeyhash
method eformsgs = false
method alwaysscrolly = false
method scroll _ _ = self
method zoom _ _ _ = ()
let platform_to_string = function
| Punknown -> "unknown"
| Plinux -> "Linux"
| Posx -> "macOS"
| Psun -> "Sun"
| Pbsd -> "BSD"
let conf = { defconf with keyhashes = copykeyhashes defconf };;
let cbnew n v =
{ store = Array.make n v
; rc = 0
; wc = 0
; len = 0
let cbcap b = Array.length;;
let cbput ?(update_rc=true) b v =
let cap = cbcap b in <- v;
b.wc <- (b.wc + 1) mod cap;
if update_rc
then b.rc <- b.wc;
b.len <- min (b.len + 1) cap;
let cbput_dont_update_rc b v = cbput ~update_rc:false b v;;
let cbempty b = b.len = 0;;
let cbgetg b circular dir =
if cbempty b
let rc = b.rc + dir in
let rc =
if circular
then (
if rc = -1
then b.len-1
else (
if rc >= b.len
then 0
else rc
else bound rc 0 (b.len-1)
b.rc <- rc;;
let cbget b = cbgetg b false;;
let cbgetc b = cbgetg b true;;
let state =
{ ss = Unix.stdin
; wsfd = Unix.stdin
; stderr = Unix.stderr
; errmsgs = Buffer.create 0
; newerrmsgs = false
; x = 0
; y = 0
; w = 0
; anchor = emptyanchor
; ranchors = []
; layout = []
; maxy = max_int
; tilelru = Queue.create ()
; pagemap = Hashtbl.create 10
; tilemap = Hashtbl.create 10
; pdims = []
; pagecount = 0
; currently = Idle
; mstate = Mnone
; rects = []
; rects1 = []
; prects = Hashtbl.create 1
; text = E.s
; mode = View
; winstate = []
; searchpattern = E.s
; outlines = E.a
; bookmarks = []
; path = E.s
; password = E.s
; nameddest = E.s
; geomcmds = E.s, []
; hists =
{ nav = cbnew 10 emptyanchor
; pat = cbnew 10 E.s
; pag = cbnew 10 E.s
; sel = cbnew 10 E.s
; memused = 0
; gen = 0
; autoscroll = None
; help = E.a
; docinfo = []
; checkerstexid = None
; prevzoom = (1.0, 0)
; progress = -1.0
; uioh = nouioh
; mpos = (-1, -1)
; keystate = KSnone
; glinks = false
; prevcolumns = None
; winw = -1
; winh = -1
; reprf = noreprf
; origin = E.s
; roam = noroam
; bzoom = false
; lnava = None
; slideshow = 0
let calcips h =
let d = state.winh - h in
max conf.interpagespace ((d + 1) / 2)
let rowyh (c, coverA, coverB) b n =
if c = 1 || (n < coverA || n >= state.pagecount - coverB)
let _, _, vy, (_, _, h, _) = b.(n) in
(vy, h)
let n' = n - coverA in
let d = n' mod c in
let s = n - d in
let e = min state.pagecount (s + c) in
let rec find m miny maxh = if m = e then miny, maxh else
let _, _, y, (_, _, h, _) = b.(m) in
let miny = min miny y in
let maxh = max maxh h in
find (m+1) miny maxh
in find s max_int 0
let page_of_y y =
let ((c, coverA, coverB) as cl), b =
match conf.columns with
| Csplit (_, b) | Csingle b -> (1, 0, 0), b
| Cmulti (c, b) -> c, b
if Array.length b = 0
then -1
let rec bsearch nmin nmax =
if nmin > nmax
then bound nmin 0 (state.pagecount-1)
let n = (nmax + nmin) / 2 in
let vy, h = rowyh cl b n in
let y0, y1 =
if conf.presentation
let ips = calcips h in
let y0 = vy - ips in
let y1 = vy + h + ips in
y0, y1
else (
if n = 0
then 0, vy + h + conf.interpagespace
let y0 = vy - conf.interpagespace in
y0, y0 + h + conf.interpagespace
if y >= y0 && y < y1
then (
if c = 1
then n
else (
if n > coverA
if n < state.pagecount - coverB
then ((n-coverA)/c)*c + coverA
else n
else n
else (
if y > y0
then bsearch (n+1) nmax
else bsearch nmin (n-1)
bsearch 0 (state.pagecount-1);
let calcheight () =
match conf.columns with
| Cmulti ((_, _, _) as cl, b) ->
if Array.length b > 0
let y, h = rowyh cl b (Array.length b - 1) in
y + h + (if conf.presentation then calcips h else 0)
else 0
| Csingle b ->
if Array.length b > 0
let (_, _, y, (_, _, h, _)) = b.(Array.length b - 1) in
y + h + (if conf.presentation then calcips h else 0)
else 0
| Csplit (_, b) ->
if Array.length b > 0
let (_, _, y, (_, _, h, _)) = b.(Array.length b - 1) in
y + h
else 0
let getpageywh pageno =
let pageno = bound pageno 0 (state.pagecount-1) in
match conf.columns with
| Csingle b ->
if Array.length b = 0
then 0, 0, 0
let (_, _, y, (_, w, h, _)) = b.(pageno) in
let y =
if conf.presentation
then y - calcips h
else y
y, w, h
| Cmulti (cl, b) ->
if Array.length b = 0
then 0, 0, 0
let y, h = rowyh cl b pageno in
let (_, _, _, (_, w, _, _)) = b.(pageno) in
let y =
if conf.presentation
then y - calcips h
else y
y, w, h
| Csplit (c, b) ->
if Array.length b = 0
then 0, 0, 0
let n = pageno*c in
