fix: sort functions before writing

This commit is contained in:
Folke Lemaitre 2021-05-20 07:52:13 +02:00
parent 1fb6cc81ca
commit 72c4e61a6d
13 changed files with 1607 additions and 1596 deletions

View File

@ -87,6 +87,21 @@ function M.intro(fd)
]], -1)
function M.get_functions(mpack)
mpack = "mpack/" .. mpack
local data = vim.fn.msgpackparse(vim.fn.readfile(mpack, "b"))
local ret = {}
for _, functions in pairs(data) do
for name, fun in pairs(functions) do
table.insert(ret, { name, fun })
table.sort(ret, function(a, b)
return a[1] < b[1]
return ret
function M.parse(mpack, prefix, exclude)
-- exclude signatures for functions that are existing lua sources
local skip = {}
@ -96,9 +111,7 @@ function M.parse(mpack, prefix, exclude)
prefix = prefix or "vim"
mpack = "mpack/" .. mpack
local fname = vim.fn.fnamemodify(mpack, ":t:r")
local data = vim.fn.msgpackparse(vim.fn.readfile(mpack, "b"))
local fnum = 0
local fd = uv.fs_open("types/" .. fname .. ".lua", "w+", 420)
@ -106,33 +119,28 @@ function M.parse(mpack, prefix, exclude)
local size = 0
local classes = {}
for _, functions in pairs(data) do
for name, fun in pairs(functions) do
if not skip[name] then
local parts = vim.fn.split(name, ":")
if #parts > 1 and not classes[parts[1]] then
for _, f in pairs(M.get_functions(mpack)) do
local name, fun = unpack(f)
if not skip[name] then
local parts = vim.fn.split(name, ":")
if #parts > 1 and not classes[parts[1]] then
uv.fs_write(fd, ([[
--- @class %s
%s = {}
]]):format(prefix .. "." .. parts[1], prefix .. "." .. parts[1]),
classes[parts[1]] = true
local emmy = M.emmy(name, fun, prefix)
size = size + #emmy
uv.fs_write(fd, emmy, -1)
]]):format(prefix .. "." .. parts[1], prefix .. "." .. parts[1]), -1)
classes[parts[1]] = true
local emmy = M.emmy(name, fun, prefix)
size = size + #emmy
uv.fs_write(fd, emmy, -1)
if size > 1024 * 10 then
fnum = fnum + 1
size = 0
fd = uv.fs_open("types/" .. fname .. "." .. fnum .. ".lua", "w+", 420)
if size > 1024 * 10 then
fnum = fnum + 1
size = 0
fd = uv.fs_open("types/" .. fname .. "." .. fnum .. ".lua", "w+", 420)

View File

@ -1,26 +1,54 @@
--# selene: allow(unused_variable)
---@diagnostic disable: unused-local
-- Gets extmarks in "traversal order" from a |charwise| region
-- defined by buffer positions (inclusive, 0-indexed
-- |api-indexing|).
-- Return a tuple (row,col) representing the position of the
-- named mark.
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @param _end object #End of range, given as (row, col) or valid
--- extmark id (whose position defines the bound)
--- @param start object #Start of range, given as (row, col) or valid
--- extmark id (whose position defines the bound)
--- @param opts dictionary #Optional parameters. Keys:
--- • limit: Maximum number of marks to return
--- • details Whether to include the details dict
--- @param ns_id integer #Namespace id from |nvim_create_namespace()|
--- @return any #List of [extmark_id, row, col] tuples in "traversal
--- order".
function vim.api.nvim_buf_get_extmarks(buffer, ns_id, start, _end, opts) end
--- @param name string #Mark name
--- @return any #(row, col) tuple
function vim.api.nvim_buf_get_mark(buffer, name) end
-- Gets the full file name for the buffer
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @return any #Buffer name
function vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(buffer) end
-- Returns the byte offset of a line (0-indexed). |api-indexing|
--- @param index integer #Line index
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @return any #Integer byte offset, or -1 for unloaded buffer.
function vim.api.nvim_buf_get_offset(buffer, index) end
-- Gets a buffer option value
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @param name string #Option name
--- @return any #Option value
function vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(buffer, name) end
-- Gets a buffer-scoped (b:) variable.
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @param name string #Variable name
--- @return any #Variable value
function vim.api.nvim_buf_get_var(buffer, name) end
-- Checks if a buffer is valid and loaded. See |api-buffer| for
-- more info about unloaded buffers.
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @return any #true if the buffer is valid and loaded, false otherwise.
function vim.api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(buffer) end
-- Checks if a buffer is valid.
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @return any #true if the buffer is valid, false otherwise.
function vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(buffer) end
-- Gets the buffer line count
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @return any #Line count, or 0 for unloaded buffer. |api-buffer|
function vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(buffer) end
-- Creates or updates an extmark.
--- @param ns_id integer #Namespace id from |nvim_create_namespace()|
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @param line integer #Line number where to place the mark
--- @param opts dictionary #Optional parameters.
--- • id : id of the extmark to edit.
--- • end_line : ending line of the mark, 0-based
@ -77,43 +105,54 @@ function vim.api.nvim_buf_get_extmarks(buffer, ns_id, start, _end, opts) end
--- group. For example treesitter highlighting
--- uses a value of 100.
--- @param col integer #Column where to place the mark
--- @param line integer #Line number where to place the mark
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @return any #Id of the created/updated extmark
function vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(buffer, ns_id, line, col, opts) end
-- Removes an extmark.
--- @param id integer #Extmark id
--- @param ns_id integer #Namespace id from |nvim_create_namespace()|
-- Sets a buffer-local |mapping| for the given mode.
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @return any #true if the extmark was found, else false
function vim.api.nvim_buf_del_extmark(buffer, ns_id, id) end
function vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(buffer, mode, lhs, rhs, opts) end
-- Adds a highlight to buffer.
--- @param ns_id integer #namespace to use or -1 for ungrouped
--- highlight
--- @param hl_group string #Name of the highlight group to use
-- Sets (replaces) a line-range in the buffer.
--- @param replacement string[] #Array of lines to use as replacement
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @param col_start integer #Start of (byte-indexed) column range to
--- highlight
--- @param col_end integer #End of (byte-indexed) column range to
--- highlight, or -1 to highlight to end of line
--- @param line integer #Line to highlight (zero-indexed)
--- @return any #The ns_id that was used
function vim.api.nvim_buf_add_highlight(buffer, ns_id, hl_group, line, col_start, col_end) end
--- @param _end integer #Last line index (exclusive)
--- @param strict_indexing boolean #Whether out-of-bounds should be an
--- error.
--- @param start integer #First line index
function vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(buffer, start, _end, strict_indexing, replacement) end
-- Clears namespaced objects (highlights, extmarks, virtual text)
-- from a region.
-- Sets the full file name for a buffer
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @param ns_id integer #Namespace to clear, or -1 to clear all
--- namespaces.
--- @param line_start integer #Start of range of lines to clear
--- @param line_end integer #End of range of lines to clear (exclusive)
--- or -1 to clear to end of buffer.
function vim.api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(buffer, ns_id, line_start, line_end) end
--- @param name string #Buffer name
function vim.api.nvim_buf_set_name(buffer, name) end
-- Sets a buffer option value. Passing 'nil' as value deletes the
-- option (only works if there's a global fallback)
--- @param name string #Option name
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @param value object #Option value
function vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(buffer, name, value) end
-- Sets (replaces) a range in the buffer
--- @param replacement string[] #Array of lines to use as replacement
--- @param end_row integer #Last line index
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @param start_column any #Last column
--- @param end_column any #Last column
--- @param start_row integer #First line index
function vim.api.nvim_buf_set_text(buffer, start_row, start_col, end_row, end_col, replacement) end
-- Sets a buffer-scoped (b:) variable
--- @param name string #Variable name
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @param value object #Variable value
function vim.api.nvim_buf_set_var(buffer, name, value) end
-- Set the virtual text (annotation) for a buffer line.
--- @param ns_id any #Namespace to use or 0 to create a namespace, or
--- -1 for a ungrouped annotation
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @param opts dictionary #Optional parameters. Currently not used.
--- @param chunks array #A list of [text, hl_group] arrays, each
--- representing a text chunk with specified
@ -121,105 +160,60 @@ function vim.api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(buffer, ns_id, line_start, line_end) e
--- no highlight.
--- @param line integer #Line to annotate with virtual text
--- (zero-indexed)
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @return any #The ns_id that was used
function vim.api.nvim_buf_set_virtual_text(buffer, src_id, line, chunks, opts) end
-- call a function with buffer as temporary current buffer
--- @param fun luaref #Function to call inside the buffer (currently
--- lua callable only)
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @return any #Return value of function. NB: will deepcopy lua values
--- currently, use upvalues to send lua references in and out.
function vim.api.nvim_buf_call(buffer, fun) end
-- Calls many API methods atomically.
--- @param calls array #an array of calls, where each call is described
--- by an array with two elements: the request name,
--- and an array of arguments.
--- @return any #Array of two elements. The first is an array of return
--- values. The second is NIL if all calls succeeded. If a
--- call resulted in an error, it is a three-element array
--- with the zero-based index of the call which resulted in an
--- error, the error type and the error message. If an error
--- occurred, the values from all preceding calls will still
--- be returned.
function vim.api.nvim_call_atomic(calls) end
function vim.api.nvim__buf_stats(buffer) end
-- Calls a VimL |Dictionary-function| with the given arguments.
--- @param dict dictionary #Dictionary, or String evaluating to a VimL |self|
--- dict
--- @param args any[] #Function arguments packed in an Array
--- @param fn fun(...) #Name of the function defined on the VimL dict
--- @return any #Result of the function call
function vim.api.nvim_call_dict_function(dict, fn, args) end
-- Gets the windows in a tabpage
--- @param tabpage tabpage #Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
--- @return any #List of windows in `tabpage`
function vim.api.nvim_tabpage_list_wins(tabpage) end
-- Calls a VimL function with the given arguments.
--- @param args any[] #Function arguments packed in an Array
--- @param fn fun(...) #Function to call
--- @return any #Result of the function call
function vim.api.nvim_call_function(fn, args) end
-- Gets a tab-scoped (t:) variable
--- @param name string #Variable name
--- @param tabpage tabpage #Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
--- @return any #Variable value
function vim.api.nvim_tabpage_get_var(tabpage, name) end
-- Sets a tab-scoped (t:) variable
--- @param value object #Variable value
--- @param name string #Variable name
--- @param tabpage tabpage #Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
function vim.api.nvim_tabpage_set_var(tabpage, name, value) end
-- Removes a tab-scoped (t:) variable
--- @param name string #Variable name
--- @param tabpage tabpage #Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
function vim.api.nvim_tabpage_del_var(tabpage, name) end
-- Gets the current window in a tabpage
--- @param tabpage tabpage #Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
--- @return any #Window handle
function vim.api.nvim_tabpage_get_win(tabpage) end
-- Gets the tabpage number
--- @param tabpage tabpage #Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
--- @return any #Tabpage number
function vim.api.nvim_tabpage_get_number(tabpage) end
-- Checks if a tabpage is valid
--- @param tabpage tabpage #Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
--- @return any #true if the tabpage is valid, false otherwise
function vim.api.nvim_tabpage_is_valid(tabpage) end
-- Executes Vimscript (multiline block of Ex-commands), like
-- anonymous |:source|.
--- @param output boolean #Capture and return all (non-error, non-shell
--- |:!|) output
--- @param src string #Vimscript code
--- @return any #Output (non-error, non-shell |:!|) if `output` is true,
--- else empty string.
function vim.api.nvim_exec(src, output) end
-- Send data to channel `id` . For a job, it writes it to the
-- stdin of the process. For the stdio channel |channel-stdio|,
-- it writes to Nvim's stdout. For an internal terminal instance
-- (|nvim_open_term()|) it writes directly to terimal output. See
-- |channel-bytes| for more information.
--- @param chan integer #id of the channel
--- @param data string #data to write. 8-bit clean: can contain NUL bytes.
function vim.api.nvim_chan_send(chan, data) end
-- Executes an ex-command.
--- @param command string #Ex-command string
function vim.api.nvim_command(command) end
-- Activates UI events on the channel.
--- @param width integer #Requested screen columns
--- @param options dictionary #|ui-option| map
--- @param height integer #Requested screen rows
function vim.api.nvim_ui_attach(width, height, options) end
-- Creates a new, empty, unnamed buffer.
--- @param scratch boolean #Creates a "throwaway" |scratch-buffer| for
--- temporary work (always 'nomodified'). Also sets
--- 'nomodeline' on the buffer.
--- @param listed boolean #Sets 'buflisted'
--- @return any #Buffer handle, or 0 on error
function vim.api.nvim_create_buf(listed, scratch) end
-- Gets a highlight definition by id. |hlID()|
--- @param hl_id integer #Highlight id as returned by |hlID()|
--- @param rgb boolean #Export RGB colors
--- @return any #Highlight definition map
function vim.api.nvim_get_hl_by_id(hl_id, rgb) end
-- Gets a highlight group by name
function vim.api.nvim_get_hl_id_by_name(name) end
function vim.api.nvim__get_hl_defs(ns_id) end
-- Set a highlight group.
--- @param val dictionary #highlight definiton map, like
--- |nvim_get_hl_by_name|. in addition the following
--- keys are also recognized: `default` : don't
--- override existing definition, like `hi default`
--- @param name string #highlight group name, like ErrorMsg
--- @param ns_id integer #number of namespace for this highlight
function vim.api.nvim_set_hl(ns_id, name, val) end
-- Set active namespace for highlights.
--- @param ns_id integer #the namespace to activate
function vim.api.nvim__set_hl_ns(ns_id) end
-- Sends input-keys to Nvim, subject to various quirks controlled
-- by `mode` flags. This is a blocking call, unlike
-- |nvim_input()|.
--- @param escape_csi boolean #If true, escape K_SPECIAL/CSI bytes in
--- `keys`
--- @param mode string #behavior flags, see |feedkeys()|
--- @param keys string #to be typed
function vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(keys, mode, escape_csi) end
-- Creates a new namespace, or gets an existing one.
--- @param name string #Namespace name or empty string
--- @return any #Namespace id
function vim.api.nvim_create_namespace(name) end

