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2021-06-03 17:29:41 +02:00
# sdl2_basic_widgets
2021-08-27 01:21:25 +02:00
A (very) basic and incomplete widget library for SDL applications.
2021-07-12 19:30:50 +02:00
2021-08-27 01:21:25 +02:00
## Build
The build dependencies are SDL2, SDL_ttf and fontconfig dev libs
and headers. Meson is used as build system, so you'll need it too.
As the code use some C++20 features, you'll need a recent compiler
which support that version of the standard.
Then, inside the project root directory, run the following commands:
$ meson build
$ meson compile -C build -j0
After that you'll have in the build directory the static library and the
example programs.
## API overview
The library API is divided in two main parts:
- the core, which provides some basic wrapping of
SDL, SDL_ttf and fontconfig functionalities.
- the widget API built on top of the core.
### Core
The main classes of the core are:
- [Font](inc/basic_widgets/core/font.hpp):
wraps TTF_Font object with the most common operations
of SDL_ttf. Also provide a helper function to
search system fonts by using fontconfig.
- [Renderer](inc/basic_widgets/core/renderer.hpp):
wraps SDL_Renderer object with common operation from
the SDL 2D accelerated rendering API.
- [Texture](inc/basic_widgets/core/texture.hpp):
wraps SDL_Texture object with common operations
to manipulate it.
Apart from the SDL API wrappers, some generic utility functions and
data types are defined:
- [Color](inc/basic_widgets/core/type/color.hpp):
wraps SDL_Color object and adds convenience operators
overloads to operate on all color channels and/or
alpha channel.
- [draw.hpp](inc/basic_widgets/core/draw.hpp):
2D drawing utilities. Currently, provides a couple of basic utility
functions for software rendered textures: circle rendering
and an antialising algorithm.
- [math.hpp](inc/basic_widgets/core/math.hpp): mostly provides
frequently used formulas to work with rectangles and points
on a 2D coordinate system.
- [concepts.hpp](inc/basic_widgets/core/type/concepts.hpp):
a few concept definitions for used for generic programming.
- [Size](inc/basic_widgets/core/type/size.hpp): representation
of a 2D size. There are also a few operator overloads to
operate on Size objects.
## Widgets
Widgets are classes that implements the common widget interface and
optionally one or more "handler" interfaces. Handlers are interfaces
for event or external resources handling.
These interfaces are:
- [Widget](inc/basic_widgets/w/base/widget.hpp): the common base
interface of every widget.
- [EventHandler](inc/basic_widgets/w/feat/event_handler.hpp): base
interface for event handlers.
- [FocusHandler](inc/basic_widgets/w/feat/focus_handler.hpp): base
interface for handler having a focus notion.
- [KeyboardHandler](inc/basic_widgets/w/feat/keyboard_handler.hpp):
interface for key and text input events handling.
- [MouseHandler](inc/basic_widgets/w/feat/mouse_handler.hpp):
interface for mouse events handling. Handle click and focus state
changes and also introduce a notion of "pushed" state.
- [FontHandler](inc/basic_widgets/w/feat/font_handler.hpp): interface
for widgets using a font. Declares methods to set the widget font and
set background and text color used for text rendering.
- [TextureHandler](inc/basic_widgets/w/feat/texture_handler.hpp): it exists
but I'm thinking now that it shouldn't.
Based on these interfaces, there's implementation for a few basic widgets.
Currently, the following ones are defined:
- [Button](inc/basic_widgets/w/button.hpp): a push button.
- [Caption](inc/basic_widgets/w/caption.hpp): a caption
that displays a rendered string. No multiline support.
- [Input<T>](inc/basic_widgets/w/base/input.hpp): base
class for widgets using an input field.
- [NumericInput<Numeric>](inc/basic_widgets/w/numeric_input.hpp) an
input widget for numeric values with two buttons to increase/decrease
the hold value.
There are also "containers" widgets which are widget that hold a collection of
widgets and manage their geometry:
- [Layout](inc/basic_widgets/w/base/layout.hpp): abstract class for container widgets.
- [AlignedLayout](inc/basic_widgets/w/aligned_layout.hpp): layout that is done by distributing
widgets on a horizontal or vertical row.
To create widget objects, the corresponding function from [widget_factory.hpp](inc/basic_widgets/w/widget_factory.hpp)
should be used. It's done this way for interface-implementation sake.
## Source code organization overview
The header and source directory hierarchies is organized in the following way:
- core: C→C++ wrappers and commonly used generic functions.
- core/type: basic data types and concepts.
- w: the widget library
- w/base: the abstract widget classes.
- w/feat: handlers (optional widget features)
Widget code intent to separate public API from implementation details. For that
a Widget has two classes, a pure virtual one (Widget) which is the public API and another
class (WidgetImpl) that implements the interface of the first one. Unless an access
to implementation details is required, the interface (pure virtual) type should
be used.