Add new blog

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Huy-Ngo 2021-01-11 16:59:03 +07:00
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layout: post
title: "Using openring to add blogs you follow"
date: 2021-01-11 15:51:31 +0700
tags: rss blog openring tutorial
categories: blog
You may notice that now my blog now has a new section near the footer: a list of articles
from blogs I follow. This is generated by [openring], a tool for generating this list.
I found out about this when reading [Drew DeVault's blog][ddvault]
(who created openring). I think it is a nice way
to endorse authors we want to support and share cool things we read to our audience.
In this blog, I will write a tutorial to use this with jekyll.
# Install openring
I am not aware of any prebuilt packages for openring, so let's build it from source.
## Install dependencies
Openring depends on golang. This works on go1.14, the latest version on Tumbleweed
repository, but I recommend installing the latest version.
You can refer to [golang]'s installation instruction for details.
## Build from source
Firstly, clone the repository:
git clone
Next, simply build the packages and link it to `usr/local/bin` so that it can be run:
go build -o openring
sudo cp openring /usr/local/bin/
# Customize looks
From openring's README:
> This is a tool for generating a webring from RSS feeds, so you can link to other blogs you like on your own blog. It's designed to be fairly simple and integrate with any static site generator. The basic usage is:
> ```bash
> openring \
> -s \
> -s \
> -s \
> < in.html \
> > out.html
> ```
The `in.html` is a template [whence] openring generate the HTML for the feed.
I copied the template from [DeVault's blog][ring-tmpl] (don't worry, it's MIT-licensed),
with a little modification:
- I wrap it in a `div.wrapper`. The `wrapper` class is a class in minima theme that limit the max width for readability and auto-collapse on smaller devices.
- I use `footer-col` for each class. Since this is also styled by minima, I don't have to worry about it.
- I added a thin border around each article with the following sass (also modified from DeVault's blog)
.webring {
margin-bottom: 1rem;
.attribution {
float: right;
font-size: .8rem;
line-height: 3;
.footer-col.article {
padding: 0.5rem;
margin: 0 0.5rem;
border: 0.01rem solid #333;
@media(max-width: 640px) {
margin: 0.5rem 0;
# Future works?
Currently, I generate the feed manually when I update my blog.
This probably is not a really good idea:
What if I want the webring to be updated even when I'm not active?
A cronjob would probably solve this problem,
but I'll left it as an exercise to the reader ;).
[whence]: /menglish/