View File

@ -1,157 +1,25 @@
--# selene: allow(unused_variable)
---@diagnostic disable: unused-local
-- Queues raw user-input. Unlike |nvim_feedkeys()|, this uses a
-- low-level input buffer and the call is non-blocking (input is
-- processed asynchronously by the eventloop).
--- @param keys string #to be typed
--- @return any #Number of bytes actually written (can be fewer than
--- requested if the buffer becomes full).
function vim.api.nvim_input(keys) end
-- Send mouse event from GUI.
--- @param action string #For ordinary buttons, one of "press", "drag",
--- "release". For the wheel, one of "up", "down",
--- "left", "right".
--- @param button string #Mouse button: one of "left", "right",
--- "middle", "wheel".
--- @param modifier string #String of modifiers each represented by a
--- single char. The same specifiers are used as
--- for a key press, except that the "-" separator
--- is optional, so "C-A-", "c-a" and "CA" can all
--- be used to specify Ctrl+Alt+click.
--- @param grid integer #Grid number if the client uses |ui-multigrid|,
--- else 0.
--- @param row integer #Mouse row-position (zero-based, like redraw
--- events)
--- @param col integer #Mouse column-position (zero-based, like redraw
--- events)
function vim.api.nvim_input_mouse(button, action, modifier, grid, row, col) end
-- Replaces terminal codes and |keycodes| (<CR>, <Esc>, ...) in a
-- string with the internal representation.
--- @param str string #String to be converted.
--- @param from_part boolean #Legacy Vim parameter. Usually true.
--- @param do_lt boolean #Also translate <lt>. Ignored if `special` is
--- false.
--- @param special boolean #Replace |keycodes|, e.g. <CR> becomes a "\n"
--- char.
function vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(str, from_part, do_lt, special) end
-- Evaluates a VimL |expression|. Dictionaries and Lists are
-- recursively expanded.
--- @param expr string #VimL expression string
--- @return any #Evaluation result or expanded object
function vim.api.nvim_eval(expr) end
-- Notify the user with a message
--- @param opts dictionary #Reserved for future use.
--- @param log_level integer #The log level
--- @param msg string #Message to display to the user
function vim.api.nvim_notify(msg, log_level, opts) end
-- Calls a VimL function with the given arguments.
--- @param args any[] #Function arguments packed in an Array
--- @param fn fun(...) #Function to call
--- @return any #Result of the function call
function vim.api.nvim_call_function(fn, args) end
-- Calls a VimL |Dictionary-function| with the given arguments.
--- @param dict dictionary #Dictionary, or String evaluating to a VimL |self|
--- dict
--- @param args any[] #Function arguments packed in an Array
--- @param fn fun(...) #Name of the function defined on the VimL dict
--- @return any #Result of the function call
function vim.api.nvim_call_dict_function(dict, fn, args) end
-- Calculates the number of display cells occupied by `text` .
-- <Tab> counts as one cell.
--- @param text string #Some text
--- @return any #Number of cells
function vim.api.nvim_strwidth(text) end
-- Gets the paths contained in 'runtimepath'.
--- @return any #List of paths
function vim.api.nvim_list_runtime_paths() end
-- Find files in runtime directories
--- @param all boolean #whether to return all matches or only the first
--- @param name string #pattern of files to search for
--- @return any #list of absolute paths to the found files
function vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file(name, all) end
function vim.api.nvim__get_lib_dir() end
-- Changes the global working directory.
--- @param dir string #Directory path
function vim.api.nvim_set_current_dir(dir) end
-- Gets the current line.
--- @return any #Current line string
function vim.api.nvim_get_current_line() end
-- Sets the current line.
--- @param line string #Line contents
function vim.api.nvim_set_current_line(line) end
-- Deletes the current line.
function vim.api.nvim_del_current_line() end
-- Gets a global (g:) variable.
--- @param name string #Variable name
--- @return any #Variable value
function vim.api.nvim_get_var(name) end
function vim.api.nvim_ui_set_option(name, value, error) end
-- Unmaps a global |mapping| for the given mode.
function vim.api.nvim_del_keymap(mode, lhs) end
-- Removes a global (g:) variable.
--- @param name string #Variable name
function vim.api.nvim_del_var(name) end
-- Gets a v: variable.
--- @param name string #Variable name
--- @return any #Variable value
function vim.api.nvim_get_vvar(name) end
-- Sets a v: variable, if it is not readonly.
--- @param name string #Variable name
--- @param value object #Variable value
function vim.api.nvim_set_vvar(name, value) end
-- Gets an option value string.
--- @param name string #Option name
--- @return any #Option value (global)
function vim.api.nvim_get_option(name) end
-- Gets the option information for all options.
--- @return any #dictionary of all options
function vim.api.nvim_get_all_options_info() end
-- Gets the option information for one option
--- @param name string #Option name
--- @return any #Option Information
function vim.api.nvim_get_option_info(name) end
-- Sets an option value.
--- @param name string #Option name
--- @param value object #New option value
function vim.api.nvim_set_option(name, value) end
-- Echo a message.
--- @param opts dictionary #Optional parameters. Reserved for future use.
--- @param chunks array #A list of [text, hl_group] arrays, each
--- representing a text chunk with specified
--- highlight. `hl_group` element can be omitted
--- for no highlight.
--- @param history boolean #if true, add to |message-history|.
--- @param opts dictionary #Optional parameters. Reserved for future use.
function vim.api.nvim_echo(chunks, history, opts) end
-- Writes a message to the Vim output buffer. Does not append
-- "\n", the message is buffered (won't display) until a linefeed
-- is written.
--- @param str string #Message
function vim.api.nvim_out_write(str) end
-- Writes a message to the Vim error buffer. Does not append
-- "\n", the message is buffered (won't display) until a linefeed
-- is written.
@ -163,137 +31,230 @@ function vim.api.nvim_err_write(str) end
--- @param str string #Message
function vim.api.nvim_err_writeln(str) end
-- Gets the current list of buffer handles
--- @return any #List of buffer handles
function vim.api.nvim_list_bufs() end
-- Evaluates a VimL |expression|. Dictionaries and Lists are
-- recursively expanded.
--- @param expr string #VimL expression string
--- @return any #Evaluation result or expanded object
function vim.api.nvim_eval(expr) end
-- Executes Vimscript (multiline block of Ex-commands), like
-- anonymous |:source|.
--- @param output boolean #Capture and return all (non-error, non-shell
--- |:!|) output
--- @param src string #Vimscript code
--- @return any #Output (non-error, non-shell |:!|) if `output` is true,
--- else empty string.
function vim.api.nvim_exec(src, output) end
-- Execute Lua code. Parameters (if any) are available as `...`
-- inside the chunk. The chunk can return a value.
--- @param args any[] #Arguments to the code
--- @param code string #Lua code to execute
--- @return any #Return value of Lua code if present or NIL.
function vim.api.nvim_exec_lua(code, args) end
-- Sends input-keys to Nvim, subject to various quirks controlled
-- by `mode` flags. This is a blocking call, unlike
-- |nvim_input()|.
--- @param mode string #behavior flags, see |feedkeys()|
--- @param escape_csi boolean #If true, escape K_SPECIAL/CSI bytes in
--- `keys`
--- @param keys string #to be typed
function vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(keys, mode, escape_csi) end
-- Gets the option information for all options.
--- @return any #dictionary of all options
function vim.api.nvim_get_all_options_info() end
-- Returns a 2-tuple (Array), where item 0 is the current channel
-- id and item 1 is the |api-metadata| map (Dictionary).
--- @return any #2-tuple [{channel-id}, {api-metadata}]
function vim.api.nvim_get_api_info() end
-- Get information about a channel.
--- @return any #Dictionary describing a channel, with these keys:
--- • "stream" the stream underlying the channel
--- • "stdio" stdin and stdout of this Nvim instance
--- • "stderr" stderr of this Nvim instance
--- • "socket" TCP/IP socket or named pipe
--- • "job" job with communication over its stdio
--- • "mode" how data received on the channel is interpreted
--- • "bytes" send and receive raw bytes
--- • "terminal" a |terminal| instance interprets ASCII
--- sequences
--- • "rpc" |RPC| communication on the channel is active
--- • "pty" Name of pseudoterminal, if one is used (optional).
--- On a POSIX system, this will be a device path like
--- /dev/pts/1. Even if the name is unknown, the key will
--- still be present to indicate a pty is used. This is
--- currently the case when using winpty on windows.
--- • "buffer" buffer with connected |terminal| instance
--- (optional)
--- • "client" information about the client on the other end
--- of the RPC channel, if it has added it using
--- |nvim_set_client_info()|. (optional)
function vim.api.nvim_get_chan_info(chan) end
-- Returns the 24-bit RGB value of a |nvim_get_color_map()| color
-- name or "#rrggbb" hexadecimal string.
--- @param name string #Color name or "#rrggbb" string
--- @return any #24-bit RGB value, or -1 for invalid argument.
function vim.api.nvim_get_color_by_name(name) end
-- Returns a map of color names and RGB values.
--- @return any #Map of color names and RGB values.
function vim.api.nvim_get_color_map() end
-- Gets a map of global (non-buffer-local) Ex commands.
--- @param opts dictionary #Optional parameters. Currently only supports
--- {"builtin":false}
--- @return any #Map of maps describing commands.
function vim.api.nvim_get_commands(opts) end
-- Gets a map of the current editor state.
--- @param opts dictionary #Optional parameters.
--- • types: List of |context-types| ("regs", "jumps",
--- "bufs", "gvars", …) to gather, or empty for
--- "all".
--- @return any #map of global |context|.
function vim.api.nvim_get_context(opts) end
-- Gets the current buffer.
--- @return any #Buffer handle
function vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() end
-- Sets the current buffer.
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle
function vim.api.nvim_set_current_buf(buffer) end
-- Gets the current line.
--- @return any #Current line string
function vim.api.nvim_get_current_line() end
-- Gets the current list of window handles.
--- @return any #List of window handles
function vim.api.nvim_list_wins() end
-- Gets the current tabpage.
--- @return any #Tabpage handle
function vim.api.nvim_get_current_tabpage() end
-- Gets the current window.
--- @return any #Window handle
function vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() end
-- Sets the current window.
--- @param window window #Window handle
function vim.api.nvim_set_current_win(window) end
-- Gets a highlight definition by id. |hlID()|
--- @param rgb boolean #Export RGB colors
--- @param hl_id integer #Highlight id as returned by |hlID()|
--- @return any #Highlight definition map
function vim.api.nvim_get_hl_by_id(hl_id, rgb) end
-- Creates a new, empty, unnamed buffer.
--- @param scratch boolean #Creates a "throwaway" |scratch-buffer| for
--- temporary work (always 'nomodified'). Also sets
--- 'nomodeline' on the buffer.
--- @param listed boolean #Sets 'buflisted'
--- @return any #Buffer handle, or 0 on error
function vim.api.nvim_create_buf(listed, scratch) end
-- Gets a highlight definition by name.
--- @param rgb boolean #Export RGB colors
--- @param name string #Highlight group name
--- @return any #Highlight definition map
function vim.api.nvim_get_hl_by_name(name, rgb) end
-- Open a terminal instance in a buffer
--- @param opts dictionary #Optional parameters. Reserved for future use.
--- @param buffer buffer #the buffer to use (expected to be empty)
--- @return any #Channel id, or 0 on error
function vim.api.nvim_open_term(buffer, opts) end
-- Gets a highlight group by name
function vim.api.nvim_get_hl_id_by_name(name) end
-- Send data to channel `id` . For a job, it writes it to the
-- stdin of the process. For the stdio channel |channel-stdio|,
-- it writes to Nvim's stdout. For an internal terminal instance
-- (|nvim_open_term()|) it writes directly to terimal output. See
-- |channel-bytes| for more information.
--- @param chan integer #id of the channel
--- @param data string #data to write. 8-bit clean: can contain NUL bytes.
function vim.api.nvim_chan_send(chan, data) end
-- Gets a list of global (non-buffer-local) |mapping|
-- definitions.
--- @param mode string #Mode short-name ("n", "i", "v", ...)
--- @return any #Array of maparg()-like dictionaries describing mappings.
--- The "buffer" key is always zero.
function vim.api.nvim_get_keymap(mode) end
-- Open a new window.
--- @param config dictionary #Map defining the window configuration. Keys:
--- • `relative`: Sets the window layout to "floating", placed
--- at (row,col) coordinates relative to:
--- • "editor" The global editor grid
--- • "win" Window given by the `win` field, or
--- current window.
--- • "cursor" Cursor position in current window.
-- Gets the current mode. |mode()| "blocking" is true if Nvim is
-- waiting for input.
--- @return any #Dictionary { "mode": String, "blocking": Boolean }
function vim.api.nvim_get_mode() end
-- Gets existing, non-anonymous namespaces.
--- @return any #dict that maps from names to namespace ids.
function vim.api.nvim_get_namespaces() end
-- Gets an option value string.
--- @param name string #Option name
--- @return any #Option value (global)
function vim.api.nvim_get_option(name) end
-- Gets the option information for one option
--- @param name string #Option name
--- @return any #Option Information
function vim.api.nvim_get_option_info(name) end
-- Gets info describing process `pid` .
--- @return any #Map of process properties, or NIL if process not found.
function vim.api.nvim_get_proc(pid) end
-- Gets the immediate children of process `pid` .
--- @return any #Array of child process ids, empty if process not found.
function vim.api.nvim_get_proc_children(pid) end
-- Find files in runtime directories
--- @param name string #pattern of files to search for
--- @param all boolean #whether to return all matches or only the first
--- @return any #list of absolute paths to the found files
function vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file(name, all) end
-- Gets a global (g:) variable.
--- @param name string #Variable name
--- @return any #Variable value
function vim.api.nvim_get_var(name) end
-- Gets a v: variable.
--- @param name string #Variable name
--- @return any #Variable value
function vim.api.nvim_get_vvar(name) end
-- Queues raw user-input. Unlike |nvim_feedkeys()|, this uses a
-- low-level input buffer and the call is non-blocking (input is
-- processed asynchronously by the eventloop).
--- @param keys string #to be typed
--- @return any #Number of bytes actually written (can be fewer than
--- requested if the buffer becomes full).
function vim.api.nvim_input(keys) end
-- Send mouse event from GUI.
--- @param modifier string #String of modifiers each represented by a
--- single char. The same specifiers are used as
--- for a key press, except that the "-" separator
--- is optional, so "C-A-", "c-a" and "CA" can all
--- be used to specify Ctrl+Alt+click.
--- @param action string #For ordinary buttons, one of "press", "drag",
--- "release". For the wheel, one of "up", "down",
--- "left", "right".
--- @param row integer #Mouse row-position (zero-based, like redraw
--- events)
--- @param col integer #Mouse column-position (zero-based, like redraw
--- events)
--- @param grid integer #Grid number if the client uses |ui-multigrid|,
--- else 0.
--- @param button string #Mouse button: one of "left", "right",
--- "middle", "wheel".
function vim.api.nvim_input_mouse(button, action, modifier, grid, row, col) end
-- Gets the current list of buffer handles
--- @return any #List of buffer handles
function vim.api.nvim_list_bufs() end
-- Get information about all open channels.
--- @return any #Array of Dictionaries, each describing a channel with the
--- format specified at |nvim_get_chan_info()|.
function vim.api.nvim_list_chans() end
-- Gets the paths contained in 'runtimepath'.
--- @return any #List of paths
function vim.api.nvim_list_runtime_paths() end
-- Gets the current list of tabpage handles.
--- @return any #List of tabpage handles
function vim.api.nvim_list_tabpages() end
-- Gets a list of dictionaries representing attached UIs.
--- @return any #Array of UI dictionaries, each with these keys:
--- • "height" Requested height of the UI
--- • "width" Requested width of the UI
--- • "rgb" true if the UI uses RGB colors (false implies
--- |cterm-colors|)
--- • "ext_..." Requested UI extensions, see |ui-option|
--- • "chan" Channel id of remote UI (not present for TUI)
--- • `win` : |window-ID| for relative="win".
--- • `anchor`: Decides which corner of the float to place
--- at (row,col):
--- • "NW" northwest (default)
--- • "NE" northeast
--- • "SW" southwest
--- • "SE" southeast
--- • `width` : Window width (in character cells).
--- Minimum of 1.
--- • `height` : Window height (in character cells).
--- Minimum of 1.
--- • `bufpos` : Places float relative to buffer
--- text (only when relative="win"). Takes a tuple
--- of zero-indexed [line, column]. `row` and
--- `col` if given are applied relative to this
--- position, else they default to `row=1` and
--- `col=0` (thus like a tooltip near the buffer
--- text).
--- • `row` : Row position in units of "screen cell
--- height", may be fractional.
--- • `col` : Column position in units of "screen
--- cell width", may be fractional.
--- • `focusable` : Enable focus by user actions
--- (wincmds, mouse events). Defaults to true.
--- Non-focusable windows can be entered by
--- |nvim_set_current_win()|.
--- • `external` : GUI should display the window as
--- an external top-level window. Currently
--- accepts no other positioning configuration
--- together with this.
--- • `style`: Configure the appearance of the window.
--- Currently only takes one non-empty value:
--- • "minimal" Nvim will display the window with
--- many UI options disabled. This is useful
--- when displaying a temporary float where the
--- text should not be edited. Disables
--- 'number', 'relativenumber', 'cursorline',
--- 'cursorcolumn', 'foldcolumn', 'spell' and
--- 'list' options. 'signcolumn' is changed to
--- `auto` and 'colorcolumn' is cleared. The
--- end-of-buffer region is hidden by setting
--- `eob` flag of 'fillchars' to a space char,
--- and clearing the |EndOfBuffer| region in
--- 'winhighlight'.
--- • `border`: style of (optional) window border. This can
--- either be a string or an array. the string
--- values are:
--- • "none" No border. This is the default
--- • "single" a single line box
--- • "double" a double line box
--- • "shadow" a drop shadow effect by blending
--- with the background. If it is an array it
--- should be an array of eight items or any
--- divisor of eight. The array will specifify
--- the eight chars building up the border in a
--- clockwise fashion starting with the top-left
--- corner. As, an example, the double box style
--- could be specified as: [ "╔", "═" ,"╗", "║",
--- "╝", "═", "╚", "║" ] if the number of chars
--- are less than eight, they will be repeated.
--- Thus an ASCII border could be specified as:
--- [ "/", "-", "\\", "|" ] or all chars the
--- same as: [ "x" ] An empty string can be used
--- to turn off a specific border, for instance:
--- [ "", "", "", ">", "", "", "", "<" ] will
--- only make vertical borders but not
--- horizontal ones. By default `FloatBorder`
--- highlight is used which links to `VertSplit`
--- when not defined. It could also be specified
--- by character: [ {"+", "MyCorner"}, {"x",
--- "MyBorder"} ]
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer to display, or 0 for current buffer
--- @param enter boolean #Enter the window (make it the current window)
--- @return any #Window handle, or 0 on error
function vim.api.nvim_open_win(buffer, enter, config) end
function vim.api.nvim_list_uis() end

