
356 lines
8.3 KiB

module E = struct
let s = "";;
let b = Bytes.empty;;
let a = [||];;
type platform = | Punknown | Plinux | Posx | Psun | Pbsd | Pcygwin;;
let asciilower = let auld = Char.code 'A' - Char.code 'a' in function
| ('A'..'Z') as c -> Char.code c - auld |> Char.chr
| c -> c
let tempfailureretry f a =
let rec g () =
try f a with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EINTR, _, _) -> g ()
in g ()
external cloexec : Unix.file_descr -> unit = "ml_cloexec";;
external hasdata : Unix.file_descr -> bool = "ml_hasdata";;
external toutf8 : int -> string = "ml_keysymtoutf8";;
external mbtoutf8 : string -> string = "ml_mbtoutf8";;
external spawn : string -> (Unix.file_descr * int) list -> int = "ml_spawn";;
external platform : unit -> (platform * string array) = "ml_platform";;
let now = Unix.gettimeofday;;
let platform, uname = platform ();;
let dolog fmt = Format.ksprintf prerr_endline fmt;;
let exntos = function
| Unix.Unix_error (e, s, a) -> Printf.sprintf "%s(%s) : %s (%d)"
s a (Unix.error_message e) (Obj.magic e)
| exn -> Printexc.to_string exn
let error fmt = Printf.kprintf failwith fmt;;
module IntSet = Set.Make (struct type t = int let compare = (-) end);;
let emptystr s = String.length s = 0;;
let nonemptystr s = String.length s > 0;;
let bound v minv maxv = max minv (min maxv v);;
let spawn cmd fda =
if platform = Pcygwin
then failwith "spawn not implemented under cygwin yet"
else spawn cmd fda;
module Opaque :
type t = private string
val of_string : string -> t
val to_string : t -> string
type t = string
let of_string s = s
let to_string t = t
let (~<) = Opaque.of_string;;
let (~>) = Opaque.to_string;;
let int_of_string_with_suffix s =
let l = String.length s in
let s1, shift =
if l > 1
let p = l-1 in
match s.[p] with
| 'k' | 'K' -> String.sub s 0 p, 10
| 'm' | 'M' -> String.sub s 0 p, 20
| 'g' | 'G' -> String.sub s 0 p, 30
| _ -> s, 0
else s, 0
let n = int_of_string s1 in
let m = n lsl shift in
if m < 0 || m < n
then error "value too large"
else m
let string_with_suffix_of_int n =
if n = 0
then "0"
let units = [(30, "G"); (20, "M"); (10, "K")] in
let prettyint n =
let rec loop s n =
let h = n mod 1000 in
let n = n / 1000 in
if n = 0
then string_of_int h ^ s
else (
let s = Printf.sprintf "_%03d%s" h s in
loop s n
loop E.s n
let rec find = function
| [] -> prettyint n
| (shift, suffix) :: rest ->
if (n land ((1 lsl shift) - 1)) = 0
then prettyint (n lsr shift) ^ suffix
else find rest
find units
let color_of_string s =
Scanf.sscanf s "%d/%d/%d" (fun r g b ->
(float r /. 256.0, float g /. 256.0, float b /. 256.0)
let color_to_string (r, g, b) =
let r = truncate (r *. 256.0)
and g = truncate (g *. 256.0)
and b = truncate (b *. 256.0) in
Printf.sprintf "%d/%d/%d" r g b
let abspath path =
if Filename.is_relative path
let cwd = Sys.getcwd () in
if Filename.is_implicit path
then Filename.concat cwd path
else Filename.concat cwd (Filename.basename path)
let nindex s c =
try String.index s c
with Not_found -> -1
module Ne = struct
let clo fd f =
try tempfailureretry Unix.close fd
with exn -> f @@ exntos exn
let getenvwithdef name def =
match Sys.getenv name with
| env -> env
| exception Not_found -> def
let newlinere = Str.regexp "[\r\n]";;
let percentsre = Str.regexp "%s";;
let whitere = Str.regexp "[ \t]";;
let unit () = ();;
let addchar s c =
let b = Buffer.create (String.length s + 1) in
Buffer.add_string b s;
Buffer.add_char b c;
Buffer.contents b;
let btod b = if b then 1 else 0;;
let splitatspace s = let open String in
match index s ' ' with
