[//]: # (Filename: README.md) [//]: # (Author: Iván Ruvalcaba) [//]: # (Contact: ) [//]: # (Created: 03 may. 2021 14:29:11) [//]: # (Last Modified: 06 ago 2022 21:55:09) # Cheatsheets ![Cartoon about cheatsheets](cheatsheets.png "Cartoon about cheatsheets") This repository contains personal-sourced cheatsheets to be used with [cheat](https://github.com/cheat/cheat) and similar applications. ## Usage Clone this repository in the cheat's cheatsheets root directory: ```sh git clone https://git.disroot.org/ivanruvalcaba/cheat-cheatsheets.git personal ``` ### cheat configuration file Finally, make sure that your cheat configuration file, *conf.yml*, contains something similar to the following: ```yaml # If you have personalized cheatsheets, list them last. They will take # precedence over the more global cheatsheets. - name: personal path: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\cheat\cheatsheets\personal\cheatsheets tags: [ personal ] readonly: false ``` ## Format Cheatsheets are plain-text files that begin with an optional "front matter" header in YAML format. The header may be used to assign "tags" to a sheet, and to specify the sheet's syntax (bash, python, go, etc). See the *languages.yml* file for more information on a specific language. When possible, cheatsheets should conform to this format: ```yaml --- syntax: bash tags: [ vcs, development ] --- # To stage all changes in the current directory: git add --all # To commit staged changes: git commit -m ``` As a guideline, it is preferred to use [docopt](http://docopt.org/) syntax when specifying parameter placeholders. In edge-cases where that syntax may cause confusion, it is permissible to use placeholder values (foo.txt, example.com, etc.) as necessary. ## License Cheatsheets are licensed under GNU Free Documentation License GFDL 1.3. See LICENSE for the full license text. GFDL © [Iván Ruvalcaba](mailto:ivanruvalcaba@disroot.org)