!HB9KNS iThis is the gopher version of the net presence of Yargo/HB9KNS, iavailable on several sites: 1* The Dome ~hb9kns dome.circumlunar.space h* tildegit URL:https://tildegit.org/yargo/hb9kns/ h* github.io URL:https://hb9kns.github.io/ iMy blog/glog presence on SDF is available at: 1* SDF users/yargo sdf.org iYou may have a look at my (mostly markdown formatted): 0* amateur radio log hamlog.md 0* favourite repeaters relais.md 0* amateur radio manifest manifest.md 1* notes about professional maritime radio services nautical h* dream of a pocket-size 70 cm CW TRX URL:https://github.com/hb9kns/cwondr i (git://dome.circumlunar.space/~hb9kns/cwondr.git) h* dream of an automated Morse broadcasting system URL:https://github.com/hb9kns/ambros i (git://dome.circumlunar.space/~hb9kns/ambros.git) i2021-02-07 // HB9KNS icontact: pypywrdyvh(at)snkmail.com