| pos -> sub s 0 pos, sub s (pos+1) (length s - pos - 1)
| exception Not_found -> s, E.s
let boundastep h step =
if step < 0
then bound step ~-h 0
else bound step 0 h
let withoutlastutf8 s =
let len = String.length s in
if len = 0
then s
let rec find pos =
if pos = 0
then pos
let b = Char.code s.[pos] in
if b land 0b11000000 = 0b11000000
then pos
else find (pos-1)
let first =
if Char.code s.[len-1] land 0x80 = 0
then len-1
else find (len-1)
String.sub s 0 first;
let fdcontents fd =
let l = 4096 in
let b = Buffer.create l in
let s = Bytes.create l in
let rec loop () =
let n = tempfailureretry ( fd s 0) l in
if n = 0
then Buffer.contents b
else (
Buffer.add_subbytes b s 0 n;
loop ()
loop ()
let filecontents path =
let fd = Unix.openfile path [Unix.O_RDONLY] 0o0 in
match fdcontents fd with
| (exception exn) ->
error "failed to read contents of %s: %s" path @@ exntos exn
| s ->
Ne.clo fd @@ error "failed to close descriptor for %s: %s" path;
let getcmdoutput errfun cmd =
let reperror fmt = Printf.kprintf errfun fmt in
let clofail s e = error "failed to close %s: %s" s e in
match Unix.pipe () with
| (exception exn) ->
reperror "pipe failed: %s" @@ exntos exn;
| (r, w) ->
match spawn cmd [r, -1; w, 1] with
| (exception exn) ->
reperror "failed to execute %S: %s" cmd @@ exntos exn;
| pid ->
Ne.clo w @@ clofail "write end of the pipe";
let s =
match Unix.waitpid [] pid with
| (exception exn) ->
reperror "waitpid on %S %d failed: %s" cmd pid @@ exntos exn;
| _pid, Unix.WEXITED 0 ->
match fdcontents r with
| (exception exn) ->
reperror "failed to read output of %S: %s" cmd @@ exntos exn;
| s ->
let l = String.length s in
if l > 0 && s.[l-1] = '\n'
then String.sub s 0 (l-1)
else s
| _pid, Unix.WEXITED n ->
reperror "%S exited with error code %d" cmd n;
| _pid, Unix.WSIGNALED n ->
reperror "%S was killed with signal %d" cmd n;
| _pid, Unix.WSTOPPED n ->
reperror "%S was stopped by signal %d" cmd n;
Ne.clo r @@ clofail "read end of the pipe";
let geturl =
let re = Str.regexp {|.*\(\(https?\|ftp\|mailto\|file\)://[^ ]+\).*|} in
fun s ->
if Str.string_match re s 0
then Str.matched_group 1 s
else E.s
let readstr sock n =
let s = Bytes.create n in
let rec loop pos n =
let m = tempfailureretry ( sock s pos) n in
if m = 0
then raise End_of_file
else if n != m
then (
ignore (tempfailureretry ( [sock] [] []) 0.01);
loop (pos + m) (n - m)
loop 0 n;
let w8 s pos i = Bytes.set s pos (Char.chr (i land 0xff));;
let r8 s pos = Char.code (Bytes.get s pos);;
let ordermagic = 'l';;
let w16 s pos i =
w8 s pos i;
w8 s (pos+1) (i lsr 8)
let w32 s pos i =
w16 s pos i;
w16 s (pos+2) (i lsr 16)
let r16 s pos =
let rb pos1 = Char.code (Bytes.get s (pos + pos1)) in
(rb 0) lor ((rb 1) lsl 8)
let r16s s pos =
let i = r16 s pos in
i - ((i land 0x8000) lsl 1)
let r32 s pos =
let rb pos1 = Char.code (Bytes.get s (pos + pos1)) in
let l = (rb 0) lor ((rb 1) lsl 8)
and u = (rb 2) lor ((rb 3) lsl 8) in
(u lsl 16) lor l
let rfloat s pos =
let rb pos1 = Char.code (Bytes.get s (pos + pos1)) in
let x0 = (rb 0) lor ((rb 1) lsl 8) in
let x1 = (rb 2) lor ((rb 3) lsl 8) in
let x2 = (rb 4) lor ((rb 5) lsl 8) in
let x3 = (rb 6) lor ((rb 7) lsl 8) in
(logor (shift_left (of_int x3) 48)
(logor (shift_left (of_int x2) 32)
(logor (shift_left (of_int x1) 16) (of_int x0)))))
let vlog fmt = Format.ksprintf ignore fmt;;
let sendstr1 s pos len sock =
let s = Bytes.unsafe_to_string s in
(* vlog "%d <= %S" state.seq s; *)
(* state.seq <- state.seq + 1; *)
let n = tempfailureretry (Unix.write_substring sock s pos) len in
if n != len
then error "send %d returned %d" len n;