View File

@ -1,145 +1,128 @@
--# selene: allow(unused_variable)
---@diagnostic disable: unused-local
-- Gets the current list of tabpage handles.
--- @return any #List of tabpage handles
function vim.api.nvim_list_tabpages() end
-- Gets the current list of window handles.
--- @return any #List of window handles
function vim.api.nvim_list_wins() end
-- Gets the current tabpage.
--- @return any #Tabpage handle
function vim.api.nvim_get_current_tabpage() end
-- Sets the current editor state from the given |context| map.
--- @param dict dictionary #|Context| map.
function vim.api.nvim_load_context(dict) end
-- Sets the current tabpage.
--- @param tabpage tabpage #Tabpage handle
function vim.api.nvim_set_current_tabpage(tabpage) end
-- Notify the user with a message
--- @param log_level integer #The log level
--- @param msg string #Message to display to the user
--- @param opts dictionary #Reserved for future use.
function vim.api.nvim_notify(msg, log_level, opts) end
-- Creates a new namespace, or gets an existing one.
--- @param name string #Namespace name or empty string
--- @return any #Namespace id
function vim.api.nvim_create_namespace(name) end
-- Open a terminal instance in a buffer
--- @param buffer buffer #the buffer to use (expected to be empty)
--- @param opts dictionary #Optional parameters. Reserved for future use.
--- @return any #Channel id, or 0 on error
function vim.api.nvim_open_term(buffer, opts) end
-- Gets existing, non-anonymous namespaces.
--- @return any #dict that maps from names to namespace ids.
function vim.api.nvim_get_namespaces() end
-- Pastes at cursor, in any mode.
--- @param phase integer #-1: paste in a single call (i.e. without
--- streaming). To "stream" a paste, call `nvim_paste` sequentially with these `phase` values:
--- • 1: starts the paste (exactly once)
--- • 2: continues the paste (zero or more times)
--- • 3: ends the paste (exactly once)
--- @param data string #Multiline input. May be binary (containing NUL
--- bytes).
--- @param crlf boolean #Also break lines at CR and CRLF.
--- @return any #
--- • true: Client may continue pasting.
--- • false: Client must cancel the paste.
-- Open a new window.
--- @param enter boolean #Enter the window (make it the current window)
--- @param config dictionary #Map defining the window configuration. Keys:
--- • `relative`: Sets the window layout to "floating", placed
--- at (row,col) coordinates relative to:
--- • "editor" The global editor grid
--- • "win" Window given by the `win` field, or
--- current window.
--- • "cursor" Cursor position in current window.
function vim.api.nvim_paste(data, crlf, phase) end
-- Puts text at cursor, in any mode.
--- @param lines string[] #|readfile()|-style list of lines.
--- |channel-lines|
--- @param type string #Edit behavior: any |getregtype()| result, or:
--- • "b" |blockwise-visual| mode (may include
--- width, e.g. "b3")
--- • "c" |charwise| mode
--- • "l" |linewise| mode
--- • "" guess by contents, see |setreg()|
--- @param after boolean #If true insert after cursor (like |p|), or
--- before (like |P|).
--- @param follow boolean #If true place cursor at end of inserted text.
function vim.api.nvim_put(lines, type, after, follow) end
-- Returns the 24-bit RGB value of a |nvim_get_color_map()| color
-- name or "#rrggbb" hexadecimal string.
--- @param name string #Color name or "#rrggbb" string
--- @return any #24-bit RGB value, or -1 for invalid argument.
function vim.api.nvim_get_color_by_name(name) end
-- Returns a map of color names and RGB values.
--- @return any #Map of color names and RGB values.
function vim.api.nvim_get_color_map() end
-- Gets a map of the current editor state.
--- @param opts dictionary #Optional parameters.
--- • types: List of |context-types| ("regs", "jumps",
--- "bufs", "gvars", …) to gather, or empty for
--- "all".
--- @return any #map of global |context|.
function vim.api.nvim_get_context(opts) end
-- Tells Nvim the number of elements displaying in the popumenu,
-- to decide <PageUp> and <PageDown> movement.
--- @param height integer #Popupmenu height, must be greater than zero.
function vim.api.nvim_ui_pum_set_height(height) end
-- Gets the current mode. |mode()| "blocking" is true if Nvim is
-- waiting for input.
--- @return any #Dictionary { "mode": String, "blocking": Boolean }
function vim.api.nvim_get_mode() end
-- Gets a list of global (non-buffer-local) |mapping|
-- definitions.
--- @param mode string #Mode short-name ("n", "i", "v", ...)
--- @return any #Array of maparg()-like dictionaries describing mappings.
--- The "buffer" key is always zero.
function vim.api.nvim_get_keymap(mode) end
-- Sets a global |mapping| for the given mode.
--- @param opts dictionary #Optional parameters map. Accepts all
--- |:map-arguments| as keys excluding |<buffer>| but
--- including |noremap|. Values are Booleans. Unknown
--- key is an error.
--- @param rhs string #Right-hand-side |{rhs}| of the mapping.
--- @param lhs string #Left-hand-side |{lhs}| of the mapping.
--- @param mode string #Mode short-name (map command prefix: "n", "i",
--- "v", "x", …) or "!" for |:map!|, or empty string
--- for |:map|.
function vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, lhs, rhs, opts) end
-- Unmaps a global |mapping| for the given mode.
function vim.api.nvim_del_keymap(mode, lhs) end
-- Gets a map of global (non-buffer-local) Ex commands.
--- @param opts dictionary #Optional parameters. Currently only supports
--- {"builtin":false}
--- @return any #Map of maps describing commands.
function vim.api.nvim_get_commands(opts) end
-- Get information about a channel.
--- @return any #Dictionary describing a channel, with these keys:
--- • "stream" the stream underlying the channel
--- • "stdio" stdin and stdout of this Nvim instance
--- • "stderr" stderr of this Nvim instance
--- • "socket" TCP/IP socket or named pipe
--- • "job" job with communication over its stdio
--- • `win` : |window-ID| for relative="win".
--- • `anchor`: Decides which corner of the float to place
--- at (row,col):
--- • "NW" northwest (default)
--- • "NE" northeast
--- • "SW" southwest
--- • "SE" southeast
--- • "mode" how data received on the channel is interpreted
--- • "bytes" send and receive raw bytes
--- • "terminal" a |terminal| instance interprets ASCII
--- sequences
--- • "rpc" |RPC| communication on the channel is active
--- • `width` : Window width (in character cells).
--- Minimum of 1.
--- • `height` : Window height (in character cells).
--- Minimum of 1.
--- • `bufpos` : Places float relative to buffer
--- text (only when relative="win"). Takes a tuple
--- of zero-indexed [line, column]. `row` and
--- `col` if given are applied relative to this
--- position, else they default to `row=1` and
--- `col=0` (thus like a tooltip near the buffer
--- text).
--- • `row` : Row position in units of "screen cell
--- height", may be fractional.
--- • `col` : Column position in units of "screen
--- cell width", may be fractional.
--- • `focusable` : Enable focus by user actions
--- (wincmds, mouse events). Defaults to true.
--- Non-focusable windows can be entered by
--- |nvim_set_current_win()|.
--- • `external` : GUI should display the window as
--- an external top-level window. Currently
--- accepts no other positioning configuration
--- together with this.
--- • `style`: Configure the appearance of the window.
--- Currently only takes one non-empty value:
--- • "minimal" Nvim will display the window with
--- many UI options disabled. This is useful
--- when displaying a temporary float where the
--- text should not be edited. Disables
--- 'number', 'relativenumber', 'cursorline',
--- 'cursorcolumn', 'foldcolumn', 'spell' and
--- 'list' options. 'signcolumn' is changed to
--- `auto` and 'colorcolumn' is cleared. The
--- end-of-buffer region is hidden by setting
--- `eob` flag of 'fillchars' to a space char,
--- and clearing the |EndOfBuffer| region in
--- 'winhighlight'.
--- • "pty" Name of pseudoterminal, if one is used (optional).
--- On a POSIX system, this will be a device path like
--- /dev/pts/1. Even if the name is unknown, the key will
--- still be present to indicate a pty is used. This is
--- currently the case when using winpty on windows.
--- • "buffer" buffer with connected |terminal| instance
--- (optional)
--- • "client" information about the client on the other end
--- of the RPC channel, if it has added it using
--- |nvim_set_client_info()|. (optional)
function vim.api.nvim_get_chan_info(chan) end
--- • `border`: style of (optional) window border. This can
--- either be a string or an array. the string
--- values are:
--- • "none" No border. This is the default
--- • "single" a single line box
--- • "double" a double line box
--- • "shadow" a drop shadow effect by blending
--- with the background. If it is an array it
--- should be an array of eight items or any
--- divisor of eight. The array will specifify
--- the eight chars building up the border in a
--- clockwise fashion starting with the top-left
--- corner. As, an example, the double box style
--- could be specified as: [ "╔", "═" ,"╗", "║",
--- "╝", "═", "╚", "║" ] if the number of chars
--- are less than eight, they will be repeated.
--- Thus an ASCII border could be specified as:
--- [ "/", "-", "\\", "|" ] or all chars the
--- same as: [ "x" ] An empty string can be used
--- to turn off a specific border, for instance:
--- [ "", "", "", ">", "", "", "", "<" ] will
--- only make vertical borders but not
--- horizontal ones. By default `FloatBorder`
--- highlight is used which links to `VertSplit`
--- when not defined. It could also be specified
--- by character: [ {"+", "MyCorner"}, {"x",
--- "MyBorder"} ]
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer to display, or 0 for current buffer
--- @return any #Window handle, or 0 on error
function vim.api.nvim_open_win(buffer, enter, config) end
-- Get information about all open channels.
--- @return any #Array of Dictionaries, each describing a channel with the
--- format specified at |nvim_get_chan_info()|.
function vim.api.nvim_list_chans() end
-- Writes a message to the Vim output buffer. Does not append
-- "\n", the message is buffered (won't display) until a linefeed
-- is written.
--- @param str string #Message
function vim.api.nvim_out_write(str) end
-- Parse a VimL expression.
--- @param highlight boolean #If true, return value will also include
--- "highlight" key containing array of 4-tuples
--- (arrays) (Integer, Integer, Integer, String),
--- where first three numbers define the
--- highlighted region and represent line,
--- starting column and ending column (latter
--- exclusive: one should highlight region
--- [start_col, end_col)).
--- @param flags string #Flags:
--- • "m" if multiple expressions in a row are
--- allowed (only the first one will be
@ -156,14 +139,6 @@ function vim.api.nvim_list_chans() end
--- • "E" to parse like for "<C-r>=".
--- • empty string for ":call".
--- • "lm" to parse for ":let".
--- @param highlight boolean #If true, return value will also include
--- "highlight" key containing array of 4-tuples
--- (arrays) (Integer, Integer, Integer, String),
--- where first three numbers define the
--- highlighted region and represent line,
--- starting column and ending column (latter
--- exclusive: one should highlight region
--- [start_col, end_col)).
--- @param expr string #Expression to parse. Always treated as a
--- single line.
--- @return any #