let (_, _, y, (_, w, h, _)) = b.(n) in
y, w / c, h
let getpageyh pageno =
let y,_,h = getpageywh pageno in
y, h;
let getpagedim pageno =
let rec f ppdim l =
match l with
| (n, _, _, _) as pdim :: rest ->
if n >= pageno
then (if n = pageno then pdim else ppdim)
else f pdim rest
| [] -> ppdim
f (-1, -1, -1, -1) state.pdims
let getpdimno pageno =
let rec f p l =
let np = succ p in
match l with
| (n, _, _, _) :: rest ->
if n >= pageno
then (if n = pageno then np else p)
else f np rest
| [] -> p
f ~-1 state.pdims
let getpagey pageno = fst (getpageyh pageno);;
let getanchor1 l =
let top =
let coloff = l.pagecol * l.pageh in
float (l.pagey + coloff) /. float l.pageh
let dtop =
if l.pagedispy = 0
else (
if conf.presentation
then float l.pagedispy /. float (calcips l.pageh)
else float l.pagedispy /. float conf.interpagespace
(l.pageno, top, dtop)
let getanchor () =
match state.layout with
| l :: _ -> getanchor1 l
| [] ->
let n = page_of_y state.y in
if n = -1
then state.anchor
let y, h = getpageyh n in
let dy = y - state.y in
let dtop =
if conf.presentation
let ips = calcips h in
float (dy + ips) /. float ips
float dy /. float conf.interpagespace
(n, 0.0, dtop)
let fontpath = ref E.s;;
type historder = [ `lastvisit | `title | `path | `file ];;
module KeyMap =
Map.Make (struct type t = (int * int) let compare = compare end);;
let unentS s =
let l = String.length s in
let b = Buffer.create l in
Parser.unent b s 0 l;
Buffer.contents b;
let home =
try Sys.getenv "HOME"
with exn ->
dolog "cannot determine home directory location: %s" @@ exntos exn;
let modifier_of_string = function
| "alt" -> Wsi.altmask
| "shift" -> Wsi.shiftmask
| "ctrl" | "control" -> Wsi.ctrlmask
| "meta" -> Wsi.metamask
| _ -> 0
let keys_of_string s =
let key_of_string r s =
let elems = Str.full_split r s in
let f n k m =
let g s =
let m1 = modifier_of_string s in
if m1 = 0
then (Wsi.namekey s, m)
else (k, m lor m1)
in function
| Str.Delim s when n land 1 = 0 -> g s
| Str.Text s -> g s
| Str.Delim _ -> (k, m)
let rec loop n k m = function
| [] -> (k, m)
| x :: xs ->
let k, m = f n k m x in
loop (n+1) k m xs
loop 0 0 0 elems
let elems = Str.split whitere s in (key_of_string (Str.regexp "-")) elems
let config_of c attrs =
let apply c k v =
match k with
| "scroll-bar-width" -> { c with scrollbw = max 0 (int_of_string v) }
| "scroll-handle-height" -> { c with scrollh = max 0 (int_of_string v) }
| "case-insensitive-search" -> { c with icase = bool_of_string v }
| "preload" -> { c with preload = bool_of_string v }
| "page-bias" -> { c with pagebias = int_of_string v }
| "scroll-step" -> { c with scrollstep = max 1 (int_of_string v) }
| "horizontal-scroll-step" ->
{ c with hscrollstep = max (int_of_string v) 1 }
| "auto-scroll-step" ->
{ c with autoscrollstep = max 0 (int_of_string v) }
| "max-height-fit" -> { c with maxhfit = bool_of_string v }
| "highlight-links" -> { c with hlinks = bool_of_string v }
| "under-cursor-info" -> { c with underinfo = bool_of_string v }
| "vertical-margin" ->
{ c with interpagespace = max 0 (int_of_string v) }
| "zoom" ->
let zoom = float_of_string v /. 100. in
let zoom = max zoom 0.0 in
{ c with zoom = zoom }
| "presentation" -> { c with presentation = bool_of_string v }
| "rotation-angle" -> { c with angle = int_of_string v }
| "width" -> { c with cwinw = max 20 (int_of_string v) }
| "height" -> { c with cwinh = max 20 (int_of_string v) }
| "proportional-display" ->
let fm =
if bool_of_string v
then FitProportional
else FitWidth
{ c with fitmodel = fm }
| "fit-model" -> { c with fitmodel = FMTE.of_string v }
| "pixmap-cache-size" ->
{ c with memlimit = max 2 (int_of_string_with_suffix v) }
| "tex-count" -> { c with texcount = max 1 (int_of_string v) }
| "slice-height" -> { c with sliceheight = max 2 (int_of_string v) }
| "thumbnail-width" -> { c with thumbw = max 2 (int_of_string v) }
| "background-color" -> { c with bgcolor = color_of_string v }
| "scrollbar-color" -> { c with sbarcolor = rgba_of_string v }
| "scrollbar-handle-color" -> { c with sbarhndlcolor = rgba_of_string v }
| "tile-width" -> { c with tilew = max 2 (int_of_string v) }
| "tile-height" -> { c with tileh = max 2 (int_of_string v) }
| "mupdf-store-size" ->
