
229 lines
10 KiB

--# selene: allow(unused_variable)
---@diagnostic disable: unused-local
-- Pastes at cursor, in any mode.
--- @param data string #Multiline input. May be binary (containing NUL
--- bytes).
--- @param phase integer #-1: paste in a single call (i.e. without
--- streaming). To "stream" a paste, call `nvim_paste` sequentially with these `phase` values:
--- • 1: starts the paste (exactly once)
--- • 2: continues the paste (zero or more times)
--- • 3: ends the paste (exactly once)
--- @param crlf boolean #Also break lines at CR and CRLF.
--- @return any #
--- • true: Client may continue pasting.
--- • false: Client must cancel the paste.
function vim.api.nvim_paste(data, crlf, phase) end
-- Puts text at cursor, in any mode.
--- @param after boolean #If true insert after cursor (like |p|), or
--- before (like |P|).
--- @param type string #Edit behavior: any |getregtype()| result, or:
--- • "b" |blockwise-visual| mode (may include
--- width, e.g. "b3")
--- • "c" |charwise| mode
--- • "l" |linewise| mode
--- • "" guess by contents, see |setreg()|
--- @param lines string[] #|readfile()|-style list of lines.
--- |channel-lines|
--- @param follow boolean #If true place cursor at end of inserted text.
function vim.api.nvim_put(lines, type, after, follow) end
-- Replaces terminal codes and |keycodes| (<CR>, <Esc>, ...) in a
-- string with the internal representation.
--- @param str string #String to be converted.
--- @param special boolean #Replace |keycodes|, e.g. <CR> becomes a "\n"
--- char.
--- @param from_part boolean #Legacy Vim parameter. Usually true.
--- @param do_lt boolean #Also translate <lt>. Ignored if `special` is
--- false.
function vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(str, from_part, do_lt, special) end
-- Selects an item in the completion popupmenu.
--- @param insert boolean #Whether the selection should be inserted in the
--- buffer.
--- @param item integer #Index (zero-based) of the item to select. Value
--- of -1 selects nothing and restores the original
--- text.
--- @param finish boolean #Finish the completion and dismiss the popupmenu.
--- Implies `insert` .
--- @param opts dictionary #Optional parameters. Reserved for future use.
function vim.api.nvim_select_popupmenu_item(item, insert, finish, opts) end
-- Self-identifies the client.
--- @param methods dictionary #Builtin methods in the client. For a host,
--- this does not include plugin methods which
--- will be discovered later. The key should be
--- the method name, the values are dicts with
--- these (optional) keys (more keys may be
--- added in future versions of Nvim, thus
--- unknown keys are ignored. Clients must only
--- use keys defined in this or later versions
--- of Nvim):
--- • "async" if true, send as a notification.
--- If false or unspecified, use a blocking
--- request
--- • "nargs" Number of arguments. Could be a
--- single integer or an array of two
--- integers, minimum and maximum inclusive.
--- @param name string #Short name for the connected client
--- @param version dictionary #Dictionary describing the version, with
--- these (optional) keys:
--- • "major" major version (defaults to 0 if
--- not set, for no release yet)
--- • "minor" minor version
--- • "patch" patch number
--- • "prerelease" string describing a
--- prerelease, like "dev" or "beta1"
--- • "commit" hash or similar identifier of
--- commit
--- @param attributes dictionary #Arbitrary string:string map of informal
--- client properties. Suggested keys:
--- • "website": Client homepage URL (e.g.
--- GitHub repository)
--- • "license": License description ("Apache
--- 2", "GPLv3", "MIT", …)
--- • "logo": URI or path to image, preferably
--- small logo or icon. .png or .svg format is
--- preferred.
--- @param type string #Must be one of the following values. Client
--- libraries should default to "remote" unless
--- overridden by the user.
--- • "remote" remote client connected to Nvim.
--- • "ui" gui frontend
--- • "embedder" application using Nvim as a
--- component (for example, IDE/editor
--- implementing a vim mode).
--- • "host" plugin host, typically started by
--- nvim
--- • "plugin" single plugin, started by nvim
function vim.api.nvim_set_client_info(name, version, type, methods, attributes) end
-- Sets the current buffer.
--- @param buffer buffer #Buffer handle
function vim.api.nvim_set_current_buf(buffer) end
-- Changes the global working directory.
--- @param dir string #Directory path
function vim.api.nvim_set_current_dir(dir) end
-- Sets the current line.