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@ -1,237 +1,57 @@
--# selene: allow(unused_variable)
---@diagnostic disable: unused-local
-- Returns object given as argument.
--- @param obj object #Object to return.
--- @return any #its argument.
function vim.api.nvim__id(obj) end
-- Pastes at cursor, in any mode.
--- @param data string #Multiline input. May be binary (containing NUL
--- bytes).
--- @param phase integer #-1: paste in a single call (i.e. without
--- streaming). To "stream" a paste, call `nvim_paste` sequentially with these `phase` values:
--- • 1: starts the paste (exactly once)
--- • 2: continues the paste (zero or more times)
--- • 3: ends the paste (exactly once)
--- @param crlf boolean #Also break lines at CR and CRLF.
--- @return any #
--- • true: Client may continue pasting.
--- • false: Client must cancel the paste.
function vim.api.nvim_paste(data, crlf, phase) end
-- Returns array given as argument.
--- @param arr array #Array to return.
--- @return any #its argument.
function vim.api.nvim__id_array(arr) end
-- Puts text at cursor, in any mode.
--- @param after boolean #If true insert after cursor (like |p|), or
--- before (like |P|).
--- @param type string #Edit behavior: any |getregtype()| result, or:
--- • "b" |blockwise-visual| mode (may include
--- width, e.g. "b3")
--- • "c" |charwise| mode
--- • "l" |linewise| mode
--- • "" guess by contents, see |setreg()|
--- @param lines string[] #|readfile()|-style list of lines.
--- |channel-lines|
--- @param follow boolean #If true place cursor at end of inserted text.
function vim.api.nvim_put(lines, type, after, follow) end
-- Returns dictionary given as argument.
--- @param dct dictionary #Dictionary to return.
--- @return any #its argument.
function vim.api.nvim__id_dictionary(dct) end
-- Returns floating-point value given as argument.
--- @param flt float #Value to return.
--- @return any #its argument.
function vim.api.nvim__id_float(flt) end
-- Gets internal stats.
--- @return any #Map of various internal stats.
function vim.api.nvim__stats() end
-- Deactivates UI events on the channel.
function vim.api.nvim_ui_detach() end
-- Gets the immediate children of process `pid` .
--- @return any #Array of child process ids, empty if process not found.
function vim.api.nvim_get_proc_children(pid) end
-- Gets info describing process `pid` .
--- @return any #Map of process properties, or NIL if process not found.
function vim.api.nvim_get_proc(pid) end
-- Replaces terminal codes and |keycodes| (<CR>, <Esc>, ...) in a
-- string with the internal representation.
--- @param str string #String to be converted.
--- @param special boolean #Replace |keycodes|, e.g. <CR> becomes a "\n"
--- char.
--- @param from_part boolean #Legacy Vim parameter. Usually true.
--- @param do_lt boolean #Also translate <lt>. Ignored if `special` is
--- false.
function vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(str, from_part, do_lt, special) end
-- Selects an item in the completion popupmenu.
--- @param finish boolean #Finish the completion and dismiss the popupmenu.
--- Implies `insert` .
--- @param insert boolean #Whether the selection should be inserted in the
--- buffer.
--- @param item integer #Index (zero-based) of the item to select. Value
--- of -1 selects nothing and restores the original
--- text.
--- @param finish boolean #Finish the completion and dismiss the popupmenu.
--- Implies `insert` .
--- @param opts dictionary #Optional parameters. Reserved for future use.
--- @param insert boolean #Whether the selection should be inserted in the
--- buffer.
function vim.api.nvim_select_popupmenu_item(item, insert, finish, opts) end
-- NB: if your UI doesn't use hlstate, this will not return
-- hlstate first time.
function vim.api.nvim__inspect_cell(grid, row, col) end
function vim.api.nvim__screenshot(path) end
-- Set or change decoration provider for a namespace
--- @param opts dictionaryof(luaref) #Callbacks invoked during redraw:
--- • on_start: called first on each screen redraw
--- ["start", tick]
--- • on_buf: called for each buffer being redrawn
--- (before window callbacks) ["buf", bufnr, tick]
--- • on_win: called when starting to redraw a
--- specific window. ["win", winid, bufnr, topline,
--- botline_guess]
--- • on_line: called for each buffer line being
--- redrawn. (The interation with fold lines is
--- subject to change) ["win", winid, bufnr, row]
--- • on_end: called at the end of a redraw cycle
--- ["end", tick]
--- @param ns_id integer #Namespace id from |nvim_create_namespace()|
function vim.api.nvim_set_decoration_provider(ns_id, opts) end
-- Returns a 2-tuple (Array), where item 0 is the current channel
-- id and item 1 is the |api-metadata| map (Dictionary).
--- @return any #2-tuple [{channel-id}, {api-metadata}]
function vim.api.nvim_get_api_info() end
-- Sets the current buffer in a window, without side-effects
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle
function vim.api.nvim_win_set_buf(window, buffer) end
-- Gets the (1,0)-indexed cursor position in the window.
-- |api-indexing|
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @return any #(row, col) tuple
function vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(window) end
-- Sets the (1,0)-indexed cursor position in the window.
-- |api-indexing|
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @param pos arrayof(integer, 2) #(row, col) tuple representing the new position
function vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(window, pos) end
-- Gets the window height
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @return any #Height as a count of rows
function vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(window) end
-- Sets the window height. This will only succeed if the screen
-- is split horizontally.
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @param height integer #Height as a count of rows
function vim.api.nvim_win_set_height(window, height) end
-- Gets the window width
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @return any #Width as a count of columns
function vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(window) end
-- Sets the window width. This will only succeed if the screen is
-- split vertically.
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @param width integer #Width as a count of columns
function vim.api.nvim_win_set_width(window, width) end
-- Gets a window-scoped (w:) variable
--- @param name string #Variable name
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @return any #Variable value
function vim.api.nvim_win_get_var(window, name) end
-- Sets a window-scoped (w:) variable
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @param name string #Variable name
--- @param value object #Variable value
function vim.api.nvim_win_set_var(window, name, value) end
-- Removes a window-scoped (w:) variable
--- @param name string #Variable name
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
function vim.api.nvim_win_del_var(window, name) end
-- Gets a window option value
--- @param name string #Option name
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @return any #Option value
function vim.api.nvim_win_get_option(window, name) end
-- Sets a window option value. Passing 'nil' as value deletes the
-- option(only works if there's a global fallback)
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @param name string #Option name
--- @param value object #Option value
function vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(window, name, value) end
-- Gets the window position in display cells. First position is
-- zero.
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @return any #(row, col) tuple with the window position
function vim.api.nvim_win_get_position(window) end
-- Gets the window tabpage
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @return any #Tabpage that contains the window
function vim.api.nvim_win_get_tabpage(window) end
-- Gets the window number
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @return any #Window number
function vim.api.nvim_win_get_number(window) end
-- Checks if a window is valid
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @return any #true if the window is valid, false otherwise
function vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(window) end
function vim.api.nvim_ui_try_resize(width, height) end
-- Subscribes to event broadcasts.
--- @param event string #Event type string
function vim.api.nvim_subscribe(event) end
-- Calls many API methods atomically.
--- @param calls array #an array of calls, where each call is described
--- by an array with two elements: the request name,
--- and an array of arguments.
--- @return any #Array of two elements. The first is an array of return
--- values. The second is NIL if all calls succeeded. If a
--- call resulted in an error, it is a three-element array
--- with the zero-based index of the call which resulted in an
--- error, the error type and the error message. If an error
--- occurred, the values from all preceding calls will still
--- be returned.
function vim.api.nvim_call_atomic(calls) end
-- Tells Nvim the geometry of the popumenu, to align floating
-- windows with an external popup menu.
--- @param width float #Popupmenu width.
--- @param height float #Popupmenu height.
--- @param row float #Popupmenu row.
--- @param col float #Popupmenu height.
function vim.api.nvim_ui_pum_set_bounds(width, height, row, col) end
-- Unsubscribes to event broadcasts.
--- @param event string #Event type string
function vim.api.nvim_unsubscribe(event) end
-- Execute Lua code. Parameters (if any) are available as `...`
-- inside the chunk. The chunk can return a value.
--- @param args any[] #Arguments to the code
--- @param code string #Lua code to execute
--- @return any #Return value of Lua code if present or NIL.
function vim.api.nvim_exec_lua(code, args) end
-- Configures window layout. Currently only for floating and
-- external windows (including changing a split window to those
-- layouts).
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @param config dictionary #Map defining the window configuration, see
--- |nvim_open_win()|
function vim.api.nvim_win_set_config(window, config) end
-- Deletes the buffer. See |:bwipeout|
--- @param opts dictionary #Optional parameters. Keys:
--- • force: Force deletion and ignore unsaved
--- changes.
--- • unload: Unloaded only, do not delete. See
--- |:bunload|
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
function vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(buffer, opts) end
-- Self-identifies the client.
--- @param version dictionary #Dictionary describing the version, with
--- these (optional) keys:
--- • "major" major version (defaults to 0 if
--- not set, for no release yet)
--- • "minor" minor version
--- • "patch" patch number
--- • "prerelease" string describing a
--- prerelease, like "dev" or "beta1"
--- • "commit" hash or similar identifier of
--- commit
--- @param name string #Short name for the connected client
--- @param methods dictionary #Builtin methods in the client. For a host,
--- this does not include plugin methods which
--- will be discovered later. The key should be
@ -247,6 +67,17 @@ function vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(buffer, opts) end
--- • "nargs" Number of arguments. Could be a
--- single integer or an array of two
--- integers, minimum and maximum inclusive.
--- @param name string #Short name for the connected client
--- @param version dictionary #Dictionary describing the version, with
--- these (optional) keys:
--- • "major" major version (defaults to 0 if
--- not set, for no release yet)
--- • "minor" minor version
--- • "patch" patch number
--- • "prerelease" string describing a
--- prerelease, like "dev" or "beta1"
--- • "commit" hash or similar identifier of
--- commit
--- @param attributes dictionary #Arbitrary string:string map of informal
--- client properties. Suggested keys:
--- • "website": Client homepage URL (e.g.
@ -269,3 +100,129 @@ function vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(buffer, opts) end
--- • "plugin" single plugin, started by nvim
function vim.api.nvim_set_client_info(name, version, type, methods, attributes) end
-- Sets the current buffer.
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle
function vim.api.nvim_set_current_buf(buffer) end
-- Changes the global working directory.
--- @param dir string #Directory path
function vim.api.nvim_set_current_dir(dir) end
-- Sets the current line.
--- @param line string #Line contents
function vim.api.nvim_set_current_line(line) end
-- Sets the current tabpage.
--- @param tabpage tabpage #Tabpage handle
function vim.api.nvim_set_current_tabpage(tabpage) end
-- Sets the current window.
--- @param window window #Window handle
function vim.api.nvim_set_current_win(window) end
-- Set or change decoration provider for a namespace
--- @param ns_id integer #Namespace id from |nvim_create_namespace()|
--- @param opts dictionaryof(luaref) #Callbacks invoked during redraw:
--- • on_start: called first on each screen redraw
--- ["start", tick]
--- • on_buf: called for each buffer being redrawn
--- (before window callbacks) ["buf", bufnr, tick]
--- • on_win: called when starting to redraw a
--- specific window. ["win", winid, bufnr, topline,
--- botline_guess]
--- • on_line: called for each buffer line being
--- redrawn. (The interation with fold lines is
--- subject to change) ["win", winid, bufnr, row]
--- • on_end: called at the end of a redraw cycle
--- ["end", tick]
function vim.api.nvim_set_decoration_provider(ns_id, opts) end
-- Set a highlight group.
--- @param name string #highlight group name, like ErrorMsg
--- @param val dictionary #highlight definiton map, like
--- |nvim_get_hl_by_name|. in addition the following
--- keys are also recognized: `default` : don't
--- override existing definition, like `hi default`
--- @param ns_id integer #number of namespace for this highlight
function vim.api.nvim_set_hl(ns_id, name, val) end
-- Sets a global |mapping| for the given mode.
--- @param lhs string #Left-hand-side |{lhs}| of the mapping.
--- @param rhs string #Right-hand-side |{rhs}| of the mapping.
--- @param mode string #Mode short-name (map command prefix: "n", "i",
--- "v", "x", …) or "!" for |:map!|, or empty string
--- for |:map|.
--- @param opts dictionary #Optional parameters map. Accepts all
--- |:map-arguments| as keys excluding |<buffer>| but
--- including |noremap|. Values are Booleans. Unknown
--- key is an error.
function vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, lhs, rhs, opts) end
-- Sets an option value.
--- @param value object #New option value
--- @param name string #Option name
function vim.api.nvim_set_option(name, value) end
-- Sets a global (g:) variable.
--- @param value object #Variable value
--- @param name string #Variable name
function vim.api.nvim_set_var(name, value) end
-- Sets a v: variable, if it is not readonly.
--- @param value object #Variable value
--- @param name string #Variable name
function vim.api.nvim_set_vvar(name, value) end
-- Calculates the number of display cells occupied by `text` .
-- <Tab> counts as one cell.
--- @param text string #Some text
--- @return any #Number of cells
function vim.api.nvim_strwidth(text) end
-- Subscribes to event broadcasts.
--- @param event string #Event type string
function vim.api.nvim_subscribe(event) end
-- Removes a tab-scoped (t:) variable
--- @param tabpage tabpage #Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
--- @param name string #Variable name
function vim.api.nvim_tabpage_del_var(tabpage, name) end
-- Gets the tabpage number
--- @param tabpage tabpage #Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
--- @return any #Tabpage number
function vim.api.nvim_tabpage_get_number(tabpage) end
-- Gets a tab-scoped (t:) variable
--- @param tabpage tabpage #Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
--- @param name string #Variable name
--- @return any #Variable value
function vim.api.nvim_tabpage_get_var(tabpage, name) end
-- Gets the current window in a tabpage
--- @param tabpage tabpage #Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
--- @return any #Window handle
function vim.api.nvim_tabpage_get_win(tabpage) end
-- Checks if a tabpage is valid
--- @param tabpage tabpage #Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
--- @return any #true if the tabpage is valid, false otherwise
function vim.api.nvim_tabpage_is_valid(tabpage) end
-- Gets the windows in a tabpage
--- @param tabpage tabpage #Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
--- @return any #List of windows in `tabpage`
function vim.api.nvim_tabpage_list_wins(tabpage) end
-- Sets a tab-scoped (t:) variable
--- @param name string #Variable name
--- @param tabpage tabpage #Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
--- @param value object #Variable value
function vim.api.nvim_tabpage_set_var(tabpage, name, value) end
-- Activates UI events on the channel.
--- @param height integer #Requested screen rows
--- @param options dictionary #|ui-option| map
--- @param width integer #Requested screen columns
function vim.api.nvim_ui_attach(width, height, options) end

View File

@ -1,45 +1,157 @@
--# selene: allow(unused_variable)
---@diagnostic disable: unused-local
-- Sets the current editor state from the given |context| map.
--- @param dict dictionary #|Context| map.
function vim.api.nvim_load_context(dict) end
-- Deactivates UI events on the channel.
function vim.api.nvim_ui_detach() end
-- Checks if a buffer is valid.
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @return any #true if the buffer is valid, false otherwise.
function vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(buffer) end
-- Tells Nvim the geometry of the popumenu, to align floating
-- windows with an external popup menu.
--- @param row float #Popupmenu row.
--- @param col float #Popupmenu height.
--- @param width float #Popupmenu width.
--- @param height float #Popupmenu height.
function vim.api.nvim_ui_pum_set_bounds(width, height, row, col) end
-- Sets a global (g:) variable.
-- Tells Nvim the number of elements displaying in the popumenu,
-- to decide <PageUp> and <PageDown> movement.
--- @param height integer #Popupmenu height, must be greater than zero.
function vim.api.nvim_ui_pum_set_height(height) end
function vim.api.nvim_ui_set_option(name, value, error) end
function vim.api.nvim_ui_try_resize(width, height) end
-- Tell Nvim to resize a grid. Triggers a grid_resize event with
-- the requested grid size or the maximum size if it exceeds size
-- limits.
--- @param height integer #The new requested height.
--- @param width integer #The new requested width.
--- @param grid integer #The handle of the grid to be changed.
function vim.api.nvim_ui_try_resize_grid(grid, width, height) end
-- Unsubscribes to event broadcasts.
--- @param event string #Event type string
function vim.api.nvim_unsubscribe(event) end
-- Closes the window (like |:close| with a |window-ID|).
--- @param force boolean #Behave like `:close!` The last window of a
--- buffer with unwritten changes can be closed. The
--- buffer will become hidden, even if 'hidden' is
--- not set.
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
function vim.api.nvim_win_close(window, force) end
-- Removes a window-scoped (w:) variable
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @param name string #Variable name
--- @param value object #Variable value
function vim.api.nvim_set_var(name, value) end
-- Checks if a buffer is valid and loaded. See |api-buffer| for
-- more info about unloaded buffers.
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @return any #true if the buffer is valid and loaded, false otherwise.
function vim.api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(buffer) end
-- Gets a highlight definition by name.
--- @param name string #Highlight group name
--- @param rgb boolean #Export RGB colors
--- @return any #Highlight definition map
function vim.api.nvim_get_hl_by_name(name, rgb) end
-- Gets a list of dictionaries representing attached UIs.
--- @return any #Array of UI dictionaries, each with these keys:
--- • "height" Requested height of the UI
--- • "width" Requested width of the UI
--- • "rgb" true if the UI uses RGB colors (false implies
--- |cterm-colors|)
--- • "ext_..." Requested UI extensions, see |ui-option|
--- • "chan" Channel id of remote UI (not present for TUI)
function vim.api.nvim_list_uis() end
function vim.api.nvim_win_del_var(window, name) end
-- Gets the current buffer in a window
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @return any #Buffer handle
function vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(window) end
-- Gets window configuration.
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @return any #Map defining the window configuration, see
--- |nvim_open_win()|
function vim.api.nvim_win_get_config(window) end
-- Gets the (1,0)-indexed cursor position in the window.
-- |api-indexing|
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @return any #(row, col) tuple
function vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(window) end
-- Gets the window height
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @return any #Height as a count of rows
function vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(window) end
-- Gets the window number
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @return any #Window number
function vim.api.nvim_win_get_number(window) end
-- Gets a window option value
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @param name string #Option name
--- @return any #Option value
function vim.api.nvim_win_get_option(window, name) end
-- Gets the window position in display cells. First position is
-- zero.
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @return any #(row, col) tuple with the window position
function vim.api.nvim_win_get_position(window) end
-- Gets the window tabpage
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @return any #Tabpage that contains the window
function vim.api.nvim_win_get_tabpage(window) end
-- Gets a window-scoped (w:) variable
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @param name string #Variable name
--- @return any #Variable value
function vim.api.nvim_win_get_var(window, name) end
-- Gets the window width
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @return any #Width as a count of columns
function vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(window) end
-- Closes the window and hide the buffer it contains (like
-- |:hide| with a |window-ID|).
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
function vim.api.nvim_win_hide(window) end
-- Checks if a window is valid
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @return any #true if the window is valid, false otherwise
function vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(window) end
-- Sets the current buffer in a window, without side-effects
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
function vim.api.nvim_win_set_buf(window, buffer) end
-- Configures window layout. Currently only for floating and
-- external windows (including changing a split window to those
-- layouts).
--- @param config dictionary #Map defining the window configuration, see
--- |nvim_open_win()|
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
function vim.api.nvim_win_set_config(window, config) end
-- Sets the (1,0)-indexed cursor position in the window.
-- |api-indexing|
--- @param pos arrayof(integer, 2) #(row, col) tuple representing the new position
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
function vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(window, pos) end
-- Sets the window height. This will only succeed if the screen
-- is split horizontally.
--- @param height integer #Height as a count of rows
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
function vim.api.nvim_win_set_height(window, height) end
-- Sets a window option value. Passing 'nil' as value deletes the
-- option(only works if there's a global fallback)
--- @param name string #Option name
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @param value object #Option value
function vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(window, name, value) end
-- Sets a window-scoped (w:) variable
--- @param name string #Variable name
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @param value object #Variable value
function vim.api.nvim_win_set_var(window, name, value) end
-- Sets the window width. This will only succeed if the screen is
-- split vertically.
--- @param width integer #Width as a count of columns
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
function vim.api.nvim_win_set_width(window, width) end