{ c with mustoresize = max 1024 (int_of_string_with_suffix v) }
| "checkers" -> { c with checkers = bool_of_string v }
| "aalevel" -> { c with aalevel = max 0 (int_of_string v) }
| "trim-margins" -> { c with trimmargins = bool_of_string v }
| "trim-fuzz" -> { c with trimfuzz = irect_of_string v }
| "uri-launcher" -> { c with urilauncher = unentS v }
| "path-launcher" -> { c with pathlauncher = unentS v }
| "color-space" -> { c with colorspace = CSTE.of_string v }
| "invert-colors" -> { c with invert = bool_of_string v }
| "brightness" -> { c with colorscale = float_of_string v }
| "columns" ->
let (n, _, _) as nab = multicolumns_of_string v in
if n < 0
then { c with columns = Csplit (-n, E.a) }
else { c with columns = Cmulti (nab, E.a) }
| "birds-eye-columns" ->
{ c with beyecolumns = Some (max (int_of_string v) 2) }
| "selection-command" -> { c with selcmd = unentS v }
| "synctex-command" -> { c with stcmd = unentS v }
| "pax-command" -> { c with paxcmd = unentS v }
| "askpass-command" -> { c with passcmd = unentS v }
| "savepath-command" -> { c with savecmd = unentS v }
| "update-cursor" -> { c with updatecurs = bool_of_string v }
| "hint-font-size" -> { c with hfsize = bound (int_of_string v) 5 100 }
| "page-scroll-scale" -> { c with pgscale = float_of_string v }
| "use-pbo" -> { c with usepbo = bool_of_string v }
| "wheel-scrolls-pages" -> { c with wheelbypage = bool_of_string v }
| "horizontal-scrollbar-visible" ->
let b =
if bool_of_string v
then c.scrollb lor scrollbhv
else c.scrollb land (lnot scrollbhv)
{ c with scrollb = b }
| "vertical-scrollbar-visible" ->
let b =
if bool_of_string v
then c.scrollb lor scrollbvv
else c.scrollb land (lnot scrollbvv)
{ c with scrollb = b }
| "remote-in-a-new-instance" -> { c with riani = bool_of_string v }
| "point-and-x" ->
{ c with pax =
if bool_of_string v
then Some 0.0
else None }
| "point-and-x-mark" -> { c with paxmark = MTE.of_string v }
| "scroll-bar-on-the-left" -> { c with leftscroll = bool_of_string v }
| "title" -> { c with title = unentS v }
| "last-visit" -> { c with lastvisit = float_of_string v }
| "edit-annotations-inline" -> { c with annotinline = bool_of_string v }
| "coarse-presentation-positioning" ->
{ c with coarseprespos = bool_of_string v }
| "use-document-css" -> { c with usedoccss = bool_of_string v }
| _ -> c
with exn ->
dolog "error processing attribute (`%S' = `%S'): %s" k v @@ exntos exn;
let rec fold c = function
| [] -> c
| (k, v) :: rest ->
let c = apply c k v in
fold c rest
fold { c with keyhashes = copykeyhashes c } attrs;
let fromstring f pos n v d =
try f v
with exn ->
dolog "error processing attribute (%S=%S) at %d\n%s" n v pos @@ exntos exn;
let bookmark_of attrs =
let rec fold title page rely visy = function
| ("title", v) :: rest -> fold v page rely visy rest
| ("page", v) :: rest -> fold title v rely visy rest
| ("rely", v) :: rest -> fold title page v visy rest
| ("visy", v) :: rest -> fold title page rely v rest
| _ :: rest -> fold title page rely visy rest
| [] -> title, page, rely, visy
fold "invalid" "0" "0" "0" attrs
let doc_of attrs =
let rec fold path key page rely pan visy origin = function
| ("path", v) :: rest -> fold v key page rely pan visy origin rest
| ("key", v) :: rest -> fold path v page rely pan visy origin rest
| ("page", v) :: rest -> fold path key v rely pan visy origin rest
| ("rely", v) :: rest -> fold path key page v pan visy origin rest
| ("pan", v) :: rest -> fold path key page rely v visy origin rest
| ("visy", v) :: rest -> fold path key page rely pan v origin rest
| ("origin", v) :: rest -> fold path key page rely pan visy v rest
| _ :: rest -> fold path key page rely pan visy origin rest
| [] -> path, key, page, rely, pan, visy, origin
fold E.s E.s "0" "0" "0" "0" E.s attrs
let map_of attrs =
let rec fold rs ls = function
| ("out", v) :: rest -> fold v ls rest
| ("in", v) :: rest -> fold rs v rest
| _ :: rest -> fold ls rs rest
| [] -> ls, rs
fold E.s E.s attrs
let findkeyhash c name =
try List.assoc name c.keyhashes
with Not_found -> failwith ("invalid mode name `" ^ name ^ "'")
let get s =
let open Parser in
let h = Hashtbl.create 10 in
let dc = { defconf with angle = defconf.angle } in
let rec toplevel v t spos _ =
match t with
