--- title: Bookmarks updated: visible: false published: true taxonomy: category: - docs tags: - Hubzilla - DisHub page-toc: active: true --- ## What is it? If you want to save a post because you want to read later or because you think you will need it later, you can **bookmark** it. ## How to activate the bookmark option? Go to your **Channel settings**, in the **Additionnal features** section and in the **Post/Comment Tools** tab. Make sure that **Saved Folders** i set to **On**. ![Bookmarks_activate](en/Bookmarks_activate.png) ## How to bookmark a post? It is pretty easy. Click on the post wheel, choose **Save to Folder**. You can create a new folder by simply writing its name. Or you can choose an existing folder by double-clicking the white space and selecting the folder you want to save to. Click on *Save*. ![Bookmark_save](en/Bookmarks_save.gif) You now can see the word **Saved** at the bottom of the post, indicating that it is now part of your bookmarks. ![Bookmarks_save_text](en/Bookmarks_save_text.png) ## Where to see my bookmarks? In your **Network activity** page, there is the **"Saved Folders" widget** on the right. There, you can see the folders of bookmarks you created. Just click on one of them to its bookmarks. ![Bookmarks_folder](en/Bookmarks_folder.png) ## How to remove a bookmark? Next to the word **Saved** at the bottom of the bookmarked post you want to un-bookmark, there is a white cross. Simply click on it. ![Bookmarks_save_text](en/Bookmarks_save_text.png)