View File

@ -1,24 +1,60 @@
--# selene: allow(unused_variable)
---@diagnostic disable: unused-local
-- Tell Nvim to resize a grid. Triggers a grid_resize event with
-- the requested grid size or the maximum size if it exceeds size
-- limits.
--- @param width integer #The new requested width.
--- @param grid integer #The handle of the grid to be changed.
--- @param height integer #The new requested height.
function vim.api.nvim_ui_try_resize_grid(grid, width, height) end
function vim.api.nvim__buf_redraw_range(buffer, first, last) end
-- Deactivates buffer-update events on the channel.
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @return any #False if detach failed (because the buffer isn't loaded);
--- otherwise True.
function vim.api.nvim_buf_detach(buffer) end
function vim.api.nvim__buf_stats(buffer) end
-- Gets the buffer line count
function vim.api.nvim__get_hl_defs(ns_id) end
function vim.api.nvim__get_lib_dir() end
-- Returns object given as argument.
--- @param obj object #Object to return.
--- @return any #its argument.
function vim.api.nvim__id(obj) end
-- Returns array given as argument.
--- @param arr array #Array to return.
--- @return any #its argument.
function vim.api.nvim__id_array(arr) end
-- Returns dictionary given as argument.
--- @param dct dictionary #Dictionary to return.
--- @return any #its argument.
function vim.api.nvim__id_dictionary(dct) end
-- Returns floating-point value given as argument.
--- @param flt float #Value to return.
--- @return any #its argument.
function vim.api.nvim__id_float(flt) end
-- NB: if your UI doesn't use hlstate, this will not return
-- hlstate first time.
function vim.api.nvim__inspect_cell(grid, row, col) end
function vim.api.nvim__screenshot(path) end
-- Set active namespace for highlights.
--- @param ns_id integer #the namespace to activate
function vim.api.nvim__set_hl_ns(ns_id) end
-- Gets internal stats.
--- @return any #Map of various internal stats.
function vim.api.nvim__stats() end
-- Adds a highlight to buffer.
--- @param col_start integer #Start of (byte-indexed) column range to
--- highlight
--- @param col_end integer #End of (byte-indexed) column range to
--- highlight, or -1 to highlight to end of line
--- @param ns_id integer #namespace to use or -1 for ungrouped
--- highlight
--- @param hl_group string #Name of the highlight group to use
--- @param line integer #Line to highlight (zero-indexed)
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @return any #Line count, or 0 for unloaded buffer. |api-buffer|
function vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(buffer) end
--- @return any #The ns_id that was used
function vim.api.nvim_buf_add_highlight(buffer, ns_id, hl_group, line, col_start, col_end) end
-- Activates buffer-update events on a channel, or as Lua
-- callbacks.
@ -90,52 +126,91 @@ function vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(buffer) end
--- loaded); otherwise True. TODO: LUA_API_NO_EVAL
function vim.api.nvim_buf_attach(buffer, send_buffer, opts) end
function vim.api.nvim__buf_redraw_range(buffer, first, last) end
-- Gets a line-range from the buffer.
--- @param _end integer #Last line index (exclusive)
--- @param start integer #First line index
--- @param strict_indexing boolean #Whether out-of-bounds should be an
--- error.
-- call a function with buffer as temporary current buffer
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @return any #Array of lines, or empty array for unloaded buffer.
function vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(buffer, start, _end, strict_indexing) end
--- @param fun luaref #Function to call inside the buffer (currently
--- lua callable only)
--- @return any #Return value of function. NB: will deepcopy lua values
--- currently, use upvalues to send lua references in and out.
function vim.api.nvim_buf_call(buffer, fun) end
-- Sets (replaces) a line-range in the buffer.
--- @param strict_indexing boolean #Whether out-of-bounds should be an
--- error.
--- @param replacement string[] #Array of lines to use as replacement
--- @param start integer #First line index
-- Clears namespaced objects (highlights, extmarks, virtual text)
-- from a region.
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @param _end integer #Last line index (exclusive)
function vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(buffer, start, _end, strict_indexing, replacement) end
--- @param line_start integer #Start of range of lines to clear
--- @param line_end integer #End of range of lines to clear (exclusive)
--- or -1 to clear to end of buffer.
--- @param ns_id integer #Namespace to clear, or -1 to clear all
--- namespaces.
function vim.api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(buffer, ns_id, line_start, line_end) end
-- Sets (replaces) a range in the buffer
--- @param start_row integer #First line index
--- @param start_column any #Last column
--- @param end_row integer #Last line index
--- @param replacement string[] #Array of lines to use as replacement
-- Removes an extmark.
--- @param id integer #Extmark id
--- @param ns_id integer #Namespace id from |nvim_create_namespace()|
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @param end_column any #Last column
function vim.api.nvim_buf_set_text(buffer, start_row, start_col, end_row, end_col, replacement) end
--- @return any #true if the extmark was found, else false
function vim.api.nvim_buf_del_extmark(buffer, ns_id, id) end
-- Returns the byte offset of a line (0-indexed). |api-indexing|
--- @param index integer #Line index
-- Unmaps a buffer-local |mapping| for the given mode.
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @return any #Integer byte offset, or -1 for unloaded buffer.
function vim.api.nvim_buf_get_offset(buffer, index) end
function vim.api.nvim_buf_del_keymap(buffer, mode, lhs) end
-- Gets a buffer-scoped (b:) variable.
-- Removes a buffer-scoped (b:) variable
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @param name string #Variable name
function vim.api.nvim_buf_del_var(buffer, name) end
-- Deletes the buffer. See |:bwipeout|
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @return any #Variable value
function vim.api.nvim_buf_get_var(buffer, name) end
--- @param opts dictionary #Optional parameters. Keys:
--- • force: Force deletion and ignore unsaved
--- changes.
--- • unload: Unloaded only, do not delete. See
--- |:bunload|
function vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(buffer, opts) end
-- Deactivates buffer-update events on the channel.
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @return any #False if detach failed (because the buffer isn't loaded);
--- otherwise True.
function vim.api.nvim_buf_detach(buffer) end
-- Gets a changed tick of a buffer
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @return any #`b:changedtick` value.
function vim.api.nvim_buf_get_changedtick(buffer) end
-- Gets a map of buffer-local |user-commands|.
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @param opts dictionary #Optional parameters. Currently not used.
--- @return any #Map of maps describing commands.
function vim.api.nvim_buf_get_commands(buffer, opts) end
-- Returns position for a given extmark id
--- @param id integer #Extmark id
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @param ns_id integer #Namespace id from |nvim_create_namespace()|
--- @param opts dictionary #Optional parameters. Keys:
--- • details: Whether to include the details dict
--- @return any #(row, col) tuple or empty list () if extmark id was absent
function vim.api.nvim_buf_get_extmark_by_id(buffer, ns_id, id, opts) end
-- Gets extmarks in "traversal order" from a |charwise| region
-- defined by buffer positions (inclusive, 0-indexed
-- |api-indexing|).
--- @param start object #Start of range, given as (row, col) or valid
--- extmark id (whose position defines the bound)
--- @param ns_id integer #Namespace id from |nvim_create_namespace()|
--- @param opts dictionary #Optional parameters. Keys:
--- • limit: Maximum number of marks to return
--- • details Whether to include the details dict
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @param _end object #End of range, given as (row, col) or valid
--- extmark id (whose position defines the bound)
--- @return any #List of [extmark_id, row, col] tuples in "traversal
--- order".
function vim.api.nvim_buf_get_extmarks(buffer, ns_id, start, _end, opts) end
-- Gets a list of buffer-local |mapping| definitions.
--- @param mode string #Mode short-name ("n", "i", "v", ...)
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
@ -143,86 +218,12 @@ function vim.api.nvim_buf_get_changedtick(buffer) end
--- The "buffer" key holds the associated buffer handle.
function vim.api.nvim_buf_get_keymap(buffer, mode) end
-- Sets a buffer-local |mapping| for the given mode.
-- Gets a line-range from the buffer.
--- @param start integer #First line index
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
function vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(buffer, mode, lhs, rhs, opts) end
-- Unmaps a buffer-local |mapping| for the given mode.
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
function vim.api.nvim_buf_del_keymap(buffer, mode, lhs) end
-- Gets a map of buffer-local |user-commands|.
--- @param opts dictionary #Optional parameters. Currently not used.
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @return any #Map of maps describing commands.
function vim.api.nvim_buf_get_commands(buffer, opts) end
-- Sets a buffer-scoped (b:) variable
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @param name string #Variable name
--- @param value object #Variable value
function vim.api.nvim_buf_set_var(buffer, name, value) end
-- Removes a buffer-scoped (b:) variable
--- @param name string #Variable name
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
function vim.api.nvim_buf_del_var(buffer, name) end
-- Gets a buffer option value
--- @param name string #Option name
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @return any #Option value
function vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(buffer, name) end
-- Sets a buffer option value. Passing 'nil' as value deletes the
-- option (only works if there's a global fallback)
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @param name string #Option name
--- @param value object #Option value
function vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(buffer, name, value) end
-- Gets the full file name for the buffer
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @return any #Buffer name
function vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(buffer) end
-- Sets the full file name for a buffer
--- @param name string #Buffer name
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
function vim.api.nvim_buf_set_name(buffer, name) end
-- Gets window configuration.
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @return any #Map defining the window configuration, see
--- |nvim_open_win()|
function vim.api.nvim_win_get_config(window) end
-- Closes the window and hide the buffer it contains (like
-- |:hide| with a |window-ID|).
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
function vim.api.nvim_win_hide(window) end
-- Closes the window (like |:close| with a |window-ID|).
--- @param window window #Window handle, or 0 for current window
--- @param force boolean #Behave like `:close!` The last window of a
--- buffer with unwritten changes can be closed. The
--- buffer will become hidden, even if 'hidden' is
--- not set.
function vim.api.nvim_win_close(window, force) end
-- Return a tuple (row,col) representing the position of the
-- named mark.
--- @param name string #Mark name
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @return any #(row, col) tuple
function vim.api.nvim_buf_get_mark(buffer, name) end
-- Returns position for a given extmark id
--- @param id integer #Extmark id
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
--- @param opts dictionary #Optional parameters. Keys:
--- • details: Whether to include the details dict
--- @param ns_id integer #Namespace id from |nvim_create_namespace()|
--- @return any #(row, col) tuple or empty list () if extmark id was absent
function vim.api.nvim_buf_get_extmark_by_id(buffer, ns_id, id, opts) end
--- @param strict_indexing boolean #Whether out-of-bounds should be an
--- error.
--- @param _end integer #Last line index (exclusive)
--- @return any #Array of lines, or empty array for unloaded buffer.
function vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(buffer, start, _end, strict_indexing) end

