--- layout: page title: About language: en ref: about permalink: /about/ --- I am Huy. Use the pronoun "he" to refer to me in third person. I'm from Vietnam and besides Vietnamese and English; I also speak some French and German. I write mainly in English, since that's the one I'm most comfortable with, but I will translate some of my posts to other languages for practice. I am a backend web developer, though I'm open to experiment in other fields as well. You can look at my project on: - [GitHub](https://github.com/Huy-Ngo/) - [Disroot Git](https://git.disroot.org/huyngo) - [source hut](sr.ht/~huyngo/) (the latter two haven't had many projects yet) # What is this blog about ? It's about various things: - Programming - Learning languages - Conlanging - Digital freedom - Books or fiction in general # Projects Some projects I proudly contributed to or authored: - [~cnx/palace][palace], a 3D audio library in Python - [acanban], an in-development academic-oriented project management system - [YAltaCV], a Python script that generate AltaCV-theme from YAML - [discord-meme-bot], a meme bot for discord - [wikt-cli], a CLI tool to search Wiktionary using its API # Translation I translate some of my posts to some languages other than English. If you're a native speaker or are proficient in the respective languages, feel free to help me improve my writing and correct my grammar or vocabulary mistake. Improvement for my English writing is also appreciated. I usually don't proofread my writing, thus it may contain some grammar, spelling error. The writing can also be bad due to repetitive vocabulary or lack of logical arrangement between sections. Please send me correction via email (see the contact below) and write in the corresponding language (e.g. write in French if you find a grammar mistake in French). # Contact Feel free to contact me via: - Mastodon: [@huy_ngo@fosstodon][fosstodon] - Matrix: [@xarvos:matrix.org][matrix] - Email: [Gmail][gmail] or [Disroot mail][disroot] (see [email ettiquette][mail-etiq]) # Copying Creative Commons License
All content in this blog is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, unless stated otherwise. This means you are free to share the posts and modify them, provided that you attribute properly, link to the original content, and state your changes. Additionally, you have to share those changes under the same license. # Acknowledgement This blog is built with [jekyll] and its [minima] theme. I used [openring] to generate others' blog posts from RSS feed. # Donate I receive donate on [liberapay]/huy.ngo and [patreon]/\_\_huy_ngo\_\_. # Source The source code for generating this website can be found on [GitHub][gh-blog], [Disroot][disroot-blog], and [source hut][srht-blog]. [fosstodon]: https://fosstodon.org/@huy_ngo [matrix]: https://matrix.to/#/@xarvos:matrix.org [gmail]: mailto:duchuy29092000@gmail.com [disroot]: mailto:huyngo@disroot.org [jekyll]: https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll [minima]: https://github.com/jekyll/minima [palace]: https://git.sr.ht/~cnx/palace [acanban]: https://github.com/Huy-Ngo/acanban [YAltaCV]: https://github.com/Huy-Ngo/YAltaCV [discord-meme-bot]: https://github.com/Huy-Ngo/discord-meme-bot [wikt-cli]: https://git.sr.ht/~huyngo/wikt-cli [openring]: https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/openring [gh-blog]: https://github.com/Huy-Ngo/huy-ngo.github.io [disroot-blog]: https://git.disroot.org/huyngo/blog [srht-blog]: https://git.sr.ht/~huyngo/blog [liberapay]: https://liberapay.com/huy.ngo/ [patreon]: https://www.patreon.com/__huy_ngo__ [mail-etiq]: /mail-ettiquette