| Vdata | Vcdata | Vend -> v
| Vopen ("llppconfig", _, closed) ->
if closed
then v
else { v with f = llppconfig }
| Vopen _ -> parse_error "unexpected subelement at top level" s spos
| Vclose _ -> parse_error "unexpected close at top level" s spos
and llppconfig v t spos _ =
match t with
| Vdata | Vcdata -> v
| Vend -> parse_error "unexpected end of input in llppconfig" s spos
| Vopen ("defaults", attrs, closed) ->
let c = config_of dc attrs in
setconf dc c;
if closed
then v
else { v with f = defaults }
| Vopen ("ui-font", attrs, closed) ->
let rec getsize size = function
| [] -> size
| ("size", v) :: rest ->
let size =
fromstring int_of_string spos "size" v fstate.fontsize in
getsize size rest
| l -> getsize size l
fstate.fontsize <- getsize fstate.fontsize attrs;
if closed
then v
else { v with f = uifont (Buffer.create 10) }
| Vopen ("doc", attrs, closed) ->
let pathent, key, spage, srely, span, svisy, origin = doc_of attrs in
let path = unentS pathent
and origin = unentS origin
and pageno = fromstring int_of_string spos "page" spage 0
and rely = fromstring float_of_string spos "rely" srely 0.0
and pan = fromstring int_of_string spos "pan" span 0
and visy = fromstring float_of_string spos "visy" svisy 0.0 in
let c = config_of dc attrs in
c.key <- key;
let anchor = (pageno, rely, visy) in
if closed
then (Hashtbl.add h path (c, [], pan, anchor, origin); v)
else { v with f = doc path origin pan anchor c [] }
| Vopen _ ->
parse_error "unexpected subelement in llppconfig" s spos
| Vclose "llppconfig" -> { v with f = toplevel }
| Vclose _ -> parse_error "unexpected close in llppconfig" s spos
and defaults v t spos _ =
match t with
| Vdata | Vcdata -> v
| Vend -> parse_error "unexpected end of input in defaults" s spos
| Vopen ("keymap", attrs, closed) ->
let modename =
try List.assoc "mode" attrs
with Not_found -> "global" in
if closed
then v
let ret keymap =
let h = findkeyhash dc modename in
KeyMap.iter (Hashtbl.replace h) keymap;
{ v with f = pkeymap ret KeyMap.empty }
| Vopen (_, _, _) ->
parse_error "unexpected subelement in defaults" s spos
| Vclose "defaults" ->
{ v with f = llppconfig }
| Vclose _ -> parse_error "unexpected close in defaults" s spos
and uifont b v t spos epos =
match t with
| Vdata | Vcdata ->
Buffer.add_substring b s spos (epos - spos);
| Vopen (_, _, _) ->
parse_error "unexpected subelement in ui-font" s spos
| Vclose "ui-font" ->
if emptystr !fontpath
then fontpath := Buffer.contents b;
{ v with f = llppconfig }
| Vclose _ -> parse_error "unexpected close in ui-font" s spos
| Vend -> parse_error "unexpected end of input in ui-font" s spos
and doc path origin pan anchor c bookmarks v t spos _ =
match t with
| Vdata | Vcdata -> v
| Vend -> parse_error "unexpected end of input in doc" s spos
| Vopen ("bookmarks", _, closed) ->
if closed
then v
else { v with f = pbookmarks path origin pan anchor c bookmarks }
| Vopen ("keymap", attrs, closed) ->
let modename =
try List.assoc "mode" attrs
with Not_found -> "global"
if closed
then v
let ret keymap =
let h = findkeyhash c modename in
KeyMap.iter (Hashtbl.replace h) keymap;
doc path origin pan anchor c bookmarks
{ v with f = pkeymap ret KeyMap.empty }
| Vopen ("css", [], false) ->
{ v with f = pcss path origin pan anchor c bookmarks }
| Vopen (_, _, _) ->
parse_error "unexpected subelement in doc" s spos
| Vclose "doc" ->
Hashtbl.add h path (c, List.rev bookmarks, pan, anchor, origin);
{ v with f = llppconfig }
| Vclose _ -> parse_error "unexpected close in doc" s spos
and pcss path origin pan anchor c bookmarks v t spos epos =
match t with
| Vdata | Vcdata ->
let b = Buffer.create 10 in
Buffer.add_substring b s spos (epos - spos);
{ v with f = pcss path origin pan anchor
{ c with css = Buffer.contents b }
bookmarks }
| Vend -> parse_error "unexpected end of input in css" s spos
| Vopen _ -> parse_error "unexpected subelement in css" s spos
| Vclose "css" -> { v with f = doc path origin pan anchor c bookmarks }
| Vclose _ -> parse_error "unexpected close in css" s spos
and pkeymap ret keymap v t spos _ =
match t with
| Vdata | Vcdata -> v
| Vend -> parse_error "unexpected end of input in keymap" s spos
| Vopen ("map", attrs, closed) ->
let r, l = map_of attrs in