View File

@ -1,215 +1,42 @@
--# selene: allow(unused_variable)
---@diagnostic disable: unused-local
-- Applies a list of text edits to a buffer.
--- @param text_edits any #(table) list of `TextEdit` objects
--- @param buf_nr any #(number) Buffer id
function vim.lsp.apply_text_edits(text_edits, bufnr) end
-- Get all diagnostics for all clients
--- @return any #{bufnr:Diagnostic[]}
function vim.lsp.get_all() end
-- Creates a `TextDocumentIdentifier` object for the current
-- buffer.
--- @return any #`TextDocumentIdentifier`
function vim.lsp.make_text_document_params() end
-- Formats the current buffer.
--- @param options any #(optional, table) Can be used to specify
--- FormattingOptions. Some unspecified options
--- will be automatically derived from the current
--- Neovim options.
function vim.lsp.formatting(options) end
-- Performs |vim.lsp.buf.formatting()| synchronously.
--- @param options any #Table with valid `FormattingOptions` entries
--- @param timeout_ms any #(number) Request timeout
function vim.lsp.formatting_sync(options, timeout_ms) end
-- Converts `textDocument/SignatureHelp` response to markdown
-- lines.
--- @param signature_help any #Response of `textDocument/SignatureHelp`
--- @return any #list of lines of converted markdown.
function vim.lsp.convert_signature_help_to_markdown_lines(signature_help) end
-- Jumps to the definition of the symbol under the cursor.
function vim.lsp.definition() end
-- Formats the current buffer by sequentially requesting
-- formatting from attached clients.
--- @param order any #(optional, table) List of client names.
--- Formatting is requested from clients in the
--- following order: first all clients that are
--- not in the `order` list, then the remaining
--- clients in the order as they occur in the
--- `order` list.
--- @param options any #(optional, table) `FormattingOptions`
--- entries
--- @param timeout_ms any #(optional, number) Request timeout
function vim.lsp.formatting_seq_sync(options, timeout_ms, order) end
-- Gets a new ClientCapabilities object describing the LSP client
-- capabilities.
function vim.lsp.make_client_capabilities() end
-- Shows contents in a floating window.
--- @param contents any #table of lines to show in window
--- @param opts any #dictionary with optional fields
--- @param syntax any #string of syntax to set for opened buffer
--- @return any #bufnr,winnr buffer and window number of the newly created
--- floating preview window
function vim.lsp.open_floating_preview(contents, syntax, opts) end
-- Formats a given range.
--- @param start_pos any #({number, number}, optional) mark-indexed
--- position. Defaults to the start of the last
--- visual selection.
--- @param options any #Table with valid `FormattingOptions` entries.
--- @param end_pos any #({number, number}, optional) mark-indexed
--- position. Defaults to the end of the last
--- visual selection.
function vim.lsp.range_formatting(options, start_pos, end_pos) end
-- client_id → state
function vim.lsp.init(client, bufnr) end
-- Returns the range table for the difference between old and new
-- lines
--- @param new_lines any #table list of lines
--- @param old_lines any #table list of lines
--- @param start_line_idx any #int line to begin search for first
--- difference
--- @param end_line_idx any #int line to begin search for last
--- difference
--- @param offset_encoding any #string encoding requested by language
--- server
--- @return any #table start_line_idx and start_col_idx of range
function vim.lsp.compute_diff(old_lines, new_lines, start_line_idx, end_line_idx, offset_encoding) end
-- Lists all symbols in the current buffer in the quickfix
-- window.
function vim.lsp.document_symbol() end
-- Displays hover information about the symbol under the cursor
-- in a floating window. Calling the function twice will jump
-- into the floating window.
function vim.lsp.hover() end
-- Returns the items with the byte position calculated correctly
-- and in sorted order, for display in quickfix and location
-- lists.
--- @param locations any #(table) list of `Location` s or
--- `LocationLink` s
--- @return any #(table) list of items
function vim.lsp.locations_to_items(locations) end
-- Parses snippets in a completion entry.
--- @param input any #(string) unparsed snippet
--- @return any #(string) parsed snippet
function vim.lsp.parse_snippet(input) end
-- Set signs for given diagnostics
--- @param sign_ns any #number|nil
--- @param client_id any #number the client id
-- Get the counts for a particular severity
--- @param severity any #DiagnosticSeverity
--- @param bufnr any #number The buffer number
--- @param diagnostics any #Diagnostic []
--- @param opts any #table Configuration for signs. Keys:
--- • priority: Set the priority of the signs.
--- • severity_limit (DiagnosticSeverity):
--- • Limit severity of diagnostics found.
--- E.g. "Warning" means { "Error",
--- "Warning" } will be valid.
function vim.lsp.set_signs(diagnostics, bufnr, client_id, sign_ns, opts) end
-- Clears the currently displayed diagnostics
--- @param diagnostic_ns any #number|nil Associated diagnostic
--- namespace
--- @param sign_ns any #number|nil Associated sign namespace
--- @param client_id any #number the client id
--- @param bufnr any #number The buffer number
function vim.lsp.clear(bufnr, client_id, diagnostic_ns, sign_ns) end
function vim.lsp.get_count(bufnr, severity, client_id) end
-- Lists all the call sites of the symbol under the cursor in the
-- |quickfix| window. If the symbol can resolve to multiple
-- items, the user can pick one in the |inputlist|.
function vim.lsp.incoming_calls() end
-- Returns visual width of tabstop.
--- @param bufnr any #(optional, number): Buffer handle, defaults to
--- current
--- @return any #(number) tabstop visual width
function vim.lsp.get_effective_tabstop(bufnr) end
-- Turns the result of a `textDocument/completion` request into
-- vim-compatible |complete-items|.
--- @param prefix any #(string) the prefix to filter the completion
--- items
--- @param result any #The result of a `textDocument/completion` call,
--- e.g. from |vim.lsp.buf.completion()|, which may
--- be one of `CompletionItem[]` , `CompletionList`
--- or `null`
--- @return any #{ matches = complete-items table, incomplete = bool }
function vim.lsp.text_document_completion_list_to_complete_items(result, prefix) end
-- Returns the log filename.
--- @return any #(string) log filename
function vim.lsp.get_filename() end
-- Lists all the items that are called by the symbol under the
-- cursor in the |quickfix| window. If the symbol can resolve to
-- multiple items, the user can pick one in the |inputlist|.
function vim.lsp.outgoing_calls() end
-- List workspace folders.
function vim.lsp.list_workspace_folders() end
-- Returns the UTF-32 and UTF-16 offsets for a position in a
-- certain buffer.
--- @param row any #0-indexed line
--- @param buf any #buffer id (0 for current)
--- @param col any #0-indexed byte offset in line
--- @return any #(number, number) UTF-32 and UTF-16 index of the character
--- in line {row} column {col} in buffer {buf}
function vim.lsp.character_offset(buf, row, col) end
-- Open a floating window with the diagnostics from {line_nr}
--- @param opts any #table Configuration table
--- • show_header (boolean, default true): Show
--- "Diagnostics:" header.
-- Get the diagnostics by line
--- @param opts any #table|nil Configuration keys
--- • severity: (DiagnosticSeverity, default nil)
--- • Only return diagnostics with this
--- severity. Overrides severity_limit
--- • severity_limit: (DiagnosticSeverity, default nil)
--- • Limit severity of diagnostics found. E.g.
--- "Warning" means { "Error", "Warning" }
--- will be valid.
--- @param line_nr any #number The line number
--- @param client_id any #number|nil the client id
--- @param bufnr any #number The buffer number
--- @return any #table {popup_bufnr, win_id}
function vim.lsp.show_line_diagnostics(opts, bufnr, line_nr, client_id) end
-- Add the folder at path to the workspace folders. If {path} is
-- not provided, the user will be prompted for a path using
-- |input()|.
function vim.lsp.add_workspace_folder(workspace_folder) end
-- Get the previous diagnostic closest to the cursor_position
--- @param opts any #table See |vim.lsp.diagnostic.goto_next()|
--- @return any #table Previous diagnostic
function vim.lsp.get_prev(opts) end
-- Converts any of `MarkedString` | `MarkedString[]` |
-- `MarkupContent` into a list of lines containing valid
-- markdown. Useful to populate the hover window for
-- `textDocument/hover` , for parsing the result of
-- `textDocument/signatureHelp` , and potentially others.
--- @param contents any #(table, optional, default `{}` ) List of
--- strings to extend with converted lines
--- @param input any #( `MarkedString` | `MarkedString[]` |
--- `MarkupContent` )
--- @return any #{contents}, extended with lines of converted markdown.
function vim.lsp.convert_input_to_markdown_lines(input, contents) end
-- Return the pos, {row, col}, for the prev diagnostic in the
-- current buffer.
--- @param opts any #table See |vim.lsp.diagnostic.goto_next()|
--- @return any #table Previous diagnostic position
function vim.lsp.get_prev_pos(opts) end
-- Move to the previous diagnostic
--- @param opts any #table See |vim.lsp.diagnostic.goto_next()|
function vim.lsp.goto_prev(opts) end
-- Shows a list of document highlights for a certain buffer.
--- @param references any #List of `DocumentHighlight` objects to
--- highlight
--- @param bufnr any #buffer id
function vim.lsp.buf_highlight_references(bufnr, references) end
--- @param client_id any #number the client id
--- @return any #table Table with map of line number to list of
--- diagnostics.
function vim.lsp.get_line_diagnostics(bufnr, line_nr, opts, client_id) end
-- Get the next diagnostic closest to the cursor_position
--- @param opts any #table See |vim.lsp.diagnostic.goto_next()|
@ -222,29 +49,202 @@ function vim.lsp.get_next(opts) end
--- @return any #table Next diagnostic position
function vim.lsp.get_next_pos(opts) end
-- Sends a request to the LSP server and runs {callback} upon
-- response.
--- @param params any #(table) Parameters for the invoked LSP method
-- Get the previous diagnostic closest to the cursor_position
--- @param opts any #table See |vim.lsp.diagnostic.goto_next()|
--- @return any #table Previous diagnostic
function vim.lsp.get_prev(opts) end
-- Return the pos, {row, col}, for the prev diagnostic in the
-- current buffer.
--- @param opts any #table See |vim.lsp.diagnostic.goto_next()|
--- @return any #table Previous diagnostic position
function vim.lsp.get_prev_pos(opts) end
-- Process and return progress reports from lsp server.
function vim.lsp.get_progress_messages() end
-- Default function to get text chunks to display using `nvim_buf_set_virtual_text` .
--- @param line_diags any #Diagnostic [] The diagnostics associated with the line
--- @param line any #number The line number to display the
--- virtual text on
--- @param bufnr any #number The buffer to display the virtual
--- text in
--- @param opts any #table See {opts} from
--- |vim.lsp.diagnostic.set_virtual_text()|
--- @return any #table chunks, as defined by |nvim_buf_set_virtual_text()|
function vim.lsp.get_virtual_text_chunks_for_line(bufnr, line, line_diags, opts) end
-- Move to the next diagnostic
--- @param opts any #table|nil Configuration table. Keys:
--- • {client_id}: (number)
--- • If nil, will consider all clients attached to
--- buffer.
--- • {cursor_position}: (Position, default current
--- position)
--- • See |nvim_win_get_cursor()|
--- • {wrap}: (boolean, default true)
--- • Whether to loop around file or not. Similar to
--- 'wrapscan'
--- • {severity}: (DiagnosticSeverity)
--- • Exclusive severity to consider. Overrides
--- {severity_limit}
--- • {severity_limit}: (DiagnosticSeverity)
--- • Limit severity of diagnostics found. E.g.
--- "Warning" means { "Error", "Warning" } will be
--- valid.
--- • {enable_popup}: (boolean, default true)
--- • Call
--- |vim.lsp.diagnostic.show_line_diagnostics()|
--- on jump
--- • {popup_opts}: (table)
--- • Table to pass as {opts} parameter to
--- |vim.lsp.diagnostic.show_line_diagnostics()|
--- • {win_id}: (number, default 0)
--- • Window ID
function vim.lsp.goto_next(opts) end
-- Move to the previous diagnostic
--- @param opts any #table See |vim.lsp.diagnostic.goto_next()|
function vim.lsp.goto_prev(opts) end
-- Displays hover information about the symbol under the cursor
-- in a floating window. Calling the function twice will jump
-- into the floating window.
function vim.lsp.hover() end
-- Lists all the implementations for the symbol under the cursor
-- in the quickfix window.
function vim.lsp.implementation() end
-- Lists all the call sites of the symbol under the cursor in the
-- |quickfix| window. If the symbol can resolve to multiple
-- items, the user can pick one in the |inputlist|.
function vim.lsp.incoming_calls() end
-- client_id → state
function vim.lsp.init(client, bufnr) end
-- Jumps to a location.
--- @param location any #( `Location` | `LocationLink` )
--- @return any #`true` if the jump succeeded
function vim.lsp.jump_to_location(location) end
-- List workspace folders.
function vim.lsp.list_workspace_folders() end
-- Returns the items with the byte position calculated correctly
-- and in sorted order, for display in quickfix and location
-- lists.
--- @param locations any #(table) list of `Location` s or
--- `LocationLink` s
--- @return any #(table) list of items
function vim.lsp.locations_to_items(locations) end
-- Helper function to return nested values in language server
-- settings
--- @param section any #a string indicating the field of the settings
--- table
--- @param settings any #a table of language server settings
--- @return any #(table or string) The value of settings accessed via
--- section
function vim.lsp.lookup_section(settings, section) end
-- Gets a new ClientCapabilities object describing the LSP client
-- capabilities.
function vim.lsp.make_client_capabilities() end
-- Creates a table with sensible default options for a floating
-- window. The table can be passed to |nvim_open_win()|.
--- @param height any #(number) window height (in character cells)
--- @param width any #(number) window width (in character cells)
--- @param opts any #(table, optional)
--- @return any #(table) Options
function vim.lsp.make_floating_popup_options(width, height, opts) end
-- Creates a `FormattingOptions` object for the current buffer
-- and cursor position.
--- @param options any #Table with valid `FormattingOptions` entries
--- @return any #`FormattingOptions object
function vim.lsp.make_formatting_params(options) end
-- Using the given range in the current buffer, creates an object
-- that is similar to |vim.lsp.util.make_range_params()|.
--- @param start_pos any #({number, number}, optional) mark-indexed
--- position. Defaults to the start of the last
--- visual selection.
--- @param end_pos any #({number, number}, optional) mark-indexed
--- position. Defaults to the end of the last
--- visual selection.
--- @return any #{ textDocument = { uri = `current_file_uri` }, range = {
--- start = `start_position` , end = `end_position` } }
function vim.lsp.make_given_range_params(start_pos, end_pos) end
-- Creates a `TextDocumentPositionParams` object for the current
-- buffer and cursor position.
--- @return any #`TextDocumentPositionParams` object
function vim.lsp.make_position_params() end
-- Using the current position in the current buffer, creates an
-- object that can be used as a building block for several LSP
-- requests, such as `textDocument/codeAction` ,
-- `textDocument/colorPresentation` ,
-- `textDocument/rangeFormatting` .
--- @return any #{ textDocument = { uri = `current_file_uri` }, range = {
--- start = `current_position` , end = `current_position` } }
function vim.lsp.make_range_params() end
-- Creates a `TextDocumentIdentifier` object for the current
-- buffer.
--- @return any #`TextDocumentIdentifier`
function vim.lsp.make_text_document_params() end
-- Create the workspace params
--- @param removed any #
--- @param added any #
function vim.lsp.make_workspace_params(added, removed) end
-- Sends a notification to the LSP server.
--- @param params any #(table): Parameters for the invoked LSP method
--- @param method any #(string) The invoked LSP method
--- @param callback any #(function) Callback to invoke
--- @return any #(bool, number) `(true, message_id)` if request could be
--- sent, `false` if not
function vim.lsp.request(method, params, callback) end
--- @return any #(bool) `true` if notification could be sent, `false` if
--- not
function vim.lsp.notify(method, params) end
-- Set virtual text given diagnostics
--- @param client_id any #number
--- @param bufnr any #number
--- @param opts any #table Options on how to display virtual
--- text. Keys:
--- • prefix (string): Prefix to display
--- before virtual text on line
--- • spacing (number): Number of spaces to
--- insert before virtual text
--- • severity_limit (DiagnosticSeverity):
--- • Limit severity of diagnostics found.
--- E.g. "Warning" means { "Error",
--- "Warning" } will be valid.
--- @param diagnostics any #Diagnostic []
--- @param diagnostic_ns any #number
function vim.lsp.set_virtual_text(diagnostics, bufnr, client_id, diagnostic_ns, opts) end
-- |lsp-handler| for the method "textDocument/publishDiagnostics"
--- @param config any #table Configuration table.
--- • underline: (default=true)
--- • Apply underlines to diagnostics.
--- • See |vim.lsp.diagnostic.set_underline()|
--- • virtual_text: (default=true)
--- • Apply virtual text to line endings.
--- • See |vim.lsp.diagnostic.set_virtual_text()|
--- • signs: (default=true)
--- • Apply signs for diagnostics.
--- • See |vim.lsp.diagnostic.set_signs()|
--- • update_in_insert: (default=false)
--- • Update diagnostics in InsertMode or wait
--- until InsertLeave
--- • severity_sort: (default=false)
--- • Sort diagnostics (and thus signs and virtual
--- text)
function vim.lsp.on_publish_diagnostics(_, _, params, client_id, _, config) end
-- Shows contents in a floating window.
--- @param contents any #table of lines to show in window
--- @param syntax any #string of syntax to set for opened buffer
--- @param opts any #dictionary with optional fields
--- @return any #bufnr,winnr buffer and window number of the newly created
--- floating preview window
function vim.lsp.open_floating_preview(contents, syntax, opts) end

