2022-02-08 19:15:44 +01:00

107 lines
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#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <SDL_rect.h>
#include <basic_widgets/core/type/color.hpp>
#include <basic_widgets/core/type/size.hpp>
namespace bwidgets
// Get the start coordinate offset required to center a ligne with a length used_len
// on another line with a length available_len.
[[nodiscard]] inline auto center_line(const int available_len,
const int used_len) noexcept -> int
return (available_len - used_len) / 2;
// Get the squared distance of two points on a 2D plan. This avoid computing square
// root when for instance we need to compare two lenght but knowing the actual lenght
// is not needed.
[[nodiscard]] inline auto distance_sqrd(const SDL_Point a,
const SDL_Point b) noexcept -> float
return float(a.x - b.x) * float(a.x - b.x) + float(a.y - b.y) * float(a.y - b.y);
// Get distance of two points on a 2D plan.
[[nodiscard]] inline auto distance(const SDL_Point a, const SDL_Point b) noexcept
-> float
return std::sqrt(distance_sqrd(a, b));
// Like std::lerp but for use with Color object. lerp function is applied only to
// enabled channels.
template<FloatingPoint F>
[[nodiscard]] inline auto lerp(const Color a, const Color b, const F x,
const bool op_alpha = false,
const bool op_color = true) noexcept -> Color
return {
op_color ? (uint8_t)std::lerp(a().r, b().r, x) : a().r,
op_color ? (uint8_t)std::lerp(a().g, b().g, x) : a().g,
op_color ? (uint8_t)std::lerp(a().b, b().b, x) : a().b,
op_alpha ? (uint8_t)std::lerp(a().a, b().a, x) : a().a,
// Reverse lerp.
template<Numeric N>
[[nodiscard]] inline auto linear(const N x, const N a, const N b) noexcept -> float
return (float)(x - a) / (float)(b - a);
// Check if a rectangle is completly inside of another rectangle.
[[nodiscard]] inline auto rect_in_rect(const SDL_Rect& outer,
const SDL_Rect& inner) noexcept -> bool
const SDL_Point top_left {inner.x, inner.y};
const SDL_Point bottom_right {inner.x + inner.w, inner.y + inner.h};
return (SDL_PointInRect(&top_left, &outer) == SDL_TRUE)
&& (SDL_PointInRect(&bottom_right, &outer) == SDL_TRUE);
// Get the rectangle inside r leaving margins of given size between inner and outer
// rectangle.
[[nodiscard]] inline auto rect_margin(const SDL_Rect& r, const Size margin) noexcept
-> SDL_Rect
return {r.x + margin.w, r.y + margin.h, r.w - 2 * margin.w, r.h - 2 * margin.h};
// Get the rectangle obtained from adding offset to its origin coordinate.
[[nodiscard]] inline auto rect_offset(const SDL_Rect& r,
const SDL_Point offset) noexcept -> SDL_Rect
return {r.x + offset.x, r.y + offset.y, r.w, r.h};
// Commodity function to use another rectangle as a size for the offset to be added
// to r.
[[nodiscard]] inline auto rect_offset(const SDL_Rect& r,
const SDL_Rect& offset) noexcept -> SDL_Rect
return rect_offset(r, SDL_Point {offset.x, offset.y});
// Standard smoothstep algorithm.
template<Numeric N>
[[nodiscard]] inline auto smoothstep(const N x, const N a, const N b) noexcept
-> float
const float x_norm = linear(std::clamp<double>(x, a, b), static_cast<double>(a), static_cast<double>(b));
return 3 * x_norm * x_norm - 2 * x_norm * x_norm * x_norm;