let kss = fromstring keys_of_string spos "in" r [] in
let lss = fromstring keys_of_string spos "out" l [] in
let keymap =
match kss with
| [] -> keymap
| ks :: [] -> KeyMap.add ks (KMinsrl lss) keymap
| ks :: rest -> KeyMap.add ks (KMmulti (rest, lss)) keymap
if closed
then { v with f = pkeymap ret keymap }
let f () = v in
{ v with f = skip "map" f }
| Vopen _ ->
parse_error "unexpected subelement in keymap" s spos
| Vclose "keymap" ->
{ v with f = ret keymap }
| Vclose _ -> parse_error "unexpected close in keymap" s spos
and pbookmarks path origin pan anchor c bookmarks v t spos _ =
match t with
| Vdata | Vcdata -> v
| Vend -> parse_error "unexpected end of input in bookmarks" s spos
| Vopen ("item", attrs, closed) ->
let titleent, spage, srely, svisy = bookmark_of attrs in
let page = fromstring int_of_string spos "page" spage 0
and rely = fromstring float_of_string spos "rely" srely 0.0
and visy = fromstring float_of_string spos "visy" svisy 0.0 in
let bookmarks =
(unentS titleent, 0, Oanchor (page, rely, visy)) :: bookmarks
if closed
then { v with f = pbookmarks path origin pan anchor c bookmarks }
let f () = v in
{ v with f = skip "item" f }
| Vopen _ ->
parse_error "unexpected subelement in bookmarks" s spos
| Vclose "bookmarks" ->
{ v with f = doc path origin pan anchor c bookmarks }
| Vclose _ -> parse_error "unexpected close in bookmarks" s spos
and skip tag f v t spos _ =
match t with
| Vdata | Vcdata -> v
| Vend ->
parse_error ("unexpected end of input in skipped " ^ tag) s spos
| Vopen (tag', _, closed) ->
if closed
then v
let f' () = { v with f = skip tag f } in
{ v with f = skip tag' f' }
| Vclose ctag ->
if tag = ctag
then f ()
else parse_error ("unexpected close in skipped " ^ tag) s spos
parse { f = toplevel; accu = () } s;
h, dc;
let do_load f contents =
try f contents
| Parser.Parse_error (msg, s, pos) ->
let subs = Parser.subs s pos in
Utils.error "parse error: %s: at %d [..%S..]" msg pos subs
| exn -> Utils.error "parse error: %s" @@ exntos exn
let defconfpath =
let dir =
let xdgconfdir = Utils.getenvwithdef "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" E.s in
if emptystr xdgconfdir
let dir = Filename.concat home ".config" in
if Sys.is_directory dir then dir else home
with _ -> home
else xdgconfdir
Filename.concat dir "llpp.conf"
let confpath = ref defconfpath;;
let load2 f default =
match filecontents !confpath with
| contents -> f @@ do_load get contents
| exception Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, "open", _) ->
f (Hashtbl.create 0, defconf)
| exception exn ->
dolog "error loading configuration from `%S': %s" !confpath @@ exntos exn;
let load1 f = load2 f false;;
let load openlast =
let f (h, dc) =
if openlast
then (
let path, _ =
(fun path (conf, _, _, _, _) ((_, besttime) as best) ->
if conf.lastvisit > besttime
then (path, conf.lastvisit)
else best)
(state.path, -.infinity)
state.path <- path;
let pc, pb, px, pa, po =
let def = dc, [], 0, emptyanchor, state.origin in
if emptystr state.path
then def
let absname = abspath state.path in
match Hashtbl.find h absname with
| (c,b,x,a,_) -> (c,b,x,a,state.origin)
| exception Not_found ->
let exception E of (conf * outline list * int * anchor * string) in
let key = try Digest.file absname |> Digest.to_hex with _ -> E.s in
match (
if emptystr key
then ()
Hashtbl.iter (fun p ((c, _, _, _, _) as v) ->
if c.key = key
then (
dolog "will use %s's settings due to matching keys" p;
raise (E v)
) h
| _ -> def
| exception E v -> v
setconf defconf dc;
setconf conf pc;
state.bookmarks <- pb;
state.x <- px;
state.origin <- po;
state.anchor <- pa;
cbput state.hists.nav pa;
load1 f
let gethist () =
let f (h, _) =
Hashtbl.fold (fun path (pc, pb, px, pa, po) accu ->
(path, pc, pb, px, pa, po) :: accu)
h [];
load2 f []
let add_attrs bb always dc c time =
let o' fmt s =
Buffer.add_string bb "\n ";
Printf.bprintf bb fmt s
let o c fmt s = if c then o' fmt s else ignore in
let ob s a b = o (always || a != b) "%s='%b'" s a
and op s a b = o (always || a <> b) "%s='%b'" s (a != None)
and oi s a b = o (always || a != b) "%s='%d'" s a
and oI s a b = o (always || a != b) "%s='%s'" s (string_with_suffix_of_int a)
and oz s a b = o (always || a <> b) "%s='%g'" s (a*.100.)