View File

@ -1,85 +1,174 @@
--# selene: allow(unused_variable)
---@diagnostic disable: unused-local
-- Removes document highlights from current buffer.
function vim.lsp.clear_references() end
-- Lists all the items that are called by the symbol under the
-- cursor in the |quickfix| window. If the symbol can resolve to
-- multiple items, the user can pick one in the |inputlist|.
function vim.lsp.outgoing_calls() end
-- Get the diagnostics by line
--- @param opts any #table|nil Configuration keys
--- • severity: (DiagnosticSeverity, default nil)
--- • Only return diagnostics with this
--- severity. Overrides severity_limit
--- • severity_limit: (DiagnosticSeverity, default nil)
--- • Limit severity of diagnostics found. E.g.
--- "Warning" means { "Error", "Warning" }
--- will be valid.
--- @param line_nr any #number The line number
--- @param client_id any #number the client id
--- @param bufnr any #number The buffer number
--- @return any #table Table with map of line number to list of
--- diagnostics.
function vim.lsp.get_line_diagnostics(bufnr, line_nr, opts, client_id) end
-- Parses snippets in a completion entry.
--- @param input any #(string) unparsed snippet
--- @return any #(string) parsed snippet
function vim.lsp.parse_snippet(input) end
function vim.lsp.prepare(bufnr, firstline, new_lastline, changedtick) end
-- Jump to new location (adjusting for UTF-16 encoding of
-- characters)
--- @param location any #a single `Location` or `LocationLink`
--- @return any #(bufnr,winnr) buffer and window number of floating window
--- or nil
function vim.lsp.preview_location(location) end
function vim.lsp.progress_handler(_, _, params, client_id) end
-- Performs |vim.lsp.buf.code_action()| for a given range.
--- @param start_pos any #({number, number}, optional) mark-indexed
--- position. Defaults to the start of the last
--- visual selection.
--- @param context any #(table, optional) Valid `CodeActionContext`
--- object
--- @param end_pos any #({number, number}, optional) mark-indexed
--- position. Defaults to the end of the last
--- visual selection.
function vim.lsp.range_code_action(context, start_pos, end_pos) end
-- Formats a given range.
--- @param options any #Table with valid `FormattingOptions` entries.
--- @param start_pos any #({number, number}, optional) mark-indexed
--- position. Defaults to the start of the last
--- visual selection.
function vim.lsp.range_code_action(context, start_pos, end_pos) end
--- @param end_pos any #({number, number}, optional) mark-indexed
--- position. Defaults to the end of the last
--- visual selection.
function vim.lsp.range_formatting(options, start_pos, end_pos) end
-- Lists all the references to the symbol under the cursor in the
-- quickfix window.
--- @param context any #(table) Context for the request
function vim.lsp.references(context) end
-- Remove the folder at path from the workspace folders. If
-- {path} is not provided, the user will be prompted for a path
-- using |input()|.
function vim.lsp.remove_workspace_folder(workspace_folder) end
-- Rename old_fname to new_fname.
--- @param opts any #(table)
function vim.lsp.rename(old_fname, new_fname, opts) end
-- Sends a request to the LSP server and runs {callback} upon
-- response.
--- @param callback any #(function) Callback to invoke
--- @param params any #(table) Parameters for the invoked LSP method
--- @param method any #(string) The invoked LSP method
--- @return any #(bool, number) `(true, message_id)` if request could be
--- sent, `false` if not
function vim.lsp.request(method, params, callback) end
-- Clear diagnotics and diagnostic cache
--- @param buffer_client_map any #table map of buffers to active
--- clients
--- @param client_id any #number
function vim.lsp.reset(client_id, buffer_client_map) end
function vim.lsp.reset_buf(client, bufnr) end
-- Creates a normalized object describing LSP server
-- capabilities.
function vim.lsp.resolve_capabilities(server_capabilities) end
-- Save diagnostics to the current buffer.
--- @param diagnostics any #Diagnostic []
--- @param bufnr any #number
--- @param client_id any #number
function, bufnr, client_id) end
-- Checks whether the language servers attached to the current
-- buffer are ready.
--- @return any #`true` if server responds.
function vim.lsp.server_ready() end
-- Sets the current log level.
--- @param level any #(string or number) One of `vim.lsp.log.levels`
function vim.lsp.set_level(level) end
-- Replaces text in a range with new text.
--- @param lines any #(table) Original list of strings
--- @param new_lines any #A list of strings to replace the original
--- @param B any #(table) End position; a 2-tuple of {line,
--- col} numbers
--- @param A any #(table) Start position; a 2-tuple of {line,
--- col} numbers
--- @return any #(table) The modified {lines} object
function vim.lsp.set_lines(lines, A, B, new_lines) end
-- Fills current window's location list with given list of items.
-- Can be obtained with e.g. |vim.lsp.util.locations_to_items()|.
--- @param items any #(table) list of items
function vim.lsp.set_loclist(items) end
-- Fills quickfix list with given list of items. Can be obtained
-- with e.g. |vim.lsp.util.locations_to_items()|.
--- @param items any #(table) list of items
function vim.lsp.set_qflist(items) end
-- Set signs for given diagnostics
--- @param diagnostics any #Diagnostic []
--- @param bufnr any #number The buffer number
--- @param opts any #table Configuration for signs. Keys:
--- • priority: Set the priority of the signs.
--- • severity_limit (DiagnosticSeverity):
--- • Limit severity of diagnostics found.
--- E.g. "Warning" means { "Error",
--- "Warning" } will be valid.
--- @param sign_ns any #number|nil
--- @param client_id any #number the client id
function vim.lsp.set_signs(diagnostics, bufnr, client_id, sign_ns, opts) end
-- Set underline for given diagnostics
--- @param client_id any #number: The client id
--- @param diagnostics any #Diagnostic []
--- @param bufnr any #number: The buffer number
--- @param opts any #table: Configuration table:
--- • severity_limit (DiagnosticSeverity):
--- • Limit severity of diagnostics found.
--- E.g. "Warning" means { "Error",
--- "Warning" } will be valid.
--- @param diagnostics any #Diagnostic []
--- @param diagnostic_ns any #number|nil: The namespace
--- @param client_id any #number: The client id
function vim.lsp.set_underline(diagnostics, bufnr, client_id, diagnostic_ns, opts) end
-- Creates a normalized object describing LSP server
-- capabilities.
function vim.lsp.resolve_capabilities(server_capabilities) end
-- Set virtual text given diagnostics
--- @param diagnostics any #Diagnostic []
--- @param bufnr any #number
--- @param opts any #table Options on how to display virtual
--- text. Keys:
--- • prefix (string): Prefix to display
--- before virtual text on line
--- • spacing (number): Number of spaces to
--- insert before virtual text
--- • severity_limit (DiagnosticSeverity):
--- • Limit severity of diagnostics found.
--- E.g. "Warning" means { "Error",
--- "Warning" } will be valid.
--- @param diagnostic_ns any #number
--- @param client_id any #number
function vim.lsp.set_virtual_text(diagnostics, bufnr, client_id, diagnostic_ns, opts) end
-- Using the current position in the current buffer, creates an
-- object that can be used as a building block for several LSP
-- requests, such as `textDocument/codeAction` ,
-- `textDocument/colorPresentation` ,
-- `textDocument/rangeFormatting` .
--- @return any #{ textDocument = { uri = `current_file_uri` }, range = {
--- start = `current_position` , end = `current_position` } }
function vim.lsp.make_range_params() end
-- Checks whether the level is sufficient for logging.
--- @param level any #number log level
--- @return any #(bool) true if would log, false if not
function vim.lsp.should_log(level) end
-- Get the counts for a particular severity
--- @param severity any #DiagnosticSeverity
--- @param client_id any #number the client id
-- Open a floating window with the diagnostics from {line_nr}
--- @param opts any #table Configuration table
--- • show_header (boolean, default true): Show
--- "Diagnostics:" header.
--- @param line_nr any #number The line number
--- @param bufnr any #number The buffer number
function vim.lsp.get_count(bufnr, severity, client_id) end
-- Default function to get text chunks to display using `nvim_buf_set_virtual_text` .
--- @param line_diags any #Diagnostic [] The diagnostics associated with the line
--- @param line any #number The line number to display the
--- virtual text on
--- @param opts any #table See {opts} from
--- |vim.lsp.diagnostic.set_virtual_text()|
--- @param bufnr any #number The buffer to display the virtual
--- text in
--- @return any #table chunks, as defined by |nvim_buf_set_virtual_text()|
function vim.lsp.get_virtual_text_chunks_for_line(bufnr, line, line_diags, opts) end
-- Sends a notification to the LSP server.
--- @param params any #(table): Parameters for the invoked LSP method
--- @param method any #(string) The invoked LSP method
--- @return any #(bool) `true` if notification could be sent, `false` if
--- not
function vim.lsp.notify(method, params) end
--- @param client_id any #number|nil the client id
--- @return any #table {popup_bufnr, win_id}
function vim.lsp.show_line_diagnostics(opts, bufnr, line_nr, client_id) end
--- @param config any #table Configuration table.
--- • border: (default=nil)
@ -87,129 +176,57 @@ function vim.lsp.notify(method, params) end
--- • See |vim.api.nvim_open_win()|
function vim.lsp.signature_help(_, method, result, _, bufnr, config) end
-- Removes document highlights from a buffer.
--- @param bufnr any #buffer id
function vim.lsp.buf_clear_references(bufnr) end
-- Starts an LSP server process and create an LSP RPC client
-- object to interact with it.
--- @param cmd any #(string) Command to start the LSP
--- server.
--- @param dispatchers any #(table, optional) Dispatchers for
--- LSP message types. Valid dispatcher
--- names are:
--- • `"notification"`
--- • `"server_request"`
--- • `"on_error"`
--- • `"on_exit"`
--- @param extra_spawn_params any #(table, optional) Additional context
--- for the LSP server process. May
--- contain:
--- • {cwd} (string) Working directory
--- for the LSP server process
--- • {env} (table) Additional
--- environment variables for LSP
--- server process
--- @param cmd_args any #(table) List of additional string
--- arguments to pass to {cmd}.
--- @return any #Client RPC object.
function vim.lsp.start(cmd, cmd_args, dispatchers, extra_spawn_params) end
-- Converts symbols to quickfix list items.
--- @param symbols any #DocumentSymbol[] or SymbolInformation[]
function vim.lsp.symbols_to_items(symbols, bufnr) end
-- Process and return progress reports from lsp server.
function vim.lsp.get_progress_messages() end
-- Helper function to return nested values in language server
-- settings
--- @param section any #a string indicating the field of the settings
--- table
--- @param settings any #a table of language server settings
--- @return any #(table or string) The value of settings accessed via
--- section
function vim.lsp.lookup_section(settings, section) end
-- Jumps to the declaration of the symbol under the cursor.
-- Note:
-- Many servers do not implement this method. Generally, see
-- |vim.lsp.buf.definition()| instead.
function vim.lsp.declaration() end
-- Fills quickfix list with given list of items. Can be obtained
-- with e.g. |vim.lsp.util.locations_to_items()|.
--- @param items any #(table) list of items
function vim.lsp.set_qflist(items) end
-- Jumps to the definition of the type of the symbol under the
-- cursor.
function vim.lsp.type_definition() end
-- Return associated diagnostics for bufnr
--- @param client_id any #number|nil If nil, then return all of the
--- diagnostics. Else, return just the
--- diagnostics associated with the client_id.
--- @param bufnr any #number
function vim.lsp.get(bufnr, client_id) end
-- Fills current window's location list with given list of items.
-- Can be obtained with e.g. |vim.lsp.util.locations_to_items()|.
--- @param items any #(table) list of items
function vim.lsp.set_loclist(items) end
-- Can be used to extract the completion items from a `textDocument/completion` request, which may return one of `CompletionItem[]` , `CompletionList` or null.
--- @param result any #(table) The result of a
--- `textDocument/completion` request
--- @return any #(table) List of completion items
function vim.lsp.extract_completion_items(result) end
-- Applies a `TextDocumentEdit` , which is a list of changes to a
-- single document.
--- @param text_document_edit any #table: a `TextDocumentEdit` object
--- @param index any #number: Optional index of the edit,
--- if from a list of edits (or nil, if
--- not from a list)
function vim.lsp.apply_text_document_edit(text_document_edit, index) end
-- Applies a `WorkspaceEdit` .
--- @param workspace_edit any #(table) `WorkspaceEdit`
function vim.lsp.apply_workspace_edit(workspace_edit) end
-- Enters/leaves the focusable window associated with the current
-- buffer via the.
--- @param unique_name any #(string) Window variable
--- @param fn fun(...) #(function) should return create a new
--- window and return a tuple of
--- ({focusable_buffer_id}, {window_id}). if
--- {focusable_buffer_id} is a valid buffer id,
--- the newly created window will be the new
--- focus associated with the current buffer
--- via the tag `unique_name` .
--- @return any #(pbufnr, pwinnr) if `fn()` has created a new window; nil
--- otherwise
function vim.lsp.focusable_float(unique_name, fn) end
-- Selects a code action from the input list that is available at
-- the current cursor position.
--- @param context any #(table, optional) Valid `CodeActionContext`
--- object
function vim.lsp.code_action(context) end
-- Turns the result of a `textDocument/completion` request into
-- vim-compatible |complete-items|.
--- @param prefix any #(string) the prefix to filter the completion
--- items
--- @param result any #The result of a `textDocument/completion` call,
--- e.g. from |vim.lsp.buf.completion()|, which may
--- be one of `CompletionItem[]` , `CompletionList`
--- or `null`
--- @return any #{ matches = complete-items table, incomplete = bool }
function vim.lsp.text_document_completion_list_to_complete_items(result, prefix) end
-- Removes empty lines from the beginning and end.
--- @param lines any #(table) list of lines to trim
--- @return any #(table) trimmed list of lines
function vim.lsp.trim_empty_lines(lines) end
-- Converts markdown into syntax highlighted regions by stripping
-- the code blocks and converting them into highlighted code.
-- This will by default insert a blank line separator after those
-- code block regions to improve readability. The result is shown
-- in a floating preview.
--- @param opts any #dictionary with optional fields
--- • height of floating window
--- • width of floating window
--- • wrap_at character to wrap at for computing
--- height
--- • max_width maximal width of floating window
--- • max_height maximal height of floating window
--- • pad_left number of columns to pad contents
--- at left
--- • pad_right number of columns to pad contents
--- at right
--- • pad_top number of lines to pad contents at
--- top
--- • pad_bottom number of lines to pad contents
--- at bottom
--- • separator insert separator after code block
--- @param contents any #table of lines to show in window
--- @return any #width,height size of float
function vim.lsp.fancy_floating_markdown(contents, opts) end
-- Accepts markdown lines and tries to reduce them to a filetype
-- if they comprise just a single code block.
--- @param lines any #(table) list of lines
--- @return any #(string) filetype or 'markdown' if it was unchanged.
function vim.lsp.try_trim_markdown_code_blocks(lines) end
-- Creates autocommands to close a preview window when events
-- happen.
--- @param events any #(table) list of events
--- @param winnr any #(number) window id of preview window
function vim.lsp.close_preview_autocmd(events, winnr) end
-- Executes an LSP server command.
--- @param command any #A valid `ExecuteCommandParams` object
function vim.lsp.execute_command(command) end
-- Jumps to the definition of the type of the symbol under the
-- cursor.
function vim.lsp.type_definition() end

types/lsp.3.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
--# selene: allow(unused_variable)
---@diagnostic disable: unused-local
-- Lists all symbols in the current workspace in the quickfix
-- window.
--- @param query any #(string, optional)
function vim.lsp.workspace_symbol(query) end

