
26 lines
737 B

local M = {}
--- @class LuaApiOptions
M.defaults = {
library = {
vimruntime = true, -- runtime path
types = true, -- full signature, docs and completion of vim.api, vim.treesitter, vim.lsp and others
plugins = true, -- installed opt or start plugins in packpath
-- you can also specify the list of plugins to make available as a workspace library
-- plugins = { "nvim-treesitter", "plenary.nvim", "telescope.nvim" },
-- pass any additional options that will be merged in the final lsp config
lspconfig = {
-- cmd = {"lua-language-server"}
--- @type LuaApiOptions
M.options = {}
function M.setup(options)
M.options = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", {}, M.defaults, options or {})
return M