and oF s a b = o (always || a <> b) "%s='%f'" s a
and oL s a b = o (always || a <> b) "%s='%Ld'" s a
and oc s a b = o (always || a <> b) "%s='%s'" s (color_to_string a)
and oA s a b = o (always || a <> b) "%s='%s'" s (rgba_to_string a)
and oC s a b = o (always || a <> b) "%s='%s'" s (CSTE.to_string a)
and oR s a b = o (always || a <> b) "%s='%s'" s (irect_to_string a)
and oFm s a b = o (always || a <> b) "%s='%s'" s (FMTE.to_string a)
and oSv s a b m =
o (always || a land m <> b land m) "%s='%b'" s (a land m != 0)
and oPm s a b = o (always || a <> b) "%s='%s'" s (MTE.to_string a)
and os s a b =
o (always || a <> b) "%s='%s'" s @@ Parser.enent a 0 (String.length a)
and oco s a b =
if always || a <> b
match a with
| Cmulti ((n, a, b), _) when n > 1 -> o' "%s='%d,%d,%d'" s n a b
| Csplit (n, _) when n > 1 -> o' "%s='%d'" s ~-n
| Cmulti _ | Csplit _ | Csingle _ -> ()
and obeco s a b =
if always || a <> b
match a with
| Some c when c > 1 -> o' "%s='%d'" s c
| _ -> ()
oi "width" c.cwinw dc.cwinw;
oi "height" c.cwinh dc.cwinh;
oi "scroll-bar-width" c.scrollbw dc.scrollbw;
oi "scroll-handle-height" c.scrollh dc.scrollh;
oSv "horizontal-scrollbar-visible" c.scrollb dc.scrollb scrollbhv;
oSv "vertical-scrollbar-visible" c.scrollb dc.scrollb scrollbvv;
ob "case-insensitive-search" c.icase dc.icase;
ob "preload" c.preload dc.preload;
oi "page-bias" c.pagebias dc.pagebias;
oi "scroll-step" c.scrollstep dc.scrollstep;
oi "auto-scroll-step" c.autoscrollstep dc.autoscrollstep;
ob "max-height-fit" c.maxhfit dc.maxhfit;
ob "highlight-links" c.hlinks dc.hlinks;
ob "under-cursor-info" c.underinfo dc.underinfo;
oi "vertical-margin" c.interpagespace dc.interpagespace;
oz "zoom" c.zoom dc.zoom;
ob "presentation" c.presentation dc.presentation;
oi "rotation-angle" c.angle dc.angle;
oFm "fit-model" c.fitmodel dc.fitmodel;
oI "pixmap-cache-size" c.memlimit dc.memlimit;
oi "tex-count" c.texcount dc.texcount;
oi "slice-height" c.sliceheight dc.sliceheight;
oi "thumbnail-width" c.thumbw dc.thumbw;
oc "background-color" c.bgcolor dc.bgcolor;
oA "scrollbar-color" c.sbarcolor dc.sbarcolor;
oA "scrollbar-handle-color" c.sbarhndlcolor dc.sbarhndlcolor;
oi "tile-width" c.tilew dc.tilew;
oi "tile-height" c.tileh dc.tileh;
oI "mupdf-store-size" c.mustoresize dc.mustoresize;
ob "checkers" c.checkers dc.checkers;
oi "aalevel" c.aalevel dc.aalevel;
ob "trim-margins" c.trimmargins dc.trimmargins;
oR "trim-fuzz" c.trimfuzz dc.trimfuzz;
os "uri-launcher" c.urilauncher dc.urilauncher;
os "path-launcher" c.pathlauncher dc.pathlauncher;
oC "color-space" c.colorspace dc.colorspace;
ob "invert-colors" c.invert dc.invert;
oF "brightness" c.colorscale dc.colorscale;
oco "columns" c.columns dc.columns;
obeco "birds-eye-columns" c.beyecolumns dc.beyecolumns;
os "selection-command" c.selcmd dc.selcmd;
os "synctex-command" c.stcmd dc.stcmd;
os "pax-command" c.paxcmd dc.paxcmd;
os "askpass-command" c.passcmd dc.passcmd;
os "savepath-command" c.savecmd dc.savecmd;
ob "update-cursor" c.updatecurs dc.updatecurs;
oi "hint-font-size" c.hfsize dc.hfsize;
oi "horizontal-scroll-step" c.hscrollstep dc.hscrollstep;
oF "page-scroll-scale" c.pgscale dc.pgscale;
ob "use-pbo" c.usepbo dc.usepbo;
ob "wheel-scrolls-pages" c.wheelbypage dc.wheelbypage;
ob "remote-in-a-new-instance" c.riani dc.riani;
op "point-and-x" c.pax dc.pax;
oPm "point-and-x-mark" c.paxmark dc.paxmark;
ob "scroll-bar-on-the-left" c.leftscroll dc.leftscroll;
if not always
then os "title" c.title dc.title;
oL "last-visit" (Int64.of_float time) 0L;
ob "edit-annotations-inline" c.annotinline dc.annotinline;
ob "coarse-presentation-positioning" c.coarseprespos dc.coarseprespos;