View File

@ -1,33 +1,69 @@
--# selene: allow(unused_variable)
---@diagnostic disable: unused-local
-- Jump to new location (adjusting for UTF-16 encoding of
-- characters)
--- @param location any #a single `Location` or `LocationLink`
--- @return any #(bufnr,winnr) buffer and window number of floating window
--- or nil
function vim.lsp.preview_location(location) end
-- Add the folder at path to the workspace folders. If {path} is
-- not provided, the user will be prompted for a path using
-- |input()|.
function vim.lsp.add_workspace_folder(workspace_folder) end
-- Flushes any outstanding change notification.
function vim.lsp.flush(client) end
-- Applies a `TextDocumentEdit` , which is a list of changes to a
-- single document.
--- @param text_document_edit any #table: a `TextDocumentEdit` object
--- @param index any #number: Optional index of the edit,
--- if from a list of edits (or nil, if
--- not from a list)
function vim.lsp.apply_text_document_edit(text_document_edit, index) end
function vim.lsp.delete_file(change) end
-- Applies a list of text edits to a buffer.
--- @param text_edits any #(table) list of `TextEdit` objects
--- @param buf_nr any #(number) Buffer id
function vim.lsp.apply_text_edits(text_edits, bufnr) end
-- Clear diagnotics and diagnostic cache
--- @param client_id any #number
--- @param buffer_client_map any #table map of buffers to active
--- clients
function vim.lsp.reset(client_id, buffer_client_map) end
-- Applies a `WorkspaceEdit` .
--- @param workspace_edit any #(table) `WorkspaceEdit`
function vim.lsp.apply_workspace_edit(workspace_edit) end
-- Jumps to a location.
--- @param location any #( `Location` | `LocationLink` )
--- @return any #`true` if the jump succeeded
function vim.lsp.jump_to_location(location) end
-- Removes document highlights from a buffer.
--- @param bufnr any #buffer id
function vim.lsp.buf_clear_references(bufnr) end
-- Create the workspace params
--- @param added any #
--- @param removed any #
function vim.lsp.make_workspace_params(added, removed) end
-- Shows a list of document highlights for a certain buffer.
--- @param bufnr any #buffer id
--- @param references any #List of `DocumentHighlight` objects to
--- highlight
function vim.lsp.buf_highlight_references(bufnr, references) end
-- Returns the UTF-32 and UTF-16 offsets for a position in a
-- certain buffer.
--- @param row any #0-indexed line
--- @param col any #0-indexed byte offset in line
--- @param buf any #buffer id (0 for current)
--- @return any #(number, number) UTF-32 and UTF-16 index of the character
--- in line {row} column {col} in buffer {buf}
function vim.lsp.character_offset(buf, row, col) end
-- Clears the currently displayed diagnostics
--- @param diagnostic_ns any #number|nil Associated diagnostic
--- namespace
--- @param sign_ns any #number|nil Associated sign namespace
--- @param bufnr any #number The buffer number
--- @param client_id any #number the client id
function vim.lsp.clear(bufnr, client_id, diagnostic_ns, sign_ns) end
-- Removes document highlights from current buffer.
function vim.lsp.clear_references() end
-- Creates autocommands to close a preview window when events
-- happen.
--- @param winnr any #(number) window id of preview window
--- @param events any #(table) list of events
function vim.lsp.close_preview_autocmd(events, winnr) end
-- Selects a code action from the input list that is available at
-- the current cursor position.
--- @param context any #(table, optional) Valid `CodeActionContext`
--- object
function vim.lsp.code_action(context) end
-- Retrieves the completion items at the current cursor position.
-- Can only be called in Insert mode.
@ -38,11 +74,50 @@ function vim.lsp.make_workspace_params(added, removed) end
--- applicable)
function vim.lsp.completion(context) end
-- Accepts markdown lines and tries to reduce them to a filetype
-- if they comprise just a single code block.
--- @param lines any #(table) list of lines
--- @return any #(string) filetype or 'markdown' if it was unchanged.
function vim.lsp.try_trim_markdown_code_blocks(lines) end
-- Returns the range table for the difference between old and new
-- lines
--- @param old_lines any #table list of lines
--- @param offset_encoding any #string encoding requested by language
--- server
--- @param end_line_idx any #int line to begin search for last
--- difference
--- @param new_lines any #table list of lines
--- @param start_line_idx any #int line to begin search for first
--- difference
--- @return any #table start_line_idx and start_col_idx of range
function vim.lsp.compute_diff(old_lines, new_lines, start_line_idx, end_line_idx, offset_encoding) end
-- Converts any of `MarkedString` | `MarkedString[]` |
-- `MarkupContent` into a list of lines containing valid
-- markdown. Useful to populate the hover window for
-- `textDocument/hover` , for parsing the result of
-- `textDocument/signatureHelp` , and potentially others.
--- @param contents any #(table, optional, default `{}` ) List of
--- strings to extend with converted lines
--- @param input any #( `MarkedString` | `MarkedString[]` |
--- `MarkupContent` )
--- @return any #{contents}, extended with lines of converted markdown.
function vim.lsp.convert_input_to_markdown_lines(input, contents) end
-- Converts `textDocument/SignatureHelp` response to markdown
-- lines.
--- @param signature_help any #Response of `textDocument/SignatureHelp`
--- @return any #list of lines of converted markdown.
function vim.lsp.convert_signature_help_to_markdown_lines(signature_help) end
function vim.lsp.create_file(change) end
-- Jumps to the declaration of the symbol under the cursor.
-- Note:
-- Many servers do not implement this method. Generally, see
-- |vim.lsp.buf.definition()| instead.
function vim.lsp.declaration() end
-- Jumps to the definition of the symbol under the cursor.
function vim.lsp.definition() end
function vim.lsp.delete_file(change) end
-- Send request to the server to resolve document highlights for
-- the current text document position. This request can be
@ -50,76 +125,61 @@ function vim.lsp.try_trim_markdown_code_blocks(lines) end
-- eg:
function vim.lsp.document_highlight() end
-- Creates a `FormattingOptions` object for the current buffer
-- and cursor position.
--- @param options any #Table with valid `FormattingOptions` entries
--- @return any #`FormattingOptions object
function vim.lsp.make_formatting_params(options) end
-- Lists all symbols in the current buffer in the quickfix
-- window.
function vim.lsp.document_symbol() end
-- Rename old_fname to new_fname.
--- @param opts any #(table)
function vim.lsp.rename(old_fname, new_fname, opts) end
-- Executes an LSP server command.
--- @param command any #A valid `ExecuteCommandParams` object
function vim.lsp.execute_command(command) end
-- Constructs an error message from an LSP error object.
--- @param err any #(table) The error object
--- @return any #(string) The formatted error message
function vim.lsp.format_rpc_error(err) end
-- Can be used to extract the completion items from a `textDocument/completion` request, which may return one of `CompletionItem[]` , `CompletionList` or null.
--- @param result any #(table) The result of a
--- `textDocument/completion` request
--- @return any #(table) List of completion items
function vim.lsp.extract_completion_items(result) end
function vim.lsp.progress_handler(_, _, params, client_id) end
-- Converts markdown into syntax highlighted regions by stripping
-- the code blocks and converting them into highlighted code.
-- This will by default insert a blank line separator after those
-- code block regions to improve readability. The result is shown
-- in a floating preview.
--- @param contents any #table of lines to show in window
--- @param opts any #dictionary with optional fields
--- • height of floating window
--- • width of floating window
--- • wrap_at character to wrap at for computing
--- height
--- • max_width maximal width of floating window
--- • max_height maximal height of floating window
--- • pad_left number of columns to pad contents
--- at left
--- • pad_right number of columns to pad contents
--- at right
--- • pad_top number of lines to pad contents at
--- top
--- • pad_bottom number of lines to pad contents
--- at bottom
--- • separator insert separator after code block
--- @return any #width,height size of float
function vim.lsp.fancy_floating_markdown(contents, opts) end
-- Lists all the references to the symbol under the cursor in the
-- quickfix window.
--- @param context any #(table) Context for the request
function vim.lsp.references(context) end
-- Flushes any outstanding change notification.
function vim.lsp.flush(client) end
-- Remove the folder at path from the workspace folders. If
-- {path} is not provided, the user will be prompted for a path
-- using |input()|.
function vim.lsp.remove_workspace_folder(workspace_folder) end
-- |lsp-handler| for the method "textDocument/publishDiagnostics"
--- @param config any #table Configuration table.
--- • underline: (default=true)
--- • Apply underlines to diagnostics.
--- • See |vim.lsp.diagnostic.set_underline()|
--- • virtual_text: (default=true)
--- • Apply virtual text to line endings.
--- • See |vim.lsp.diagnostic.set_virtual_text()|
--- • signs: (default=true)
--- • Apply signs for diagnostics.
--- • See |vim.lsp.diagnostic.set_signs()|
--- • update_in_insert: (default=false)
--- • Update diagnostics in InsertMode or wait
--- until InsertLeave
--- • severity_sort: (default=false)
--- • Sort diagnostics (and thus signs and virtual
--- text)
function vim.lsp.on_publish_diagnostics(_, _, params, client_id, _, config) end
function vim.lsp.reset_buf(client, bufnr) end
function vim.lsp.prepare(bufnr, firstline, new_lastline, changedtick) end
-- Creates a `TextDocumentPositionParams` object for the current
-- buffer and cursor position.
--- @return any #`TextDocumentPositionParams` object
function vim.lsp.make_position_params() end
-- Using the given range in the current buffer, creates an object
-- that is similar to |vim.lsp.util.make_range_params()|.
--- @param end_pos any #({number, number}, optional) mark-indexed
--- position. Defaults to the end of the last
--- visual selection.
--- @param start_pos any #({number, number}, optional) mark-indexed
--- position. Defaults to the start of the last
--- visual selection.
--- @return any #{ textDocument = { uri = `current_file_uri` }, range = {
--- start = `start_position` , end = `end_position` } }
function vim.lsp.make_given_range_params(start_pos, end_pos) end
-- Enters/leaves the focusable window associated with the current
-- buffer via the.
--- @param unique_name any #(string) Window variable
--- @param fn fun(...) #(function) should return create a new
--- window and return a tuple of
--- ({focusable_buffer_id}, {window_id}). if
--- {focusable_buffer_id} is a valid buffer id,
--- the newly created window will be the new
--- focus associated with the current buffer
--- via the tag `unique_name` .
--- @return any #(pbufnr, pwinnr) if `fn()` has created a new window; nil
--- otherwise
function vim.lsp.focusable_float(unique_name, fn) end
-- Focuses/unfocuses the floating preview window associated with
-- the current buffer via the window variable `unique_name` . If
@ -132,122 +192,40 @@ function vim.lsp.make_given_range_params(start_pos, end_pos) end
--- be created
function vim.lsp.focusable_preview(unique_name, fn) end
function vim.lsp.create_file(change) end
-- Constructs an error message from an LSP error object.
--- @param err any #(table) The error object
--- @return any #(string) The formatted error message
function vim.lsp.format_rpc_error(err) end
-- Lists all symbols in the current workspace in the quickfix
-- window.
--- @param query any #(string, optional)
function vim.lsp.workspace_symbol(query) end
-- Formats the current buffer.
--- @param options any #(optional, table) Can be used to specify
--- FormattingOptions. Some unspecified options
--- will be automatically derived from the current
--- Neovim options.
function vim.lsp.formatting(options) end
-- Sets the current log level.
--- @param level any #(string or number) One of `vim.lsp.log.levels`
function vim.lsp.set_level(level) end
-- Formats the current buffer by sequentially requesting
-- formatting from attached clients.
--- @param options any #(optional, table) `FormattingOptions`
--- entries
--- @param order any #(optional, table) List of client names.
--- Formatting is requested from clients in the
--- following order: first all clients that are
--- not in the `order` list, then the remaining
--- clients in the order as they occur in the
--- `order` list.
--- @param timeout_ms any #(optional, number) Request timeout
function vim.lsp.formatting_seq_sync(options, timeout_ms, order) end
-- Lists all the implementations for the symbol under the cursor
-- in the quickfix window.
function vim.lsp.implementation() end
-- Performs |vim.lsp.buf.formatting()| synchronously.
--- @param timeout_ms any #(number) Request timeout
--- @param options any #Table with valid `FormattingOptions` entries
function vim.lsp.formatting_sync(options, timeout_ms) end
-- Returns the log filename.
--- @return any #(string) log filename
function vim.lsp.get_filename() end
-- Checks whether the level is sufficient for logging.
--- @param level any #number log level
--- @return any #(bool) true if would log, false if not
function vim.lsp.should_log(level) end
-- Replaces text in a range with new text.
--- @param A any #(table) Start position; a 2-tuple of {line,
--- col} numbers
--- @param lines any #(table) Original list of strings
--- @param B any #(table) End position; a 2-tuple of {line,
--- col} numbers
--- @param new_lines any #A list of strings to replace the original
--- @return any #(table) The modified {lines} object
function vim.lsp.set_lines(lines, A, B, new_lines) end
-- Starts an LSP server process and create an LSP RPC client
-- object to interact with it.
--- @param extra_spawn_params any #(table, optional) Additional context
--- for the LSP server process. May
--- contain:
--- • {cwd} (string) Working directory
--- for the LSP server process
--- • {env} (table) Additional
--- environment variables for LSP
--- server process
--- @param cmd any #(string) Command to start the LSP
--- server.
--- @param cmd_args any #(table) List of additional string
--- arguments to pass to {cmd}.
--- @param dispatchers any #(table, optional) Dispatchers for
--- LSP message types. Valid dispatcher
--- names are:
--- • `"notification"`
--- • `"server_request"`
--- • `"on_error"`
--- • `"on_exit"`
--- @return any #Client RPC object.
function vim.lsp.start(cmd, cmd_args, dispatchers, extra_spawn_params) end
-- Save diagnostics to the current buffer.
--- @param client_id any #number
--- @param diagnostics any #Diagnostic []
-- Return associated diagnostics for bufnr
--- @param bufnr any #number
function, bufnr, client_id) end
-- Checks whether the language servers attached to the current
-- buffer are ready.
--- @return any #`true` if server responds.
function vim.lsp.server_ready() end
-- Returns visual width of tabstop.
--- @param bufnr any #(optional, number): Buffer handle, defaults to
--- current
--- @return any #(number) tabstop visual width
function vim.lsp.get_effective_tabstop(bufnr) end
-- Move to the next diagnostic
--- @param opts any #table|nil Configuration table. Keys:
--- • {client_id}: (number)
--- • If nil, will consider all clients attached to
--- buffer.
--- • {cursor_position}: (Position, default current
--- position)
--- • See |nvim_win_get_cursor()|
--- • {wrap}: (boolean, default true)
--- • Whether to loop around file or not. Similar to
--- 'wrapscan'
--- • {severity}: (DiagnosticSeverity)
--- • Exclusive severity to consider. Overrides
--- {severity_limit}
--- • {severity_limit}: (DiagnosticSeverity)
--- • Limit severity of diagnostics found. E.g.
--- "Warning" means { "Error", "Warning" } will be
--- valid.
--- • {enable_popup}: (boolean, default true)
--- • Call
--- |vim.lsp.diagnostic.show_line_diagnostics()|
--- on jump
--- • {popup_opts}: (table)
--- • Table to pass as {opts} parameter to
--- |vim.lsp.diagnostic.show_line_diagnostics()|
--- • {win_id}: (number, default 0)
--- • Window ID
function vim.lsp.goto_next(opts) end
-- Creates a table with sensible default options for a floating
-- window. The table can be passed to |nvim_open_win()|.
--- @param width any #(number) window width (in character cells)
--- @param opts any #(table, optional)
--- @param height any #(number) window height (in character cells)
--- @return any #(table) Options
function vim.lsp.make_floating_popup_options(width, height, opts) end
--- @param client_id any #number|nil If nil, then return all of the
--- diagnostics. Else, return just the
--- diagnostics associated with the client_id.
function vim.lsp.get(bufnr, client_id) end

View File

@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
--# selene: allow(unused_variable)
---@diagnostic disable: unused-local
function vim.pcall_ret(status, ...) end
function vim.getenv(k) end
function vim.insert_keys(obj) end
function vim.is_valid(opt) end
function vim.make_meta_accessor(get, set, del) end
function vim.nil_wrap(fn) end
function vim.is_valid(opt) end
function vim.insert_keys(obj) end
function vim.pcall_ret(status, ...) end

View File

@ -4,57 +4,20 @@
--- @class vim.treesitter.LanguageTree
vim.treesitter.LanguageTree = {}
-- Invokes the callback for each treesitter trees recursively.
--- @param fn fun(...) #The callback to invoke. The callback is invoked
--- with arguments (tree: TSTree, languageTree:
--- LanguageTree)
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:for_each_tree(fn) end
-- Adds a child language to this tree.
--- @param lang any #The language to add.
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:add_child(lang) end
-- Determines whether this tree is valid. If the tree is invalid, `parse()` must be called to get the an updated tree.
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:is_valid() end
-- Returns a map of language to child tree.
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:children() end
--- @class vim.treesitter.Query
vim.treesitter.Query = {}
-- Determines wether This goes down the tree to recursively check childs.
--- @param range any #A range, that is a `{ start_line, start_col,
--- end_line, end_col }` table.
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:contains(range) end
-- Iterate over all captures from all matches inside {node}
--- @param node any #The node under which the search will occur
--- @param source any #The source buffer or string to exctract text
--- from
--- @param stop any #The stopping line of the search (end-exclusive)
--- @param start any #The starting line of the search
--- @return any #The matching capture id
function vim.treesitter.Query:iter_captures(node, source, start, stop) end
-- Removes a child language from this tree.
--- @param lang any #The language to remove.
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:remove_child(lang) end
-- Gets the language of this tree node.
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:lang() end
-- Gets the appropriate language that contains
--- @param range any #A text range, see |LanguageTree:contains|
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:language_for_range(range) end
-- Registers callbacks for the parser
--- @param cbs any #An `nvim_buf_attach` -like table argument with the following keys : `on_bytes` : see `nvim_buf_attach` , but this will be called after the parsers callback. `on_changedtree` : a callback that will be called every time the
--- tree has syntactical changes. it will only be
--- passed one argument, that is a table of the ranges
--- (as node ranges) that changed. `on_child_added` : emitted when a child is added to the tree. `on_child_removed` : emitted when a child is removed from the tree.
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:register_cbs(cbs) end
-- Parses all defined regions using a treesitter parser for the
-- language this tree represents. This will run the injection
-- query for this language to determine if any child languages
-- should be created.
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:parse() end
--- @class vim.treesitter.TSHighlighter
vim.treesitter.TSHighlighter = {}
-- Gets the query used for
--- @param lang any #A language used by the highlighter.
function vim.treesitter.TSHighlighter:get_query(lang) end
-- Destroys this language tree and all its children.
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:destroy() end
-- Invokes the callback for each LanguageTree and it's children
-- recursively
@ -65,12 +28,44 @@ function vim.treesitter.TSHighlighter:get_query(lang) end
--- string)
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:for_each_child(fn, include_self) end
-- Adds a child language to this tree.
--- @param lang any #The language to add.
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:add_child(lang) end
-- Invokes the callback for each treesitter trees recursively.
--- @param fn fun(...) #The callback to invoke. The callback is invoked
--- with arguments (tree: TSTree, languageTree:
--- LanguageTree)
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:for_each_tree(fn) end
-- Removes all internal references to the highlighter
function vim.treesitter.TSHighlighter:destroy() end
-- Gets the set of included regions
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:included_regions() end
-- Invalidates this parser and all its children
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:invalidate(reload) end
-- Determines whether this tree is valid. If the tree is invalid, `parse()` must be called to get the an updated tree.
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:is_valid() end
-- Gets the language of this tree node.
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:lang() end
-- Gets the appropriate language that contains
--- @param range any #A text range, see |LanguageTree:contains|
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:language_for_range(range) end
-- Parses all defined regions using a treesitter parser for the
-- language this tree represents. This will run the injection
-- query for this language to determine if any child languages
-- should be created.
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:parse() end
-- Registers callbacks for the parser
--- @param cbs any #An `nvim_buf_attach` -like table argument with the following keys : `on_bytes` : see `nvim_buf_attach` , but this will be called after the parsers callback. `on_changedtree` : a callback that will be called every time the
--- tree has syntactical changes. it will only be
--- passed one argument, that is a table of the ranges
--- (as node ranges) that changed. `on_child_added` : emitted when a child is added to the tree. `on_child_removed` : emitted when a child is removed from the tree.
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:register_cbs(cbs) end
-- Removes a child language from this tree.
--- @param lang any #The language to remove.
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:remove_child(lang) end
-- Sets the included regions that should be parsed by this
-- parser. A region is a set of nodes and/or ranges that will be
@ -79,42 +74,47 @@ function vim.treesitter.TSHighlighter:destroy() end
--- parse.
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:set_included_regions(regions) end
-- Gets the set of included regions
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:included_regions() end
-- Returns the source content of the language tree (bufnr or
-- string).
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:source() end
-- Returns all trees this language tree contains. Does not
-- include child languages.
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:trees() end
-- Iterates the matches of self on a given range.
--- @param node any #The node under which the search will occur
--- @param source any #The source buffer or string to search
--- @class vim.treesitter.Query
vim.treesitter.Query = {}
-- Iterate over all captures from all matches inside {node}
--- @param stop any #The stopping line of the search (end-exclusive)
--- @param start any #The starting line of the search
--- @param node any #The node under which the search will occur
--- @param source any #The source buffer or string to exctract text
--- from
--- @return any #The matching capture id
function vim.treesitter.Query:iter_captures(node, source, start, stop) end
-- Iterates the matches of self on a given range.
--- @param stop any #The stopping line of the search (end-exclusive)
--- @param start any #The starting line of the search
--- @param node any #The node under which the search will occur
--- @param source any #The source buffer or string to search
--- @return any #The matching pattern id
function vim.treesitter.Query:iter_matches(node, source, start, stop) end
-- Determines wether This goes down the tree to recursively check childs.
--- @param range any #A range, that is a `{ start_line, start_col,
--- end_line, end_col }` table.
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:contains(range) end
--- @class vim.treesitter.TSHighlighter
vim.treesitter.TSHighlighter = {}
-- Destroys this language tree and all its children.
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:destroy() end
-- Removes all internal references to the highlighter
function vim.treesitter.TSHighlighter:destroy() end
-- Invalidates this parser and all its children
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:invalidate(reload) end
-- Gets the query used for
--- @param lang any #A language used by the highlighter.
function vim.treesitter.TSHighlighter:get_query(lang) end
-- Performs a healthcheck for treesitter integration.
function vim.treesitter.check_health() end
-- Returns a map of language to child tree.
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:children() end
-- Returns the source content of the language tree (bufnr or
-- string).
function vim.treesitter.LanguageTree:source() end
-- Lists the parsers currently installed
--- @return any #A list of parsers
function vim.treesitter.list_parsers() end
@ -122,14 +122,14 @@ function vim.treesitter.list_parsers() end
-- Represents a single treesitter parser for a language. The
-- language can contain child languages with in its range, hence
-- the tree.
--- @param lang any #The language this tree represents
--- @param opts any #Options table
--- @param opts.injections any #A table of language to injection query
--- strings. This is useful for overriding
--- the built-in runtime file searching for
--- the injection language query per
--- language.
--- @param lang any #The language this tree represents
--- @param source any #Can be a bufnr or a string of text to
--- parse
--- @param opts any #Options table
function, lang, opts) end