moved some of functions from my bleeding-edge config to this stable config

This commit is contained in:
Jason Tian 2023-07-06 16:41:28 +08:00
parent 1928558102
commit 25df28bac1

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@ -25,6 +25,184 @@
;; to prevent kill and yank commands from accessing the clipboard
(setq x-select-enable-clipboard nil)
(defun my/review-random-function ()
"Review a random function defined in my Emacs configuration."
(let* ((config-functions '())
(config-files (directory-files-recursively user-emacs-directory "\\.el$")))
(dolist (file config-files)
(insert-file-contents file)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward "(defun \\([^ ]+\\)" nil t)
(push (match-string 1) config-functions))))
(let* ((command (nth (random (length config-functions)) config-functions)))
(describe-function (intern command)))))
(defun my/review-random-my-function ()
"Review a random function that starts with 'my/' in my Emacs configuration."
(let* ((config-functions '())
(config-files (directory-files-recursively user-emacs-directory "\\.el$")))
(dolist (file config-files)
(insert-file-contents file)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward "(defun my/\\([^ ]+\\)" nil t)
(push (match-string 1) config-functions))))
(let* ((command (nth (random (length config-functions)) config-functions)))
(describe-function (intern (concat "my/" command))))))
;; {{ START: my/open-link-at-point-as-gpg
(defun my/securely-delete-file (&optional filename)
"Securely delete the specified file interactively or by providing FILENAME.
If secure deletion failed, then continue with the normal deletion."
(interactive (list (when current-prefix-arg
(read-file-name "Choose file to securely delete: "))))
(if filename
(message "Securely deleting %s..." (shell-quote-argument filename))
((eq system-type 'windows-nt)
(my-check-for-executable "SDelete" "sdelete")
(shell-command (concat "sdelete -p 3 " (shell-quote-argument filename))))
((eq system-type 'gnu/linux)
(my-check-for-executable "shred" "shred")
(shell-command (concat "shred -v -z -u -n 10 " (shell-quote-argument filename))))
((eq system-type 'darwin)
(my-check-for-executable "shred" "gshred")
(shell-command (concat "gshred -v -z -u -n 10 " (shell-quote-argument filename)))))
(when (file-exists-p (shell-quote-argument filename))
(message "Securely deleting %s failed, and continue with the normal deletion." (shell-quote-argument filename))
(delete-file filename)))
(user-error "No file specified for secure deletion.")))
(defun my/open-link-at-point-as-gpg ()
"Open the link at point using Emacs epa in a temporary buffer,
and the decrypted file will be securely deleted after opening in buffer."
(require 'epa)
(let* ((link-info (org-element-context))
(path (org-element-property :path link-info))
(abs-path (if (string-prefix-p "file:" path)
(file-truename (replace-regexp-in-string ":" "" path))
(file-truename path)))
(decrypted-file (concat abs-path ".clear")))
(if (file-exists-p abs-path)
(epa-decrypt-file abs-path decrypted-file)
(find-file decrypted-file)
(when (file-exists-p decrypted-file)
(my/securely-delete-file decrypted-file)))
(message "File does not exist: %s" abs-path))))
;; END: my/open-link-at-point-as-gpg }}
;; {{ START: my/check-orphaned-org-ids-in-directory
(require 'org-element) ; this should be here before `org-add-link-type'
(require 'cl-lib)
;; From ChatGPT,
;; The message "Created id link." is printed by the `org-add-link-type` function
;; each time it is called.
;; Since you have the line `(org-add-link-type "id" #'my-org-id-link-follow)` in
;; your code, this function is called every time you load or reload your Emacs
;; configuration. It registers a new link type called `"id"` that is handled by
;; the `my-org-id-link-follow` function.
;; register new link type called "id"
(org-add-link-type "id" #'my-org-id-link-follow)
(defun my-org-id-link-follow (id)
"Follow an `id' link."
(message "Link ID: %s" id))
(defun my-org-id-links-in-buffer ()
"Return a list of Org ID links in the current buffer."
(let (org-id-links) ; creates a local variable called `org-id-links` with an
; initial value of `nil` that is only visible within the
; `let` block
(org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'link
(lambda (link)
(when (string= (org-element-property :type link) "id")
(push (org-element-property :path link) org-id-links)
(defun my-list-org-id-links-in-directory (directory)
"Search all .org files in DIRECTORY for Org ID links, and return a list of unique IDs found."