--- @param line string #Line contents
function vim.api.nvim_set_current_line(line) end
-- Sets the current tabpage.
--- @param tabpage tabpage #Tabpage handle
function vim.api.nvim_set_current_tabpage(tabpage) end
-- Sets the current window.
--- @param window window #Window handle
function vim.api.nvim_set_current_win(window) end
-- Set or change decoration provider for a namespace
--- @param ns_id integer #Namespace id from |nvim_create_namespace()|
--- @param opts dictionaryof(luaref) #Callbacks invoked during redraw:
--- • on_start: called first on each screen redraw
--- ["start", tick]
--- • on_buf: called for each buffer being redrawn
--- (before window callbacks) ["buf", bufnr, tick]
--- • on_win: called when starting to redraw a
--- specific window. ["win", winid, bufnr, topline,
--- botline_guess]
--- • on_line: called for each buffer line being
--- redrawn. (The interation with fold lines is
--- subject to change) ["win", winid, bufnr, row]
--- • on_end: called at the end of a redraw cycle
--- ["end", tick]
function vim.api.nvim_set_decoration_provider(ns_id, opts) end
-- Set a highlight group.
--- @param name string #highlight group name, like ErrorMsg
--- @param val dictionary #highlight definiton map, like
--- |nvim_get_hl_by_name|. in addition the following
--- keys are also recognized: `default` : don't
--- override existing definition, like `hi default`
--- @param ns_id integer #number of namespace for this highlight
function vim.api.nvim_set_hl(ns_id, name, val) end
-- Sets a global |mapping| for the given mode.
--- @param lhs string #Left-hand-side |{lhs}| of the mapping.
--- @param rhs string #Right-hand-side |{rhs}| of the mapping.
--- @param mode string #Mode short-name (map command prefix: "n", "i",
--- "v", "x", …) or "!" for |:map!|, or empty string
--- for |:map|.
--- @param opts dictionary #Optional parameters map. Accepts all
--- |:map-arguments| as keys excluding |<buffer>| but
--- including |noremap|. Values are Booleans. Unknown
--- key is an error.
function vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, lhs, rhs, opts) end
-- Sets an option value.
--- @param value object #New option value
--- @param name string #Option name
function vim.api.nvim_set_option(name, value) end
-- Sets a global (g:) variable.
--- @param value object #Variable value
--- @param name string #Variable name
function vim.api.nvim_set_var(name, value) end
-- Sets a v: variable, if it is not readonly.
--- @param value object #Variable value
--- @param name string #Variable name
function vim.api.nvim_set_vvar(name, value) end
-- Calculates the number of display cells occupied by `text` .
-- <Tab> counts as one cell.
--- @param text string #Some text
--- @return any #Number of cells
function vim.api.nvim_strwidth(text) end
-- Subscribes to event broadcasts.
--- @param event string #Event type string
function vim.api.nvim_subscribe(event) end
-- Removes a tab-scoped (t:) variable
--- @param tabpage tabpage #Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
--- @param name string #Variable name
function vim.api.nvim_tabpage_del_var(tabpage, name) end
-- Gets the tabpage number
--- @param tabpage tabpage #Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
--- @return any #Tabpage number
function vim.api.nvim_tabpage_get_number(tabpage) end
-- Gets a tab-scoped (t:) variable
--- @param tabpage tabpage #Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
--- @param name string #Variable name
--- @return any #Variable value
function vim.api.nvim_tabpage_get_var(tabpage, name) end
-- Gets the current window in a tabpage
--- @param tabpage tabpage #Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
--- @return any #Window handle
function vim.api.nvim_tabpage_get_win(tabpage) end
-- Checks if a tabpage is valid
--- @param tabpage tabpage #Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
--- @return any #true if the tabpage is valid, false otherwise
function vim.api.nvim_tabpage_is_valid(tabpage) end
-- Gets the windows in a tabpage
--- @param tabpage tabpage #Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
--- @return any #List of windows in `tabpage`
function vim.api.nvim_tabpage_list_wins(tabpage) end
-- Sets a tab-scoped (t:) variable
--- @param name string #Variable name
--- @param tabpage tabpage #Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
--- @param value object #Variable value
function vim.api.nvim_tabpage_set_var(tabpage, name, value) end
-- Activates UI events on the channel.
--- @param height integer #Requested screen rows
--- @param options dictionary #|ui-option| map
--- @param width integer #Requested screen columns
function vim.api.nvim_ui_attach(width, height, options) end