ob "use-document-css" c.usedoccss dc.usedoccss;
let keymapsbuf always dc c =
let open Buffer in
let bb = create 16 in
let rec loop = function
| [] -> ()
| (modename, h) :: rest ->
let dh = findkeyhash dc modename in
if always || h <> dh
then (
if Hashtbl.length h > 0
then (
if length bb > 0 then add_char bb '\n';
Printf.bprintf bb "<keymap mode='%s'>\n" modename;
Hashtbl.iter (fun i o ->
if always || match Hashtbl.find dh i
with | dO -> dO <> o | exception Not_found -> false
let addkm (k, m) =
if Wsi.withctrl m then add_string bb "ctrl-";
if Wsi.withalt m then add_string bb "alt-";
if Wsi.withshift m then add_string bb "shift-";
if Wsi.withmeta m then add_string bb "meta-";
add_string bb (Wsi.keyname k);
let addkms l =
let rec loop = function
| [] -> ()
| km :: [] -> addkm km
| km :: rest -> addkm km; add_char bb ' '; loop rest
loop l
add_string bb "<map in='";
addkm i;
match o with
| KMinsrt km ->
add_string bb "' out='"; addkm km; add_string bb "'/>\n"
| KMinsrl kms ->
add_string bb "' out='"; addkms kms; add_string bb "'/>\n"
| KMmulti (ins, kms) ->
add_char bb ' '; addkms ins; add_string bb "' out='";
addkms kms; add_string bb "'/>\n"
) h;
add_string bb "</keymap>";
loop rest
loop c.keyhashes;
let keystostrlist c =
let rec loop accu = function
| [] -> accu
| (modename, h) :: rest ->
let accu =
if Hashtbl.length h > 0
then (
let accu = Printf.sprintf "\xc2\xb7Keys for %s" modename :: accu in
Hashtbl.fold (fun i o a ->
let bb = Buffer.create 10 in
let addkm (k, m) =
if Wsi.withctrl m then Buffer.add_string bb "ctrl-";
if Wsi.withalt m then Buffer.add_string bb "alt-";
if Wsi.withshift m then Buffer.add_string bb "shift-";
if Wsi.withmeta m then Buffer.add_string bb "meta-";
Buffer.add_string bb (Wsi.keyname k);
let addkms l =
let rec loop = function
| [] -> ()
| km :: [] -> addkm km
| km :: rest ->
addkm km; Buffer.add_char bb ' ';
loop rest
loop l
addkm i;
Buffer.add_char bb '\t';
begin match o with
| KMinsrt km ->
addkm km
| KMinsrl kms ->
addkms kms
| KMmulti (ins, kms) ->
Buffer.add_char bb ' ';
addkms ins;
Buffer.add_string bb "\t";
addkms kms
Buffer.contents bb :: a
) h accu
else accu
loop accu rest
loop [] c.keyhashes
let save1 bb leavebirdseye x h dc =
let uifontsize = fstate.fontsize in
let dc = if conf.bedefault then conf else dc in
Buffer.add_string bb "<llppconfig>\n";
if nonemptystr !fontpath
Printf.bprintf bb "<ui-font size='%d'><![CDATA[%s]]></ui-font>\n"
else (
if uifontsize <> 14
Printf.bprintf bb "<ui-font size='%d'/>\n" uifontsize
Buffer.add_string bb "<defaults";
add_attrs bb true dc dc nan;
let kb = keymapsbuf true dc dc in
if Buffer.length kb > 0
then (
Buffer.add_string bb ">\n";
Buffer.add_buffer bb kb;
Buffer.add_string bb "\n</defaults>\n";
else Buffer.add_string bb "/>\n";
let adddoc path pan anchor c bookmarks time origin =
if bookmarks == [] && c = dc && anchor = emptyanchor
then ()
else (
Printf.bprintf bb "<doc path='%s'"
(Parser.enent path 0 (String.length path));
if nonemptystr c.key
Printf.bprintf bb "\n key='%s'" c.key;
if nonemptystr origin
then Printf.bprintf bb "\n origin='%s'"
(Parser.enent origin 0 (String.length origin));
if anchor <> emptyanchor
then (
let n, rely, visy = anchor in
Printf.bprintf bb "\n page='%d'" n;
if rely > 1e-6
then Printf.bprintf bb " rely='%f'" rely;
if abs_float visy > 1e-6
then Printf.bprintf bb " visy='%f'" visy;
if pan != 0
then Printf.bprintf bb " pan='%d'" pan;
add_attrs bb false dc c time;
if nonemptystr c.css
then Printf.bprintf bb ">\n <css><![CDATA[%s]]></css>" c.css;
let kb = keymapsbuf false dc c in
begin match bookmarks with
| [] ->
if Buffer.length kb > 0
then (
Buffer.add_string bb ">\n";
Buffer.add_buffer bb kb;