(interactive "DDirectory: ")
(let (org-ids)
(dolist (file (directory-files-recursively directory "\\.org$") org-ids)
(insert-file-contents file)
(setq org-ids (append org-ids (my-org-id-links-in-buffer)))
(delete-dups org-ids)
(defun my-list-org-ids-in-directory (directory)
"List all org-ids in org-files in the given DIRECTORY and return them as a list."
(interactive "DDirectory: ")
(let ((org-files (directory-files-recursively directory "\\.org$"))
(org-ids '()))
(dolist (file org-files)
(insert-file-contents file)
(org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'headline
(lambda (headline)
(when-let ((id (org-element-property :ID headline)))
(push id org-ids))))
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward "^:ID:\\s-+\\(\\S-+\\)" nil t)
(push (match-string 1) org-ids))))
(defun my/check-orphaned-org-ids-in-directory (dir)
"Find the difference between org-ids obtained by `my-list-org-ids-in-directory'
and org-ids obtained by `my-list-org-id-links-in-directory'.
DIRECTORY is the directory where the org files are located."
(interactive "DDirectory: ")
(let ((org-ids (my-list-org-ids-in-directory dir))
(id-links (my-list-org-id-links-in-directory dir)))
(let ((not-linked (cl-set-difference org-ids id-links :test #'string=))
(invalid-links (cl-set-difference id-links org-ids :test #'string=)))
(message "%d not-linked org-ids: %s"
(length not-linked)
(format "%s" not-linked))
(message "%d invalid org-id links: %s"
(length invalid-links)
(format "%s" invalid-links)))))
;; END: my/check-orphaned-org-ids-in-directory }}
(defun my/org-list-entries-without-id-property ()
"List all entries in the current buffer that don't have an ID property."
(with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Org Entries Without ID*"
(let ((results nil))
(lambda ()
(unless (org-id-get)
(push (format "** LINE #%d:\n%s"
nil nil t)
(princ (concat "#+TITLE: Org Entries Without ID\n\n"))
(princ (concat "#+OPTIONS: toc:nil\n\n"))
(princ (concat "* Entries without ID\n\n"))
(dolist (result (nreverse results))
(princ (concat result "\n\n")))))
(with-current-buffer "*Org Entries Without ID*"
(defun my/list-packages-and-versions ()
@ -62,6 +240,28 @@ database using `my-get-heading-from-org-id-db` function."
(setq description (my-get-heading-from-org-id-db org-id)))
(org-insert-link nil (concat "id:" org-id) description)))))
(defun my/link-selected-text-with-org-id-from-kill-ring ()
"Create an Org-mode link using the selected text and an Org ID from the kill ring.
Version 2023-04-28
The selected text is replaced with,
[[id:<Org ID unique identifier>][<selected text>]].
Usage: Select the text that you want to link to an Org ID, then
run `M-x my/link-selected-text-with-org-id-from-kill-ring`. The
function will take the Org ID from the kill ring, and create an
Org-mode link with the selected text and the Org ID. The link
will be inserted at the cursor position, replacing the selected
(let* ((org-id (substring-no-properties (current-kill 0)))
(text (buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning) (region-end)))
(link (concat "[[id:" org-id "][" text "]]")))
(delete-region (region-beginning) (region-end))
(insert link)))
(defun my-parse-link-id (link)
"Parse the ID from an org-mode link of the form `id:xxxxxxxxxxxx'."
(when (string-match "id:\\(.+\\)" link)
@ -78,6 +278,34 @@ the appropriate location."
(org-id-goto (my-parse-link-id link))))
(message "No link at point.")))
(defun my/switch-opened-org-files-to-org-mode ()
"Switch all open buffers that end with .org to org-mode,
skipping buffers that are already in org-mode.
Version 2023-05-06"
;; See,
(dolist (buffer (buffer-list))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(when (and (buffer-file-name)
(string= (file-name-extension (buffer-file-name)) "org")
(not (eq major-mode 'org-mode)))
(message "Switched %s to org-mode." (buffer-name))))))
(defun my/strikethrough-current-line ()
"Strikethrough the current line using +<striked text>+"
(insert "+")
(move-end-of-line nil)
;; skips over any consecutive space or tab characters immediately before the
;; end of the line, effectively moving the cursor to the last non-blank
;; character on the line, rather than after any trailing whitespace. see,
(skip-chars-backward " \t")
(insert "+"))
(defun my/revert-all-file-buffers ()
"Refresh all open file buffers without confirmation.
Buffers in modified (not yet saved) state in emacs will not be reverted. They