Buffer.add_string bb "\n</doc>\n";
if nonemptystr c.css
then Buffer.add_string bb "\n</doc>\n"
else Buffer.add_string bb "/>\n"
| _ ->
Buffer.add_string bb ">\n<bookmarks>\n";
List.iter (fun (title, _, kind) ->
begin match kind with
| Oanchor (page, rely, visy) ->
Printf.bprintf bb
"<item title='%s' page='%d'"
(Parser.enent title 0 (String.length title))
if rely > 1e-6
Printf.bprintf bb " rely='%f'" rely
if abs_float visy > 1e-6
Printf.bprintf bb " visy='%f'" visy
| Ohistory _ | Onone | Ouri _ | Oremote _
| Oremotedest _ | Olaunch _ ->
failwith "unexpected link in bookmarks"
Buffer.add_string bb "/>\n";
) bookmarks;
Buffer.add_string bb "</bookmarks>";
if Buffer.length kb > 0
then (
Buffer.add_string bb "\n";
Buffer.add_buffer bb kb;
Buffer.add_string bb "\n</doc>\n";
let pan, conf =
match state.mode with
| Birdseye (c, pan, _, _, _) ->
let beyecolumns =
match conf.columns with
| Cmulti ((c, _, _), _) -> Some c
| Csingle _ -> None
| Csplit _ -> None
and columns =
match c.columns with
| Cmulti (c, _) -> Cmulti (c, E.a)
| Csingle _ -> Csingle E.a
| Csplit _ -> failwith "quit from bird's eye while split"
pan, { c with beyecolumns = beyecolumns; columns = columns }
| Textentry _
| View
| LinkNav _ -> x, conf
let docpath = if nonemptystr state.path then abspath state.path else E.s in
if nonemptystr docpath
then (
adddoc docpath pan (getanchor ())
let autoscrollstep =
match state.autoscroll with
| Some step -> step
| None -> conf.autoscrollstep
begin match state.mode with
| Birdseye beye -> leavebirdseye beye true
| Textentry _
| View
| LinkNav _ -> ()
let key = try Digest.file docpath |> Digest.to_hex
with _ -> E.s in
{ conf with autoscrollstep; key }
(now ())
Hashtbl.iter (fun path (c, bookmarks, x, anchor, origin) ->
if docpath <> abspath path
then adddoc path x anchor c bookmarks c.lastvisit origin
) h;
Buffer.add_string bb "</llppconfig>\n";
let save leavebirdseye =
let relx = float state.x /. float state.winw in
let w, h, x =
let cx w = truncate (relx *. float w) in
(fun (w, h, x) ws ->
match ws with
| Wsi.Fullscreen -> (conf.cwinw, conf.cwinh, cx conf.cwinw)
| Wsi.MaxVert -> (w, conf.cwinh, x)
| Wsi.MaxHorz -> (conf.cwinw, h, cx conf.cwinw)
(state.winw, state.winh, state.x) state.winstate
conf.cwinw <- w;
conf.cwinh <- h;
let bb = Buffer.create 32768 in
let save2 (h, dc) =
save1 bb leavebirdseye x h dc
if load1 save2 && Buffer.length bb > 0
let tmp = !confpath ^ ".tmp" in
let oc = open_out_bin tmp in
Buffer.output_buffer oc bb;
close_out oc;
Unix.rename tmp !confpath;
with exn ->
dolog "error saving configuration: %s" @@ exntos exn
let gc () =
let href = ref @@ Hashtbl.create 0 in
let cref = ref defconf in
let push (h, dc) =
let f path v =
if Sys.file_exists path
then Some v
else (dolog "removing entry for '%s'" path; None) in
Hashtbl.filter_map_inplace f h;
href := h;
cref := dc;
ignore (load1 push);
let bb = Buffer.create 32768 in
let save2 (_h, dc) = save1 bb (fun _ _ -> ()) 0 !href dc in
if load1 save2 && Buffer.length bb > 0
then (
let tmp = !confpath ^ ".tmp" in
let oc = open_out_bin tmp in
Buffer.output_buffer oc bb;
close_out oc;
Unix.rename tmp !confpath;
with exn ->
dolog "error saving configuration: %s" @@ exntos exn
let logcurrently = function
| Idle -> dolog "Idle"
| Loading (l, gen) ->
dolog "Loading %d gen=%d curgen=%d" l.pageno gen state.gen
| Tiling (l, pageopaque, colorspace, angle, gen, col, row, tilew, tileh) ->
dolog "Tiling %d[%d,%d] page=%s cs=%s angle=%d"
l.pageno col row (~> pageopaque)
(CSTE.to_string colorspace) angle;
dolog "gen=(%d,%d) (%d,%d) tile=(%d,%d) (%d,%d)"
angle gen conf.angle state.gen
tilew tileh
conf.tilew conf.tileh
| Outlining _ -> dolog "outlining"